Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Democratic Convention Drinking Game (2008 ed.)

Unfortunately the rules of any normal drinking game would kill me so I am forced to live vicariously through these rules.

1. Mention of "change" = sip.
2. Mention of "the middle class" = 2 sips.
3. Mention of "the [endangered/beleagured] middle class" = full swallow.
4. Allusion to any opposition candidate not in the election = chug.
5. Allusion to the past accomplishments of a Democrat not on the ticket = drain glass.
6. Any time a loser, Hillary, Bayh, etc., praises the ticket = consume 2x the amount that of beer that comes out your nose.
7. Pundit mentions unity = sip.
8. Any time a multimillionare berates another multimillionare = pour a snifter of brandy.
9. Any time a participant is referred to by nickname = drain you neighbor's drink.
10. Fist bump = pop a new brew.

What are your suggestions? Please save the far easier targets of the other party until then.


bohica said...

First, I'd like to say it's nice to see some intelligent words, after being swamped by the Casey Tsunami lately.

Northern Renter said...

The second they talk about "No to a third term for W", you should go snack on a pretzel. But be careful!


Bob said...

affordable health care for all = shot of Blackhaus with a Becks chaser

close tax loopholes for the rich =
sinsemilla-fueled bong

YES WE CAN = hit of blotter
(BTW, Sammy Davis Jr. would like some credit)

Anonymous said...

mention of rethug larceny, murder, torture, lies, deceit, looting, destroying, pillaging, wanton waste, thievery... priceless.

Rob Dawg said...

Do you think waterboarding will be mentioned?

Fair taxes (aka walletectomy) = swig of Pepto.

wagga said...

For the Dawg - a Shirley Temple every time they trot the kids out, a Bloody Shame (AKA Virgin Mary) when they do celebutard endorsements.

w said...

Every time there is an allusion to MLK = gulp of malt liquor.

It is a shame that such a great man will be used as a political prop for ever.

Every time there is a mention of LBJ signing the Civil Rights Act = eat four Tums.

Anonymous said...

Do you think waterboarding will be mentioned?

Or electrodes attached to ritualistically shaven testicles?

Rob Dawg said...

Biggest gag me moment so far was Jesse Jackson Jr. saying Denver was the first convention held within sight of a mountaintop.

wagga said...

That special Hillary moment - Hill's Absinthe Pink Slip

Casey Serin said...

Drink your entire home bar's contents if the country's top priority is revealed to be "arresting Casey Serin". :-)

H Simpson said...

anyone is called a Nazi = a shot of schnapps.

Global Warming = a shot of Hot Damn

any PC correct term for an illegal alien = shot of tequellia

Santa Flipper Clause said...

Ho Ho Ho - It's Santa Flipper Clause

Save Social Security - Eight ounces of paint thinner

Save Medicare - Four ounces of Draino

Save Medicaid - Consume your own - well, you get the picture

Santa F. Clause

Son of Brock Landers said...

This might be a generation gap thing, but why would anyone want to waste precious time on this earth watching what amounts to a group masturbation event for ugly people?

H Simpson said...

Son of Brock Landers said...
>>This might be a generation gap thing, but why would anyone want to waste precious time on this earth watching what amounts to a group masturbation event for ugly people?

5:24 PM

the same reason folks slow down and rubberneck at a car wreck.

To laugh at the fools, feel lucky it is not them, and to remember the faces of any of the idiots involved so they can walk away before being suckered into a discussion.


Lost Cause said...

Why no FraudCast play-by-play?

PS -- As difficult as it is to bear, we must pay attention to the people who are likely to assume the position of finger on the button.

I recommend eating a pack of rolaids, and doing something else while you listen to the sound.

Akira said...

I see hot pink juicy fishnets in outer space.

Rob Dawg said...

The Koicast was pathetic. The main reason is I had dinner at exactly that timw but no loss. Casey has this new shiny toy called U(rine)Stream. Think of it as raw feed real time disaster coverage.

Anonymous said...

whoever is elected preznit is going to be rich, rich, rich! (if they aren't already)

hell the clintons made hundred$ of million$ selling out the country. With inflation the way it is selling out the country must be worth at least a billion by now!

Akira said...

More fishnets!

Akira said...

KC was so much more entertaining than the DNC. Where did the little fliptard, chew toy go?

Akira said...

"John McCain is my friend" = a half pint of premium vodka mixed with all those pills his beer heiress wife was (and may still be?) addicted to.

Anonymous said...

i bet teddy is hot, in an, um, teddy too