The A'zon wants this to be your directed "click." $14.30 but FREE SHIPPING!

This is what you can get if you are willing to wait a few weeks from China.

Full disclosure. I have multiple orders for the Chinese product. I consider this a patriotic gesture.
Patriotic?? What is it???
Personally I can't wait and by from a US biz. You can tell an import planted biz usually from their text in the description. Still try to help the American economy. I haven't seen that drastic of a split in price as you posted.
I converted all the driveway solar lights to led wired. Cheap since I had already purchased the solar lights. Got tired of fiddling with the batteries. That said I did find out how to keep the batteries charged: Use contact cleaner on the battery terminals and switch is it has one. I like the increased brightness of the led.
Sun Today but still cool 41F, skiff of snow was all we got.
I have a lot of solar powered yard lights, even one very bright with a motion detector. They seem to last better then they used to. :)
Nobody is around?
I guess not.
I have write a paper on giving the knee
Any opinionz?
People have reverse engineers the quagga into existence.
Lots of turtles around, big and little.
Is it my blog now? I threw out some tasty bits and no one responded. Everyone snowed in or mudslides ou
Mudslided out? It is merely gloomy here now. We had a 45 acre brush fire which closed I95. A mere flesh wound. We get a lot of these brush fires. This one burned a shed. Ho hum.
Good Morning!
Busy working on small stuff with the Motor home, truck and yard. Trying to get a jump on Spring but the snowy and cold windy days just won't stop. I'm ready to BBQ!
LL if we stole the American south west from the Mexicans, who did they steal it from?
Good morning, .none.
The Indians of couse, but there's lofs of Indian blood in the Mexicans. Indians don't have facial hair, and if you are a guy and can grow a mustache, you have m
ore Spanish heritage and therefore supposedly superior.
Mexicans stole it from Spain and Spain stole it from the Indians. So they have no rights to the land as the indignation people. The Trojan horse technique they are trying is the same as they lost Texas. Interesting history when you look deeper into it.
Just because someone else does a bad thing, doesn't mean it's ok for someone else.
But, yeah,
And its of long standing. Just read that people of Central Asia? Style nhla x from the people who built Stonehenge ap
And other nifty stuff. Very little of their DNA left, which means that they were killed or driven away. Probably killed. If the newbys did anything cool, I don't know about it.
Like I have said before our forefathers where assholes. Just like the Spaniards who killed the Indians if they didn't convert to the Catholic religion. We conquered Mexico including Mexico city. The US flag flew over the city. They could not control their own country as there where very few Mexicans up north to begin with. Lucky for Mexico we gave back half of what we took. Mexicans in the new US territory where granted American citizenship. To finish they have no right to the US illegaly.
The whole damned thing was illegal. Might 0. makes right.
We invaded Canada twice. We lost thank glod. We made dozens of treaties with the and welshed out every time. You want to argue eugenics? They died because their bodies were inferior in fighting European disease? So there were too few to fight back?
If I were a lawyer advising coastal Indians, I'd say see those funny ships? Do not let them land. Kill any who try. Keep this up for 4p00 uears
Don't go near the bodies. Shoot them with arrows or spears. They are too dangerous to get near. Your future down the generations depends on this.
The mortality rate over the years was 95% or so
> We made dozens of treaties with the and welshed out every time.
The "Canadians" haven't been around that long. Nor has the United States. I'd put Canadian "independence" c 1965-1977. It was a process.
Sorry I've been quiet on my own blog. The deck looks fabulous.
Mother natures germ warfare. Even if the Spaniards came in peace it would have happened. Yes we did welsh on treaties, a bunch of assholes in the world then and now. Little has changed except more mind warfare and corrupt banking warfare.
I thought the deck was done and the Kitchen was well underway.
The outside of the pool house/garden shed is finished. Lots left on the inside to do. Where did I get all of this stuff? trip to the dump this week.
Another false flag in Syria... someone desperately wants a war.
Somebody wants us to stay in the war.
It multiplies, like hangers, And unlike socks which divide And disappear.
Russia? Weapons manufacturers? Let them all kill each other. It's not our business
Nite nite.
The Doobie Bros concert is starting.
Good morning or middle of the nite, as applicable.I
Good Morning!
More wind! Sucks or does it blow? Only science knows.
Though BLS doesn't have hours worked back in the '70s, they have tracked PT vs. FT since 1955. It will take a little work, but I should be able to snag the data and compute a running ratio of PT to FT workers over time. This is not a perfect proxy for hours worked, but should at least identify how fast (if at all), the number of PTers has grown over the past 5 decades.
With just a cursory look, I would suspect there is a 'little' truth to your perception, (growth in PT employees 'seems' to be growing slightly faster than FT employees). But, based on the graphs, the move has been very gradual and very linear.
I'm honestly flummoxed as to how to count the gig-economy.
Despite that a new post about everyone's favorite; the weather.
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