No camera? no multitasking? No flash support? I wanted this:

And got this instead:

iPad. Mrs. Dawg's first comment was "Cripes, didn't they have any women involved in naming that thing? Will the upgraded model be called MaxiPad?"
Predictions: When shipped 32/64/128Gb for the same prices. Massive educational ties-ins will be announced soon. There will be a storage option.
And let's face it, no camera, no storage port equals no teen market.
Nobody will foreclose on my firstness....
Sorry, just can't get excited about this "latest" technology
I get the 1984 reference.
My son shattered the glass on my iPod last week. It still works, so I don't plan to buy a new one until the next gen. But this is a big reason why I (and millions of others) will be reluctant to shell out $600-$700. Shattered iPad's everywhere.
I expected a bit more. Tablet PCs already exist ... they have larger screens than this. I want a 15" screen like on my laptop (since the on-screen keyboard is going to take away some space there when you use it), plenty of USB ports, maybe an optical drive. Even if the thing ends up a little thicker it would be worth it to have more functionality.
A day after delivering a State of the Union address aimed at showing recession-weary Americans he understands their struggles, President Barack Obama intends to award $8 billion in stimulus funds to develop high-speed rail corridors and sell the program as a jobs creator.
As soon as oil gets expensive again -- like it already is in the countries that have high speed rail -- we will be ready. As it is, we have very little to fall back on. That day will come very soon.
Look at how expensive it is to fly to most cities. The fare war to San Francisco will not last.
Just thinking about that perhaps-defunct Cali HSR scheme discussed a couple of posts below. A $42B SF to LA line comes out to about $100 million per mile ... unbelievable.
CAHSR just keeps getting worse and worse and yet the zealots keep racking up victories. The date has been pushed back years. The build has been engineered so that it will be useless when it runs out of money. Get this; SF to Merced and Anaheim to LA first. See the evil plan? They have $11.2b of the ~$60b they'll need. Ticket prices have tripled but get this. That's okay because of peak oil airplane tickets are expected to triple as well thus maintaining a price advantage. Funny how airline prices haven't risen that much ever in the past. The business model was never viable. They expect Bakersfield to spend billions on a station and eminent domain to take land and give it all to CAHSR. Yeah, riight.
Do you think this is going to get any cheaper as time goes by? That never happens. Do it now, or suffer the consequences when oil goes up. Nobody is predicting cheap oil.
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