Thanks to Walt for his "Raiders Digest" version of weekend events:
walt526 has left a new comment on your post "Episode V - The Idiot Strikes Back":
[hatercast] FWIW, I think Marty did a very good job at describing how Turdflake violated their joint-venture agreement and how those violations have harmed his financial interests.
As for a summary...
Basically on Saturday, Casey failed to complete the transfer of IAFF to Duane. In addition, he know wants the money from the sale of IAFF to go to him for his legal defense against future criminal charges rather than to Galina to pay off some of her debt. Both Mark and Duane are adamantly opposed to that. That precipitated the impromptu Saturday Hatercast in which Duane participated but Mark didn't. Basically Duane didn't know what to do, didn't know how to tell Galina that she wouldn't be getting the $20k, and discussed Mark's reaction. Mark was furious and is planning re-initiating his lawsuit against Casey as soon as he can on Monday.
Meanwhile, Casey whines about how he is being bullied by Duane, Mark, and Marty (more on Marty below) and doesn't like it. He claims that the failure to transfer the IAFF domain was because of miscommunication (which Duane plainly says is bullshit and typical Casey waffling). Casey says that he wants to work things out, but doesn't want to be associated with them for another year.
On tonight's Hatercast, it was basically a rehashing of Mark's first-hand perspective on it. Basically, he feels that he wants compensation for Casey ruining his reputation, but also wants to make sure that Galina is taken care of.
Now Marty also seems to be setting up a lawsuit against Casey (and possibly Mark and/or Duane if the IAFF sale ever goes through) by outlining his opinion on how Casey has repeatedly violated their JV agreement and caused PageDaddy to lose money.
So basically, Turdflake has managed to piss off pretty much all of the major players (aka, his business partners) yet again.
To wrap things up, Mark and Marty seem ready to file lawsuits soon over Casey's mismanagement of the situation. Duane seems more amused by this clusterfuck than angry, although he is upset that this is upsetting Galina.
And meanwhile the new site, CHC, started up by a few former EN posters is on the verge of imploding... but that's neither here nor there. [for more on CH.C see the dedicated thread below.]
See, nothing happened worth noting. Same old, same old. Then late last night the Snowflake himself brain dumps to his blog with a couple doozies. Tanks to Bemused Guy of archiving thus:
If so, just in case this disappears by the time y'all wake up on the west coast.
Attributing to : IAFF.com
July 15th, 2007 at 11:16 pm
I hope people see that I’m being very reasonable here… there is absolutely NO business between Duane and me or Mark and me. Our business stuff has been over a LOONG time ago. Things didn’t work out, so we didn’t they leave it at that?
Why did they continue coming back to the hater sites and continued being part of the drama. Not only that, now they are LEADING the drama by scheduling talkcasts to talk trash about me. What did I do to deserve this?
Why are these “BUSINESS MEN” getting involved in all this on a PERSONAL level? The have absolutely nothing to gain out of this. Or DO THEY?
I was willing to cooperate as you can see from my last talkcast. I just wanted the whole thing to be over. The BS “settlment” and sale of the domain was their idea for me to get Marty off my back (I should have never done it like that, it wasn’t very fair to Marty either).
But keep in mind, selling the domain and pulling the plug on this whole thing was MY idea. They wanted me to do this for a long time and I finally came around but not because of them. The primary reason is I don’t want to lose my wife, all this publicity has been hurting her from the start and I didn’t see it. Duane and Mark where telling me the same thing and that’s why I was always willing to listen to them because in a way I though they might be right.
So the domain sale was arranged by Mark after talking with Duane. I appreciated the offer at that point and I was even OK at the time with giving Mark a “commission” out of the sale. He insisted on doing a “contract”.
I trusted them again (WHY DO I KEEP DOING THIS???) and figured this is my best way out. I wanted to get my wife money, sell the blog and get out of this whole mess.
If this “settlement” was a way to do it, so be it.
But now I see this whole thing is being used to screw me. I see how Duane acts even after promising to to do an “internet truce” and no more talking about me online.
I was REALY REALLY upset at Duane in the past for violating my privacy and plastering all those emails, and WORSE positioning himself as a means for my wife to get back at me via the internet.
I don’t blame my wife, she was upset at me and I’m the one to blame for starting this whole blog. However, what REASONABLE person will put himself in the middle of a struggling marriage?
And Mark’s frivolous lawsuits, and violating my copyright and plastering the audios… don’t get me started.
You heard me on the last podcast though, I was actually cooperating with everybody because I was willing to look past all those issues.
But those issues keep coming back.
Duane keeps talking trash and treating me like crap. (I walk away from my computer for a few hours and he thinks i’m canceling our agreement and sends me like 10 threatning emails every 15 mintues then pulls out… and THEN ON TOP OF ALL THAT calls for a podcast with the haters and talks more trash, after PROMISING an internet truce to me the night before. )
Mark, keeps throwing his legal stick around and if you remember he was provoking Marty to sue him by posting our copyrighted audios. Mark just wants to pick a fight and can’t sit still.
Mark you keep telling me about this “spiritual connection” but its hard for me to connect the words with actions dude! Why bully people just ‘cuz you have some personal issue with them. WHY DIDN’T YOU JUST WALK AWAY (after our business relationship didn’t work out)?????
I didn’t provoke you I didn’t attack you I didn’t do ANYTHING after we had a falling out. Why did you keep rallying up the haters against me? What? You wanted the best for me? Come on dude, that doesn’t make any sense. The lawsuit was used to get all this mortgate crap exposed in court and that’s what you told all the haters.
I was willing to OVERLOOK all that stuff… everybody is a witness of that. I was willing to forgive.
I know I WAS THE ONE who got this whole mess started. Yes, you don’t have to keep rubbing it into my face.
Now I see how toxic this whole thing got and I’m trying to walk away.
I have bigger issues to worry about, like FBI.
I need money for a criminal defense attorney and Mark knows that. I don’t have money to defend myself against Mark’s stupid lawsuits. I wish I did because I’m tired of being bullied.
But anyway, i’m done whining here.
Sorry if this whole thing has been repetitive. I’m just sitting here, its Sunday night, I had a little bit of time to TRY to relax but it was hard to do. All this stuff is on my mind and I can’t get any peace.
I’m kind of just dumping my thoughts and feeling here, hard to keep it all bottled up.
One of the worst parts is that the person I long to speak with the most, I haven’t been able to. It’s all my fault. I should have never done this whole publicity this way. Now I have to reap the consequences. But I just wish the people who SAY they want to help me, would just BACK OFF and quit making things worse.
Man, this whole thing is so tough… and it’s lonely. I hope I don’t regret dumping all these thoughts here, after I wake up tomorrow. But for now it feels better. The blog has been sort of like therapy, in a way.
Thanks guys for listening.
July 15th, 2007 at 11:41 pm
And now I see and hear that Mark (LossMitPro) is trying to screw up my domain sale any way he can. Why is this guy so hateful towards me? I did NOTHING to him after our business relationship didn’t work out. He has ALWAYS been on the attack mode.
And I can’t believe the guy is spreading false rumors that I’m gonna leave the country or run away or some crap like that. I need a freakin’ defense attorney and I have a right to try to sell the blog to the highest bidder and ONE THAT I’M COMFORTABLE in order to raise some money for myself and have money to give to my wife too.
The key is selling to a person i’m COMFORTABLE with. The thing is I was comfortable with Duane ONLY because my wife seems to trust the guy (why I don’t know, but anyway) and I know should would have been happy.
But I just refuse to be mistreated by Duane and Mark the way they have been. Waiting a year to collect 50% revenue and putting up with these bullies controlling my life is something i’m NOT willing to do, sorry.
Also, looking back, the “creative” settlement was not the right way to treat the only person who IS losing money and getting screwed over by me, my publisher Marty.
I went along for the time because Marty himself used bully tactics on me when I first tried to pull down the blog. But honestly I also didn’t REALLY want to shut down so I was using Marty’s lawsuit threats as an excuse more or less.
However, the treats where real and I don’t know what Marty would have tried to do for sure. I didn’t want to deal with that and didn’t want to put my wife through additional crap.
Also, he was gonna publish the book without me. And I have a weak spot for making profits from my publicity so that was another carrot.
It was still my fault for NOT shutting down for good the first time. I’m sorry for using Marty as an excuse. I could have stood up to him his bully tactics and threats of a lawsuit (he reminds me of Mark in that regard).
So this settlement was going to be a creative way to get Marty out of the picture because by assigning the book rights to Mark, then Marty would have to deal with Mark directly.
Mark always wanted to attack Marty. Mark didn’t like the fact that Marty came in between me and my wife when I first tried to shut down. Mark needs to realize though is that the MAIN reason wasn’t Marty, it was ME. I was the one that couldn’t put the blog down.
So Mark has been looking for a way to pick a fight with Marty ever since then. That is what I meant that Mark is interfering with my marriage. He didn’t like how things went down and he saw Marty as the bad guy. Mark thinks Marty doesn’t care about my marriage and my wife. So as a result Mark has always been upset at Marty.
While I appreciate Mark looking out for me and my marriage, I DO NOT APPRECIATE him trying to pick a fight with Marty. That’s what stealing our copyrighted book audios and plastering them on his website was all about. So when I accused Mark of interfering with my marriage on the podcast before last, that’s what I was referring to.
And that is why Mark got so pissed off and threatened to “go for my F’ing throat” or something like that. Perhaps it was a communication as he thought I was saying that Mark is DIRECTLY interfering with my marriage. Because, the fact is, YES Mark is no longer communicating with my wife, as far as I know.
However, the WHOLE PREMISE of going after Marty was due to a personal issues related to Marty’s treatment of my marriage. Mark didn’t like it and figured its his place to throw his legal stick around. Well MARK, ITS NOT YOUR PLACE! Please understand that. I appreciate your intent but YOU’RE DOING IT IN THE WRONG WAY.
Do you guys see how complicated and convoluted this whole mess is?
I’ve been talking with Marty directly and we’re working out some kind of a settlement. I’ve screwed marty by backing out of the contract but I also hope he doesn’t fight dirty.
Having said that Marty has been the MOST reasonable “character” in this whole end-of-the-blog drama.
I talked with him and he just wants his HARD expenses covered. He is willing to walk away from the whole thing, forget the book, absorb the lost time and energy and just be done with the whole thing.
I wish every would be willing to do the same.
The EN synopsis: "I want to be left alone to continue my criminal and deceptive ways."