From Craigslist:
Completely working fountain, pump newer and active. Provides quiet water serenity flowing down seashell background.
Lions Heads in Picture are just sitting on Fountain.......They are not attached, and don't go with the fountain. If interested, a deal can be made for the lions heads as well. They are in need of tubing and water source to sput water out their mouths.
The fountain breaks down in to 3 pieces and is very heavy. Would require strentgth.
Divorcing/Moving, need to downsize, and sadly cannot take it with me this time.
It starts small and poor but it gets bigger and more upscale. The great dispersal begins.
Four months off and all we get is a craigslist ad? No fishnets, no CA gov't debt insanity, no planning debacles?
Welcome back anyway.
Welcome back - you've been missed!
No fishnets, no CA gov't debt insanity, no planning debacles?
Soon. I just stopped because there wasn't enough original content to contribute. Those batteries are recharged.
Well then!
Welcome back Dawg!
Almost NFL season, whoo hoo!
The end of summer break...
What was Heaven (or Hell) like, Mr. Coté...?
Sure it wasn't Jim's comment that got you off your...
...hiatus? ;-)
Glad to see you posting again!!!
I'll just go along like nothing ever happened.
Congrats on your resurrection.
You're just in time. California is about to start issuing IOUs again.
Who is Rob Dog?
Enough silliness.
Rob, your kids ever do 4H? We just came back from a week at the fair.
Starting to see a lot of housing coming up in neighborhoods that had withstood the initial hits. Lots of bank owned stuff starting to trickle out.
Not sure if they can keep it up or if we'll prices drop even more dramatically. Waiting on the sidelines to find out...
Oh, and welcome back Rob... you were missed.
He never stops.
Re: iamfightingforeclosure
Holy crap... blogs may come and blogs may go, but stupid lives on.
Another retread of the same story. Well, the spiral continues further and further down. Bottom can't be THAT far off, can it?
Rob - no comment on "Furlough Fridays" or the state going back to IOU's?
Sadly, it's become the norm in CA.
Casey's blog is offline again. The link is redirected to the island site, where it says: "There is no reason to fight. Peace ~".
I am now convinced that Casey is lazy. He saw my $600 AlertPay receipt showing that I got paid for one of my new business ventures and he did not sign up (he answered to me "Good job!"). I don't care if you think that one must be worthless, too. In his position (I would assume he's not earning much, if anything), anybody who's not lazy would have jumped on the opportunity while it lasts. That, and not finishing his lame book(s) shows that he's very lazy.
Great one from my brother in AZ today. Before work he rides his bike to the grocery store. Practically everyone in line is buying something with WIC or food "stamps" (really a swipe card). They all get into cars to drive home, though.
So why don't people sign up for a grocery delivery business like My Harvest America, MPB Today or eHome Delivery? That could solve their problem.
Welcome back, Dawg.
Kalifornia to loot CALPERS to prop up the current budget:
First, Casey un-friended me on Facebook, and then Rob dropped off the planet. It was almost too much to bear. Welcome back. What do you think of the corruption of Oxnard?
You know, Rob, the idea of a quarterly blog post... not working.
Take this abomination down. :-)
I want him to keep going at least until December. Some of the Christmas eye-candy was spank-bank.
Harrisburg PA defaults on it's bonds... does that rise to the level needed for a post?
World's most expensive car in your neighborhood.
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