Well, Damoin and Casey have "launched." Launched what I have no freakin' idea. Should we even bother? Surprisingly, I say yes. I say we collect all the pertainent data on their new operation and dump the whole mess on the Phoenix bunko division. Then we ignore them with a clean civic conscience.
Lose $1,000,000,000+, stock goes up. Sweet™! All Mozilo needs to do is talk a little bit more about how CFC is failing forward™. There's gotta be a place at CFC for Casey and his team of professionals™.
Oh, and happy belated birthday, Rob!
I vote we make this thread about three weasels. Although then you'd have to dig up a copy of a picture with an orange weasel wearing a pinstripe suit. Or just an orange weasel wearing orange, that would work too.
They launched something that is cartoony and ineffective. It may appeal to 18-24 year old property floppers in trouble, but that's about it. I still can't get over the game.
You need to realize that Damion actually marketed condos with a quit masterbating in your mom's basement. Buy a condo at the Watts tower theme. I think the current theme is marketed more toward 14 year old property floppers.
Well, I'nm sure mozilo dumped another 120K shares today at the open. Lucky for me I never hold on to stock just before earnings..you never know what's gonna happen...I dumped mine yesterday...but I shorted them again at the open:-)
If I could short Damien and Casey I would do that too:-)
*Yawn* Casey's boring. Can we get back to fishnets?
Legion did well, once again :D . Dumping the shares before going into earnings was absolutely the right move. This market has an amazing ability to believe every projection that things will improve soon™, even if the numbers say differently. Glad you're not one of the bagholders who ended up with more of Mozilo's soon-to-be-worthless shares.
What? With "encouragement from Dr Phil"? I thought he certainly defintely was NOT doing that, after first deciding he would.
...things will improve soon™...
I think you mean: "Good Things Are Coming™."
What I don't understand is, if they really thought the future of CFC is so bright, what would explain their very own CEO dumping more and more shares? I don't care what they say, actions speak louder than words.
Mozilo "So to reiterate, countrywide has weathered the storm, will be profitable once again next quarter, and continue to be profitable from now on! Hey, anybody wanna buy some shares?"
8:41 Dawg said:
I think you mean: "Good Things Are Coming™."
No Rob, that is what small time thieves say.
The big time corporate thieves use the phrase "We are poised for growth"
Oh... sorry. In that case I am "encouraged going forward™."
Yeah CFC looks like a no brainer short right now. F-ing ridiculous. Enron 2.0.
Happy belated Rob.
That dumb cover must be some kind of joke?
NOBODY will take that book seriously. I mean, really now...is it a book for kids? After all, Casey is a petulant, greedy child with no common sense.
Dolph, I think you are being too kind with your comments about the book cover. The question it posed to me was "What does CCIM stand for in 'Damion Lupo, CCIM"? It reminds me of a letter I got one time from my insurance agent's secretary, who listed a whole bunch of acronyms after her name and I couldn't figure out what even one of them stood for. That's the one time I replied with a letter that included all of my credentials initialled after my name.
Anyways, that could be a contest here. What does CCIM stand for?
PS My guess is "Casey Cashbacks Invalidate Mortgages".
Northern Renter:
CCIM - Certified Commercial Investment Member
Basically a real estate agent who takes a couple courses and gets a little certificate. More from their site:
Not terribly impressive, but then again, what would you expect from this bozo?
Crazy Casey Investor Monkey.
It just occured to me. Everybody understands that the exotic car lineup was a setup right?
It just occured to me. Everybody understands that the exotic car lineup was a setup right?
Yes. I don't think anyone seriously thinks Moosetard has that kind of coin.
What I don't get is why even bother with the cars. He's just talked about being on the hook personally for his latest two flops. What benefit does he think cars bring.
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