We all know that price reductions are useful indicators. For some time even overpriced listings sat until the market caught up with the asking price. But now we are seeing real reductions. Still late and small meeting the market half way but reductions.
Well, think goodness, T couldn't take the heat. Base will be mad.
Looks like some want to sell and others still fishing.
T bent to politics. To much emotion out there and little thinking. IMO.
Most of them are down some, but not a lot
Isnt the idea something cozy and charming in the woods. Not nearly 3k sqate feet?
Crying babies in a cage causing emotion is hard wired right into us.
Yes it is but thinking and weighing the facts are the sign of smart people who can't be manipulated. IMO
Trump got the Dems to beg him to exercise executive powers and they are going to get it good and hard. I doubt keeping kids with their parents in an expedited deportation process while in prison is what the Dems were shouting for.
Price reductions = "nobody's showed my house for a month!"
I wonder why the deportation process hasn't been expedited from day one. Why detain at all?
We give amnesty. That has to be investigated and determined. From criminal gangs in Hondoras. Maybe we should pay to move scared people out of Chicago.
The amnesty is a law too. If you want to change it enlist congress
( hah )
You can't put a kid in prison. If he didn't do something criminal.
These reductions seem small to me, but what do I know, I'm not from California. And I never will be.
It was some Repubs too. It might inspire them to be more rebellious.
If you really want to case trouble, kick any new Cuban refugees out. That requires changing the law too.
It's only 20 days
Good Morning!
Spent yesterday at the tax assessors office. successful at reducing three properties. One was way off the chart and we got it down to insane. They will have a new computer program next year and I bet the values go up more as the news says it will reflect off of new building cost. A lot of these old house where made out of fire wood.
Make it forever, don't let them stay. They can stay in Mexico till they are processed. Claim is 20% qualify to stay in the US. Control needs to be enforced. Mexico would stop letting people through their country if they had to support these folks during the process.
Mexico sometimes does give them a hard time. They are illegal in Mexico too I bet. By the way the recent Mexican flow is the other way.
Suppose the Mexicans sent their army and wouldn't let them back in. People without a country?
What if some kids die or get very sick in those cages?
T is great at moving the overton window. People now giving him credit for NOT separating children anymore...
Let's see what happens when the 20 days are up.
I doubt any legislation will be passed that T would like in the next 20 days, except another extension.
Who's responsibility of the children controlled by? The parents! Mexico should defend their southern boarder as a sovereign nation. Most of these people are not Mexican. Maybe it's time for the US flag to fly over the Mexican nation again? Will this mess go that far? Trojan horse has been planted. Crazy! =:o>
Cohgen wants T to pay his legal fees. Can't say that I blame him.
How are they getting back to Nicaragua? Some American airlines won't fly them, and someone has to pay.
I betcha some of those kids are lost.
You think we should invade Mexico?????
It I were a teen locked in those cages, I'd try to find a way to escape.
Dow drifting down. Buy the dip?
No, just a question because many Mexicans think they own the southwest which was real first conquered by the Spaniards from the NA Indians. Mexicans fought the Spaniards and won. We took Mexico by war and they lost the whole country but we gave most of it back.
I don't really care how they get back, dump them at the boarder where they illegally entered the country. Time Mexico help stop this mess they profit from. Friend or foe?
Why escape when you spend your time and get out to run free. Till then the old saying three hots and a cot. No down side.
Mexico doesn't have the money to secure it's own border and you expect them to help secure ours?
Yes, I'm sure that being separated from your family, crammed into a confined space with 2000 other crying children who have questionable vaccination records, and being supervised 24/7 by ICE agents who hold you all in contempt has no downside.
International law makes it clear that asylum is only valid in the first country you land in.
Asylum is fleeing "from" not heading "to."
Today they interpret laws to be enforced or ignored as they wish. Some how we need to go back to enforcing laws or changing them. Congress? The real Space Cadets. IMO
Flew down to Wrightwood on Google Airlines. Nice little town, somewhat like a high desert Truckee.
>Flew down to Wrightwood on Google Airlines. Nice little town, somewhat like a high desert Truckee.
Except tucked in a small valley only 100 miles from the Great Sewer.
Back in the day, early 50's or late 40's when I was farmed out to my brother, I remember a trip with him up to play in the snow past Wrightwood. The Bro and his friends made a toboggan run where we all got very snowy. At the end of the day my memory is of driving out and watching a car coming towards us plow into the 3feet of snow channeling the road. The Bro did not stop.
Truckee is at the end of the Donner Lake glacier carved valley. Past Truckee is Martis Valley where the flat ground and the airport is. I was going to post some of Truckee on Zillow but thought not. Damned rich area. Great school system because of the high property values. We are lucky as the cabin is Prop 13. The cabin next door is Zillowed at 5M. STAY AWAY!!!
How does Mexico profit from even poorer Nicauraguans?
Congressional faults--that I agree with.
Are we ready for an Empire?
My word.
Drug smuggling, passage protection, coyotes, theft, sales of food, fuel, etc.
We are an empire trying to destroy ourselves. Europe is coming unglued from mass immigration. Not much news about it here. IMO.
We buy the damned drugs, what you you by sales of food?
Illegals crossing the country need supplies probably at gouge prices.
Yes we buy the drugs, another way to destroy the minds of people. Now that Kali is pot legal my friends from Colorado say the homeless problem has dropped a lot. We care more about illegals then the homeless people of our own country. This is not going to end well.
Next month will be 30 years since I quit drinking. What a waste of time, money and brain cells. :)
Good Morning!
No rain for a day, cool still.
Good Morning. They went to get cheaper/safer pot??
Hey, it's not the fault of South America that we buy their drugs.
Medical pot is kind of legAl here. Docs can prescribe it for 10 ailments, don't know which.
Kali beach weather and not freezing winters.
It's our fault we buy drugs just like it's our fault for not having a proper immigration policy with enforcement. Congress and weak past Presidents amplified a problem that should have been fix decades ago.
Pot served as a taboo drug now the mystic moves up to hard drugs. I hear pot of today can be extremely strong compared to the past plus what is really mixed in, especially food products. American discipline has to be at an all time low. IMO
Good news on the privacy front. Warrants required bbn for cell phones
Is meth worse than oxy?
Check with a drug user. I have no experience expect Alcohol, so both are bad to me.
I dont think I know any, or, I don't know that I know any.
Meth is worse for teeth, i know.
I hear the is a structure in the brain which affects addictive tendencies.
SoCal is the last stop before the drain. You see all kinds. Perhaps the worst are those who had so much to lose and took sop long to lose it.
I'm sad and will put up a happy post in a few hours.
We are at Wrightwood north, Truckee, for the weekend as hot temps are predicted for Hoter Than Hell, AKA Cool.
The bebe is as big as a winter mellon or pomerian.
Couple of weeks. Our afternoon thunderstorm is approaching.
Mudbiker is still around. I emailed him and he responded. I hope outsider and Josap are around
Heavy rain here
liz: josap posts on Mudbiker. Bummed about the border kids.
Beautiful weather at Donner Lake. We may get some monsoon rain in August.
Bummed which way?
How about the cheerful post? I could use some cheer.
Notice that in all these tv spots, pence is standing slightly off to the side behind T?
Good Morning!
Everyday is good, some are better. :)
Up early off to the Farmers market. Not much for fresh veggies a little early for growing season. Next a float in the pool after 1/2 pound cheddar cheese urges on the flattop.
The boarder problem isn't fixed so that subject will go to the back burner as soon as something big takes it's place.
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