Friday, November 30, 2007

Resusitation Required

maybe that isn't your 'cuppa.'
i just cannot understand the recent resusitation of the homebuilders. Sure there is short covering and all. Sure the HBs are massively over concentrated in the investor portfolios. Still who is buying this crap at these prices?


Ogg the Caveman said...


ha38349 said...

Shouldn't First come before Murst?

ha38349 said...

Sovereign wealth funds ?

Rob Dawg said...

Sovereign wealth funds have all the worst aspects of socialism and regency and fascism. Fake money, ill directed by the unqualified.

ha38349 said...

Fake money, ill directed by the unqualified.
I think we've found our HB buyers!

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

Gheez dawg,
I thought my PC bookmark took me to the wrong sight!
Okay, I am leaning back in my chair again.
Happy Dayz!

Akubi said...

Is "resusitation" some sort of witty mispelling I'm missing?

Akubi said...

Speaking of misspelling there should have been another s in the word above ;).

The_Scum said...

If you ever figure out who it is let me know. Hopelessly optomistic people with too much money who figure it can't get worse?

Hedge funds and individuals playing the ups and downs for gain?

I've made a bunch shorting them but I've lost some too during the upswings. So timed right going long can be profitable too. I certainly don't have the balls to try it.

Volatility attracts players?

Akubi said...

"Hopelessly optomistic"
"Volatility attracts players?"

- I'm glad there's still a sense of humor here(how can one possibly survive otherwise?)

Zillow Book has officially declared this
Friday Fisnets for Fishy Treats Extravaganza night

BTW, what's a "Sovereign wealth funds" - is it like a Sovereign nation in Iraq or something?

I am puzzled.

The rain in Spain...

anonymous said...

Let em bid the home builders up. From my view all they're doing is creating more opportunities to short.

I closed out the FRE calls today for an ungodly return. Still holding on to most of the WM at this time. Was a bit too slow at the Friday open and didn't have a stop in place otherwise they'd be closed now too.

Anyway, who cares. The pic of the 3 girls is super-hot.

Akira said...

Personally, I'm laying low investment-wise.
"Volatility attracts players?"

Lost Cause said...

What, is somebody running for Congress or something?

H Simpson said...

My little brother is about to get a real job after having to disolve the homebuilding company he was in with a partner.

Yesterday I asked how the 2nd set of interviews were going and mentinoned it may not be exactly what he wanted, but there is an old saying "any port in a storm" and that a storm is coming.

His reply was Yes, but it will be over right after the elections. I had to spend 1.5 pages explaining why his rosy prediction is total bunk.

Folks who will drop a million or 2 on a development without a buyer are a naturally optimistic bunch. Do not let their insanity trigger yours.
