Check out these two craigslist posts. The thin veneer of civility is cracking.
Pair 2006 Yamaha FX Cruisers + Trailer - $13700 (Simi Valley)
Pair of 2006 Yamaha FX Cruisers High Output with Dual Zieman Trailer
I have a pair of High performance Yamaha 3-seater Waverunners. These are the top of the line Waverunner.They are 2006 but My husband bought them new for my Birthday in March of 2007 and we have only taken them on 2 trips. They have been sitting next to my house for over a year unused.They have very very low hours of use. BlueBook value for the waverunners and the Double Zieman trailer is almost 18,000. These are a bargain at 13,700. I own them outright and have the certificate of title in hand. Don't buy new ones when these are identical and a steal at this price!!Please call
Please do not even bother calling or e-mailing if you expect me to fall for some Western Union or money Order Scam. It's not gonna happen. Thanks, Gina
Okay, Gina. And this sweet dealz:
MUST SELL - $3500 (ventura county)
2007 YZ450F new engine,great condition, $3000
2008 crf 250 25 hours like new $3500
2008 crf 450 50 hours,new transmission,new top end,runs great $3500
these are priced very cheap,we need to move them in order to pay some bills.
Prices are not negotiable,these are very well maintained machines that you will
enjoy riding.
Gen-X and their toys. Such a sad marriage. I'd give Gina $6k for her $18k package. Maybe $$3500 for the entire second package.
First they sell the toys, then the more critical items... call me when they're selling the woman in the pic.
She said she was selling the pair.
Where does it say these folks are "Gen-X"?
Stop trying to shift the blame for the Great Baby Boomer Depression away from your own generation. ;-)
Pretty quiet around here.... oh, I guess they're all gone to Sacto for the big party! Party on Garth! Bring along a Waverunner.
If you go to the party, watch out for pirates! CampIdiot has a link to a photo from there.. you have to check it out.
Just when I thought the Snowflake story couldn't get any stranger.
Speaking of boom-boom, keep an ear out around 5:30 your time for the Shuttle. Not many more landings.
The best part of that picture is that he appears to be wearing a gold ring. Do you think he owns two, or could it be the legendary Ring of Denial, His Preciousss?
She said she was selling the pair.
Then I'd give more than the asking price, if they'll throw in a warranty and a maintenance contract.
sweet cheesecake. i like the tailpiece. i agree with property flopper, contact me when they sell her.
in my area, the toys for sale are the extra pickups folks had for hauling and butching up. Silverados, F-350s, and Rams all for sale in "like new" condition.
This is a stupid question, but how would you pay for such a large item? You're not going to show up with $13,000 in cash, right? And she's not going to accept a check, and you're not going to write a check without the title. So you would have to come with cash . . . that's more cash than I would want to carry around.
I'd do a bill of sale at a bank. Anything goes wrong is going to be on tape. It isn't that risky. These watercraft and the trailer have titles.
Not to detract from the lovely eye candy (BTW: I really like this one), the nice little VP from the previous post just got a swift kick out the door from Wells.
Apparently if you cause enough embarassment for the employer, they don't want to keep you around. Who'd have thunk that?
OK - Seriously, WTF?!?!?
I dropped by the "island" site to see if doofus actually put up something new... it's now going to be a live stream of Casey? Seriously? He thinks people want to watch him eat breakfast while looking strung out?
Holy cow, this has gone way beyond sad. Somebody get that kid some help.
I thought the birthday party with the pirate theme was bad enough... is he six or something? In any event, that's just a child wanting to play. He's immature, I get that. Thinking he can become a real life "Truman Show" is just beyond bizzare.
That casey bit doesn't even rise to the level of pathetic.
I actually saw an almost new RR Phantom Drophead Coupe offered for sale on Craigslist recently. $349,000 or thereabouts. You'd think people who can buy this kind of metal know how to source it without going through Craigslist for frak's sake.
More violence on campus:
Hopkins student kills intruder with samurai sword
A Johns Hopkins University student armed with a samurai sword killed a man who broke into the garage of his off-campus residence early Tuesday, a Baltimore police spokesman said.
According to preliminary reports, a resident of the 300 block of E. University Parkway called police about a suspicious person, department spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said. An off-duty officer responded about 1:20 a.m. to the area with university security, according to Guglielmi. They heard shouts and screams from a neighboring house and found the suspected burglar suffering from a nearly severed hand and lacerations to his upper body, he said.
The suspect was pronounced dead at the scene.
Note to all burglars: When planning repeat burglaries, always steal the weapons on Monday, then come back for the goods on Tuesday.
The deceased clearly needed an ideas-guy to help lay out the scheme for him.
Too funny Mr Outspoken.
The deceased needed some graduate work at a Federal facility instead of wasting time at a local county facility.
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