Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Safe For Now

Live cam:

No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the congress is in session. - Clemens

Nice, snow. Stay on the mountains and on the slopes.


Rob Dawg said...

Sorry for no live link. It was misbehaving.

Property Flopper said...

Ya shouldn't take your own firsts, it's kind of cheating. :)

Jean ValJean said...

Speaking of snow, I'll steal a phrase from Camp Idiot:

Here in North Texas, we're expecting 2 to 6 inches of Global Warming in the next couple of days.

Rob Dawg said...

It's almost funny how dead AGW/CO2 has become in only a year. I won't rest easy unil the limbs stop twitching but at least we won't be following it off the cliff for now.

Pleather Murse said...

Deniers! Don't you know the difference between CLIMATE and WEATHER? Don't you realize one of the effects of AGW is more extreme weather INCLUDING more snowstorms and cold weather in many areas?! You've obviously been listening to the teabaggers again.


Son of Brock Landers said...

AGW isn't dead. My newspaper still speaks of its impact and unquestioned truthiness.

Akubi said...

It's official. ChatRoulette is the funniest thing since IAFF.

w said...

I heard that AB 32 here in CA will generate 20 BILLION $$$$ a year for the politicians to spend. One plan is to redistribute it the poor and reward believers.

Anonymous said...

I guess the fact it snowed for a few days meant the glaciers and Arctic ice got replenished. Cool beans! No need to check, I already knew it in my gut.