Get Rich Quick Disasters
Do you know someone who says he or she has a great idea to make a lot of cash overnight? Does this person spend all their time, energy and money trying to make a better this or that? Dr. Phil's guests have their heads in the clouds but no money in the bank, and their loved ones want to give them a reality check. First up, Dave thinks his big–money break is around the corner. He says once one of his deals comes through, he'll being living high on the hog, though for now he lives in a tent. His ex-girlfriend, Diane, says she would marry Dave if he could get his finances figured out. Find out why Dave's mom says she's scared for her son's future. Next, Casey is only 24 but has already racked up $2.2 million in debt with rash real estate investing. He's been foreclosed on, receives calls from creditors, is considering bankruptcy, and recently, his wife handed him divorce papers. He's desperate to save his marriage, but is his wife willing to work things out? And, meet A.J. Khubani, a man who has made millions selling products on TV infomercials. He allows the Dr. Phil cameras to roll as he tells it like it is to wannabe millionaires. Find out which product caught A.J.'s eye, and what he's willing to do for this inventor. Plus, learn how to spot a two billion-dollar scheme that could take you for thousands, and don't miss the get-rich-quick ideas the Dr. Phil viewers submitted. Would you buy them?
Let me see, last time I knew it.. Galina was very camera shy.. she wanted nothing of the publicity. So how is this going to win her back?
Clueless Casey again...
And first, murst, foremost.. I won't touch moist.
Instead of Phil and little Phil.. maybe Casey and little Casey would be more appropriate.. though definitely more scary.. the though of a progenitor.. the mind reels..
Of course, we already know how the stories ends - Dr. Phil tells Casey to get a grip on reality, Casey looks contrite and agrees, then within days, he is back to the same old thing...
Still, it might be fun to watch just to: A) Finally see an episode of Dr. Phil and B) Watch CS perform.
BTW: Has Serin v. Serin worked its way through the courts yet? I know it takes six months to finalize, but have they gotten through the initial steps and are they in that six month period?
Ho Ho Ho - It's Santa Flipper Clause
Is flip-master still alive?
Santa F. Clause
Casey is alive, and doing great. He got his wish and is no longer burdened by a conscience in the form of a spouse asking difficult questions. All he is doing is working for a living. Yep, that's all. Except that the asshole has left ruined neighborhoods and lives and done more to spread moral hazard than anyone since Typhoid Mary.
Casey is a fool. He grifted enough money to live on for many years and then blew it on stupid stuff. Crisp is another fool if he didn't bury at least a million somewhere.
David Crisp did not "bury" a million. Trust me. I have absolutely no idea as to is condition but I can describe the problem. Given: You cannot lose in the long run. Therefor doubling down is a winning strategy.
Happy Slow Down Week!
He grifted enough money to live on for many years and then blew it on stupid stuff.
I think he netted a few hundred thousand. He still has the collectors hounding him for the $200k in credit card and personal loan debt. Even without the Jamba Juice and Macaroni Grill every night, how long would the remnants last in California?
My theory is still that Casey was the patsy for a larger criminal fraud ring. THEY are the ones with the loot.
Lou Minatti wrote: I think he netted a few hundred thousand. He still has the collectors hounding him for the $200k in credit card and personal loan debt. Even without the Jamba Juice and Macaroni Grill every night, how long would the remnants last in California?
Well, $200k might not last long in California, but I could live well on that much cash for life. It wouldn't be glamorous, but it wouldn't be difficult. It sounds to me like if hard times ever hit CA you people are going to be in a world of hurt the way you go through money.
BTW, is it true the people's republic of clownifornia wants to hook up y'alls thermostats up to a central control? Yikes! Methinks big brother is going to be breathing down your neck very soon.
Edgar -
Big brother will be breathing down all our necks very soon.
Well, $200k might not last long in California, but I could live well on that much cash for life.
That would be tough. Assuming that Casey lived off the interest on that $200k, he'd draw about $10k/year. He can rent a clean room for $300/mo. That would leave Our Hero $6400/year, or $123/week for everything else besides basic shelter. It is doable (and I got by with less for years in college), but it would be unacceptable for someone accustomed to Casey's Tahoe-n-Jamba lifestyle. He wouldn't even be able to afford the Jetta. It would be the short bus for Casey when he wants to travel.
Don't forget Big Sister!
Lou, I was thinking more in terms of a used rv and maybe $125 mo for parking. Add in $600 mo living expense = $8700 per year. He couldn't really keep the money in the bank, it might get siezed by the IRS or the courts. $200k cash / $10k per year = 20 years. Work a few odd jobs and you could easily stretch it to 40 years. I guess no way you could do that in CA, but there are at least a couple dozen states where you could.
They charge you to park your van down by the river now? Crappy.
Hi all -
Since I was banned from that other site I'll briefly update those who are interested. Galina is doing fine. Casey is delusional to think she has any interest or desire to see him. She just wants the divorce over and to make a new start.
Hope everyone is doing well.
Holy carp, Fishman!
Casey, you've gone way over your lifetime allotment of fame minutes--in fact, you used another 2,637 over the maximum of fifteen. Please call our customer service number to obtain the total amount of your bill, as the space on our monthly statement doesn't have enough digits to capture it and in fact your statement crashed our system when it attempted to print!
Needless to say, as I drive by the now-rusty pile of crumpled boxcars still sitting off to the side of the tracks where the accident happened, I still have to look.
Will be setting the VCR (sorry, no TIVO for me yet, and I'm still listening to my CDs too) for Wednesday. This is my Dr. Phil-ordered closure, after which I will never speak of Snoflake again . . .
Galina is doing fine.
Nice to hear that she has moved on and not bothering with fliptard™. I hope she can get back on track with her education.
Casey is delusional to think she has any interest or desire to see him.
Another side effect of the Casey RealityDistortionField™. It can also affect the one generating it.
Rob said
Casey is alive, and doing great. He got his wish and is no longer burdened by a conscience in the form of a spouse asking difficult questions. All he is doing is working for a living. Yep, that's all. Except that the asshole has left ruined neighborhoods and lives and done more to spread moral hazard than anyone since Typhoid Mary.
Wow, Dawg, did you ever sum Casey up.
Wonder if a stone cutter will be able to get "the asshole has left ruined neighborhoods and lives and done more to spread moral hazard than anyone since Typhoid Mary."
on Snowflakes tombstone?
This is going to interfere with a ski race. I am not one of those who rubbernecks at car wrecks. But this is special. May have to do my runs late..
Any chance the FBI cuffs him on tv?
I will eat a bad course time to hear those sweet words: "book him Dan-o".
Wait a minute... does this mean the people on Dr Phil aren't acting? I always assumed it was similar to professional wrestling.
The US economy has been saved - President Bush asked very nicely if OPEC can increase its output and thereby lower prices.
This is pretty nutty even for Snowflake. He redid serin.us for about 6 hours. He took it down again overnight.
Annie, getting kicked off that board is a badge of honor.
ogg, yeah, they do, sux don't it?
BTW, ogg, when this bubble plays out many will wish they had a van. Also, living a frugal lifestyle beats the hell out of a rat race existence that has no future, IMO.
I got an e-mail from my pen pal KC:
Subject: Casey on Dr. Phil Show this Wednesday!
Date: Jan 14, 2008 9:27 PM
I will be on the Dr. Phil show this Wednesday!
7PM Chanel 31 in Sacramento. Use this link to look up your state for local stations and times:
I will try to get a recording of it and post it here: http://serin.us
My Current Status:
The show was taped a few months ago. I'm still trying to save my marriage. Following Dr. Phil's advice by staying off-line and working a steady job. Unfortunately there hasn't been much progress. Still hoping though. Prayers appreciated!!
And I still have 250 to 500K of defaulted debt and foreclosure deficiencies to deal with (plus other more serious legal issues). And I don't think bankruptcy will be a good move for me.
I'd love to pay it all off instead. That would be a sweet comeback story. We'll see...
By the way, do you know anybody who is facing foreclosure?
I can help by sharing my experience of going through 6 foreclosures, dealing with short sales, 1099s, deficiency judgments, etc. I was blessed with some great lessons.
Casey Serin
I'm so lucky!
All this does is keep Casey fresh in the news which is the last thing he needs. Sometimnes Dr Phill suffers from diarrhea of the mouth! The publicity generated by Casey's appearance in the show will only fuel his addiction to fame!
@ Edgar:
BTW, ogg, when this bubble plays out many will wish they had a van.
So... 4 years from now we'll turn on the news and hear all about the collapse of the used-van bubble?
Dr. Phil is probably the biggest douchebag on TV right now and despise anything he is associated with, but now I have to make an exception to watch for the flip-tard story.
I place Dr. Phil lower than Jerry Springer. Jerry is just a moderator compared to Phil being an instigator.
I went upstairs to watch the walking trainwreck. No reason to chance of getting totally pissed and destroying the plasma when the hd tube tv is so much more sturdy.
Old Doc Phil basically said:
You wife does not want to have anything to do with you. It has gone from creditors, and banks and the FBI calling to a peaceful existance. She does not want you back.
Then Dr Phill started talking like his staff had read this blog.
My favorite "maybe a boring job where you pay off the 500k is what you need. May be not looking for a home run is best for you"
Guess he did not want to use "Get a W-2 job you loser".
Would have loved an intervention with the gang here, but I guess that was not in the cards.
Snowflake is still deluding himself.
G. if you are reading here, you did the right thing.
couple of good things did come out of the interview.
first, Casey made it clear he was inspired by Rober Kiyosaki's Rich Dad/Poor Dad series. hopefully this type of negative endorsement just saved a Rich Dad/Poor Dad reader somewhere out there.
second, Casey wanted to plug his book. Dr. Phil would have none of that. so it was Dr. Phil 1, Casey 0.
on more thing...
on the show Dr. Phil said the Fed called Casey... so how come he is still walking around free?
What was that part of the show when Dr. Phil said that Casey was rude to the production crew? I had to rewind a couple of times to make sure I wasn't hearing things.
I would love to meet Galina in a club. Getting a young trophy wife from a failure is better than picking up parts of his failed empire cheap...
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