And here all this time I thought Greg stayed up late adding to his 21 reasons to bank on the Phoenix real estate market list.
What "bank" do you recommend? Countrywide? Wachovia? BofA? Citi?
Realistically, how overvalued are Phoenix home prices?
Obviously, I consider this a profoundly silly question, but to lurk among the BubbleBloggers and their seething commentariat is to acquire an education in a slice of America invisible from this side of the sewer gratings.
Which side of the sewer grating was that again? All those flying monkeys you saw. All those Nazis. Ohhh... I've got it. You are making a list of all the people to whom you have been less than fair. How's your effort to educate those troglodytes going?
Add your comments here.
Nobody has to tell you that he's not going to apologize. Indeed you should don your Nomex underwear as he lasks even the most basic level of human decency on these matters and will no doubt think he is being clever as he drips acid from his keyboard in an attempt to compensate fot whatever it is he feels he needs to compensate for. Still could be fun. Stay tuned.
First to comment on NOTHING !
Nice post Dawg....
Does Greg SwanN need a Murse or something like that ?
Come on Dawg....the suspense is killing me!!!
Sub Prime Mortgage Crisis Caused By Fishnet And Sushi With Avocado?
@Sweet Cashback
We're sending the fishnets to Burmese embassies with the panties!
We won't have any left for Greg too.
Jeeez, you guys. I just hit an extra return while assembling the post. Now, go ask Greg how his list of "Phoenix is Differnt" is going. ;-)
That didn't take long. My post is already gone with no evidence it ever existed. Yeah, that'll add to his internet legend.
Ho Ho Ho - It's Santa Flipper Clause
Mine lasted three minutes.
Santa F. Clause
Wanna bet fraidy boy doesn't dare leave comments open? Make sure you copy your comments someplace [here?[ for posterity. We'll get Keith at HousingPanic on this if it becomes an issue.
Next we'll see how his spreadsheet is working. I'd even bet the document comes down in short order. The light of truth sends human cockroaches scurrying.
Swanny cracks me up.
Q: Realistically, how overvalued are Phoenix home prices?
A: 100%
Michael Corleone: "You can have my answer now senator. My offer is this, nothing."
I have left scathing comments over @ BHB before. It is pointless. He considers himself to be a god among mere mortals when it comes to the written word, but he can't even hold his own in a decent flame war without resorting to deleting responses.
Sweet Cashback October 19th, 2007 6:17 pm
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
So I hear comments don’t stay long on you site before getting deleted ?
What are my chances to make it to a published comment ?
BTW, Swann doesn't look all that good these days. Stress, or too many anti-depressants? Better not upset him, he looks like he could collapse from the strain.
Please visit http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/10/19/bofh_poll_20071019/ and vote. Upon voting & submitting your responses, you should expect something like:
Welcome to the real world. TAKE THE BLUE PILL! TAKE THE BLUE PILL!!!
And on the subject of underwear, "Slit", a pubically-challenged celebrish-blinkie person without a drivers license or access to her children, has apparently been challenging the Burmese junta with panty-bombing.
Sweet Cashback:
"So I hear comments don’t stay long on you site before getting deleted ?"
Well, we'll see...
Lost Cause October 19th, 2007 7:37 pm
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
How do you sleep? My question exactly.
My deepest darkest hope is that he isn't the hypocrite he appears to be. I kope he drank his own hool-aid. Just the Westpointe deal alone last June would have him at least $30k underwater just to get out now.
Problem is we know Greg tells stories even he doesn't believe. It is all about him getting other people to do what is best for him.
I tuned Gregg Swann out a year ago. Why bother. He is clearly out to lunch (not in a groovy W.S. Burroughs Naked Lunch kind of way) and certainly does not deserve fishnets (what would Luba, Anya, etc. wear?) and sushi, but an avocado in the right place might be acceptable. Just not my concern. His demise has been thoroughly predictable and less entertaining than Casey's.
I'd say it is far more likely to be Oxycontin than antidepressants.
I'd say it is far more likely to be Oxycontin than antidepressants.
He needs to lay off the nachos and hit the gym.
Photoshop is much cheaper and faster than the gym. A little color balance here, a few dabs with the "healing" tool there, maybe some insta-slim (aka pixel aspect ratio change) and voila, a new you overnight.
On the other hand, he will forever be famous for the Swann Dive.
@lost cause
Personally, I prefer Slowdive over Swan Dive. Diving and scaling and walking and such is good though.
Fuck the gym.
Man, any pseudo intellect that uses words like "surfeit" and "conflating" is more than likely compensating for
1) His lack of a chin
2) His lack of a REAL job (no offense Sac RE Agent, there are exceptions:-))
3) The fact that he was picked on numerous times as a child (does he look like a jock to you?)
4) The fact that after using up all his thesaurus looked up words...he is well..slightly above moron in intelligence.
Bottom line..he's a dick.
This guy's whole business is based on how much lipstick he can apply to the Phoenix housing pig. No incentive for truth. No fiduciary responsibility to his clients. The flow of bull pukey is quite impressive. Oh... and gotta love the projection that ahem... we are the ones who can't admit a mistake? Um, dude, have you been reading the papers?!?
I had heard of this guy previously but wasn't aware how strong the tinting was on his rose spectacles.
Just to hit a handful of his 21 points:
6 Baby Boomers will retire in droves to warmer climes — the Atlantic coast, the Gulf states and the Southwest.
That'll be why the market in Florida is so stable then.
7 Among those locales, Phoenix is by far the least prone to natural disasters.
And your point is? Either #6 is correct and the baby boomers are retiring to several places or they are not. (Maybe it's a grey area?)
9 There is a steady migration of new residents from Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries south of the border.
I don't like having to tell Americans that they don't get out of their country enough, but name another Portugese speaking country "south of the border" other than Brazil. Or was that just poor grammar on your behalf?
10 Phoenix is a destination of choice or the second-landing city for immigrants from all over the world.
You have statistics to back that up or is it just wishful thinking? It might be true for AZ but I doubt it for the US. Or is that just "local" thinking? Does that figure include illegals?
13 People who have or hope to have children move here as soon as they can manage it.
I don't think you realise how stupid that sounds.
20 A significant number of active and retired professional athletes maintain homes here,...
So, despite the other 20 points they don't actually want to LIVE there, I wonder why?
akubi sed:
Fuck the gym.
How about a nice walk after that three burrito dinner? Something, come on, work with me here. About the chin, he has two, not zero. I can see how you'd get confused though, #1 is hiding inside #2.
Check California for foreclosures in your area for free.
When we moved from the Lake Balboa area of Van Nuys in Jan., there were few if any foreclosures. Now there are lots of them. Yikes.
Arthur Wankspittle:
Gee, except for #6, all of those items he cites could be touted for Detroit.
I have left scathing comments over @ BHB before. It is pointless. He considers himself to be a god among mere mortals when it comes to the written word, but he can't even hold his own in a decent flame war without resorting to deleting responses.
true dat, Edgar,
He just makes up lies about the poster then publishes their private
e-mail address after promising, in writing that it is held in confidence by his blog, in my experience with the "evil Dog" bloodhound.
Why is he staying up late at night?
I reckon he works 2 jobs now. One loozer W2 job at the mall that his wife made him get, (he needs the money for defense lawyers too, maybe) and the second job is the one he does on spec, which means 'for free' in this RE market.
OH, I should not laugh, maybe, since I am playing 'lets pretend', that is how much in the housing toilet is debt is.
Thank you for my handle anyway, Greg Black Swan Dive, looks like you were a one hit wonder in 05 and 06. Good luck with that.
peace out.
$2 million? At 3% (high) that implies selling $70m in real estate (a house a day). Clearly he isn't making any of that in asset appreciation either.
Clearly, Alpha Dawg.
I reckon he works 2 jobs now. One loozer W2 job at the mall that his wife made him get, (he needs the money for defense lawyers too, maybe) and the second job is the one he does on spec, which means 'for free' in this RE market.
Anyone in Phoenix needs to keep hold of that picture so that they can recognise him when they get served by him at the WalMart or McD.
A picture of him at his W2 looser job would be "sweet".
That puffed up maggot is just a bunch of hot air. He did help fmw come up with a cool nic though. That is his one contribution to society and blogging in general, IMO.
Thank you Edgar.
All in good fun.
PS.I Love the mad focus energy threads, the political editorials peppered with cute animal pics and first person stories at your sight.
PS.I Love the mad focus energy threads, the political editorials peppered with cute animal pics and first person stories at your sight.
Aw, gee. ::blush::
A week ago I sold my CFC puts at break-even, thinking a bottom was in. Yesterdays drop at options-ex shows that I left a $8,200 profit on the table.
At the current price, going long CFC is a simple bet on its existence a year from now.
PAY ATTENTION, CASEY. This was posted yesterday by a commenter on the BB:
The FBI & the IRS seem to be cracking down in Sacramento. A guy I work with rents a house in Elk Grove from an acquaintance. We often speculated on how his landlord bought 3 new homes all in one month last year. Well, on Saturday morning the co-worker gets a knock on the door. It is two special agents, one with the FBI and one with the IRS. They wanted to know about his relationship with the property owner (lease to own, below market rent, blood relative, etc). The relationship is arms length, so the agents leave after about 45 minutes.
The co-worker tried to call his landlord multiple times, but never got an answer. He went to his house Tuesday night and the landlord was acting like a deer caught in the headlights. It turns out the landlord bought the $485,000 house using 100% financing from New Century. He got $125,000 cash back, by using this shady mortgage broker to obtain a $630,000 loan. It turns out proceeds from mortgage fraud are taxable as ordinary income in the year you receive it. Plus, interest paid on illegal proceeds is not a deductible expense. This guy bought 3 houses this way (thank you First Franklin & WAMU). He will owe income tax on over $310,000 of income for 2006, plus interest, penalties and disallowed mortgage interest deductions. Plus, he will be tossed into the AMT bracket which will really goose his regular income, since it will disallow $100,000 of deductions he claims from the equipment leased to his business.
The market value of the houses has dropped to under $400,000 each and his other real fear is if he walks from the loans, he will get another tax bill, this time for mortgage debt forgiveness, in 2008. Yet he can not hold on to the homes after the sub prime rates reset in March and April of 2008.
Add to this the fact the FBI will be booking him for multiple felonies. It is a very wild predicament. He is ready to deal and turn states evidence to stay out of prison. It is likely he will serve some serious time either way. My coworker was wondering if he could buy the guy’s Porsche, but it is leased!
Cheating creates a lot of unintended consequences….
It is two special agents, one with the FBI and one with the IRS.
"The FBI & the IRS seem to be cracking down in Sacramento."
Which is why Caset is holed up in a garden shed in Phoenix...
"You'll NEVER take me ali...oooooh, SHINY!"
You were right about the mall job, but sadly it couldnt last. someone else will have to drive the kiddie train.
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