Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Rent vs Rental Property Prices Conundrum

What's going on here? "Asking" rents keep rising and rising yet prices for rental properties kept rising right through the recession. Okay, there is a case to be made but then how do you explain rents still rising after prices start crashing and then rents still rising as purchase prices start increasing again. For Stag Mark; TWO exponentials!


Cinco-X said...

Occupy Google: Income Inequality Backlash Hits Silicon Valley

"Trickledown is Bunk!"

Cinco-X said...

Sen. Dianne Feinstein's NSA 'reforms': bad for privacy, bad for business

...if you had to pick a senator who would be especially attuned to Silicon Valley's fear of how the NSA revelations harm business, a front-runner should be Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-San Francisco. Yet as chairwoman of the secretive and powerful Senate Intelligence Committee, Feinstein has not only vocally defended NSA's dragnet surveillance programs, but she also introduced legislation -- cynically dubbed a reform measure -- that would entrench and expand the NSA's surveillance powers.

lawyerliz said...

Hi guys. There is no normal. just saying. Miss you.

Rob Dawg said...

We didn't go anywhere. HCN left. Left in this instance has several meanings.

Unknown said...

Perhaps the graphs show rental properties being held in
fewer hands.

Rob Dawg said...

Excellent observation. Fewer, stronger hands.

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