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3.4 lbs Flat Point minimal fat corned beef. I've named him Flatrick. |
It the crock pot on high, yes high, submerge the meat in "not rice" beer. Rice beer (aka Bud) may be (debatable) good for the chef but definitely not for the beef. Whet, rye, barley sources provide the proper proteins. The high setting allows the fat and beer to chelate and rise where you can skim it off. Once done you can add the spice packet if desired. A couple bay leaves works in addition or instead. Now is the time for low setting and another beer. Let it go as many hours as indicated . Prepare the unpeeled red or gold potatoes (quartered, no smaller) and carrots. If the carrots are large, half microwave to kickstart cooking. Dump them in and top with... yup... beer. About 20 mins before dinner quarter (no smaller) a small cabbage and place on top don't have to be entirely submerged. Nobody ever eats a lot of cabbage anyway. Flip the cabbage halfway through and peel of the overcooked outer leaves. Nobody likes those anyway. Turn off the crockpot or better, set the ceramic bowl uncovered on a trivet on the table. At least 5 mins to cool. Then drain and slice the beef cross grain to preference. Enjoy.
I thought St Patricks was tomorrow??
Last topic to hot?
Ahhh but you need to shop ahead of time and besides St. Patrick's is a Friday in Lent so really observant Catholics might enjoy a day early. I'm Catholic but not -that- Catholic
Anyway. The way to fix the banks and interest rates and such is easy. Close the window such that the banks do have to go out and solicit deposits. FDIC coverage mandatory but includes the death penalty for the institution if exercised. They can purchase additional insurance on the re-insurance market if they want to avoid the penalty portion. We can start by the Fed announcing a schedule of aggressive rolling off of their balance sheet back to the banks. The banks will have to offer savers higher rates to cover.
Nah..dump the FDIC..make the banks go out and raise funds like any other business (equity issuance, debt issuance, retained earnings).
Today might not be SP day..but it is a great day nonetheless.
March Madness begins!!
Too bad Amazon's beer delivery service is not up and running yet!!
Sounds excellent to me except we will all be deafened by banker screaming.
Thanks RD.
My recipe is make dinner reservation and go out to eat. :)
I think the system is basically good. The to big to fail is a problem not addressed and they only made them bigger. On the other hand US banks have to deal with global issues like sovereign state banks. The big theft should have never happened to begin with IMO.
we will all be deafened by banker screaming
maybe not..if they have a decent business plan..they should be able to raise funds thru the capital markets without a problem.
and they wouldn't have regulators, mandatory capital ratios, SOX rules..any of that nonsense to worry about (operating costs would be much lower).
..and/or they could contribute to a privately operated insurance program (like the S&L's have)...if they still want to make deposit collection an integral part of their business.
credit unions..not S&L's in previous message
I'm guessing banks kind of break-even (or maybe even lose a bit) on their deposit businesses right now..but see it as a low cost method of customer acquisition (i.e. ability to cross sell more profitable products to them)..
FedGov would have a new, low cost source of funding also (cd's)..replace some of that Chinese money.. ;<)
There's a reason loans are assets and deposits are liabilities.
Thing is the finance sector needs to be flattened by at least 50%.
Example. How many banks do you drive past to get to -your- bank? How much does it cost to own and staff all those?
Thing is the finance sector needs to be flattened by at least 50%.
my plan would accomplish that..and probably more.
Putting the taxpayers on the hook for the losses while letting the banks keep the winnings (current system) does the opposite..
There are way too many branches, but I like the convenience. US Bank has mini-offices in supermarkets now, and they're even open for a few hours on Sunday. However, staffing is cut way back in many branches, to assure that one must wait in line for the teller rituals to be performed.
I really need to get the last of the accounts out of Well Fargo, but I like to keep a bit of diversification in the banks that I deal with.
Mike. I see the payday loan theft model from total deregulation.
Off to work at not having a job!
last of the accounts
don't forget to close the six you didn't know about..hahahahaha
I see the payday loan theft model from total deregulation.
I'm not arguing for total deregulation. Banks would be subject to normal business laws (fraud, etc) like any other business. You wouldn't need a myriad of bank regulations and an army of bank regulators however..
Dammit! I want a marble freakin lobby with real working pens not on chains where the Manager isn't available on golf days.
..or maybe a better example is that bank regulation would evolve into how insurance companies are regulated today...there are rules/laws..but no Fedgov guarantee.
it's amazing how banking has evolved so quickly..I just looked at my check book and I wrote a total of three (physical) checks last year (grad gifts)..everything else I do electronically.
A thought echoed by millions of underaged youth
Might that entail a 10-15% drop in GDP?
News on longest lady!!!!
Got a letter from judge freaked out. But it was the judge the ate nine to dismiss the case for failure to prosecutell for 10 months. So unless she's been making payments, which I doubt, it will be 10 years since this started. She did make a couple of payments a few years ago. . .
Judge's own Motion To Dismiss
I posted a comment on CR telling the I got news, but not what it was. Should I post on Muddy? One of you want to?
Ten years of free housing?? Where do I sign up??
Paid no taxes. Paid no insurance.
Stop making payments and have me as a lawyer?
Not taking anyone on!!
The plaintiff is Option One, which I think disappeared years and years ago.
The few payments I know she made may have restarted the Statute of limitations, alas.
yeah..that's kind of breaking one of the cardinal rules of seriously delinquent debt..isn't it??
She said she wanted to settle all along.
settle?? so like a short sale??
No. She was going to make payments. I forget the details. It is quite a nice house. Maybe 350k? I forget the address or I would Zillow it. Inexplicably she took care of it, last I saw.
reminds me of the old saying..
"borrow $1,000 from the bank..it's your problem
borrow $1 million..it's their problem"
Lord only knows what the past due interest is by this time.
Well... Finished a day full of meetings...I checked the weather, and it looks like we'll return to March weather around early April...
how much snow did you end up getting out of that storm Cinco??
I heard it was about 16", but it be around a lot so it's hard to tell. Not too much on the roof, but in other places it probably drifted to 32"...
woo...yeah that will take a while to melt
We won't hit 50° until the end of March, so ya...
BTW, it packed pretty solid to. Not fluffy by any stretch of the imagination
Is it appropriate to serve Lucky Charms instead of Corned beef? Asking for a vegetarian friend.
Absolutely!!! Your vegetarian friend deserves no better!!!
BTW, it packed pretty solid to. Not fluffy by any stretch of the imagination
ok..so very dangerous to shovel also...was reading the Milwaukee paper and they had like four people die of heart attacks in the first few hours trying to shovel out from the same storm..
> ok..so very dangerous to shovel also..
Isn't that what flamethrowers are for?
Isn't that what flamethrowers are for?
The Midwest learned their lessons about that already..Chicago 1871 ;<)
Lucky Charms? I wouldn't even eat food that eats Lucky Charms. After the nuclear wars intelligent cockroaches will sit around eating Lucky Charms and drinking Sunny-Dlite with Twinkies for desert.
Been golfing all day. Six balls went swimming. Horrors. Of course it was also lush grass and green hills and mid 70s.
New post in a bit.
golf..a good walk ruined...hahahahahahaha
What did you shoot??
I was wildly inconsistent. 22 holes, 2-3 pars, most par 4 were bogeys or really close putt missed double bogeys but one par five was a three ball and three stroke nightmare 14. Yup, I was six strokes in lieing where a missed tee shot would be embarrassed to dribble. There was a par 4 10 as well. The course is an animal sanctuary in practice if not fact. Heron, loons, grebes, couple kinds of ducks and some intimidating Canadian Geese.
Yup... It happens...I always tell my wife to call the plow guy to most of it, but we still have to shovel our cars out to let them do it
Nah... They're for brush removal in SoCal
So you had to wade into two water traps to retrieve?
We had Canada Geese migrating around here last week... Maybe they turned around and went South again
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