Housing Bubble, credit bubble, public planning, land use, zoning and transportation in the exurban environment. Specific criticism of smart growth, neotradtional, forms based, new urbanism and other top down planner schemes to increase urban extent and density. Ventura County, California specific examples.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Worms Don't Get Any Bigger
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FIRST - rob dawg, you're up early
East Coast.
I'm on vacation and up late. It's almost 8AM in the sweeet East Coast where the humidity is high and the museums are air conditioned. MFA and IS Gardner on tap. Ahhhh, the impressionists.
But not to worry. Before i hop in the car I shall leave behind a post tht most likely will have CHJTS drooling over a five hundred and murst award.
Dawg, I've got to say you're definitely baiting the hook here. I have no reason to doubt this is a doozie, (you haven't failed me yet) but where is this going? You're killing me.
Hint perhaps? An email exhange between Duane and Galina perhaps? Or even more slick would be an email exchange between Galina and Casey - where he tells her he needs to spend more time away to get them back on track yada yada yada.
I mean the writing is clearly on the wall. He's asking people in OTHER COUNTRIES to help him out. No he's not on the run...
Hey Casey, should yoube reading this, I'd love for you to come to New York - I have some "Friends" in Brooklyn who'd love to meet you.
C'mon Rob, post this in the next half hour before I gotta get on the road.
This is a Public Service Announcement:
Thank you.
This has been a Public Service Announcement.
Jeezuz Dawg, out with it boy. The "cleansing thread" just hurts me. Are you waiting for the left coast to wake up? Don't do it - you're here. Now!
Anyone speak Spanish? This is a quote from the Argentinian daily that Casey links to on his recent post:
No extrañó entonces que en noviembre de 2006 comenzaran las ejecuciones -suman cinco- y que las críticas en su blog se convirtieran en un deporte para miles de internautas que no paran de reírse de sus errores y de llamarlo loser.
I was hoping they called him a loser, but probably not. With a bit of luck, they don't mean "looser".
Or even more slick would be an email exchange between Galina and...
I have got to check my security settings. Just sayin' is all.
I'm sitting watching my SoCal house decline by $50/day and all you Texicans are just floating along with all your equity and low payments and stuff. I'm so jealous I am tempted to hold off just to lash out at you. Seriously, tho it's on the other vacation computer and the kids are still using it for a bit.
Dammit, Dawg's kids (pups?) are enjoying all that Snowflake goodness while we suffer.
Kids, remember us old folk!
Sent to the Sydney morning Herald
Stephen Hutcheon appears to not understand that a good reporter must fact-check any claims that his subjects of his reports make. The instance I am referring to is his cover story on Casey Serin, a notorius blogger.
I have been for many, many months, one of the primary maintainers of Casey's Wikipedia entry, located at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casey_Serin. Even with Wikipedia's neutral tone, Casey Serin's story isn't one of positivity and regret. It becomes plainly obvious that mortgage fraud was committed (though in recent years it has gotten out of control and Casey Serin has been an avatar or representation for the whole lot). Claims made by Casey Serin in your paper have been proven false through a paper trail. One of his claims is that he can monetize his website. What Casey failed to mention and that Stephen Hutcheon failed to research was that this monetization lasted one month and the vast majority of the money was refunded when his website went down. As of today, Casey Serin has not successfully monetized his blog.
Fluff pieces on Casey Serin have been commonplace in American media until a series of reports by Declan McCollugh, a reporter for cnet.com whose stories on Casey Serin have landed on the front page of MSN.com and the online edition of the New York Times. Rather, Stephen Hutcheon wrote a fluff piece, regaling a tale of a down on his luck fellow with an unfair amount of criticism.
That, sadly, as much as I wished it was true 10 months ago when I first heard of this story, is not. Please do a better job fact-checking next
I can't wait for this one. I do feel badly for Galina. Really terribly. But anything we can do to nail this little bastard's ass to the wall, if not for crimes, then exposing him as the scumbag we always knew he was.
May as well make the guy always be looking over his shoulder.
Trust nobody Casey. NOBODY.
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning...it smells like...victory!"
Got yer death card ready, Rob? :)
Nice letter R-boy. Unfortunately it may land you nothing but a snarky spot in "letters to the editor".
I do appreciate it when somebody takes the media to task. And kudos to Declan for having the balls to tell the real story.
Christ. If what Dawg, Duane, and LMP are saying is true, poor Galina! Glad it seems (from their firsthand accounts,) like she's getting her shit together and distancing herself from Fliptard, though. Please give her my best, guys!
Well, umm, yeah
He's out there operating without any decent restraint, totally beyond the pale of any acceptable human conduct.
Good morning folks! Glad y'all are finally up. Rob, please post soon so we can have something to chat about over happy hour.
be sure to make all kinds of skeptical claims and irrational accusations that you'll surely regret after this next reveal
My specialty. I'm going to wager that Galina is pregnant with LMP's lovechild, Casey got a job as a Failure Maximization Specialist, and Nigel got some new koi?
Casey is definitely in the wilderness, he's a few days or hours from panhandling in tourist spots, and trying his hand at pickpocketing and minor crime just to eat every day. Blew his roll at the best joints in town, now he's begging again.
"Homeless dude with a laptop". Steven, you nailed it.
He's nuked so many bridges, he may have to live a life of crime, because honest work is now a closed door.
I just hope he doesnt try a pretend breakdown/repentant sinner angle, and try and dupe his family to let him back in.
Is that some sympathy for him I feel?
Nope. Just a coffee burp. On with the show, Rob! Fireworks in the daylight suck, but the booms are just as fun!
Was that "Worm" artwork from Arrakis?
Casey qoute from from the Sydney Morning Hearld article:
"The stuff I did is technically mortgage fraud, but it's not officially called that until someone prosecutes me and proves that that is indeed mortgage fraud," Serin explains.
Where do we start?
With the contradictory statements that it is a crime at the start of sentance, follwed by the statement that its not a crime at the end of the sentance.
With the dual use of the nonsensical cover words "Technically" and "Offically".
With the childish reasoning which leads to the conclusion that its not a crime unless you get caught?
If this saga is to be compared to Dune, does that make Casey "Muad'Debt"? And I suppose the haterz represent the navigators from the novel because we can forecast (VERY roughly, in the long-term) what is going to happen to Shitflake.
Use it to say anything pleasant...
It delights me no end that chivalry is not dead. Praise to those who know its true meaning.
Suggest the USS Contitution while in the area. Cannot beat the price and today is about as perfect as you will find for a tour.
IS Gardner? You going to check out the artwork or talk to management of how they finally put away that p.o.s. bragart that stole those painting, bragged of knowing their whereabouts to the press, but didn't get indicted to begin with?
Just post the damn thing already. That was an hour ago.
And its not a "good morning" until I have at least two cups of coffee.
My very quick and dirty trans of the Spanish.
…and the critics on his blog had converted [it] into a sport for thousands of netsurfers who couldn’t stop laughing about his errors or calling him a loser…
No extrañó entonces que en noviembre de 2006 comenzaran las ejecuciones -suman cinco- y que las críticas en su blog se convirtieran en un deporte para miles de internautas que no paran de reírse de sus errores y de llamarlo loser.
Somewhat inexpert translation (but I got the gist of it):
"Not strange then that in November 2006 the executions started (I guess this means foreclosures?)", then something about five, "and that the critics on his blogs converted to a sport for thousands of internetters that didn't stop making fun of his errors and calling him looser".
Is it possible to give a fishy treat as an anonymouse?
My two cents, Casey and Galina's marriage.....
year one: Casey sort of tries a w2 job then quits, when his "hosting business" fails to profit moves Galina away from prying family eyes to Tahoe, Galina quits school.
year two: They move back Galina starts school again and Casey works for a while then starts buying houses for sweet "cahsback". Casey promises all kinds of "good things". Goes through all the cash and runs up his and her credit cards. "
Year three: We all pretty much know this part of the story. Casey runs out of sweet cashback, by feb he is telling Galina stuff like "you can't get a job, I need the car for business" and "you have to quit school, we don't have gas money.......and of course the bike ride/trip to Tahoe.
One more thing, this is a guy who has played seasoned businessmen like Duane and Nigel, she certainly didn't stand a chance against his games.
@ rob dawg - no lie on the love of a/c. i live uncomfortably close to fish mongers in nyc, and its warm.
i don't understand snowflake's reasoning in the aussie article. he's basically saying its not fraud if they don't charge me with the crime - bs. you still commited a crime casey, you just haven't paid yet.
Cleaning up the translation a bit:
"It was not strange then that in November 2006 the executions (foreclosures?)started - the total five - and the criticism on his blogs became a sport for thousands of web surfers that never stop laughing at his mistakes and calling him looser." (ed. note: yes, looser)
@ Rob Dawg:
Just a general request. Can you PLEASE consider embedding the images you use on your blog? With the number of viewers and reloads you get to this site, I shudder to think what you do to the bandwidth of the sites you use the images of. Linking an image is fine. Linking an image to a site like this is leeching the bandwidth of the site linked to, providing nothing in return. It's something Casey would do.
Also, there's nothing preventing folks who control the servers' whose images you use from replacing them creatively.. There have been many high profile cases where folks have linked images and had them changed out from under them. John McCain "came out" in favor of gay marriage because he linked to an image that was changed.
Okay, I'll get off my soapbox.
good points. I'm still sometimes in "friendly little chat blog" mode when I really should be taking it more seriously.
@Anon 7:44am
14th and Minna is a particularly icky part of San Francisco, but I'll be driving by there in a little while. I'll make sure to target anyone who look anonymous.
Anons are annoying; they're foolish people who make it hard to follow the discussion thread. Much like Galina haterz I tend to ignore them.
BTW, extra points for identifying the building a half block away from 14th and Minna. http://www.google.com/maps?q=14th+St+%26+Minna+St,+San+Francisco,+CA+94103,+USA&sa=X&oi=map&ct=title
Kirk, 14th and minna, dont forget to bring a baggie for your teeth
Spanky: I just drove by, didn't see you. Ahh well. I didn't bring a baggie either. Since I'm English and over 40 I don't have any teeth.
Thank you Amused Observer.
I am a bit saddened they didn't see fit to call him a loser themselves. Darned objectivity.
Just STFU!!!
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