So many people tossing links around. This is your place for any special links that others may find useful. Simple description and either a tinyurl or html link please. Suggestions could be Newsfeeds that track down under, searches that yield locations or identities, etc.
Sorry STC, I beat you.
I hope you can cough those hairballz a looooong way as your favorite shoez are 12,000 miles away.
I would seriously suggest that anyone who has the Marty/Casey audio files, don't post links to them. In this case, they can go after you.
This, however, does not make anything else they're doing more legit.
I'm not gonna rant again, but I just have to laugh and be seriously offended and outraged that they are whining and sniveling about copyright, when they are blatantly ripping off someone else's copyright and IP.
Scumbag jizzbuckets.
You think Marty and Casey have any money to go after anyone? LOL. They are 2 broke jokes.
Meventh -- or something like that.
Click my name for about my upcoming talkcast.
Anyone else smell shit? *checking shoes*
Oh, Tavington is here.
Shoo, fraudcast whore, shoo. The adults are talking. Nobody cares about your little teaparty.
@mouse and pencil:
I know Rob Dawg said to stop promoting link to my talkcast, but I assumed this blog entry was created for me :)
I will crawl back under my bridge now...
Hmmm....something about that picture screams "hiding in plain sight".
I love alexa.
This isn't a shameless plug, but by my calculations, Casey is just 170,000 Info Products away from sweet Millionaire Status.
Seriously, Declan has done a good job with his series as well. I hope he profits from this
Mother F'er... Someday I'll figure out HTML links...
Casey's road to success.
What do the audio files say? Anything interesting? My W-2 looser job doesn't give me enough time to search and listen to them.
I'm still amazed that the book will be published (in theory) in July.
Seems an awfully fast turnaround for a book - one month to meet with the publisher, interview and gather information, actually WRITE the book, print it and distribute it.
They are using Da Vinci Code for the cover which makes a lot of people mad, but how come nobody is all fired up that they're gong to release the story like Stephen King's The Green Mile: a series of short stories that force readers to buy each segment as they go.
Pretty clever way of increasing cash flow. With each book, they only have to write X number of pages. They release it and people gobble it up while they write the second thin installment.
The only interest I have in it at this point, however, is whether there are enough supporterz to actually make the release worth the effort: EN has all anyone really needs without any fluff and $10 price tags.
R-Boy: Alexa? Find something else juicy?
BTW, you got mail.
Anyone have updates on IAFF traffic?
Isn't that a conflict of interest. No seriously, I think it might actually be against the law
- Day 6 49:03
The audio confirms Robert Kiyosaki's initial impression of Casey as the greater fool. It was also apparent to everyone else that Casey was a sucker. If the recordings are to be believed, Casey broke laws, but he was a tool in a much larger conspiracy. He was the means for other people's ends. Sure he's a jerk and Marty Stewart is trying to make money off the story, but there are much bigger fish to fry. Check out Day 5 around 40 minutes and Day 6 45 minutes.
Casey should go do property investment in Baghdad. There are lots of neighborhoods there filled with gorgeous villas and homes that just need a little TLC to have them market ready.
Casey - if you're reading this and I know you do, I am serious. Look for properties in the following neighborhoods:
Karrada - great location, lots of government officials live here, very wealthy area
Yarmouk - good location, near hospital
Mansour - all of the former Baath party officials lived here - the houses are really nice, but some of them need repairs
Abu Ghraib (neighborhood, not prison) - more former Baath party houses
If anyone tries to sell you property in Thawrah or Dawrah, politely decline.
Seriously Casey - you'd be picking up these properties at a very small fraction of the value. In a few years they'll be going for a LOT of money. There are a lot of Iraqis. They need a place to live!
If you need money for a ticket, I'm sure we could help you out.
I can't find the audio files in
Where do I search? TorrentValley?
Why get mad at serialization? It's just a way to make more money, it's not illegal, and if I get mad at that, then I have to get mad at every sitcom, serial tv show, any movie with sequals, etc...
Granted, it's fliptarded.
I get fired up because what they are doing hits close to home with what i do, and I'm offended that they're puffing up their scrawny chests and talking tough about copyright violations and such, when they are turning around and doing the same on a vastly larger scale. I don't even LIKE Dan Brown or his books, and I'm offended for him!
It's always the same with bottom feeders like Marty and Casey - it's just fine if it's for THEIR profit, but start whining and sniveling the minute it's done to them. The ONLY thing Casey said with any passion last night (that I remember) is that he's pissed because us EN'ers have the GALL to steal his AD REVENUE.
That's how he sees us - little $'s running around. Who cares what we say, he gets cash.
Fuck you, Casey.
I hope those two realize how damaging that interview is. Marty, you blew it. You got media, and you made yourself look like an utter buffoon.
Oh, all my clients are under NDA. (and your "star" violated his). I have all kinds of big, important, scary clients. Oh, but i can't name them. I have all kinds of employees, I'm so important, I have an assistant. Who are they? Um, I can't talk about that. How many? Oh, I can't talk about that.
Remember the character Martin Short used to do? The sleazy lawyer who sweated and chain smoked and avoided all questions?
THAT'S how you came across, stupid.
It's clear that these two asshats have no concept of copyright. Yes, they do "own it" and can call it "copyrighted", but in a court of law damages are MUCH less severe when no actual copyright is "registered" with the feds.
Google ain't afraid of anyone and the first thing that they will ask for when a DMCA claim is sent will be legal proof that a registered copyright exists. When none can be produced they will assume fair use until a court says otherwise.
When a court (if it can even get that far) learns that these files were freely posted on an unprotected website and that there is no copyright registration the case will be tossed or any damages that will be awarded will be minimal. Casey boys own actions can be called in to question and his free admission of committing multiple counts of felony fraud can be used against him here. I doubt that a judge would grant even minimal damages under a copyright claim.
And it's funny that pony boy wants people to learn about "consequences". Pot, meet kettle.
Is Rob going to post any more bombshells today?
When are you going to smarten up? I am hoping a night's sleep has got your ego turned off and you brain engaged.
As Duane told you, there is no upside hanging with Snowflake. And the dogz are on the loose and you have no idea what can turn up in a flash.
And I doubt you have enough vitural employees to start the car each morning to ensure it does not go boom from a pissed off partner(Know a lady whose dad had her boyfriends start his Caddie for just this reason).
Repent! Repent! Repent!
You don't have to confess to being a sorry idiot (you covered that pretty well in the Declan interview). But you need to help out the A team if you expect the dogz to be put back on a leash.
Time is running out Marty. I am sure you can hear/see the barking is getting closer. The media is laughing at you the same as all of us. And you know some of hunting party are not propeller headed geeks, but from law enforcement.
You know Snowflake will toss you under the bus. (God I'd loved to have the 3 of you on film in the same room for that interview. The last 4 minutes sounded the the climate of the movie The Good (Declan, the Bad (Snowflake) and the Ugly (you). The shifting eyes etc. You don't want to be up on accessory charges do you?
Again, Repent!
Bring the torches and pitchforks!
Is Tavington yet aware that there is a dearth of real supporterz? I mean Mocha and him apparently. I'm sure a lot of Haterz will call to spoil your little fraudcast anyway.
Carty (Casey/Marty) is throwing around the "L" word. With "L", comes "D". Do they REALLY want to experience "D"?
As someone who's been sued....and won them all...."D" is a bitch. Nothing like having your adversary, under penalty of perjury, answer lots and lots and lots of probing questions; which lead to revelation. Today's looser Haterz word is massive, as in massive revelations.
KC said...
Is Rob going to post any more bombshells today?
Even Rob doesn't know.
Heehee - "Carty". Just had to adjust it a bit for my handle. Thanks again Dude
"Google ain't afraid of anyone and the first thing that they will ask for when a DMCA claim is sent will be legal proof that a registered copyright exists. When none can be produced they will assume fair use until a court says otherwise."
This is not how the DMCA works. Please view Google's DMCA information page for information that isn't wrong.
Basically the DMCA grants safe harbor to ISPs, search engines, and various other companies that deal with large quantities of third party information. In order to qualify they agree to quickly remove any material alleged by a copyright holder to be infringing. After the material is removed, there is a chance for the other party to appeal.
At no time during the DMCA takedown process is Google going to ask the person submitting the request for "legal proof that a registered copyright exists." They will take down the links. If there is a counterclaim they will notify the party making the original claim. The original party then has two weeks to sue or the content goes back up.
These aren't Google's rules. It's just how the DMCA is set up.
Do a Google search on the words "pagedaddy" and "spam" and you'll see a list of links wherein Marty is looking for paid freelance help to assist in his massive focused business plans.
"Seems an awfully fast turnaround for a book - one month to meet with the publisher, interview and gather information, actually WRITE the book, print it and distribute it."
No, no, you don't understand. There is no publisher, there is no writing, there's Marty the tool who is apparently planning on just using random transcripts of calls with Fliptard to put into a "book."
You know, Marty - the one who can't spell 'foreward' or 'lose.'
Has anyone contacted ?
Google ain't afraid of anyone and the first thing that they will ask for when a DMCA claim is sent will be legal proof that a registered copyright exists. When none can be produced they will assume fair use until a court says otherwise.
I think you got it all wrong. Google will comply with any DMCA takedown notice. It's not Google's place to verify whether the copyright actually belongs to the one sending the takedown notice. Google certainly wouldn't want to give up their common carrier protection and open themselves up to a lawsuit by not complying with a takedown notice. And what makes you think copyright has to be registered?
Don't be worried about any copyright shit. Casey/Marty are all for breaking the law to suit them, so fuck them.
They can suck my dick.
Here's how Marty plans to turn Casey's audio into a book
Also, registering a copyright isn't necessary for anything. Copyright automatically exists, you have to prove the material is yours and existed before the violation, but not by registry.
@ 8:10 Anonymous
@Anonymous: "Is Tavington yet aware that there is a dearth of real supporterz? I mean Mocha and him apparently. I'm sure a lot of Haterz will call to spoil your little fraudcast anyway."
Well, if I could find an outlet for supporterz, I would also promote it there. I did post a link on Nigel's site, but as a "Supporterz" he appears suspect for now. I think that the haterz are a vocal minority who can generate a lot of noise.
Although I am a true blue Casey Supporter(z), I am somewhat bummed out that he hasn't included new comments on his blog. If only the Haterz followed his 8 simple rules, he would not need to moderate. Haterz are more or less free to post their stuff here anyhow.
My talkcast won't be ruined if any Haterz are brave enough to challenge me LIVE on the air--I am a very skillfull master debater.
When I was listening to Declan's interview, I had a problem figuring out who was who....both have a talent for not answering questions, which is something they should think about (see Discovery).
That being said, Marty blew a great opportunity for self promotion. When will he ever get another chance to be interviewed by a respected, legit, capable reporter like Declan? That was his shining moment to tell the world what he does, who he does it for, and expound on his expertise.
Instead, errr...ahhh...snicker..giggle....and then massive robotic drivel.
(Sports fans the world over, Marty is at the plate. Here comes the pitch and swish....a swing and a miss.)
No, no, you don't understand. There is no publisher, there is no writing, there's Marty the tool who is apparently planning on just using random transcripts of calls with Fliptard to put into a "book."
Who in the hell is going to buy THAT!?!
I am a very skillfull master debater.
Should that be master "bater" or "debater"? Sorry, I'm confused....
HA! Rob that pic is hilarious - the victim amongst its hunters...
Here's a sweet link. Visit my site, please.
For confidentiality reasons I can not tell you my site, but know that I work with high profile people.
O/T link
Bob Teixeira decided it was time to take a stand against U.S. dependence on foreign oil.
So last fall the Charlotte musician and guitar instructor spent $1,200 to convert his 1981 diesel Mercedes to run on vegetable oil. He bought soybean oil in 5-gallon jugs at Costco, spending about 30 percent more than diesel would cost.
His reward, from a state that heavily promotes alternative fuels: a $1,000 fine last month for not paying motor fuel taxes. He has been told to expect another $1,000 fine from the federal government."
So now they're going to start taxing cooking oil? WTF?
This ones for kc.
Living in the car... Don't have a car... No problem
RHD/LHD no problem, either
Marty had his diapers in an uproar because his picture was reposted. Declan is probably right, using it in an encyclopedia is probably under fair use.
I will, however, laugh my balls off if the photographer never sold Marty the copyright for said photograph. This is also my domain, and yes, a photographer owns a photo until they specifically release the rights. Ask any wedding photographer, or tabloid photorapher, you know, the kind that stalk Brittney.
Oh, while we're at it, Marty, I hope you're not planning on printing any of the parody images Casey put on his Flickr, unless you have signed agreements from the artists for the rights. They're parody, so they're protected under copyright laws, and unless Casey got permission or paid for them, if you print them without that, you can have your ass sued off, an injunction placed on any product in the market, and severe damages sought.
You better have done your homework.
I hope you own the rights to all of the images for the cover, too. Like the McMansion shot - or if you bought stock art, you bought the right license.
I think the bigger question is...gee, Marty, why are you so touchy about people knowing what you look like, or about your company?
For those wondering what virtual assistants are. Looks pretty clear that Marty doesn't have any W-2 employees.
Somewhere out there is a page where one of Marty's past customers shows a list of sites that Marty was going to use to direct traffic to the customer's site. I can't remember how I found it now though. The only one I can remember offhand was . All of those have been deleted now. Anyway, some more Marty related-sites (not necessarily controlled by Marty):
And some of his big name clients (by the way Marty, this info all comes from google or Alexa):
Alex Mandossian - Master Authorpedian
Marko Rubel - Building the Brand Even Better
Simon TV
Ben Ellingson - Project Blown Glass
Ted Ciuba - Project New Think and Get Rich
Marty predicts selling 60 million books in 44 languages.
Marty's got a lot of experience:
"I’ve met many of the top names in the Internet Marketing Industry over 5 different seminars. Made very memorable impressions on them, and have several joint ventures set up with key marketers, that know all the other top names. They know Marty Stewart and You can strategically get more seminar gigs as a direct referral from “Page Daddy” at the right time."
Interesting hit on CaseyPedia just in from Yahoo Canada: news australia serin
Maybe someone wondering what became of his C$1000 ?
Hmmm... Did Casey worry about DMCA violations when he swiped haterz art and dropped them into his Flickr account which can be seen here? I'm sure he had permission to grab all of these to use for his personal gain and include in his sweet copyrighted material...
Which he did use for sweet publicity and content creation in this post...
i'm sure this will go over well in court with all the pending lawsuits...
Wonder how long until these items disappear... It would really help to be a details guy...
"skillfull master debater"
heh heh he.
Please, some one, any one run with this. No?
Skillful masturbater!
Mother f'er part 2,
Apologies to M&P for the repost... stoopid looser w-2 job in the way.
Pisser! Dude beat me to it.
Hal F. Wit
IAFF is still up but still static? Curious.
@Alan Smithee/gt: Baiting
Dear NoDebtWhatSoEver @8:27
Nope. 'Twas I.
Still static.
The blog is overflowing with KC's three comments to himself.
Rob: legal hold or changed password kind of static? hypothetically speaking that is?
Is it just me or does Casey look like a woman on the cover if his book?
My friend just had a baby GIRL and named her Casey - bwahahaha!
I wonder how Galina feels that Casey:
-Broke his contract with her because bringing the blog back up for some Quebecois with $1,000 Canadian dollars was more important than she is
-Spent said $1,000 Canadian dollars leaving her ass.
I wonder what kind of juicy paperwork, emails, voicemails etc Casey left lying around Chez Yulia? We may find out if Casey doesn't get his ass back quick. You can hear how CRUSHED he is in that interview with Declan. I loved the part where he says: "Are you alright"? Casey hesitates, starts to say something, then throws the guard back up and says "It's early in the morning, other than that I'm fine."
Hal F. Wit
...and illustrated by:
Jack Meoff
"the one who can't spell 'foreward'"
and edited by:
Barry Mike Hawke (in Casey's hoohoo hole)
If you are still here trolling your lovefest....I'll take the debate challenge.
NoDebtWhatSoEver™: double snap!
oops, too spacey - how could I get the title of the most definitive work of fiction ever written?
Rob: legal hold or changed password kind of static? hypothetically speaking that is?
I don't know jack. I'm just saying that it is curious that they go on with Declan and then don't bother to monetize on a massive foucused inbound link from a major source. Look what happened the last time IAFF was featured. Why would anyone leave a static page up for people to visit once with only three comments in the top post and nothing interesting to keep them or dynamic to keep them coming back?
Just saying; curious.
Sorry to be off-topic, but I have these questions ...
1. For those who've talked to Galina, does she have the same accent as Casey? (I sure hope she doesn't have the Kermit voice.)
2. Has Galina ever explained why she doesn't work?
Sorry, everyone, but not having a good degree or skills isn't a good reason (as people have suggested here). You get a job and work your way up.
And while she is experiencing a lot of emotional turmoil right now, a million women have found themselves suddenly alone (through divorce, death, whatever) and had to find work asap. It sucks, but the rent still has to be paid.
3. Maybe I missed something, but at what point did Casey pack a bag, assuming he did? If he plans on staying two months, packing is no small consideration.
4. Has Casey told Galina whether he plans to pay rent to Yulia while he's away? Maybe that was just another benefit he saw to skipping town: getting out of paying rent. I wouldn't doubt if he asks for a credit for June since he won't be there.
@ NGB, M&P
I believe Vague Guru gave him permission to use all of his stuff. I'm not sure to what extent. I gave him permission to use the flowchart thing. (I didn't give him permission to use the Hey Casey song, but it's not like he could use that in a book.)
@ Tav
Most of us are aware that the haterz shenanigans help drive the Casey machine. So is he, as he admitted in the Declan interview. Otherwise, he wouldn't put up with us and bait us. And his book just got a lot more interesting sales-wise now that he's on the run in Australia with a shitload of haterz on his trail. But even you have to admit that haterz are a large part (I'd say at least 50%) of the story here. Would you honestly be hanging around if there were no haterz to troll? And I'm just curious, how long have you been following IAFF?
mejust me
2. Has Galina ever explained why she doesn't work?
--She GOT A JOB CLEANING HOUSES. I guess you missed that. Don't know what she's going to do now that Casey left her, but can you cut her some slack. She's waking up from an emotionally abusive husband and I bet trying to get her life under control. That's not easy. Chill it.
3. Maybe I missed something, but at what point did Casey pack a bag, assuming he did? If he plans on staying two months, packing is no small consideration.
--He was at his parents house for a few days. And G wasn't there. Go figure.
4. Has Casey told Galina whether he plans to pay rent to Yulia while he's away? Maybe that was just another benefit he saw to skipping town: getting out of paying rent. I wouldn't doubt if he asks for a credit for June since he won't be there.
--I doubt Yulia would kick out her sister with all this going on.
Snowflake has "Poker Website Ratings" as one of his latest "supporterz" - except there is no "donation" posted beside it!
Poor Casey - his pageviews are gonna go thru the roof today because of the Declan article, and he is MIA - always a day late and a dollar short.
And I doubt you have enough vitural employees to start the car each morning to ensure it does not go boom from a pissed off partner
Ladies & Gentelmen,
Taking the audio files is questionable. Making even veiled threats crosses the line. Don't be a Casey (i.e., don't choose to be stupid).
Place nice, no hitting or threats. If you can't do it legally, don't do it. Prove that it can be done without stupidity and violence: Haterz are above those things.
I agree Backstage. I gave alot of warnings bout the audiofilse
Court case links:
FV06-04441 - Temporary Protective Order?
CR06-2590 - Guilty plea 11/14/2006, Probation revoked 4/24/2007
CV99-04577 - Mysterious Montana case
I'd put these in caseypedia, but I don't have a login there...
Do we think that Casey's parents were in on his Australia plans? Or did he just tell mom and dad he was going out for some fresh air?
Poor Galina - anyone remember when Casey posted that he was to have 12k saved up by this summer so she could go to USC? I do feel sorry for the girl - her husband stole everything of worth to her - including her future and her self-respect.
I am sharpening my pitchfork.
Hey Casey, I hear online gambling is legal in Australia. You could make it big! (if the whole Circus Circus thing doesn't work out)
Traffic comparison:
It's still early, but it looks like Casey ought to at least get the amount of traffic that EN got on Monday and Tuesday. Rob's right, there's nothing to keep them there. The story is clearly happening over here, but it's buried in 1500 comments. Somebody should write a summary of the juiciest stuff for Rob to stick up as a top level post for the noobz.
I swear - Casey is just a magnet for these shysters
Tav, Tav, Tav,
What is this?
Well, if I could find an outlet for supporterz, I would also promote it....I think that the haterz are a vocal minority who can generate a lot of noise.
The 'vocal monority/silent majority'theory has been suggested before. One by one, even the greatest of 'Flake's supporterz are dropping away.
When is your turn to be thrown under the bus?
Perhaps there are only about 1,000 people who have a real opinion about the story and 927 of them are Haterz.
Let's send the copyright department at godaddy a note:
just let them know that someone is using
Can someone come up w/ a decent letter?
Oh cummon now. Casey and Marty are stupid for leaving the files wide out in the fucking open like that. Copyright shmopeyright.
Casey has a way the fuck too much on his plate now so any and all threats are just empty fluff in the wind.
If you keep pressing Galina to divorce his ass and evict his stuff, he won't have time to take any pansy-assed legal inaction.
Marty really challenged the wrong group of people. Now his criminal record is being posted.
And Tav....
I am a very skillfull master debater.
Just what, exactly are we to do with this little gem?
Instead of going with the obvious, I suggest that by writing this line and tour other posts, you are really a master baiter.
Dunno if the "daddy" portion of the name is enforcible.....
When I was in McD's, ANYBODY using "Mc" would be scrutinized, and if it infringed, were shut down before the sun went down. McD's has several floors of legal beagles whose sole purpose is to protect the brand.
Interesting Note: regarding the protective order filed against Martin Stewart -- it was filed by a Lynette Stewart, who someone alleged to be his wife.
That is false. Martin J Stewart is 33 years old. Public records list Lynette as a relative, age 59. I would guess it's his mother, or possibly an aunt. It's definitely not his wife, unless Martin has a thing for the geriatric set...
Sorry if this has been mentioned, but another point about packing: Since Australia is now going into winter, he would have had to pack bulky winter gear, at least a coat. Unless his hosts plan on lending him theirs (do they have boys sizes, though?) or he can charge new purchases to the corp.
Does he have the corporate credit card, or access to any other money or credit?
I'm really upset that I can't listen to any of the audio, being at my looser™ W-2 cubicle job. I haven't even been able to keep up with this blog. Declan is awesome, so I have high expectations.
It's worth a try :-)
Here are the fictitious business name portals for Las Vegas and Reno. I can't find anything for Marty Stewart or Pagedaddy. Maybe somebody else will have better luck.
I'm confused. Is pagedadddy a division of GoDaddy? Why is GoDaddy mixed up in all this. I'm thinking of canceling my GoDaddy account after their involvement with Casey.
I am a very skillfull master debater.
OK, do you use your right or left 5-finger Sally?
Marty is Casey 10-15 years from now.
@ Flailing -- WHOIS record lists a gibberish address in Los Angeles. Not coincidentally, Martin James Stewart has past known addresses in Nevada and California.
Australia is not cold (like the Canadian Arctic) in the winter. Pretty much the same climate as the coastal Bay Area is now.
Martin Stewart is a criminal. No surprise that he is working with Casey. Where does Casey come up with these people?
Tavington, nobody cares about your talkcast. Nobody called outside of haterz and people messing with you.
One hundred and MURST!
If Marty is not listed in the NV SoS listings we have to conclude he's a DBA for tax purposes. He'd be the dumbest businessman ever to not have some kind of legal entity set up.
Casey, just so you don't forget, the special collections unit is looking for you
Its funny that Martin waited until after his sentencing to start the Casey book LOL.
Rob... I hope you're backing up this site incase something happens. You never know with DCMA or Run DMC or whatever its called.
Felons of a feather flock together!
In Re: DMCA and copyright shee-yot.
Uhh. last I checked, EN isn't destooned with advertisements is it?
Apparently, Rob Dawg is seeing no income from his activities here on EN.
And sooooo, exactly what damages would Marty and "Outback Jack-off" sue FOR?
If anything, Rob should be BILLING them for the "sweeeet media" publicity he's giving their, ummmm, "product".
And Tavington...c'mon, 'fess up Timeline Guy..I know it's YOU!
I call bull.
Google DOES NOT pull down blogs PERIOD. They do not get in a snit with bloggers for copyright violations. They send you a detailed notice on why they WILL NOT intervene.
Go look up all the blogs the RIAA has tried to shut down. It would cost too much money to sue each and every blogger who posted a few links. Since Google will ask "are they HOSTING this material on our servers" the plaintiff will say NO...but...and then Google will say "go to court then and get an order to have us shut it down."
@ Benoit
Ok, here are the FBN portals for Truckee, CA and Los Angeles. Again, I found nothing.
@ Murses
I don't see any link between godaddy and pagedaddy other than godaddy being the domain registrar and a similarity between the names. There are also,, and many other _daddy.coms that are unrelated.
Hi Y'all,
Just a note that I've downloaded all the mp3'z from the other day and will be releasing them on my new site, within the week. All on cd's for a low low low price of $19.95 plus shipping! Site should be up shortly.
Sharky -
Right on. One has to PROFIT off of said violation. Since Rob runs a neutral site with no revenue coming in, he can win on fair use.
As for HOSTING, Rob never hosted the files. He only posted a PUBLIC link.
Sorry Marty, nobody hacked your site, YOU left it open for all to see. A judge will laugh in your face once the Defendant(s) prove how you didn't protect your so-called copyrights.
Want proof that Google doesn't remove blogs for complaints: RCS is a place to start.
Apparently one can break the law and post pictures of minors, list phone numbers and Google won't do crap until they get DELUGED with complaints.
Proof #2, go see all the blogs with links to free movies, music, software. Nobody seems to be closing down there either. Google doesn't care, so get over the idea that they will listen to the likes of Casey.
@ Flailbert Forwardson (hehe) -- I genuinely don't know where or even if M.J.S. registered or incorporated a business anywhere to begin with.
After hearing his hemming and hawing with Declan, it's not hard to understand why...
@ Flailing
I was only trying to stop the anono-ass who kept asking over and over if anyone had reported anything to
I don't think there is any connection. It just seemed repetitive for someone to ask the same question over and over. A little Tav-ish if you ask me.
bob dawg,
you should put a perminant link to caseypedia at the top of the blog.
that's the fastiest way to get newbs up to speed.
@ Flailing
Ooops. Your were replying to someone using the username MursesToMurgatroid.
We are not the same person. I am a murse. They are, obviously, a murgatroid.
Calling all Haterz
Tavington, Master D. Bater, issued the challenge, I accepted, but I haven't seen him around. Rather than sit around waiting to see if he's in for the smackdown, could somebody let me know if the weenie confirms we're on?
@mejustme 9:24
In preparation for those W-2 loosers w/o audio, I took the liberty of transcribing said interview, clicky here, or just go to Caseypedia and search for declan, there will be a link to the transcript.
What would be the point of having a Master D. Bate with Tavington? We all know poor Casey is a victim of a downturn in the market. He did nothing wrong...
Jesus christ, the amount of terrible misinformation on the DMCA and copyright law in general is staggering.
The fact that you are not profiting from someone else's copyrighted material is only a small factor in whether or not it falls under fair use. Using Casey's pictures for purposes of commentary, probably okay. Posting verbatim copies of his posts in the comments, not okay.
Google not pulling down RCS or other sites that have had general complaints against them has nothing to do with DMCA takedown requests. Google's DMCA policy is clearly laid out and followed, as it is by law the only way they can maintain their safe harbor status.
Looks like snowtard is a little behind on his moderation:
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@ Benoit
I agree. It would be really retarded to send out a DMCA complaint in the name of a company that he never even bothered to register.
@ Murses
Sorry, I was being too lazy to type out the whole name and didn't realize you were here.
@ Sharky
My understanding is that there doesn't need to be any profiting by the sued party. Marty could sue for lost revenue. But I agree that doesn't apply to Rob. That would be like leaving a roll of hundreds on the sidewalk and then trying to sue the neighborhood when they're gone in the morning. He would have to go after people who put up files on sharing services or individual downloaders. It just wouldn't be worth the cost.
you should put a perminant link to caseypedia at the top of the blog.that's the fastiest way to get newbs up to speed.
Actually, although Caseypedia is great, it is a little overwhelming. I've been following the story since late last year (thus, still a relative newb) and still I am finding it hard to concisely explain to others-- there are so many outrageous (and concurrent) plot twists!
A plain English summary would be invaluable in outlining the scope of this trainwreck for the casual observer...
@ G's H
What an idiot! All he has to do is release the comments to make it look like the site's not dead for the C|Netters.
@ 9:59:
Hmmm. Access to the wp-admin section? At this point, I think Casey and his murse being the only two allowed access, and the murse gets read-only because it's not trusted. How did you swing this?
@ flailing
I got off my lazy ass and created an account. Now no one can claim to be The One and Only Murse.
Maybe Marty could call that judge who is suing his dry cleaner for millions of dollars for lost pants. I'm sure he'd love to represent someone who has lost something so dear as some files if he was going to cry like a little baby over some lost pants (which have since been found!).
anyone else think Marty looks like he's on steroids?
The Dude:
I accept your challenge, and when I'm done you will be verbally castrated by my oral skillz and never be able to call yourself "The Dude" anymore.
Wow! A master(de)bater that also does oral? Cool.
Just go to that page, click on register and follow the instructions. It will mail out a password. You can't do anything when you are inside, but you do get to see the awaiting moderation and such.
Interesting to note he's still on a very very outdated version of wordpress 2.0.7.
In an off-topic thread, I often go to to find reasons to keep my code up to date.
The point of contacting godaddy was to notify them that someone is using "pagedaddy" which violates the godaddy copyright (it's too similar to the godaddy name). It's not about finding a connection between godaddy and pagedaddy. We already know that pagedaddy isn't affiliated w/ godaddy.
Casey said he removed Nigel's wp-admin rights from his current loaction. Possible that he uzed hiz mad IT skilz and screwed the pooch and locked himself out as well?
DMCA is a terrible piece of law but law it is. I'll comply with specific requests and I have been told to expect at least two more but so far nothing. As much as there is confusion about what isn't covered there is even more on what is covered. There is no recourse to "enabling" others to violate copyright for the same reason gun mfgs are not charged with murder or GM with speeding. I wouldn't have any idea but I'd be interested if the MP3s, they were MP3s?, had metadata attached. My guess is that if they were a "work product" no one got around to adding any metadata to assert ownership. Remind me to put any audio I have under M4P format and include metadata.
Stock art used for book cover:
@ 10:11 Anonymous
My point was that if you are so concerned, you should contact godaddy. I don't believe anything will be done and I don't think anything with is at risk of copyright infringement.
there is pimpdaddy, puffdaddy, polldaddy, cuffdaddy, bootydaddy, bigdaddy, bagdaddy, funkdaddy, etc -
I highly doubt anything is going to be done about pagedaddy.
Anon, go ahead and keep providing faulty DMCA info. Google won't do shit know why? Because you have to PROVE the accused is HOSTING on their site.
Sorry, I've filed DMCA complaints with Google numerous times and gotten back their standard form letter each time saying they won't do it and if you want, get a subpoena and THEN they will comply.
The point being made is Casey whining he will get Google to give him screen names of offenders. Yep, sure they'll do that.
THAT is fact. You are right about the DMCA argument on profit BUT Rob still falls under fair use since HE is a commentary site with editorial content. He pointed out that Marty's site was wide open thanks to information publicly available on Alexa. Rob pointed this out to his readers. He did not host the files.
Will Google pull down EN? Very unlikely UNLESS Marty and Casey get a court order demanding Google remove all infringing materials.
DMCA is tricky and it isn't easy to prove - just ask the RIAA and MPAA. You have to be pretty flagrant for the courts to act.
If any of you can't make it in as a caller to the show, I have a voicemail set up at 206-666-4511 where you can leave messages for which I will play on the air.
Since this is the link page, I thought I'd pass along Random House's contact form, just in case anyone wanted to email them to ask why The Foreclosure Code, a follow-up to their bestseller The da Vinci Code, is not available in their online bookstore. If they don't know what you're talking about, a link to might help them out.
I have the full Marty/Casey files zipped on Shareaza/eDonkey. Any other peer to peer sharing app that can access this network should be able to search for it.
G's H is right. I can see the admin page with my old login too.
If you still remember your login from the instant comments days, click here.
Rob, I agree. My argument is solely with the people who make it sound as if Casey can go to Google, cry a river and they will magically pull a site down because all they did is post a link to a site that is UNPROTECTED.
DMCA is very bad law but like you said, it is law nonetheless. The media companies would be better off if they just accepted that some people are going to lift their works while continuing to sue the pants off the more egregious violators. Suing a college kid because he wanted to hear some music is silly. I am of the belief that if the kid liked the band or music he heard, he may become a customer.
Roger - very brilliant suggestion!
** New Thread Posted **
whoa you sooo got me...I was so excited about a new thread, I bought 8 houses, quit my job, had my houses foreclosed upon, made 2,000 shady business deals, left my wife, traveled to another country, made a business deal with the only person stupider about the interwebtubes than me, and had all my data stolen. You soooo got me....
From a regular - but anon for the moment.
A cousin of my best friend's pool boy told me in a dream last night that there is NO metadata at all in some mp3's he found. The reason is that there are NO MP3 TAGS in which to place metadata. E.g. an MP3 tag can contain fields such as Publisher, URL and Copyright. So there was no way for him to identify or contact the source of these Non Copyrighted mp3's laying around.
And then I woke up.
Metadata is not caused by the sun.
In all seriousness, neither Casey or his backer have deep pockets. They know people, I'm sure, and work out sweet deals with other people. But nothing will happen. At most, expect to see a poorly spelled cease and desist.
If it were so easy to get material removed from the intertubeweb, the RIAA and MPAA wouldn't have full-time legal resources trying to hunt down and track down users.
So then, here's a question. Let's say one of these wonderkind decide to connect to a torrent. At this point, they're now distributing the files. Could the act of participating in the torrent, and making the files publicly available, be construed as allowing the distribution of them?
Now, I know the [RI|MP]AA have various companies they use for these services, and while I have no doubt that Marty's "ten employee strong" company has the smarts in house to be able to read the BT protocol specs and create a means of determining who is in the swarm without participating in it, I'm not so sure about Casey "What are Consequences" Serin.
To my uninformed opinion, connecting a client that has not been intentionally misconfigured to disallow sharing is substantially similar to making materials available to all, and would invalidate any sort of copyright claim.
R-Boy, I know she has been cleaning houses of friends and family for extra money, but she supposedly quit school months ago to look for a J-O-B.
Relationship problems are all-consuming and I agree, not easy. But Galina could've been working all this time. I've worked with people who were married and subsequently divorced to nut jobs -- I mean kooks! -- and they kept working. Casey just took off, what, a week ago, but she has not had a job for years, if ever.
"DMCA is tricky and it isn't easy to prove - just ask the RIAA and MPAA. You have to be pretty flagrant for the courts to act."
I can't tell if you are trolling or just a moron.
DMCA takedown notices have nothing to do with the courts. They provide a way for third parties to escape liability by immediately taking down potentially infringing content while the alleged copyright holder files suit against the alleged violator.
If no suit is brought, the content will be restored. By the third party. Not the courts.
A more relevant example than the RIAA P2P cases that you keep bringing up would be Google's removal of pages that contain Church of Scientology documents.
Which they do.
According to the DMCA.
just out of curiosity, am I to understand that Casey Serin's number one fan and biggest supporter is a black Jamaican transsexual called MOCHA, who lives in Detroit, and works as an escort servicing men who crave her 12" cock ??? !!!
@ buddy rogers
Someone told a midget that jumped out of a clown car, that came to town with the circus, who told me that the original torrent was empty. It also had 4 seeders originally and 3 were in SoCa, and the other in AU. I'm seriously not making this crap up. Midget's never lie....I just wanna hug em!
NotAnOptimist, thanks so much for the transcript!
not everyone has the fortitude that some folks have, mejustme.
Im cutting Galina some slack here. Could ya take my hint?
Be sure to include "Trademark Claims" in the email subject.
Inform them that you were misled into believing that was affilliated with them.
They're vicious about that kind of thing.
I was the 10:29 anon, and didn't mean to be a liar saying a new thread was posted.
Why does not count?
I'm not trolling and I've sent many a DMCA notice out to Google and other such companies. Guess what? They come back each time with many excuses and telling ME that I need to get a subpoena to pull the infringing material.
Stop with the insults. Since I don't know who you are, I can assume you are an obnoxious troll yourself quoting DMCA ad hominem from the website. Google gets a DMCA, they don't pull the blogs.
YOU are not proving your case to anyone. I get what it is, I deal with DMCA and I know how it works. I also know unless you go to court to back up your claims with a subpoena, a DMCA notice is useless unless the blog owner and Google do something about it.
Again, try telling that to the RIAA or MPAA. Next time, disagree but don't fucking call me a moron, idiot. You have not proven anything to me that I didn't already know. I am sharing the facts of WHAT happens.
I ain't given galina a pass either, is she retarded? Sure is a slow learner, not to mention entitled, doesn't need to work.
We don't know anything about her but what Casey said, he's a liar.
Cleaning toilets...casey troll.
At any rate, all one has to do to "fit" here is denounce Casey, then you are ok.
So get with the program...Nigel is a great guy, Galina is just a poor sweet innocent victim.
By all means you sheep, please DO send poor lil Galina as much as you can spare as soon as possible!
Here is the exact wording of the DMCA, as regards to copyright infringement claims:
DMCA Title II: Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act
DMCA Title II, the Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act ("OCILLA") creates a safe harbor for online service providers (OSPs, including ISPs) against copyright liability if they adhere to and qualify for certain prescribed safe harbor guidelines and promptly block access to allegedly infringing material (or remove such material from their systems) if they receive a notification claiming infringement from a copyright holder or the copyright holder's agent.
That's it, other than there are provisions for the person posting material if they do indeed own the work, and the DMCA notice was filed in error.
All Casey/Marty can achieve with a DMCA violation order is to have *their* content pulled. They cannot claim the rest of the content here, as it's not theirs. Remember, Casey had hisyanked because of PRLinkBiz, and look how fast he was up and running after.
Duane, we should revisit that, as you were involved, you have personal experience with this issue, please enlighten us if you can?
The good news is, if Rob pulls the offending material, which I have NO doubt he will, that's it as far as DMCA - it's then up to Marty/Casey to pursue litigation in court under copyright law, and that's where it gets ugly and very, very costly - they would then need to start subpeonaing ISPs for user identities and logs, and Google won't roll over that easily, their legal team are bulldogs, I watched a kook suit someone filed against them, and Google's lawyers are GOOD.
This really isn't in the best interests of Casey/Marty, as a case like that could drag out months, if not years, and Google has the resources to drown them in paperwork and filings to keep from disclosing ANYTHING they don't want to.
Besides, judging from a certain Powerpoint slide I saw recently, they really don't want Google's complete and undivided attention, mkay?
Still, don't host the files. Don't be stupid. You're handing them a loaded gun if you do.
More fun.
Just faxed a copy of the foreclosurecode website as well as the caseypedia entry to Random House Permissions dept. Included all the contact information for Marty, of course.
Somebody's going to find out about DMCA the hard way.
Have fun guys.
If our Marty is the same one whose court records were identified above, then he has no legal representation. In fact, that Marty Stewart (who may be a different guy, even though there appears to be only one in the country who matches the description) has had only one kind of legal representation recently: A public defender.
Casey will soon be using the same form of representation.
11:32a Anon: I'm not trolling and I've sent many a DMCA notice out to Google and other such companies. Guess what? They come back each time with many excuses and telling ME that I need to get a subpoena to pull the infringing material.
I've never been told to get my own subpoena or anything, but the consistent response I've encountered is "prove you're the owner". And the only real way of doing that is to demonstrate that you have a legal right to pursue claims in court.. in other words, a registered copyright. If you can produce that number, then they'll usually be happy to comply.
Hosting companies have to balance one liability against the other here. What's to stop some random nitwit from sending a false DMCA takedown email to my web host and having my business website shut down? And then at the very least, they've lost me as a customer.. at worse, they may be hearing from *my* lawyer.
Most of the time, it's safe to shrug off a DMCA threat by an individual. Google gets thousands of crank DMCAs a day. It's when you get them from Disney that you have a reason to be scared - for them, Google *will* do an immediate takedown. Again, balance of liabilities.
Right now, the kids are sabre-rattling. It'll be hilarious when they actually try to make good on their threats.. I actually doubt we'll hear it come up again.
Honestly Wondering,
As I said last night, the big publishers regularly do deals with each other and scratch each other's backs when it comes to use (or "cross licensing") of copyrights. All worked out over expensive lunches in midtown Manhattan and Beverly Hills.
But CaseyMarty don't get invited to those meetings.
Their DMCA requests get put in the pile with "people we don't need to worry about."
However, the DMCA requests that could come their way from Bertelsmann, Sony and Godaddy will get put into the "urgent" pile.
Personally I don't like DMCA because it really does give way too much power to the big guys and too little to the small guys. But it is possible for a smart small guy to stay below the radar and be very successful nonetheless. It just takes some smarts, which these jizzbuckets don't have.
(Mouse and Pencil, thanks for "jizzbucket." I like it.)
Well, Rob, perhaps a semninar in copyright law is in order.
RE: Foreclosure Code.....You can't copyright a title.
I really doubt anybody at Random House would care about the Foreclosure Code book cover, because the book cover would be considered a spoof or parody, and would not cause a reasonable person to think it was part of the Da Vinci Code.
At the most they would send a lawyery letter just to show they protect their trademarks and never follow up again.
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