Nice chart courtesy INO.com
Hopefully by now readers know bubble when they see one. This one however is going to be particularly damaging when it pops. It isn't so much that long bond holders are going to get screwed, no the real problem is that the US won't be able to borrow long for generations.
And who do we know that needs to borrow? California, New Jersey Mionnesota and oh yes,.. home buyers.
First thought was "Shaken, not Stirred"
Rob, Mish has been arguing for quite some time that Treasuries are in a bubble but that betting against them is foolish in the extreme. But at current prices, they are severely overpriced; my recommendation would be good old cash.
you guys are confused. T-bonds only go up in value! Buy now or be priced out forever!
Seriously - you act there is some limitless supply of paper they can print them on??
this is why I'm one of those wackos out buying an AR-15 and stockpiling various types of ammunition and food.
Forget T-Bills this is the real bubble investment. No way to go but down!
Zintradi said...
this is why I'm one of those wackos out buying an AR-15 and stockpiling various types of ammunition and food.
Not actually saying but consider the possibility that any number of people as mart or smarter than you are doing exactly that but not talking about it. ;-)
Zintradi -
If you're using the AR-15, you have pretty limited choices - 5.56 NATO, either solid or jacket hallow-point.
I'd recommend alternative weapons. The AR-15 is nice, but you just can't beat the AK-47 for durability. Simple weapon, easy to maintain in the field.
Additionally, the 5.56 round is high velocity, but low mass. It'll punch a hole in someone, but the AK uses a 7.62 mm round, much heavier. Will hit the target and transfer all the force - better stopping power.
Finally - For intimidation (and variety of ammo), nothing beats a shotgun. Well, nothing short of artilery.
Anything from bird shot to slug to flares, etc. can be shot out of a shotgun.
Also - consider handguns. 9mm or .45 are your standards. 9mm = more rounds, .45 better stopping power. I prefer the .45... I can reload quickly for more rounds.
Also, also - if you're truly worried about the whole world going to hell, think black powder weapons. You can hunt with them (you don't need to spray when hunting), and most importantly, you can make your own ammo. Won't be a lot of sporting goods stores post apocalypse.
Shotguns also fire rock salt. Useful for keeping good neighbors good. IMO the AR-15 isn't as rare a beast as you indicate. Just remember also, there is value in precision as a scalpel is often the correct tool rather than a hatchet.
There's also an interesting second path. A high velocity Olympic class 22 long with a distance calibrated scope can go a long (2000+ yds) way to preventing the need to waste AK ammo.
I'm a fan of shotguns with no. 1 buckshot and just for the pump action. The pump action usually scares people, let alone actually being fired on.
Still chunk light tuna, beans and canned corn are 1-2-3 on my shopping list.
I stick with my handy Swiss Army knife.
Happy Fishnet Friday!
I hear that Chef Boyardee products have very long shelf lives. I'll trade your chunk light tuna for a case of Beefaroni.
BTW, I have a ton of MREs left over from Ike. You have heard how bad they are, and let me tell you: They are worse. But if I was truly hungry they would taste like salmon croquets.
Anyone know the shelf life for ramen?
The shelf life for Ramen is about 2 minutes when I am hungry at midnight.
Think fresh food, not canned.
This year we are getting a rabbit hutch, guinea pigs, chickens, some feeder pigs, and maybe a cow. I want to see about getting some quail if I can. In Spring we are gonna plant a family orchard, setup some berries on a trellis system, and plant a LARGE garden.
I need a seperate safe to fill with ammo. Also, I will be getting some dogs. Lastly, I am thinking it would be cool to have a windmill driven well, but I expect the county may be a problem.
So Tesla is gay too?!
Who knew?
1. of or belonging to the period before the Flood. Gen. 7, 8.
Sadly, I don't really need to pack guns. I scare people enough just being me.
Aside: My life at work and with my family is fine, everyone else is an asshole.
Akira, is that your real first name?
Wierd coincidence. I was going to post up on that very craigslist find. Take over 4 years of $460 payments on a 2007 or pay less per month for new? Deflation is about to hit all asset classes with a vengance. Even gold and silver.
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