"Just because you don't like the price doesn't mean there is no market."
Spoken regarding the transparent lies surrounding the claims that the credit markets are frozen. It isn't that markets are frozen but that the markets are sober. [See the picture.]
Belle de loin mais loin d'être belle.
Another one that trusted the pictures on Match.com.....
Oh and First looks sooooo much better then Murst!
Thurd is better than Murst.
Howdja like the markets today? Greedy bastards. Give 'em a quarter and they whine.
If the Fed doesn't let them win by default they stop playing, take the ball and go home......
Completely and utterly off topic and Good Gawd.
She looks like the lady who worked at the grill at the local bowling alley when I was a kid.
The short guy on the right looks exactly like an engineer we just hired. He's probably a PCB designer, they all look like that.....or possibly a digital engineer.
Rob Dawg,
Unlike my various genius-level blogs (yeah, a Zillow Book genius can wear
fishnets too!), EN is currently at high school reading level.
Is that Tonya's new muscle?
Maybe she is thinking about staging a come back in the next Olympics. ;>)
Man I love the lyrics to the Olympic theme. It is so organic* and globally understood:
Ta, Ta, ta-ta-ta ta-ta
Dum dee dum dum-dum...
* if I hear one more dipshit Hollywood clone use the word organic in an interview to look intelligent, I am getting out my trusty seal bat with the rusty nail at the business end and giving them a frontal labotamy.
"Just because you don't like the price doesn't mean there is no market."
I intended to short LEH today going into it's earnings announcement tomorrow based on their refusal to date to "visit the confessional" with write-offs.
Instead, yesterday they simply moved $11B off balance sheet and into tier 3.
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