Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Eh.. Wha.... What Year is it?


2014 looks interesting.  Let's take it for a spin. 


sk said...

Yes. lets meet up. The big takeaway from the India visit was that face to face interactions with named/lookupable individuals is wayyyy more real than anonymous virtual ones. To go numeric : Even a two hour convo at an airport bar, with someone with whom you've exchanged business cards, beats 3 years of anonymous virtual convos. Anonymous people on the net are simply not what one cracks them up to be.
O yes, my 2014 project - dental tourism to the border areas of Mexico. With a 20K quote for dental work to improve on, I have some incentives to spend the blood sweat and tears in understanding this. I'll share what I learn and experience with you if you are interested. And along the way no doubt I'll learn more about medical and pharma tourism to borderland Mexico too.

Cinco-X said...

sk said... Anonymous people on the net are simply not what one cracks them up to be.'ve never met me! BTW, was LBD on the last thread actually Lobbyist Ben Dover?

Rob Dawg said...

Yes, LBD. There are a lot of quality people that got tired of the KP & yogi show.

sk said...

I don't mean you, Cinco-X :-) and that well illustrates the issues with critiquing this. Maybe a critique could be a project for 2014 for me and it will take time - an age perhaps. There are aspects of HCN that are "time-pass" which is fine and dandy in moderation but should one really spend time with coarse and uncaring individuals and with vendettas ? Not me. So I used the ignore button a LOT. But that wasn't sufficient. Never mind not listening to coarse people, do you want people to know that you hang out regularly in joints inhabited by such people. Sure sure, not all are like that, but its STILL a place that tolerates a section where rude regulars hang out. I don't want to be seen there anymore

Unknown said...

Gotta agree with SKK. Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded.

Anonymous said...
