That bastion of oldthink MSM the LATimes has the usual agitprop cheerleader article on the latest pack'o'lies being foisted on a desperate metro, state and nation. Anybody got $11b lying around?
Here's the justification for spending all that money: ...the new concept has sparked much debate because of how crucial many officials see the subway to easing the Westside's traffic woes.
A subway to the Westside CANNOT ease traffic congestion. It just isn't possible. The best a subway can hope to accomplish is to hold off an increase in the rate of congestion growth. That only after screwing millions of people for many years with massively increased congestion during construction that will leave behind LESS transportation capacity.
Understand the "Red Line to the Sea" is just LA suffering world class city syndrome. It has no more regional importance than a museum or sports franchise. The lie is in calling it anything more than that.
First question I would ask is who is going to actually use it?
People who go to concerts at the Hollwood Bowl. People going to Dodgers games at Chavez Ravine. People wishing to go to either Getty Museum.
Ho Ho Ho - It's Santa Flipper Clause
The blogger comments are missing from Fliptards blog. Anybody know what's up?
Santa F. Clause
I may comment on this later as I use the LA Metro a lot, but first this OT blockbuster: Musharaff declaring state of emergency in Pakistan. This could be very freaking big. Expect a serious market tank on Monday morning if the situation doesn't blow over.
Okay a nuclear power has declared martial law. $100 oil anyone? I'd say the big event will be the flight to the US dollar. You heard me right. All this crap about losing reserve currency status is small man talk.
We were gonna be $100 oil before this ... maybe $120 now unless cooler heads prevail. Why a USD flight rather than say a Euro or SWF flight? The USD's fundamentals have not changed today.
I cannot see many people in LA using a subway. It is sooooo beneath them. (Pun intended and not intended)
The CTA in Chicago is in a terrible mess. Can they loan Mayor Daley the cash?
REL Rob Dawg
Okay a nuclear power has declared martial law.... I'd say the big event will be the flight to the US dollar.
It WILL be interesting to see what happens - several foreign country crises in the past few months have not shown up as strength in the dollah - will THIS one ? - of course, I've held off moving more money out of the US$ for 3 weeks on the basis of being oversold and what people tell me was a technical pattern 2 weeks ago - much to my chagrin and loss - so its good for me if the dollar gains and the oversold argument could be deployed as much as the safe haven one for any changes over the next week. My metric for an argument of a flight TO the US$ will be its rate against the CHF ( Swiss Franc).
I do hope that people listened to Joe Biden in the Dem debate last Tue and this STOOOPID argument about Iran MAYBE, after immense effort, in a few years, getting a few Kg ( 2.2 US pounds = 1 kg ) of enriched uranium - When a much more unstable state has thousands of Kg - a state that's .. O what's the use.. "Resistance if futile" as HHGTTG said.
How about just completing the damn Green Line into LAX.
The thought of catching a train to LAX from the hinterlands to catch a flight is just so appealing, and no catching a bus from the Aviation street station sucks.
Santa F. Clause....
I notice that also. Any reference, pic, or whatever of Casey on that site is gone.
Lupo get sick of his crap already or did he just use our dear Snowflake as a ruse to attract flies to his steaming pile of literary poo?
Based on historical records, it's just about time for Casey to throw Harry Knuckles under the bus. If he paid Casey a few thou, is Casey likely to stick around or flee somewhere? $3000 will buy him a trip to Oz again.
I've held off moving more money out of the US$ for 3 weeks on the basis of being oversold and what people tell me was a technical pattern 2 weeks ago - much to my chagrin and loss - so its good for me if the dollar gains and the oversold argument could be deployed as much as the safe haven one for any changes over the next week.
Ditto. Absolute word for word. Me too.
How about just completing the damn Green Line into LAX.
The city of LA makes tens of millions in parking fees and ummm... "misc" with the current system. They literally could not afford LRT to LAX were it given to them for free.
Looks like I need to put up a top level 'Tard post so everyone can vent and post here what they cannot post at FHB. So be it but don't think I'll let it get out of hand. ;-)
RE: OT blockbuster: Musharaff declaring state of emergency in Pakistan.
To continue the OT for a second time, a long essay in the London Review of Books ( NOT to be confused with (London) Times Literary Supplement(TLS), but its an offshoot of a long forgotten strike at the Sunday Times) is at :
This summer, as power appeared to be draining away from Pervez Musharraf, the country’s fourth military dictator, it was instructive to observe the process at first hand.
The European and North American papers give the impression that the main, if not the only, problem confronting Pakistan is the power of the bearded fanatics skulking in the Hindu Kush, who as the papers see it are on the verge of taking over the country. In this account, all that stops a jihadi finger finding the nuclear trigger is Musharraf. Alas, it now seems he might drown in a sea of troubles and so the helpful State Department has pushed out an over-inflated raft in the shape of Benazir Bhutto.
In fact, the threat of a jihadi takeover of Pakistan is remote. There is no possibility of a takeover by religious extremists unless the army wants one, as in the 1980s, when General Zia-ul-Haq handed over the Ministries of Education and Information to the Jamaat-e-Islami, with dire results. ...
Disclaimer#1: its by Tariq Ali, a one time(still?) Trot - but on what Stalin would have called "the national question", he's still pretty ok, IMO.
For novelistic treatments of deep background of this, you can't beat Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children.
Meanwhile back to our distractions about Snowflake ( and I'm just as guilty as the rest of us )...
The Red Line already has more ridership per mile than any other subway in the nation.
The 720 buses down Wilshire (between Santa Monica and downtown) run every few minutes and are so packed they can't stop at most stops during rush hour.
Wilshire traffic itself is unspeakably awful between 6am and midnight.
Something's gotta change, what else do you suggest?
You don't go to LA much, do you?
The Red Line already has more ridership per mile than any other subway in the nation.
Huh? I think you are mistaken. A lot less than 10,000 per mile weekday.
How about decelerating energy converter red lines in fishnets?
Anyone else filling their heating oil tanks with on-road diesel?
Even Californians will be able to purchase the new 50-state "clean" diesels, starting with VW next March.
Their new diesel Jetta is supposed to get mid-40s city (automatic)
>We were gonna be $100 oil before this ... maybe $120 now
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