If "little things" like fleeing the country, abandoning your innocent wife, financially devastating your mom, screwing both ends of the Utah wrap and failing to file taxes can pass under his radar I wonder what big things he's hiding. I mean come on, a 1/10th penny stock that he still thinks is going to make money? He wasn't "teasing." Casey still has a toe in this reality and knew how foolish that would look. And how much W-2 equivalent time do you think he spent working the Circus-Circus deal? What dangerous and immoral schemes has he moved on to now? The stock and brokering deals didn't get him this excited. Did he discover a loophole in the international treaty and is now planning on selling Antartica? Boy does our nations' law enforcement make us look bad. We knew last year he wouldn't stop until stopped but they just couldn't be bothered. Turk 182
First to say "Gooday Mate" to KC!
murst... turkeys
Couple spelling and grammar errors Rob:
I mean come on, a 1/10th penny stock that he still thinks is goinfg to make money? He wasn't "teasing." Casey still has a toe in this reality and knew how foolish that would look. And how much W-2 equivalent time do you think he spent work the Circus-Circus deal? What dangerous and immoral schemes has he moved on to now? The stock and brokering deals didn't get him this excited. Did he discover a loophole in the international treaty and is now planning on sell Antartica?
(You - ah - sound a little crook there mate?).
It was interesting to read his response to all this revealing information over on IAFF. He is a good spinmeister. The fantasy is, of course, that a change of scenery will allow him to take "massive action". But then he went to Tahoe to do the same, he's not working a W2 to give himself the time, he lives with his sister in law so he can focus and so forth. But when people get tired of the spin and when those people are the ones closest to him, then the truth comes out. Ah, that does feel like back-stabbing. What casey doesn't realize and refuses to acknowledge is that all these back-stabbers started out as back slappers. Somewhere along the line his behavior convinced them to pick up a shiny pointy thingy.
What new adventures will be revealed today?
best to all
Dear Fellow EN'ers
On behalf of all Canadians, I would like to apologize for the dipstick who loaned $1000 to KC for his migration. Please do not judge us based on this one moron.
And, to add something related to RobDawg's thread origin, Casey is from Sacramento (lots of work on lasers is done in California) and is now in Australia (a LOT of sharks there). You can put the two together to figure out his latest plan.
Fixed. Stumbled out early and don't have my contacts in. Sorry, sleepy and blind is no way to blog.
No worries. Those peepers can be pesky at sparrows fart.
I'm sorry if this has already been posted, but I crapped out after hour 2 of the HaterzCast last night, but...
Holy shit! Nigel appears ready to dish on some real Casey dirt.
So far, the ranks of Haterz has grown to include:
1. Duane
2. Steve Serin
3. LossMitPro (Mark)
4. Galina Serin
5. Nigel
6. Declan?
Who's next to join the parade? Rich Dad? Momma Serin after the collapse of the corporation? Marty? Stay tuned, folks...
What's happened to Caseypedia?
@Northern Renter
I can excuse the Casey donator because they did give us one hell of a storyline to follow. However, Canada also gave us Celine Dion, and that is just absolutely inexcusable.
I didn't read up on Casey over the weekend. To be honest I was trying to avoid him after being frustrated by his "comeback" and but I just can't stay away from the best irritainment out there.
But this Australia episode is the most unbelievable thing he's done (how often have we said that though). I know I'll love reading about it but I'll try not to be shocked when his wife files for divorce (I'm sure her family at least have something squirrelled away for that), or he gets deported or arrested.
I also think it's not unlikely that he could plunge himself further into debt.
He won't have the attention span to write a book (for God's sake he moved half way across the world to "FOCUS"). For Example, you know that he's reading this post RIGHT NOW, not doing any work on his book, AND the 2.2 million, the penny stocks and the Australia thing are not the whole story. There are more things you aren't telling us! What's the Australian Real Estate market like Casey? We know you've checked it out!
Northern Renter et. al.:
As another Canadian I would like to add my apologies to to NR's. Dipshits like that give us a bad name.
I would also like to apologize to the Australians.
The boy is whiny, petulant and amoral.
Oh and I think Caseypedia got overloaded yesterday with all the sweet juice added to it.
hey Walter, I can view Caseypedia just fine. Love those sweet articles.
2 things before I have to leave...
Caseys spin story is cute...
"I didnt leave her penniless.. she just doenst have any money to live on thats all"
Also, I sent this to Galina on Sunday...
"You know as well as I do that Casey will get this story about him “needing to find himself” and “its only temporary”… he will make you to be the bad person like all the times he said you held him back.
Well, as I suspected, Casey has "cracked"; getting scooped on his big Australia trip--and all the dirty laundry about leaving the family coming out--was too much for him, and the itsallgood(tm) facade has broken down, and he's descended into raw anger. I have to say, it's nice to see the real Casey come out for once.
" . . . anybody who is associated with me!
These people did not deserve this!! What did they do?"
Indeed. What did they do to deserve how you have treated them?
Casey just needs a vacation in Australia so that he can properly rewind and make his comeback. Why are you guys hating on him so much?
Married couples take separate vacations all the time -- to me, this is a NON-ISSUE.
Casey Supporterz Fight Back! Talkcast: Friday, June 15, 5PM EST
Did he discover a loophole in the international treaty and is now planning on selling Antartica?
This is our Snowflake we're talking about. He aims for the stars -- first the Moon, then Mars. Nothing less will suffice.
You're betting on the wrong horse. Stop doubling down.
@Tavington, 5:49 (Last Thread)
Do you think that what the Publisher has planned for Casey's material is an "honest living"? He is planning to turn that material in to RE guru crap, and turn Casey into an RE guru. They are going to prey on the stupid and simple-minded for a profit. Eventually, they are going to ruin somebody's life just as bad as Casey has ruined his own. If he were just going to write a book about the experience of buying the houses, starting the blog, losing the houses, and the ordeals involved, I would agree with your and his "honest living" statements...and I would disagree with Rob Dawg posting the site with the book content. But after reading the intentions of the Publisher on IAFF, I was sickened by the plan, and thrilled at Rob Dawg's actions.
Anonymous: were you around when Casey made $3000 in ONE WEEK (that is $150,000 per annum) at the end of May?
Personally, I think Casey is expanding his sweet deal prospects in Aussie land.
Casey Supporterz Fight Back! Talkcast: Friday, June 15, 5PM EST
Apologies if this has already been posted, but thought it interesting that Casey's scam is so widespread that its caught the attention of the Freakonomics guys. For any Supporters that are left, read this and cross your fingers that your retirement plan doesn't have any MBS in it.
No need for Canada to apologize. Australians may feel differently.
Dan, you present your points very eloquently, unlike a lot of HATERZ around here. Although my talkcast this friday is intended to be a one for SUPPORTERZ (I hope Mocha is reading this and is considering to place a call, last night's hatecast was intended to present her unfavorably), I will allow discussions with HATERZ (or constructive CRITICIZERZ) to give credence to the old adage that "all Saints must be judged guilty before they are proven innocent".
Casey Supporterz Fight Back! Talkcast: Friday, June 15, 5PM EST
OK, which one of you is the Tavington troll?
Whew, the 'Pedia lives! Back on and loving it.
sin_fidster: not a troll... i'm the real deal, baby. Come join the podcast this friday where I lay a can of WHOOPASS on da HATERZ.
Casey Supporterz Fight Back! Talkcast: Friday, June 15, 5PM EST
@ "Tavington"
I will allow discussions with HATERZ (or constructive CRITICIZERZ) to give credence to the old adage that "all Saints must be judged guilty before they are proven innocent".
Yeah, and I bet Casey will be a guest on your call, too, right?
Only one person would go out on a limb to defend the indefensible. And only the cheap, moneygrubbing scammers out to make a quick buck would rally 'round the cause. Horse is out of the barn, hon. Time to come home and face your responsibilities.
After Casey shut down the blog, I wrote his this message:
Get your life together. Get a job, get a good credit counselor, pay back
your debt..and become a better man.
If you have God in your life and in your marriage things will turn out
I hope you succeed with moving in this new direction.
A Caring Hater
On June 5th (6 days later) he responds:
Yeah it was a tough decision: wife or the blog (which was actually making money). She didn't want to be so public and I kept crossing the boundary when talking about her and our marriage.
Then the next day he puts the blog back up! So he chooses a Canuck's $1000 over the wife that he says he loves and honors! What a load of shit this Casey Serin is!! Rot in hell you greedy azzhole; and leave God's good name out of it too!
@Khatie "Yeah, and I bet Casey will be a guest on your call, too, right?"
It would be an HONOR if he were to honor my talkcast with his presence. If I see him come on the talkcast, I guarantee that I will put him on first, so that I can speak with this man and legend himself.
Casey Supporterz Fight Back! Talkcast: Friday, June 15, 5PM EST
Tav said,
were you around when Casey made $3000 in ONE WEEK (that is $150,000 per annum) at the end of May?
Maybe math is your strong point seeing as all your brain cells are dedicated to spinning the Casey sage like so much cotton candy by the $2600 was for a month of ads paid in advance.
For now you are mildly entertaining. Please continue. It will be interesting how long you can keep it up.
@Rob Dawg: "Maybe math is your strong point seeing as all your brain cells are dedicated to spinning the Casey sage like so much cotton candy by the $2600 was for a month of ads paid in advance."
All I did was average out the conflicting reports of $2600-$3500 (various sources) to $3000 and multiply that by 50 (sorry, maybe it should have been 52).
Honestly, shutting down the blog was a HUGE mistake on Casey's part (I'm not a Casey gusher like some of you like to accuse me, I can criticize constructively).
The problem with you haterz and you housing bubble watchers is that you're trying to bring down the legitimiate business of real estate investment.
Did you know that you can sell your house, and use the equity as a down payment into a better house--plus get cash back for you to spend as you please? If some of you are sitting on a house that has appreciated in value, IT WOULD BE STUPID for you not to take advantage of an ARM loan to make even more money, and to live in a bigger and better house.
Casey Supporterz Fight Back! Talkcast: Friday, June 15, 5PM EST
Tavington wrote: "I guarantee that I will put him on first, so that I can speak with this man and legend himself."
That's too much. You were quite good, but you've overstepped the mark a bit and we can all see you resplendent in your trolling finery.
Too bad; you were fairly credible initially. Learn from this and remember, less is always more.
You might as well be selling drugs at this time. It's the quick cash you are looking for and very shady at the same time.
Hell, you already committed felonies anyways! I'm sure you will have your band of enablers to motivate you to rip people off!
Good luck with the pills!
Historically, real estate always goes up, this is a fundamental that is not understood by the general public.
Many extremist believers in the so-called "housing bubble" will rent for 10 years to wait for the market to come down and expect it to be a buyer's market.
Real estate always takes 2 steps forward and one steps backward.
Casey, unfortunately, got into the market during that "one steps backward" period. Hopefully, he will learn from this and come back stronger.
Married couples take separate vacations all the time -- to me, this is a NON-ISSUE.
Going to the strip clubs with my friends is not a vacation.
Anyways, what type of man goes to his mom & dad's house down the street to sleep? Is he like 12 yo or something!
Casey is a pussy.
Yeah, but he won't be getting any for a while.
So here's how the story goes from here.....
Casey-Down-Under becomes Casey-Down-And-Out when his host family realizes that he is nothing but a con-artist and leach. They kick him out of the house with nothing but the clothes on his back and the murse over his shoulder. He wanders aimlessly around Australia looking for sweet deals, perhaps dreaming of opportunities to broker large amounts of outback land and muttering to himself "itsallgood". He is not disillusioned at the thought of being broke and homeless in another country, instead he is initially invigorated by the adventure. He spends his days sitting outside Starbucks, sucking up the nearness of being so close to a wireless internet connection, imagining in his head that he does not need a computer, that his brain itself the ability to connect into the internet. He begins to talk to himself as if he's blogging. Strangers walk by and shake their heads at the shaggy, scrawny, disheveled, purse-wearing American who screams out "Haterz!" from time to time. Starbucks eventually has him forcibly removed from their property and he is relegated to sleeping on park benches. Eventually, the mental illness that he has been plagued with for so long takes over his entire conscious being. He no longer remembers his name, but vaguely recalls being called "Snowflake". As Snowflake falls further and further into psychosis, he stops speaking in sentences and can only be heard repeatedly mumbling "itsallgoodfailforwardblueballhaterzmurseleveragemochagoodthingsarecoming". He is picked up by the Aussie police for defecating in public and thrown jail. The judge realizes that their new prisoner is completely insane and remands him to an institution where he will spend the remainder of his days.
I like Tavington. Casey now has two chumps on his side, Marty Stweart and Tav. Between the two of them, they might be able to keep us entertained for a week or so before one of them joins us.
A supporter talkshoe might be entertaining, especially if timeline guy called. To have a successful Talkshoe, you are going to have to limit/get rid of Mocha. Her tactic of talking over people and not listening is annoying.
P.S. Try to get a list of the supporters, a valid list of marks can be quite valuable.
All I did was average out the conflicting reports of $2600-$3500 (various sources) to $3000 and multiply that by 50 (sorry, maybe it should have been 52).
See? Now this isn't a good troll. The $2600 was selling a month of ads. That's still good money IF he could keep it up but he couldn't and you can't.
Since Casey is busting his nut in a threeway with the Australian couple, Galina says that she is fair game!!
lurker: there are more supporterz out there than you will ever know, you can listen to the talkcast this friday.
This is Casey. What is to limit him from selling the same month of ads next week
Once a jolly swagman camped by a billabong,
Under the shade of a coolibah tree,
And he sang as he watched and waited 'til his wheatgrass boiled
"Who'll come a-flipping some houses with me?"
I like Tavington. Casey now has two chumps on his side, Marty Stweart and Tav.
Now be careful. Now that Casey's publisher is known things can change. Look what's happened to everyone else who got too close to Caseyworld™. Today is another day and I've barely gotten started.
@Rob Dawg: "The $2600 was selling a month of ads. That's still good money IF he could keep it up but he couldn't and you can't"
You believe what you want to believe. You assume that Casey's website would remain stagnant and that he could only collect monthly adspace.
Assuming a worst-case scenario--you multply $2600 by 12, and that is a little over $30,000 a year. It doesn't mean that Casey cannot make money persuing other ventures during that time.
You guys. Yes, it's true that Casey's ad revenue was $2600 for a month but there's no reason that he couldn't sell the same 10 spots per month to 100 different people!
Go, Casey-Down-Under!
Bring Australia to its knees!
Oh Tavington, you slay me.
"It doesn't mean that Casey cannot make money persuing other ventures during that time."
Like the GSPG stocks? Maybe this time he can short Exxon.
I'm not a Casey gusher like some of you like to accuse me
--Tavington, 6/12/2007 6:34 AM
It would be an HONOR if he [Casey] were to honor my talkcast with his presence. If I see him come on the talkcast, I guarantee that I will put him on first, so that I can speak with this man and legend himself.
--Tavington, 6/12/2007 6:26 AM
Sometimes it's just TOO easy.
Jeez Tavington - you're gushing so hard, your seat is wet.
Ewwww. My screen is all sticky. Look Tav, there has been one constant through all this. Whatever Casey touches turns to sh!t. Every decision or nondecision has been optimally bad. It is not a matter of perspective or belief. Casey cannot make money. He is hardwired for failure.
Married couples take separate vacations all the time -- to me, this is a NON-ISSUE.
The idiot boy is almost $200k in debt, none of which he is current in paying, does not have a job, has not filed his taxes. He has his wife's credit on the rocks, as well as his mother's. And he takes a vacation every other month. If he came from the Bush family, the liar would be the next president.
I can't even watch the market anymore. This stuff is WAY too interesting! Now Casey is costing me money too!
Just for contrast -- Paris Hilton is growing in jail. Our little snowflake is globe trotting. The similarities in hair styling and life style are strking. Huh, Tavington?
Anonymous: were you around when Casey made $3000 in ONE WEEK (that is $150,000 per annum) at the end of May?
Tav, that's exactly what got Casey screwed in the first place. Multiplying luck. He made 30K on one house, he multiplied it by 8 thinking it would happen each time..he lost 500,000, he didn't make 240,000. You sound just like those gamblers who get lucky at vegas one day and make 1000....gee, multiply that by 365 and I make 365000 per year! I'm gonna quit my job!
Also, if there are so many supporters out there, why do you have to plug your talkcast 3 times on one thread..we get it.
The only ones who support Casey are the ignoramuses and morons out there that WANT to believe that you can get rich quick for doing nothing...like Mocha, and yourself. You have to believe, or else you realize that you can't, and your dreams are dead. Supporters like you are the same people that probably bought into the late night get rich quick informercials, or went to the real estate riches seminars. C'mon Tav, admit it, how many of those courses are lining your bookshelves?
Sorry Casey, no Jamba Juice locations in Australia.
Anon@6:54 wrote 'there's no reason that he couldn't sell the same 10 spots per month to 100 different people!'
Yet there are some reasons why this may not happen. This simplistic thought process, without looking at potential negative outcomes, gets a businessman in trouble. In business, you've got to look at both sides and make an informed decision from there. Casey's business plan is to just fly by the seat of his pants. 'It's all good' is his company's motto. It may work for awhile, but you then have to reach further and further.
But maybe Casey could sell shares of his future to his followers. If they believe so much in him and his dream, why not invest in it? You help him through this difficult time and get rewarded later. Sounds like a win-win to me!
Walter Sobchak said...
"Yeah, but he won't be getting any for a while."
About 2 weeks. Then he starts cheating. When his hosts start getting tired of the annoying deadbeat they have in the house (3 weeks), he starts looking for a "supporter" that he can shack up with. Then he starts a scam to avoid deportation (extradition?)...
Tav says:
Did you know that you can sell your house, and use the equity as a down payment into a better house--plus get cash back for you to spend as you please? If some of you are sitting on a house that has appreciated in value, IT WOULD BE STUPID for you not to take advantage of an ARM loan to make even more money, and to live in a bigger and better house.
RBoy Sez
1) Cash back at closing is illegal in most circumstances, and in the event that it isn't its max amount pretty much covers closing costs
2) Getting an ARM in a rising interest rate environment is stupid.
Galina is in NO WAY "innocent."
This won't get you laid by your repetitive claims of her innocence. Yuo still fuck socks.
If they didn't stash the money they spent it. How else did Galina think her young buck was bringing home the bacon?
If Casey had become a millionaire from these deals you can damn sure bet she would be right there spending it just as fast.
That's what marriage is nowadays. She read the blog I'm sure. She knew the stakes.
While I enjoy your blog your defense of Galina reveals you to be a mangina who thinks women aren't capable of reading or putting together a thought.
She knew and will also be responsible for the debt.
Tavington writes: "It would be an HONOR if he were to honor my talkcast with his presence. If I see him come on the talkcast, I guarantee that I will put him on first, so that I can speak with this man and legend himself."
In case you were wondering, that's where your troll jumped the shark. You were doing great until then!
To Rob Dawg:
Fair enough, I'll tone it down with my promotion.
Remember: It's all good.
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