Monday, November 24, 2014

Rural Gentrification and How Fast Things Change

This from last year but worth the wait as another year of no water is making things worse(better?).  

The LA Times reports: "There's too many doctors and lawyers moving in here and putting in their Chateau Cashflow," said Zan Overturf, owner of a Paso Robles plant nursery who has seen local business dry up because of the water shortage. Battle lines have been drawn. On one side are wine producers, who feel besieged and undeserving of all the blame. On the other are rural residents, who worry over their housing values and ask how soon before their faucets cough dust? In normally placid Paso Robles, some residents are privately boycotting the offending wineries. One homeowner was shocked to find his "Save Our Wells!" bumper sticker torn off his car. "We used to think we were so lucky to live here," said Jan Seals, 60, a Bay Area tech-industry transplant whose well water dropped 70 feet in the decade she and her husband have lived outside Paso Robles. "Now we've got two choices: drill another well or put our house on the market. But I wouldn't buy our house given the situation with the basin."
Funny and sad. Where to begin? Chalk it up to first world problems of the 1%. 


Stagflationary Mark said...

My older sister inadvertently taught me a few lessons about homeownership when I was younger.

She bought a house with a well in Eastern Washington. It ran dry. Cost her a small fortune to drill another one.

I think that first planted the seed in my head that homeownership could wait until I was ready to settle down for good. Bought my first house in 1997. Still living here.

LBD said...

Water wars coming. I bet there is a movie in that.