Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why Is Casey Quiet?

Easy. GoldSpring closed at 1.23¢ today.

Oh, and Tav... no one cares.


ifan said...

Casey Serin wants to remain off the internet to rebuild his life. Don't ask me how I know--but I know.

It's probably best that he remains offline for a long time.

As the man who lured him out of retirement last summer, I would advise that he continues to not draw negative attention to himself by returning to the internets.

wagga said...

First peep out of tav for a long time.

ifan said...

Wagga: there were rumors about my death spread around by the Haterz. You can find all about it here: Tavington is back!

wagga said...

As you can tell by the clock, I wrote my comment without seeing yours. - A regular traditional first.

ifan said...

@rob "Oh, and Tav... no one cares."

But you care enough to point out that no one cares. A paradox, isn't it? ;)

Property Flopper said...

Rather than trying to troll for hits to your website, why don't you add something useful to the converstation.

Or just go away, that would work too.

wagga said...

Rob shines at instigating tennis games. Volley on!

ifan said...

Property Flopper: check my first post.

I find this obsession with Casey by the haterz to be rather unhealthy.

Property Flopper said...

I did. You spend more time tooting your own horn than anything else.

Casey should not return to the internet - wow, that's a deep, insightful comment. Thanks, none of us could have come up with that.

ifan said...

The truth is, is that the haterz and the curious onlookers wish that deep down inside that Casey comes back for our own entertainment purposes.

Underneath the murse, the catchphrases and the trainwreck is a HUMAN BEING. And perhaps that we should look inwards to recognize the blackness of our souls instead of projecting our own schadenfreude by being fascinated with him.

The one thing we can learn from the Casey Serin saga is that we should strive to be better as people and be kinder and nicer to our fellow man.

Rob Dawg said...

@rob "Oh, and Tav... no one cares."

But you care enough to point out that no one cares. A paradox, isn't it? ;)

No paradox at all. does anyone weep for the grenade? Does anyone waste a prayer for the grenade tosser? No, better to tend to the innocent victims.

Rob Dawg said...

Underneath the murse, the catchphrases and the trainwreck is a HUMAN BEING.

There's your mistake. Think about all the aspects that make man. Not just the higher aspirations but the basal instincts. Casey remains a question mark.

serinitis said...

You are right. We do want Casey back for our entertainment. That doesn't make our souls black(er). In general we try to give Casey good advice and help him out. The fact that he ignores it and does the stupidest thing he can think of is not our fault.

And how does the Casey saga teach us anything about being kinder to our fellow man?

And Casey staying off the Internet is the smart move. Which is why we are confident he will be back.

Lou Minatti said...

Looks like Caseyhaterz is down for the count. Which is a shame, I liked posting there and here and never got into the animosity between the two "factions."

Shithead will be back soon enough. Making a jackass of himself is his destiny. It is what he was born to do. Right, Casey? I know you are reading this.

serinitis said...

Caseyhaterz is back up

Akira said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Akira said...

Ein Buch für freie Geister!

TJandTheBear said...

OT -- Rob, sent you email.

Akira said...

Where are the f-ing Duck people?
I guess I'll stick with the tape.
Thx, anyway.

Rob Dawg said...

Those ducks are world famous.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Meant Casey is NOT working for Steve....but maybe his mysterious uncles?

Unknown said...

Strange -- Nigel's SLC RE blog is gone but his DHCS is still there...

ifan said...

Caseyhaterz is not back up, still down HAHAHAHAHA

Tavington 2, caseyhaterz 0

serinitis said...

Sorry about that. It is up under creekcafe.com

ifan said...

creekcafe.com sez:

"Great Success !
Apache is working on your cPanel® and WHM™ Server"


lawnmower man said...

The front-page redirect is AWOL, but forums are back:

Back under your bridge now, Tav. Odd that you came blinking back into the daylight the same frickin' day that CHC went offline; did your sockpuppet account miss its fix?

Bob said...

"Why is Casey quiet?"

Being vetted for a post at Treasury?

Rob Dawg said...

Being vetted for a post at Treasury?

Tried. rejected. Overqualified.

Peripheral Visionary said...

And the great monetization of the American debt begins in earnest. Down the rabbit hole we go; I can't figure out whether we've just taken the red pill or the blue pill, but there's no going back now.

Rob Dawg said...

I disagree. Modern vehicles can last 200k miles but it is more than routine maintenance to do that.

No mount of maintenance is going to make Ford consumer truck transmission or GM steering linkage or Honda timing belt or Volvo turbo or Toyota water pump last 200k.

wagga said...

I got over 200K on a Volvo turbo. It was a Garrett/Airesearch, though.

segfault said...

I think most of Honda's newer vehicles have timing chains... That said, the odds are stacked against any vehicle lasting much longer than 10 years/150,000 miles.

It never ceases to amaze me how American consumers will change their oil religiously every 3,000 miles and completely ignore all of the other maintenance that needs to be done to a vehicle.

Mr. Outspoken said...

Take that, bitches. You all said that Treasuries would hit a wall, but now we see the truth. There is no wall. Even if no one else will buy our treasuries, the Fed will buy them. Now we have limitless borrowing potential. All problems solved.

Rob Dawg said...

Good snark Mr. O.

Rob Dawg said...

Good snark Mr. O.

w said...

Casey is busy reading everything he can find about Mr. Madoff. Between naps of course.

Mr. Outspoken said...

Hey Rob I got a mass transit question. In Ohio we are looking for a way to employ a bunch of layabouts, and it has been proposed that we build a light rail connection across the 3-C corridor (Cincy, Columbus, Cleveland). While Ohio has essentially no inter or intracity rail, I don't see how pulling cars off I-71 is going to be worth it. Any comments?

Akubi said...

The closest I came to Ohio was I-80 and thought it kind of sucked like everything else from Wyoming to the East Coast.

segfault said...

I'm guessing that Dayton and Akron would demand to be stops along this light rail connection... I'm thinking there are probably a lot better routes for a new light rail system.

But hey, what do I know, to me "mass transit" is those vans that haul the Amish around.

H Simpson said...

My last 4 autos all had over 200,000 miles on them with nothing special done to them. I expect that from the 2 newest ones. All American by the way.

-Change oil every 5k
replace lubes with synthetic.
-wash and wash twice a year.
-If you live in salt belt, hose off the bottom every other week in the winter.

Autos do not die. Owners kill them.