Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Definition of Insanity

... is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

Does anyone still care except for waiting for the inevitable?


Son of Brock Landers said...

first to say casey = gay putin

Sun said...

For anyone who's not taking Casey and MEM seriously, I recently got a behind the scenes look into their headquarters and operations. I can honestly say they are running a pretty sophisticated operation.

Monica said...

I still care about Casey. And hey, other things such as looking for a job, or for one that actually covers their living expenses, may seem hard for some people who nevertheless keep trying and may even succeed some day. At least, Casey is trying various things. I can see him actually making money if he worked under the guidance of some talented businessman or scammer.

MaxedOutMama said...

Yeah, I care. This is some nasty stuff he's into - it's been around for a few decades, and it can put people in jail.

I wish now he had been prosecuted in the first place. I'm sending copies of the web page to some law enforcement authorities next week.

This is serious, serious fraud. Fake court filings - like the UCCs he is discussing - will get your butt in jail fast. This the banks and authorities will chase.

MaxedOutMama said...

Monica - he's a criminal, pure and simple. This is very illegal stuff - multiple federal counts. Years actually served in jail.

"Talented businessman or scammer?"

You don't have any morals, do you?

Anonymous said...

I'm sending copies of the web page to some law enforcement authorities next week.

Please remember to make these folks aware of the frauds Casey has already perpetrated in the past.

Without having followed Casey for years, there's no good way to adequately convey to Law Enforcement that this is literally a career criminal on the loose.

Monica said...

Well, since corporations do all kinds of things that are unfair if not illegal and people who can't make a living still have living expenses to pay, no, I don't have any morals. When I was starving on welfare and minimum wage jobs, I would have been more than happy if some scammer took me on his team, and if Casey did something like that or succeeded in his own money-making schemes, that would be perfectly all right with me. Morals are all about priorities. For instance, regular employment steals a large part of people's life and poisons the remaining part with work-related problems such as being tired and having to spend unpaid time doing things to prepare for work and commute to work. That's the most common scam I know (perpetrated by employers, of course). Maybe a crook or mafioso who has lots of time and money for his family or girlfriend and perhaps even for charities or for generous help for other people is a better person than an honest Joe Paycheck who doesn't have too much time and money and is careful not to allow other people to waste his precious spare time.

wagga said...

Monica: A word in your pearly pink ear.

This forum is powered by snark.

If you look up snark in your (or a borrowed) dictionary, there is probably a picture of a walrus next to the definition.

If you've noticed that the Dawg is sometimes absent for several days, that is because of his humanitarian mission. He spends days hooked up to a machine giving snark donations for a multitude of grateful recipients.

Myself, my doctor only allows me to use snark on Sundays, and that in (sigh!) moderation.

Monica said...

Actually, "snark" is not in the Gage Canadian Dictionary. "Snarky" is but is a slang word (without any picture). The Urban Dictionary (online) includes "snark" but there is no picture of a walrus.

wagga said...

Monica, Do you ride a bicycle?

Unknown said...

No. Why are you asking?

wagga said...

Because I think you are bringing a knife to a gun fight.

Unknown said...

I know the expression but I don't understand what you mean. After all, it's you who made those comments about snark that seemed out of context. Nevertheless, I bothered looking in the dictionary. Even so, riding the bike has nothing to do with that. I don't see the connection.

wagga said...


H Simpson said...
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H Simpson said...

Yeah, that's a cheap camera dumb ass. What you are missing is a paddle for that creek you are up.

Looks like the government is asleep at the wheel just like 9/11, or the banking fiasco.

At least the boy blunder has chronicled his screw ups so that he will destoryed by his own actions long after his credit starts to mend.

As John Wayne said
Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid.

w said...


Burn out my eyes!


Unknown said...

I find him really cute and sexy.

Lost Cause said...

Yes, he would make more money as a gay porn star.

W.C. Varones said...

Why would I need Casey to eliminate my mortgage when Zimbabwe Ben is going to eliminate my mortgage through destruction of the dollar?

Seriously, the dollar lost 62% of its value over the last 30 years and that was before Zimbabwe Ben at the Fed and Trillion Dolla Obama in the White House. Does anybody seriously think we'll be paying off mortgages with Monopoly money?

segfault said...

Filing fraudulent documents to make it appear that a mortgage has been satisfied... Guess it's not really stealing if the money was never real!

We should encourage Casey in his new criminal endeavor. This sort of thing is a higher priority for prosecutors than a fliptard overstating his income on a mortgage app.

Property Flopper said...

I go away for a few days and this is what happens...

Is there ANY scam Casey won't fall for? At this point, is he going out and looking for scams, just to have material to post?

Holy cow... A4V's? Has Casey been asleep for the last decade (actually... hmmm, that would explain a lot). This stuff made the rounds a long while back and landed many in jail.

Hopefully Casey will pursue this with vigor!

Property Flopper said...
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segfault said...

He has that fraudulent look in his eye.

Chuck Ponzi said...

That little interchange between Monica and Wagga has got to be one of the all-time funniest things I have ever read on the internets.

Dawg, you owe me a new keyboard. Why don't you warn people about what's about to come?

Mister B said...

Please, please someone arrest Snowflake.