Shock. Awe. I am inundated by the responses. Kudos to all. I can't pick with any one special comment but this one is cute:
Sung to the the tune of "A man down under"
Traveling in a fried-out v-dub
On a sweet deal trail, head full of zombie
I met a strange lady, she made me nervous
She took me in with her fiance and gave me breakfast
And she said,
"Do you come from a land down under?
Where deals glow and casey plunder's?
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover."
Buying bread from a man in Brussels
He was six foot four and full of muscles
I said, "Do you speak-a my language?"
He just smiled and gave me a semi-vegemite sandwich
And he said,
"I come from a land down under
Where Jamba Juice does flow and casey plunders
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover."
Lying in a den in Bombay
With a slack jaw, and not much to say
I said to the man, "Are you trying to tempt me
Because I come from the land of plenty?"
And he said,
"Oh! Do you come from a land down under? (oh yeah yeah)
Where deals glow and casey's plunder?
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover."
1 – 200 of 241 Newer› Newest»MUUUUURRRRRSSSTTTTT!
I'll claim first with the third post.
Can't wait for the HaterCast
I just noticed the RCSux blog has been yanked.
Just saw this on Sacramento Craigs List. Could have been perfect for Turdflake...
Russian speaking Loan Officers Wanted
Reply to:
Date: 2007-06-11, 2:13PM PDT
No experience required. Do not have to speak English. Opportunity to obtain broker status. Part-time/ Fulltime. Work from home.
* Location: Nationwide
* Compensation: Competitive commissions
* Telecommuting is ok.
* This is a part-time job.
* Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
* Please, no phone calls about this job!
* Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
PostingID: 349918288
Cute poem, Dawg.
I thought it was just called Down Under.. oddly, by a band called.. "Men At Work"... ☺
BTW nice early Vdub.. almost all original.. the exhaust does not look original from the picture though.
... oddly enough, also an Aussie band!!
I also have the title for it as being "Land Down Under"
"This was the picture right here, with the cat, and the case of raman noodles, and you said, 'Wow, my cat looks skinny.'" - Martin Stewart, marketing genius.
How can anybody diligently work their W-2 looser[tm] jobs with all this craziness going on ???
My Treo got a serious browser refresh beating today....don't know how long it will last at this pace.
(btw, Treo700w is a POS as it barely can deal with the size of the latest posts)
Someone please explain how to listen to talkshoe without installing their software (or creating an account)
Sheesh, leave the internet alone for a day and what happens? I decided I'd read everything before making any comment.
I can see why Duane was so angry, and rightly so. I think G needs a good lawyer to untangle her from Snowflake's mess. And it'd probably help if she just invited the FBI over to Snowflake's office and take anything they want. Maybe they could put a good word in for her with the judge and she wouldn't have to do the community property thing with her half of Snowflake's accumulated debts.
As for Snowflake, I hate tossing around medical/psychological terms, but he seems to be a complete sociopath. Maybe he'll go swimming and not notice the "Beware of Jellyfish" signs? Maybe he'll get bitten by a spider or snake? It's too much to hope that a dropbear will get him.
Maybe someone's sheep will sniff at his murse at a waterhole and they'll drown him. They do that down there, from what I hear.
I wonder how he'll spin this into "It's all good!" Oh, I guess the Aussie equivalent is "No worries, Mate!"
Oh, BJ, Pleez don't remind me of Men at Work and the horrors of the 6th grade again.
Damn, I picked a terrible day to have minimal net access. So many new posts, news, etc, I can barely process it all....
At 5:27 PM, CHJTS said...
I have been in email communications with casey.
... he is pretty perturbed right now.
Can you (or someone on the call) please let him know that there is no loyalty among thieves; meaning that once he went in to fraudulently get 2.2M of other people's money via mortgage fraud, he cave up any claim to moral superiority except perhaps over someone who has criminally caused death or physical harm to another.
People who noted that he was in Aus do not fall under that category.
time for the boy to grow up and take his medicine.
Talk starts NOW!
It's on!
Went to check on the bug's plate. While they have the format of an Aussie license plate from New South Wales, they don't have the correct coloring.. nor is the district field right for NSW.
LEt's go CHJTS!!!!
Hey, what happened?
Had you for a minute... now dead air...
as far as the torrent goes...
there only 1 person has completed the whole thing and dropped off. Ther next closest is 93.7% and 99.1% right now. So I don't know how the others are seeing failures.
In anycase, maybe I made a mistake.
Uploading to rapidshare right now in parts: Part 3 1st.
Common Dawg, I thought mine was better.
How can anybody diligently work their W-2 looser[tm] jobs with all this craziness going on ???
You and me both. I have a habit of hitting EN for a few seconds during lunch. I couldn't stop looking today.
Oh, BJ, Pleez don't remind me of Men at Work and the horrors of the 6th grade again.
Humm.. just revealed your age.. ;0
Naw.. just mentioning it because I think the choice of music etc was intentional.. Casey flew off to Australia, band is Men At Work.. which Casey really doesn't do.. etc.
Well. After re-reading Nigel's blog, he seems to have grown a pair. Must be the sun. Well done Nigey, are we welcoming you to the Haterz now?
Coincidentally, the RCS website is now gone. Finally.
I won't be able to listen to the talkcast but I hope someone will post hilights later. Have fun kiddos!
No LMP? (pout)
Talkshoe sucks my keeps dropping the signal, and re-buffering. I'm getting about 10 seconds out of every minute.
he he
Land Down under Casey!
trying to listen to talkshoe, but it's not even buffering anymore...guess i'll have to download the file after the talkcast is over.
"I went to OZ a few yeas ago on a tourist visa. They make sure you have a ticket to leave before they let you in. They can also ask you to prove you can afford to be there."
CHJTS is evil to tease us with Casey communications.
No interest in hiding my age, BJ. I know I look and act a lot younger. How old were you?
Waiting to hear Steph J....
hmmm, if sterling valentine is such a net marketing guru, why is his cat so skinny?
I heard that nigel is sending a relief package -- a case of the finest koi.
That is a gorgeous photo of a classic "splittie" (split rear window) Beetle. Must be pre-1953, as that was the last year they made it with the divided rear window. A RHD model would be even rarer.
www oldbug com/sedan.htm
It's over with G. Casey scrubbed all of G's pics from his Flickr account.
Weird, looks like something has changed in how comments work, too.
Takes me five or six attempts to get one comment up, goes to: etc etc instead of original URL
I am not even going to try to post more.
Rob, this is NFG.
@lou - old news
Yaaay! M. SINGH!
@soem dood,
Comments working fine for me.
Just a heads up, a reliable source told me the the torrent that is floating around out there has a 100% sharer from the ip WHOIS results for which comes from down under. Yes, it's a game called cover-your-arse. Trust me, from what I've been told, we're not missing anything. Same story. Same it's not my fault.
Yep, Lou, Galina was scrubbed from Flickr when IAFF was revived, along with all IAFF posts and comments naming her.
But, heck, I feel almost like I am at IAFF tonite -- I have scripts diabled generally, and I can see the site now wants me to let sitemeter, stats counter, google analytics,, blah blah blah... maybe if I enabled all of them... but I guess I'll just listen in from sidelines tonight...
The way you log in to blogger name has definitely changed.
soem dood:
I too had problems a few minutes ago, seems to have fixed itself now...though MSingh caused me to forget what I was going to post...
Greetings Gentlemen,
Has everyone seen the new Flicker photo by now? If not, you may find it here
As ever,
Thanks, Singh.
If wheel is on proper side, starbucks logo there, no photo chop, looks legit.
Typical casey -- gotta look pensive, show off, put on the Flickr.
Whata scum.
(You were great live, as usual!)
He's in a mitsubishi Magna car. In front of a Holden dealership (Australian GM subsiduary).
Yes, we have Starbucks here.
Also there is a banner in back advertising "Holden", which is an Australian car company.
Casey has enough money to buy a car?
using the money buried in the back yard to finance the new Holden....
Stephanie sounds hotter live than I imagined she would be. Man every deep breath she takes....swoooon
Aww! Stephanie sounds so sweet!
well, we know he's not BUYING a car, we know in all actuality he is BAITING THE HATERS
well, we know he's not BUYING a car, we know in all actuality he is BAITING THE HATERS
well, we know he's not BUYING a car, we know in all actuality he is BAITING THE HATERS
He's sitting in a car on the lot, giving the world the finger with the Starbucks.
Isn't anyone worried that KC is not coming back, that that was his escape plan and threfore all hope is lost for prosecuting him? That's my bioggest concern - it makes me sick and pisses me off looking at that picture!
He needs some Noxzema for that complexion!
Real Bad!
That looks like a Prius to me.
In fact it looks exactly like the one 20 feet away from my window, other than the color and the location of the steering wheel.
Photo shows he has wedding ring . . . but no wife visable . . .
What a complete fucking ass, why would he post that photo? It is incredibly pretentious.
"The Al Bundy of Uzbekistan (sp?)"
HE IS BAITING YOU....that is why it was posted
he appears to be sitting in a Honda Civic on a Holden/Mitsubishi lot
I like Jeeps too...
You might be on to something. Nobody figured he'd have the discipline to keep the cash without spending it, eh? I'm still not totally convinced, but it might be so. Wouldn't surprise me too much if he still had some of it, nor would it surprise me if some had been siphoned off via normal banking transfers to an associate Down Under. Oh, I bet Galina would be soooo pissed if he took all the cash and left her holding the bag.
Wven so, he can't stay in Oz for too long; they will catch up, and he can't come and go without them nailing him. If he has financing, though, he can just move on to another country from there.
By the way, the Aussies will let you in with a one-way ticket if you can show substantial means indicating you can afford your stay AND that you can afford the ticket out. I've flown there before on a one-way with no troubles -- but I also had other supporting "documentation" in addition to show I wasn't going to end up indigent.
Does this rapidshare torrent/mp3 thingy work? Any success to report?
Mocha.... (and I wasn't gonna comment)...
Man or woman....
We need to know!
(IF Mocha does he he he)
why do i feel that he's flipping me off when i'm looking at that picture?
Mocha sounds sober tonight.
Anonymous said...
why do i feel that he's flipping me off when i'm looking at that picture?
Because he is.
anon @ 6:40 -- that is because that's exactly what he IS doing.
Mocha asking "what hardened criminal could look so cute and blog so much?"
He is the classic sociopath con man. Really.
Con man.
Casey would be showing up with a dozen credit cards and whatever cash he sucked out of paypal and his checking account. He also can tell them who his is staying with and may even have a written (or emailed) invitation. That counts for a lot.
And I just looked at the full-size image. Definitely a Prius. I'm comparing it to a real one 20 feet away. Same little front corner window. Same window shape. Same door handle and door handle indent. Same headrests.
in a small way, i'm envious of casey. well, other than the foreclosures and fu*&ing up my life for the next 10 years or so.
Mocha had a pot of coffeee before dialing in tonite! She will be hittin' the pipe and the bottle in a few minutes, once the sweats start in!
No MOCHA, you don't really criticise him, you are so fucking one-sided.
You are obviously a man-bitch, bitch! Where's my murse?
Love the smirk in the photo.
As has been noted here, Casey has probably chosen the worst country on Earth to go "under the radar" - not much of an underground economy (unlike here), and real strong extradition treaties with the US.
I also assume that Casey has ignored the fact that he can't do business in Australia on a tourist visa - we get any evidence that he is doing so, and we can turn the evidence over to the Australian immigration authorities.
sorry that i couldn't enter my sarcastic tone with that post.
Breaking News!
CashCall read EN and is dispatching it's "special" collection team to Australia.
Here they are in action.....
CHJ -- get mocha off, other people on...puhlease!
Yep, MOCHA is definately still fried but able to communicate for a change, what a fucking man-bag-bitch....
She has nothing to contribute, move along, nothing to see here!
Good one, Dude!
They look nihilistic as all-hell to me!
CHJS -- mod-er-ate!!!!!
@the Dude
Christ. I don't know which I'd be more afraid of...the hyenas, the baboon, or the man batshit crazy enough to walk around with either on a chain!
Mocha's 15 minutes were up 13 minutes ago.
Give it the HOOK!!!!!!!!!
"He messed up.."
And then consciously again.
And then made another 'mistake' with the corporation.
And then he made more 'mistakes' like taking off to Australia.
Shark, she's running the show. Enough.
Don't even need any extradition in this case. Normal tourist visa is good for 3 months only, and can be revoked at any time. The Aussie government can revoke his visa and kick him out tomorrow. They can't actually force him to return to the US, but unless he had funds to purchase a ticket to someplace else, he would be put on the first flight back to his country of citizenship.
Please, Shark!
I beg you... NEXT!
That should be MOCHA's final comment, enough of this silliness...
Nicely said Shark.
She is chewing up time on purpose... subverting good info and progress...
bwaaak bwak bwak bwaaak
Eight fraudulent mortgages in months... 2.2M dollars...
Shark-Nazi sez... NEXT!!!!!!!!!
No more mocha
Thank god.
She talks in circles, ditch her.
Heh, Mocha was about to say something about NGB.
Thanks Shark, mute is good, don't turn the MOCHA fawcet back on!
Shes is laughing up her sleeve at having subverted dialog as long as she has... IMHO.
She is a troll, plain and simple.
He is a criminal!
Why defend him?
"One last thing"... AGAIN
Just a kid MY AZZ!!!!
Isn't this the 5th Last Thing?
Fatalistic entitlement. Nice.
Exactly... always someone willing to indulge him and his sense of entitlement...
like that serial killer chick who seemed to goog lookin' to not support... 'til they found bodies, video tape, etc, and STILL people supported... Argh.
Go "T" == Nacho!
G will take him back. Shouldn't - but will.
There is no count of the "last things" in MOCHA-world.
Slimy is being kind...
Having a good time drinking Starbucks with money he took from Galina.
The blackness in Casey's heart is so deep that NO ONE will ever know it. Please look at his recent photo on Flickr.
That is the face of a man who will try anything to advance his own desires.
No sense of law, community, ANYTHING unless it forwards his own personal agenda.
Greetings gentlemen,
I have reviewed the current sedans available in the continentette Australia from the marquees Holden and Mitsubishi. I agree, the pictured vehicle is not one of either of these. As well, I have visited the "homepage" of Toyota Australia, and agree that the pictured sedan is a "Prius".
Notice what appears to be a windshield-mounted antenna. I refer to the Toyota Australia in making the following claim- current-year Prius, and perhaps previous Priuii, have rear-mounted antenna. Therefore I conclude that Casey is posing in a "pre-loved" example of Toyota's semi-vegan vehicle.
I have visited Australia's "Red Book" (quaint!), and found a 2005 Prius with 30-50 "Kilometers" (how quaint!) can be expected to sell for 37,000 AUD on the private-sale high-side (let's use the higher figure for a dealer sale). Did you know that that figure equals over 30,000 US dollars at current exchange rates?
One might find the casual display of a Starbucks coffee as somewhat risky when sitting in a "new" car - you see, I myself have sometimes spilled food material onto car interiors, and of course this would be very troubling to do on a new vehicle, perhaps one not even your own -- though when we consider Casey's previous demonstrated risk aversion this is no surprise.
May I also point out that his Flickr account reports this photo as having been taken on the 8th? Yes gentlemen, that's right.
And what is he gazing at? He appears to be watching something pass-- perhaps the few tattered shards of dreams and marriage are blowing in the wind. Or perhaps the car lot manager has spied SERCASEY, and is hurriedly walking nearer to shoo him away for the second time that day.
As ever,
he he he got your money back!
I love it!
Let him eat bugs for grocereies next time, but real time!
T is on a roll.
T: "Fuck him!"
Singh, once again, I must exclaim:
You mahvolous Bah stuhd!!!!
great post!
I wonder who took the picture.
Why can't I listen to the talkcast?
I know this is a coal-powered PC I'm on, but jeebus!
So what about the casey emails?
What is he saying/claiming about all this?
All is okay here, once initial buffering was in...
Keep it fresh... good dialog, but rotate some callers, no monolog...
That is a beautiful question T; why would Casey want to create more Caseys?
I like Nacho, but she is on for too long. Move on to the next caller.
Exactly, "T" -- why not steer AWAY from what causes his downfall?
Answer -- he did not fail, he fell forward!
He has just amassed 0% syccess, see Caseypedia entry!
he he he
Like people who inject dope, they want to 'turn on' others to corrupt them.
Caseypedia seems to have crashed.
Ohhhh... itneresting theory: G is in on the long con.
not sure what support is there, but want to hear hypothesis...
Five minutes per caller is way more than enough...
I think he might be right - about Galina - what if the plan is for her to join him doen under...
Fucking Swaaybee!
re- Caseypedia
Yes, it appears to be experiencing "Intermittent Goodness ™" at the moment...
Holy shit. Nigel.
You posted part 1of2 twice....
Nigel sounds gay.
I can almost hear the Chia-hair bristle...
All kidding aside, it seems you are starting to get wise to the boy -- he is a CON!!!
Is this thing on????
I almost feel sorry for Nigey - voice cracking and all!
His last name is pronounced Sway-bee?!?! Damn, half my limericks are defunct!! ;-)
Ah HA -- raking Nigel over comments!
Nigels voice sound exactly like I expect it to.
Nigel sounds a little perturbed and confused, as though he got seduced, screwed, and dumped by his precious turdflake. He is one week away from becoming a haterz!
How come wikipedia hasn't been updated to reflect Casey's "trip" to Australia?
Nigel -- unaffected by complaints lodged against him for professional misconduct -- HIS BOSS LOVES THE SWEET PUBLICITY
All should take note!
I thought people said Nigel has a wife?
Listening to him it's obvious he's a gay man.
If Casey comes back to Sac I am most definitely kicking his azz
Nigel: "I am in marketing...
thought blog would be good way to get my name out there..."
Damn this buffering! Talk shoe blows
New entries have been going into Caseypedia all day. It's a huge amount of information to have hit us in one day. Most of us have real lives.
beating him on NARS...
CHJ, you gotta move along, keep things hoppin' -- unless Nigel is gonna dish inside Casey stuff, let him go...
Yeah, Nigel, your as&%!
I'm sort of amazed at how poised Nigel is staying despite being railed with those questions.
I'm surprised he's not freaking out.
No real problem on my end - and I'm on a slow DSL connection.
Not Caseypedia...the actual Wikipedia article on Casey.
For the love of god, please read the emails.
Stream of income, stream of consciousness, stream of BS...this evening, Nigel almost sounds as though he would like to be honest for a change...
Still, enough already, he has already said what he's going to say, move along, NEXT CALLER!
Steph J @ 7:18 -- you are right... CHJ got right in his grille, and he just said "You have a point... blah blah..."
Never had a problem with talkshoe before tonight but I am late to the game.
Oops - spoke too soon. A 15-20 sec dead spot.
Enough -- I agree with others - let's get to the emails or Casey live (is he on?)
LEt's not talk NARS duplicity here...
I have to say that Nigel is moving from "No respect" to "slight Grudging modicum of respect" on my Hex Her Ban Nation meter...
I'm kind of liking what Nigel is saying about what Casey did to Galina. I know, Satan is on skates... I'm complimenting Nigel.
Nigel acquiting himself pretty well.
But, just played the "young kid" card.
He's upset about KC abandoning G.
Count down to the emails!
five minutes...
four and a half....
Ok, on to the emails, please.
Time to cut him off NOW! I could care less what Casey calls me...
Just one more file to do.
day 1, part 2 /2 up in a few minutes, and that is the last of them.
Enjoy. And sorry for messing up the torrent before.
WHO has been unfair to CAsey?
Sorry, swaber, but he has actually gotten a lot more kid glove treatment and respect than he deserves, IMHO.
Nigel doesn't like labels now.
Nigel's the one who labeled me a Hater.
Too delicious!
I have to say something. Nigel sounds genuinely appalled at Casey's behaviour towards his wife. And I mean genuinely upset - he almost sounded like he was going to start crying over it at one point.
OF course he links to T-shirts.
He is a MARKETER, he admitted it.
Anything for a buck.
Remember, he hitched his wagon to a known admitted SERIAL MORTGAGE FRAUDSTER, who has now absconded.
Nigel's ai'ight. He's not as bad as everyone's made him out to be.
Nigel has probably had wet Galina dreams...
One word describes Nigel:
There is some sort of psychology of him, mocha, and others who always want to excuse criminality, etc.
Guys on death row always have suitors.
Go figure.
And I'm in the queue...
The pleather comments nearly did him in...
Nigel sounds kind of he got in waaaayyyyy over his head...
OMG move on to the emails.
Maybe what he and mocha like and why they support him is they can still ostensibly remain within the law themselves, but vicariously enjoy the thrill of "being" Casey and thumbing nose at convention, laws, society, rules, etc, but never be able to actually be called on it.
Just an idea, maybe I'm all wet.
I think Nigel, on some level, envies Casey.
I agree
Ive made my peace with Nigel recently
Ok Nigel, thanks for your call and your candidness....
Time to move along... keep it fresh... need an Egg Surbian NAtion Egg timer...
tic tic tic
\ | /
/ | \
Duane realted talk will be good for later retrival and analysis, but the Swaby session has been a bit long in one piece...
Casey is an idiot, a selfish bastard and a criminal..
I still think Nigel is a petty schmuck capable of extreme spitefulness, but he is not evil.
Steph @ 7:31:
I <3 Nigel Swayyy Bee
ding ding ding...your time is up!
MOCHA was way more entertaining! At least she is standing by her boy, even if he is a loser.
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