Firstly I must first solicit your confidence in this transaction; this by virtue of its nature as been interly confidential and top secret though know that a transaction of this magnitude will make someone apprehensive and elated but I am assuring you that all will be well at the end of the day. I have decided to contact you due to the urgency of this transaction as we have been reliably informed of you discretness and ability to handle transaction of this nature.
Let me start by introducing myself properly , I am Mr. Henry A. Waxman of the Energy and Commerce Committee and credit offficer with the Carbon Offset Bank of Nigeria Benin branch. I came to know of you in my private search for a reliable and reputable person to handle this confidential transaction, which involves transfering huge sum of money to a foreign account requiring maximum confidence.
The preposition: A foreigner and an American , Mr. Albert Gore, a Carbon Merchant with the federal government of America, banked with us at the Carbon Offset Bank of Nigeria Benin and had a closing balance as at the end of June 2009 worth $351,432,000usd. Valuable effort have been made by this bank to get in you with any of the Gore relative or family have been unsucessful. It is because of the perceived posibility of not been able to locate any of Mr. Albert Gore next of kin (he had no wife or children that is known to us).
The management under the influence of our chairman and members of the board of directors arrangements have been made for the funds to be declared “unclaimed” and subsequently donate the funds to the Cap and Trade trust funds and this will futher enhance the cause of glbol wrming and the world in general.
I now seek your permission to have you stand as the next of kin to the Mr. Albert Gore so that the funds will be released and paid into your account as the beneficiary next of kin, all document and proofs to enable you get this funds will be carefully worked out We have been mandated by the bank to officialy declare the beneficiary within the shortest possible time , that is why we have decided to contact you and more so we are assuring you that you that the business is 100% risk free involvement.
As soon as we receive an acknowledgement of the receipt of this message in acceptance of our mutual business proposal we would furnish you with the necessary modalities and disbursement ratio to suit both parties without any confusion.
If this proposal is acceptable to you do not take due advantage of the trust bestowed on you ,kindly respond immediately with the e-mail address furnishing me with your most confidential telphone, fax number and your exclusive bank account particulars so that we can use this information to apply for the release and subsiquent transfer of funds in your favour.
Thank you in advanced for your anticipated co-operation
Best regards
Mr. Henry A. Waxman, Esq. and Memeber of Congres
Did Mr. Waxman pre-murst when he said "FIRSTly" ?
Mr. Waxman is one of the most homely human beings on Planet Earth.
Burt has words on the topic.
I dunno, seems like a scam to me, as Gore and clan are lake-bound in TN on his new boat The Bi-Solar (a/k/a Tartuffe) .
Al Gore has Bi-Solar Disorder :-p
The so-called "419 scam" ... if you want to have some fun with it, check out this site on scam-baiting:
I've been messing with a Nigerian who decided to put up a rental on craigslist that is not his property! Fun stuff!
Green Shoots are Coming!!
Green Shoots are Coming!!
California bill would free more than 27,000 inmates
A controversial bill that California legislators say would allow the early release of more than 27,000 inmates from crowded prisons will be taken up by the state Assembly on Monday.
More green shoots!!
Sales tax revenue plummets, cities suffer
Sacramento - -- In an unprecedented move, state officials this year have notified hundreds of cities and counties that their share of the state sales tax revenue has been cut because sales have dropped more severely than expected.
The latest round of letters was sent Friday by the state Board of Equalization, informing 337 cities, counties and transportation agencies of their reduced payments. Of those, 14 cities and one county were told revenue had declined so steeply they bottomed out - and would receive not a cent. Those unlucky 15 included the Bay Area cities of Petaluma, Cotati, Hercules and Portola Valley.
thanks, i'll blog about the consequences tomorrow.
Hanging out at CR right now.
first a chained Casey now Fievel the Congressman, when are we going to get back to the glamour models?
I am the waxman.
You mean,
'Cause I'm the Waxman,
Yeah, the Waxman.
And you're working for no one but me.
Ah... I was going for:
I am the waxman.
They are the waxman.
I am the walrus.
Here's another clue for you all: the walrus was Rob.
I think the waxman is the guy that works on the bikini bottoms.
Waxman at work. SFW version.
Back to the future?
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