I suggest F-GAMA. Pronounced "Eff gamma."
I don't understand investing "gamma." I understand the math. I just don't understand why or how it yields investable data. Even data at all for that matter.
Same here with these stocks. Facebook, social media monetizing eyeballs. Amazon, virtual Walmart and universal intermediary. Apple, digital eco-space creator charging admission. Microsoft, hardware and software and tenuous legacy. Alphabet, big data exploiter and spaghetti angel investor. Why in the world would anyone put these companies in the same box?
Full disclosure. I own APPL and it had a bad day. Down. A lot. On no real news. Like I said, there are things I do not understand about how others invest. I do understand that as a minnow in a big ocean that there are huge predaturds who invest solely to harvest minnows.
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Insane Tomatoes |
My tomatoes don't look like that.
I was gonna go look at them, but. . Rain. Half an inch so far today, a bit more than 7 for the Month. so far. Pool water at the top. Raining even harder again.
re: Apple..there were some stories floating around speculating that the IP8 would be a full generation behind their Android competitors in data speeds next year. The top of the line Androids will be sporting modems capable of gigabit speeds..Apple a full generation behind (they split their modem purchases between Intel & Qualcomm..and Intel's are slower..so they cripple them all to maintain "parity").
Not sure if that was the reason for the big drop yesterday (more likely just some profit taking)..but probably didn't help.
Wow... So that's what you use to decode Mary's posts...
Um, what exactly would someone connect one's cell phone to with a gigabit modem?
OTOH, from the department of famous last words: 100 megabits ought to be enough for anyone!
lol..yeah you answered your own question.
Faster is always better..(though not sure it means that much to the typical IP fan)
overheard at Whole Foods today..two millennial "gamer" types talking..
"my problem is that there is always so much else going on in that game outside of the laser sabers..that I can't really isolate the capabilities of the laser saber..know what I mean??"
Gamer friend nods his head in sympathy..
Streaming video of my tomato plants of course.
seriously though. i am a good photographer. My pictures were the keepers. the ones people wanted a copy of. Now when I go on vacation it is twenty people and a dozen recording the moment. "Hey, are you guys enjoying your vacation like we are?" "We aren't sure. We won't know until we get home and download all the pictures we took."
Several plants have blown through their extra large cages. I nailed together some trellises (trelli?) and ran some string for them. Thank God for table saws and air nailers. You can see in the picture I made a few small redwood cages as well.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the Apple drop was profit taking. There are a lot like me who rebalance a couple times per year when price rises make a position too large relative to our meager portfolios.
it was a bit of a "non-story" anyways..Apple has always taken a "n-1" approach with their modems anyways. Their application processors (in-house) are top notch..graphics chips (Imagination I believe) are pretty good..but they've never put a priority on being leading edge with their modems.
Certainly hasn't hurt them in the past...but with 5G looming..and AR/VR catching on (slowly)..might end up being a problem (or not).
I am afraid Apple is entering the "just don't fuck up" phase of all corporations. That would be fatal.
I do understand being unwilling to take the first AR/VR bullets. Someone is going to walk into and open manhole and if they are using an Apple product... well do the liability pockets get any deeper?
Other stuff i do not understand. Take a small price hit and go with SD slots. Sure you won't sell the more expensive units but you will sell a crapton more of the base unit which also means you save on producing the base model.
yeah the Android OEM's are usually the ones pushing the technology envelope..because they need to differentiate themselves from the dozens of other Android competitors. Apple kind of lays back and moves a bit slower in technology adoption. They know what they can get away with with their customer base..and lagging strategically keeps the BOM down too.
ahhhhh..the simple pleasures of life..
beautiful summer day out on the deck..growler of Mack & Jacks Amber Ale by my side..good tunes cranking...need some sports now...Canadian football on ESPN 3?? why not!!
CFL?!? There has to be a rugby game or at the very least some Aussie Rules on one of those channels.
Sam Adams Hopscape here. Recommended.
false alarm..my Sling TV had Canadian football on their guide...but that appears incorrect..
so my choices are soccer or NCAA womens championship discus throwing....
tough choice..but soccer it is!!
I would burn in Hell for the response I am suppressing.
if you were thinking..
"Sponsored by Snap on Tools" shame on you!!
"Better chance of scoring?" [we are so in trouble]
Rough day over here. After spraying weeds it was off to a BBQ festival in town than a nap. Resting up to hook the truck up to the motor home and off for a short road trip to Kalirado. :)
yes..and we all know what happens in Kalirado.. ;<)
two blocks from where I live..a guy stands on the corner all day with a big pointy sign that says Weed!!..waving it around and dancing...pointing at the store on the corner..
where were these guys when I was in college??
ok..growler is almost gone..luckily I bought a back up bottle of "C U Later"..their beer of the month..which also is what I might hear from my gf when she comes home.. ;<)
oh oh..CU Lator is the color of coca cola...
might be trouble
if you like Guinness...you'd like "C U Lator"
Just finished a Guinness Foreign Export by coincidence.
I also updated the post to show today's tomato plants as yesterday's are so yesterday.
yeah this ones kicking my butt.
still no sports to be found..
IHRA National Championship..
what is that??
Anti-Sharia protesters faced off with "Stand by your Muslim Neighbors" protesters in Seattle today...I'm sure that went well
Hot Rods. My BiL might be there. He loves that stuff.
Brewers in Phoenix tonight..I may make it
ELO Zoom Tour Live..(available on YouTube)
first three songs..how are those not the best ever recorded??
Isn't there a 24 hour women's Beach volleyball channel in your area?
you know..that should just be going on 24 hrs a day on some channel
Good morNing
Good Morning!
Road trip stats now! :)
I chopped a little around my snow on the mountain spurgeplant, which had had fire ants at the bottom. I put corn meal at the bottom and it seemed to do nothing. However , now, the ants seem to begone. There's a small ant pile in the grass, but I can live with that. Or pour boiling water on it. Dont care if I kill some grass.
Chopping sawgrass that is.
House up another 150$. Will I be richer than dawg?
Nah. But I'll spend more my than him.
Of my and the hub's money. . .
But but houses never go down. The zillbot says -$150/day!
Good morning all.
Liz what do you think of the trellises? I added a new picture to the post.
Altho I spend a lot on plants and dirt, and it was too hot for me to keep weeding and chopping at 8:00 a m here. As well as wet . Cat escaped during rain, looked around in all directions and ran back in.
Neato. My tomatoes tend to flop over but I think that's because what I tie them to isn't tall enough. I piled some bricks under one to lift it up a little off the ground. The husky red has rows of green tomatoes and the green beans have lots of picks purpLe buds on them. Pre beans!!
Cats do not "escape." Cats pull surprise inspections of less frequented areas of their vast domains.
A little nervous about the market action Friday. Sunday night futures might be important.
New post.
Off too eat breakfast and listen to the hub's talk on Ligo. I'm proud to say I told him of 2 more wave bumps.
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