Duane LeGate reports as reputedly from Casey Serin:
Keith, just kidding... I'm not going back online. But I guess I can give you "final statement".
After all, it was your HousingPanic blog that gave me the first spot-light (and the first "haterz"), so I'll pay you back the favor.
I hope this message is taken as sincere. I have no more reasons to "spin" anything...
I'm working a stable consulting job for an experienced entrepreneur.
Consulting is a generic term which means I'm doing whatever needs to be done. The best part is I have a slice of ownership in the venture.
So its the best of both worlds - the stability of a 9-5 with weekly paychecks while still giving me lots of flexibility, a chance to build something and share in the profits. Very much a blessing. So I'm getting back on my feet financially, though very slowly.
Trying hard, REALLY hard, to not get distracted too much by "pie in the sky" stuff and my temptation to go back online and in media.
Turning down the Dr. Phil show recently was a very tough one! I have to remember that it was the online/media over-exposure that was the "last straw" in my marriage breakup, amongst many other things.
Its obvious that I cared much more about my "fame" and potential sweet deals/opportunities that might come as a result, than the concerns of my wife and our unity. Also there was that hand-written promise I made to her to shut down the blog, get a job and lay low for 2 years or more. I want to keep that promise, even if I never get back with her. It's the right thing to do and will teach me to honor my word.
And yes my wife and I are still separated, unfortunately. I am learning some really really hard lessons about how fragile relationships really are. As I'm sitting here all alone typing this email at 4:48am (all nighter), I'm thinking back to a time when she was right here by my side. Man, how stupid I was to ruin such a great thing! Now I can only work on making things right in my life and pray that God gives me another chance with her.
As you've seen, I sold the blog for 50K - huge thanks to Aaron Krowne of www.ml-implode.com. I finally did the right thing (though reluctantly at first) by paying off all the debt that was in my wife's name as well as most of our private loans. It was really my own debt.
She trusted me with her credit to use for the real estate deals.
What did I do? I ruined it and broke her trust (not the first time unfortunately).
Paying off that debt took a little over 40k. Plus there were a couple of previous "partners" that I had to pay to make things right -- more painful lessons on promising too many things to people and not keeping those promises. The attorney fees to undo some of those entangling relationships took a big chunk. G kept the Jetta so I also bought a cheap used car for myself for 3K. So that's where that 50 grand went.
All gone, but for a good purpose.
Not sure what I'm gonna do about the approx 500K of debt still in my name. That figure includes both credit cards, deficiencies on mortgages and a private loan. Its just an estimate as I won't know until all my bank-owned properties get sold. My desire is still to find a way to pay back "every dirty penny", but I also have to be realistic. I am considering Chapter 13 bankruptcy. It forces lenders into a repayment plan and I can start cracking away at it. But I'm not sure yet if that's the right plan. Too much things are still up in the air. We'll see.
As far as FBI and "mortgage fraud "investigation goes, I don't have any news. Last I heard they still have a file on me and perhaps they're just taking their sweet time. I do have a defense attorney and plenty of proof to show I did not have any criminal intent and had plenty of reliance on professionals.
Of course I made some bad business and ethical decisions with the loans. Then I was naive enough to blog about it in vivid detail and let people blow it out of proportion. It was fueled my idealistic desire to help others by sharing my experience of what "not to do". I sure hope my story helped some people, both those facing foreclosure and especially newbie investors to be more careful.
I am not excusing my behavior and am ready to do whatever I can to "right the wrongs", like attempt to pay off the debt. All I know is I have to continue doing the right thing and let the "chips fall where they may". Living in fear is not going to do me any good.
Man, do I wish I didn't have to go through all this crap but I was blinded by my reckless pursuit of financial success. It was definitely fun and adventurous at the time (like the Australia trip), brought me some great contacts and relationships, etc. In the end it was much more harm than good. Loosing my wife that is.
Having said that... I'm not giving up on my dreams of financial success. God gave me those desires for a reason. Instead I am even more determined to pursue it but in a safer way - even if takes
longer. Biggest thing is I must put my loved ones first. For it is
because of them, my family and friends, that I want to become financially independent. I'm looking forward to that day when I can share my abundance with them. But in the mean time I have plenty of non-financial abundance I can share - love, caring, quality time, etc.
About 3 weeks ago my 25th birthday came and went. I did not accomplish my goal of 5K/mo passive income - a goal I set 7 years earlier. I'm OK with that. The truly tough part was not being with The One whom I really wanted to share that special moment with. I guess we take for granted the things that truly matter (relationships), until they're taken from us.
Anyway... this is the last the online world will hear from me for a long long time. All in all, the past year has been some of the craziest times of my life. That's for sure. I thank both the haterz and the supporterz. Everybody played a role.
In closing, I will say my favorite line.... "Its all good!" I'm
still an optimist but (hopefully) getting wiser through painful lessons and many lonely nights.
Casey Serin
I know better but I also know we need to talk about this first.
This calls for a Murst!
I've started my first semester of Law School, one of my classes is Real Estate Transactions. Every day in that class i think of Casey and his antics.
It is nice to hear that G is still sane and is staying away from him.
Thank you for the KC update.
So, Casey lies. Wow. I'm hardly surprised. Casey is still free. Two answers; I'm surprised because I patheticaly hold to a functioning legal syatem. Second; I'm not surprised because in a weird egotistical "center of the universe" way I thought he would eventually pay.
Casey has already visited more of this world, more countries more wonders, consumed more of its resources than I ever will. He has already "won." No amount of Casey being punished will ever justify whjat has already transpired.
Thanks for posting the update Rob!
Closure is a good thing.
But wow, turning down the Dr. Phil show? I can't even imagine how hard that was to do for our favorite snowflake. Kudos to him if it's true.
I was gonna post about this tonight, but now is good a time as any. Aren't Snowflake's taxes due right about now?
Just seen this somewhere else so had to come here and see what you all thought. I just don't think it's Casey. Maybe I've lost touch with his style but, to me, that doesn't "feel right" for Casey. Am I just out of touch?
If this is "closure" think of the consequences. I am not comfortable at this point. Casey has to date suffered no consequences.
The world likes Casey Serins to make us feel better about our situation.
"Hey at least I'm not Casey Serin!"
It becomes a problem when too many people have his attitude, a critical mass is reache, then that society cannot function for every worker bee there are 2 casey's trying to make a living off his back. the crash happens as we are witnessing.
I'm ashamed to admit I bought the book '4hour workweek' to see how dumb it was. ITS DUMBER THAN CASEYS OLD BLOG. The guy is mostly bragging about how lazy he is and making sweeping statements like 'you be like the 21 year old who drives a lamgorghini!' WTF? Its totally a kiyosaki BS book. typical casey scaminar crap.
There are very few RE books I can recommend (john t reed, robert campbell - maybe 1 other i forgot).
Fliptard seemed pretty lucid in the beginning and middle of the email/post, but started drifting back to his old mindset towards the end.
If what he says about paying off G's stuff and old acqaintances is true... good. Otherwise, he's lying and had learned to do his next con in the privacy of the offline world.
I have Paul singing Scrambled Eggs in my head .... oh wait, Yesterday "I'm not half the man I used to be ..." and re: FBI "There's a shadow hanging over me ..."
I've offered my own take over on
Rob: "If this is 'closure' think of the consequences. I am not comfortable at this point. Casey has to date suffered no consequences."
He lost his wife (and sounds like he's not getting her back), that's a real consequence, albeit a personal one and not a legal or financial one. Oh, and he lost the Jetta, too . . . so there's one small financial consequence.
And if he paid of all of his wife's debt, or even most of it (and there's no reason to doubt that), he did the right thing for once in his life.
What's especially frustrating, however, is that he didn't describe what kind of consulting he's doing! Come on, he's our most reliable leading indicator of financial failure, we need to know what industry is set to collapse! High tech consulting, management consulting, financial consulting (he's qualified for none of those, of course) . . . where has the get-rich-quick mindset migrated to?
I would bet $ he is working with a 'make money investing in foreclosures' guru/investor/scamniar/cd and book program.
"Hey, hes experienced in foreclosures!!"
oh man.
I would bet $ he is working with a 'make money investing in foreclosures' guru/investor/scamniar/cd and book program.
I bet you're right. I bet Snowflake will be doing roadshows. The one thing he can do well is turn on the charm and spout BS.
Loosing his wife was a consequence of his actions. So he has suffered some. I suspect the FBI has a lot more and a lot bigger fish to fry so as long as he keeps his infamy down he probably will not go to trial. If he actually turned down Dr Phil, he has gained a milligram of wisdom.
I am guessing his roadshow/book/scaminar will be about fighting foreclosure. Casey has a negative credibility on real estate investing but he has been through foreclosure a few times and was introduced to the scammers who think they can prevent it.
Casey lost Galina because he lied cherated and stole and not only lied, cheated and stole but got caught on each and so much more. I don't appreciate any implications that he "suffers" from this aspect of his pathology. The contrapositive is that telling the truth, dealing honestly and not breaking the law is somehow a ceiling and not a floor of basic human behavior.
Thanks for the update!
I found a Casey-related post on usenet all the way back from 1997:
The above link leads to a post titled:
" $$FAST-N-EASEY CASH$$ NO risk, NOT a scam!!"
Casey apparently was even trying to get passive income when he was a young teenager.
(sniff) In the old days there would have been 100 posts by now. Akubi, Casey in fishnets?
Casey has sent a followup to this morning's email. It can be viewed here...
Yep, he's working for a scaminar co.
If this is "closure" think of the consequences. I am not comfortable at this point. Casey has to date suffered no consequences.
Like others have said, losing G was a huge blow to him.
Other than some of the scumbags in his "investment" clubs he never, ever mentioned any friends.
G was the only person who put up with his bullshit. No one else could stand his flakiness, lies, delsusions, etc.
He realizes that now, which is why he is fixated on her. He's still going on about the contracts and promises that he already busted with her. Give it up Casey, she's GONE!
Damn, still breaking his promises, working for a scaminar company, no meaningful consequences, not even a little poop in his shoes...
I hope this message is taken as sincere. I have no more reasons to "spin" anything...
I'm lying my ass off.
Elizabeth posted this on ch.c. I thought it was funny enough to cross post
Sick of your spouse chasing million dollar ideas
So he got $50K cash, spent every single dime of it, and didn't save any for taxes? Yes, this sounds like Casey all right!
I dunno guys, seems to me that Casey's testing the waters. I mean he's a little better spoken, not quite as frenetic as he once was...I think he's honing his "Tone" for his trip into foreclosure guru-ville. Aaron pointed out in the previous post that the late night moron-fo-mercials are now geared towards making your fortune in foreclosures. Well we all know Casey knows a thing or two about that! I can imagine the pitch now...
"A year ago, I was dead broke, I thought I was going to make a fortune in real estate. But little did I know the smart money was sitting on the sidelines, waiting for the next big thing. Then a pleather wearing friend of mine from SLC contacted me. He'd made a fortune brokering mortgages and selling olympic pins prior to the subprime meltdown, and he hipped me to a new failsafe system that takes advantage of the new direction of the market. Hey don't fight the trend my friend! Making money in foreclosures is like printing money! In fact last month, working for only 3 hours a day between naps, I managed to make over $50,000!"
@ Lou Minatti:
Casey in fishnets?
Casey and Galina on Dr. Phil? That's got my Tivo roaring and three thumbs up.
Casey could probably piss of even Dr. Phil.
OK I think what fooled me was that he ran it through a spell checker. It now looks like a "toe in the water" to test people's reactions and see if the Haterz had given up. Why else copy it to Duane and Nigel? Hadn't he fallen out with both of them? I'm rather siding with a lot of people here and on CaseyHaterz in that it's the same old Casey still looking for those nuggets and waiting to pounce on (or should that be fall for?) the next sweet deal.
Jobs report in a few minutes. I predict that "analysts" will be "shocked" by the numbers.
Definitely peeking out of his foxhole. There seems to be some idea that losing Galina was a blow to Casey. No, a blow to his ego maybe but you have lower yourself to his animalistic level. He was being held back by her, he was being forced to act responsibly and prudently with an eye to the future and consequences. From his twisted perspective she was just another mess that was expensive to clean up. Sure normal people would suffer the loss of her love. Casey ain't normal. He feels free/ Goddamit, he is free.
Jobs report in an amazing confluence of perfect numbers proves to be exactly what the markets needed to hear. The PTB aren't even trying to hide the manipulation.
At 1:50 PM, soem dood said...
I've offered my own take over on
Thanks, not that it does any good for all of us you arbitrarily cut off! I go away on vacation with no internet access, get back and because I didn't respond to a PM, I am gone. Although is is pretty funny that those railing against the "inner circle" immediately set up their own! Thanks again.
Just snagged about 1/2% on the QQQQ this morning. Got in, got out in about an hour. Nervous nelly time, just looking for the easy stuff right now. No stress.
Casey learned nothing, the last post over at Koi-Boi's site clearly shows that he still wants to chase the shiney object. Currently, his wings have been clipped as all the enablers around him have had enough.
Give him a little time, he is wiggling around now, trying to find the next platform. He will be back, both to scams and to the net. These e-mails were his quick little fix. He is an attention whore, he can't resist it.
I do like that he mentions chap 13 in both e-mails... almost like he hasn't been told hundreds of times that debt accrued by fraud is not dischargeable. He's stuck with it.
He spent his 25th b-day broke and alone. He'll spend his 30th the same way. After that? If he grows up, he might have a chance. The tone of the last two e-mails suggests he'll spend the rest of his time the same way - eventually becoming that old man that always talks about the next big thing that will finally make him rich.
You do have to take some risks to get wealthy, but you don't get there by being alergic to work.
I'm starting to worry that Prince Sadim has been swayed towards Chapter 13 filing by some guru type or email nugget. Do people make fees on administering or setting up Chapter 13 filings? Is he being swayed towards it as a way out of all his problems? Given what a mark he is, could someone be setting him up for some sweet deal whereby he pays them some fees and they tragically can't manage to come up with the Chapter 13 goodies?
"The best part is I have a slice of ownership in the venture.
So its the best of both worlds - the stability of a 9-5 with weekly paychecks while still giving me lots of flexibility, a chance to build something and share in the profits. Very much a blessing."
still dreaming...
"consulting job for an experienced entrepreneur"
still getting scammed!
stable jobs dont offer you slice of ownership,,, only pizza shops offer you a slice of anything
by commonly understood definition 'entrepreneur' means NOT STABLE
"Consulting is a generic term which means I'm doing whatever needs to be done."
the person who empties my trash, is called the porter, hes part of custodial, thats the nice way of putting it, sometimes i call him the garbage guy....
nobody calls him a consultant!
Just been checking into Chapter 13 and can only conclude that Casey is still delusional. Isn't Chapter 13 the one where you write off some of your debts and use your income to pay off others over 3-5 years?
What's this about a 90 minute credit counselling interview? That would make a Fraudcast of some considerable interest.
A quick Google found me this nugget:A bankruptcy-petition preparer in Alexandria, Va., called himself a "foreclosure specialist" and charged up to $3,500 for his services,
What I really want to know is where is the Blue Ball? How is it doing?
Fliptard is blowing smoke up your collective asses....again. He knows he cannot file Ch7, or Ch 13. In a 13, you need to show the court that you have the means to repay at least 10-20% of the outstanding debt. With zero income, that will be a hard case to prove. Also, the moment Fliptard files, he has entered the world of Federal Court. Maybe the FBI works slow, but Bankruptcy trustees do not.
bigdaddy63 - I'm sure you are correct but this is CaseyWorld we are talking about. If some twinkling nugget appeared in his inbox offering to solve all his financial problems and let him start afresh in a year or two don't you think he could be tempted?
I forgot to add, considering how high profile Fliptard is, the moment he files, his case will immediately be moved to the top of the pile and several adversarial suits will be filed against him.
Fliptard will be the subject of the unlimited resources and prosecution of the Federal government. I am sure that the FBI will and over to the BK trustee a nice folder of information they have collected on him.
Again, Fliptard is well aware he is screwed and cannot file for any BK- 7, 13, 11. He knows he cannot enter any court under any circumstance.
He is clearly popping his head out of his hole he's been hiding in to see if the bombs have stopped coming. I suspect he is without representation, as his lawyer would not approve of his return to the internet.
All troll, all the time.
Casey in fishnets?
Didn't someone photoshop Casey in fishnets with a murse attending the Laid-back guy with a Cool Hat Trashcan auction?
I was unceremoniously cut off from caseyhaterz.com as well.... what gives????
"I was unceremoniously cut off from caseyhaterz.com as well.... what gives????"
What manner of ceremony were you expecting? Something like a mass? A 21 gun salute funeral? Benedictine chanting?
Casey and Galina should be on Jerry Springer, not Dr. Phil.
I used to love makin wisecracks about him, but now I feel like I'm making fun of a retard.
I SWEAR he is retarded or metally ill.
His pretending to pay back the debt and getting a job are simply a show for the FBI so they dont send him to jail IMO.
OOORRRR hes an idiot. Why would you care about the creditors? Why does he give a shit about his wife, "oh how I ache to work my whole life supporting a leach".
Is this thing on?
What happened to MY wisecrack?
Maybe it was my attempt with .html, though I have used it before. Anyway...
Of course, I'm always tempted to get additional loans any way. So I can have access to "working capital" and all that.
Haha...classic!! Good thing something is working around him!!
Okay, I'm going to need a mallet, a wooden stake, some garlic, a priest with a crucifix and some holy water, a shovel, a long piece of rope, an axe, a chainsaw, a jar of liniment, a revolver, some silver bullets...
Never been a reason for him to file BK.
No deficiency judgments in Kalifornia, right?
Skip E. DaMann...
Easy, tiger! I am not part of the IC -- it is just easier to post there, and they have pics and smileys. I do hate the fact sign up got turned off. I also did ask Tracy and Dude to re-enable it, but you can see what terrific pull I have there - about same as here! he he...
so, here was my post, no great thang, just did not want to have to rehash:
I'm looking forward to that day when I can share my abundance" = My ego-drive to be seen as a Big Cheese still burns like the fire from ten thousand suns.
"just kidding... I'm not going back online" = I am floating a trial balloon to check reactions...
"I'll pay you back the favor" = I'm still a world class suck up
"I hope this message is taken as sincere. I have no more reasons to "spin" anything..." = I hope you are a fool. I have two point five million reasons to spin everything.
"I'm working a stable consulting job for an experienced entrepreneur." = I am shilling for another conman
"Consulting is a generic term which means I'm doing whatever needs to be done." = I am still the mark.
"Trying hard, REALLY hard, to not get distracted too much by "pie in the sky" stuff and my temptation to go back online and in media." = figuring out how I can make it look like I was drawn in, against my will, but get back in the public eye.
"Turning down the Dr. Phil show recently was a very tough one!" = The producer actually returned my letter to them, with some questions as to what I thought could offer the show, by way of entertainment value
"I want to keep that promise, even if I never get back with her." = I don't want to keep the two year promise, but I want back in her panties.
"It's the right thing to do and will teach me to honor my word." = these are some words I strung one after the other thinking they sounded pretty cool.
"there were a couple of previous "partners" that I had to pay to make things right -- more painful lessons on promising too many things to people and not keeping those promises." = even though I claimed I was up front, at every turn including this one something new about my life of constant lies still manages to slip out.
"The attorney fees to undo some of those entangling relationships took a big chunk." = Having a washed up hack lawyer tell my creditors to get bent cost more than just the book of stamps it would have took to do it myself.
"My desire is still to find a way to pay back "every dirty penny", but I also have to be realistic." = It will be a cold day in Hell when those scum bags get another dime outta me, unless I pick up some Sweet PR from it.
"plenty of proof to show I did not have any criminal intent and had plenty of reliance on professionals." = My constant lying about taking full responsibility was hollow BS, and I intend to smear and blame whoever I can if it looks like I am going down, or if it can even help me in the smallest way..
"I made some bad business and ethical decisions with the loans." = I am a scheming, fraudster, criminal azzbyte who STILL has not changed my ways.
"I was naive enough to blog about it in vivid detail and let people blow it out of proportion." = I was an egomaniac who hoped to not only get away with crime, but turn it into even more income by telling about it. People were aghast, but I can spin that into a problem on their end, not me!
"I sure hope my story helped some people, both those facing foreclosure and especially newbie investors to be more careful." = I hope I can ensnare idiots that are even bigger marks than me by selling something to them -- my story, my methods, my ideas, a book, ANYTHING!!!
=I am not excusing my behavior"= I am totally excusing my behavior
"Living in fear is not going to do me any good." = I wonder if the coast is clear enough to pull some more scams?
"In the end it was much more harm than good." = I almost pissed myself living it up and thumbing my nose at law, society, and my responsibilities to family, but now I gotta play hangdog for a bit to re-scoop up the main squeeze, and see if I can come out to play again.
"I'm still an optimist" = I am a notorious Scam artist criminal with NPD, who is only ever stopped by my own gross incompetence and ego drive.
Casey who?
Hey Kid;
You sound horny and broke... welcome to the real world.
Your old chum Sharky
The Dude must be a friend of Casey's. Getting the hardcore haterz to post on a site no one else can read was a stroke of genius.
Don't know if it is real or not
Getting the hardcore haterz to post on a site no one else can read was a stroke of genius.
Yep. They were fun here at EN but, oh well, CH.c has the distinction of being the only thing I have ever been removed from in my life.
that sez something, imo.
Just posted this at the above link.
Dear Casey,
Thank you for the EN and HP updates. I wondered how you were doing.
A question for you.
Don’t you have a non compete agreement with Aaron Krowne?
Just Askin.
Damn I'm horny!
If anyone wants to re-register over at CH.C, drop me an email and I'll open registration for you.
We did a broad account deletion, mostly for people who never posted.
If you were deleted and did not want to be, we apologize. It wasn't personal.
I'm not going to re-open the board universally, but contact me @ nachocat@msn.com if you want access.
Good plan, T. We can't let any haterz slip through the cracks and post damaging information about Casey where the public can read it.
Actually, Tracy found and posted that Dr. Phil link, and I was envious of her detective abilities ;-)
Rob Dawg said...
Casey lies.....
Wasn't that Steely Dan?
HauspocalypseNow @1:44 PM
His pretending to pay back the debt and getting a job are simply a show for the FBI so they dont send him to jail IMO.
OOORRRR hes an idiot. Why would you care about the creditors? Why does he give a shit about his wife, "oh how I ache to work my whole life supporting a leach".
Paying off the wife was trying to defuse a most damaging witness. If you're married, you can't be forced to testify, but you can volunteer. The inside story would be quite difficult to reconcile with the planned historical rewrite.
He knows he'll never get back with her. He just needs her to keep quiet.
Did your mom drop you on your head when you were a baby?
Yes, ad hominems are good. You must maintain the image of CHC as an elite club that everyone wishes they could join so the haterz don't realize that instead of posting there they could yell out the window and reach more people. Also be sure to vigorously enforce the "no criticizing CHC on other sites" rule. That way any haterz who do wake up won't dare say anything, or if they do you can ban them and then marginalize them by saying they're just bitter because they got banned.
You're doing a great job! Public criticism of Casey is way down and he is regaining control of his story.
As I mentioned earlier, all anyone has to do is drop me an email. Either you were exceedingly late to the game or you're mom dropped you on your head because I find it ridiculous for you to even suggest that Dude's a friend of Casey's and/or that the members of CH.C are elitist.
And trust and believe, there's plenty of haterade to go around. I could care less if people post here, on Nigel's site, on Casey's new site, or on CH.C. It's all good. But we're not going to allow a bunch of bullshit over there, either. Just so you know.
Grr... you're = your.
PS: Have you emailed me yet or are you just having too much fun speculating and bitching?
Grr, again. Couldn't care less... not could care less. It's been a long day.
I agree, the people at ch.com are elitists...I just went there to see what the discussion is lately and my account is banned.
how am I supposed to rip on casey if I cant get to the casey haters site.
Yes, that's it. I'm just bitching because I really wish I could hang with the cool people on CHC. Stay on message. Casey thanks you.
You were right the first time, you could care less if people post here. If you cared less you wouldn't be here plugging CHC. I know you and the Dude aren't trying to help Casey but the fact remains that you two have done more for him than all of his supporterz combined.
"how am I supposed to rip on casey if I cant get to the casey haters site."
You can email T and kiss her ass and I'm sure she'll unban you. Then you can post a good rant on CHC where no one can read it. Or you can eliminate the middle man and just open notepad, rant away, and save it to your hard disk where no on can read it. Or as I suggested before, just open the window and yell.
*sigh* I'm not even going to argue with you. Think what you want. You obviously like to sit in your shit. Go for it.
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