LOSSMITPRO “Nobody hates you. I don't hate you.”
Now, I like Mark. I respect Mark. But I don’t agree with Mark. Jiminy Christmas… find me someone that spends more than 1 week with the guy that likes him… his blood family loves him because he is theirs… but even THEY CANT stand his actions… Parents?? Haterz… Brothers?? Haterz… His Abandoned Wife?? Haterz… I mean Mark… everybody hates Casey… and I guarantee you this… if Casey would ever see a shrink… Casey would even admit (finally) that he hates himself… so even Casey is a future Haterz… Casey hates Casey…
On Paying Back every dirty penny…
CASEY “CashCall. Alright. Um, so Cashcall. Yeah, they're threatening that they're gonna sue and this and that, and they might as well do that. But hey, first, they have to serve me with a notice, right? How are they going to serve me? You know, I'm in a different country... of course, I'm coming back, but I'm just saying”
2 things here… notice Casey always saying he wants to pay everyone back.. then avoids the people he owes at all cost… the second thing is Casey has done the manly thing and left his poor abandoned wife at home to take all the calls from the lenders Casey has screwed… Casey you’re a PUNK!
On the Whole Truth…
Do you want to know why Casey doesn’t want anyone to talk to his family? Simple, they bring the truth out. Casey got his mom to co-sign for Hammar.. promising the world… THEN as soon as the papers are signed… he takes cash advances to the tune of the credit line… 23K… Who’s on the hook for the money? His mom! I’m sure Casey is thinking… “Don’t talk to or about my family… if you do.. they wont let me screw them anymore… “
DUANE Here's the difference. Here's the difference. You're an admitted mortgage fraud person. You have screwed - admittedly - every credit card, CashCall, your mom, your wife, everybody in the world.
CASEY Duane, you're crossing over the line again. So we'll move on. Duane... you know, he seems like he's doing something good, but really he's going about it in the wrong... the worst possible way, just like Mark is. And all they're doing is just aggravating me more and more as if... you know, what kind of strategy is that? No strategy at all. Making it harder and harder for me to trust them. Taking what my family tells them - get this, they take what my family tells them, and they post it all over the internet. Who does that kind of crap? They're trashing not only my name but my family members.
Oh and a couple of fill in details… the $320 that Galina had mentioned for filing fees? Those are separation filing fees. Galina is getting bold and will not have snowflake run over her anymore. Casey knows that she is planning on filing separation papers and has basically DARED her to divorce him using such language as “what are you waiting for?”… now… before Casey goes calling BS on the latter saying it is untrue … I know more than you want me to… if you (Casey) cross me… I will share more than you will ever want shared… oh.. btw… tell me again why your family met with attorneys while you were away? I forget.