Bloomberg 19 May 2017:
The government’s authority to oversee burgeoning recreational drone
use was dealt a setback when a federal appeals court barred the Federal
Aviation Administration from forcing hobbyists to register some of the
millions of unmanned aircraft taking flight.
While Friday’s
decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington left intact FAA
guidance on restrictions over where recreational drones may fly, the
ruling undercuts one of the agency’s primary means of ensuring that
unmanned aircraft are operated safely. About 745,000 hobbyists have
signed up since the FAA regulation was enacted in 2015. The agency estimates that 2.3 million drones will be sold this year for recreational use, plus 2.5 million for commercial operations.
Acting as his own lawyer, drone hobbyist John Taylor sued, contending the FAA didn’t have that power.
“Taylor does not think that the FAA had the statutory
authority to issue the registration rule and require him to register,”
U.S. Circuit Judge Brett Kavanaugh wrote for the unanimous three-judge
panel. “Taylor is right.”
Most liberties are lost without a shot. Kudos John Taylor.
It isn't individuals who are intruding. |
I'm kind of for registering them. What if some goofball accidentally crashes one into your head?? They could be a couple miles it would be nice to be able to have a way to track the drone to the perp.
just Googled it..the max range of a typical personal drone is about half a mile..but point still stands..
I agree. Gosh!!!
Public liability just like cars. States rights should take care of it, They smell tax money and will jump right on it.
The experiments started with rats. Sad lonely rat in a cage offered cocaine and partook until they starved.
Rats. Put in cages with other rats, with wheel, toys, stimulation partook but n little. Rats addicted by first method put in rat heaven, and weaned them self off. Why not, researchers thought, try this with hunmans!
Also inspired by Vietnam vets, some ce home and got right off the stuff, some didn't. Happier homecoming? Dunno.
I can build a stealth drone that could drop 20kg of flour on the White House lawn to protest Canadian refined wheat product tariffs for maybe $6-8,000. Could it be intercepted? While I doubt it, I know for sure 10 of them at the same time could not.
Should I wish to perform a similar protest in Sacramento I'd use a trebuchet for a few hundred bucks. I figure in Vermont it would cost the bag of flour and the 25¢ parking fee in front of the State House.
Oh, do it do it, please do it!!!!!
Can Trump tweet from Airforce I? OMFG, he could tweed from Saudi Arabia!!
Tweet too.
The drone registration thing was stupid. The excuse for it was that drone buyers needed to be edumacated. The registration process was said to take 7 minutes, which is not a whole lot of edumacation, even if all of the time was edumacational.
Meanwhile, check the trendy homes in the San Juan Islands:
Perfect for people who are looking for a place where it rains 340 days per year.
Agreed... Your presumably in the wrong if you shoot one down, even if it's photographing into your windows
F/u from the last thread:
> Homeless population in Santa Monica is up 26 percent
Meanwhile, there is also a rash of property crimes since the choo-choo went in. Bicycle theft and automobile break-ins are through the roof.
I'd delete that comment pronto
JP was all on favor of it when I saw him in SM last Fall...
Crime exploded to the west when Tri-Met in "Our Shit Don't Stink" Portland expanded their infamous "Fareless Square" to the west.
The choo-choo would be fine (other than the influx of thieves) if they had done it properly, and for people who actually want to go to DTLA, it's probably better than driving. But ask any retail merchant near one of the stations, and they'll you that shoplifting has become a major problem.
There aren't enough hours in the day to describe everything they did wrong. But just to start with, you can't park your car at the station (no parking lots!), and if you ride your bike, plan on it getting stolen, even if you lock it.
The San Juans must be in the rain shadow of whatever those mountains to the west of them are because they don't seem to get very much rain (about 25 inches per year).
Very pretty..but I don't think I'd want to live there year around..a bit too isolated for me.
One lavenDer plant planted. One clump of sawgrass dug up. The rest have.their tops lopped off by the yard guy, but they will mostly grow back.
another problem with the San Juans is they'll probably get slammed by tsunamis if/when the Cascadia fault fails
Cascadia this week:
Just a throat clearing 4.1
Can you summarize?
Oh noez, not everyone can move to Floridah.
yeah look on the map where the San juans are located. You'll potentially have a tsunami screaming down the Salish Sea..and another one coming up the Strait of Juan de Fuca..and the San Juans sit right where the two will collide.
Then the converged tsunami will continue onto the mainland..bounce off..and hit them again on the way back...
Fun times!!
not everyone can move to Floridah.
think of how good your Zestimates are going to look though!!
Are those islands part of washinton, British Columbia or Alaska? People.have talked about a m hurricane screamING up Tampa Bay. So far hasn't happened . But it will.
the san juans are part of WA/USA..
just to the west of them is Victoria Island..which is canada
Those parts of PNW don't know from border. The Cascadian Fault won't care.
Any half way valid n prediction of will blow?
it's like the San Andreas...way past historical averages...but the geological timeframes are measured in millions of years...
Portland is going to be screwed too. They keep all of the fuel storage for the city on a man-made island in the middle of the Columbia you're looking at a natural and ecological disaster in the making
So if your worried about a drone looking in your window can see, I can only imagine what the government can see with the blinds closed.:o
ha ha..
and the Brewers beat the so-called "World Champion" up a three game lead on them
Lordy be. Amazingly stupid .
Escape from the Great Sewer!
Now for a shower. After the week I just had.....
Let's all give them something to see.
I need a shower,.but it is from digging in the dirt. MARIGOLDS! ,
Let's all give them something to see.
at our ages..that would be inflicting cruel and unusual punishment on them
I like Russian dressing on a hamburger. Hamburger Hamlet Had a #32 with Swiss cheese, ham, bacon and Russian dressing. Zucchini Zircles and a schooner of beer was my regular order, memories. :)
yeah was hoping that maybe we could have a decent relationship with Russia going forward..maybe something akin to what we have with China..cautious but pragmatic.
Looks like the Dims aren't going to let that happen...
So far all the Dims have done is fan the flames of smoke and no proof. According to The Times, The Post says. LOL! The Nat Enquirer is soon to be the standard of truth. Sad.
Schooners! One of those indulgences that the higher powers usually forgive. Usually forgive over their own schooners.
Trumpagolds repel moles. 🐭
In heaven they have no beer..that's why we drink it here...
My hummers are so thick and so territorial that no drone would get more than a blur of feathers.
Yay! Well deserved. And
Speak for yourself.
I've heard they are mean birds, tho beautiful.
What do they like to sip. I've planted some things that butterflies are supposed to like.
I've seen a few but not many. They liked the Cape honeysuckle,but it was ever the septic tank and had to be torn out.
Nitey nite. What will Trump do tomorrow?
> What will Trump do tomorrow?
A better question would be: "What will the swamp-dwellers do tomorrow?"
My guess is they will be preparing for the Sunday talk shows.
snakes in the grass...
Actually, directly across the bay from Tampa is a place called Safety Harbor. Hurricanes almost never hit there. My SiL was hit in Tampa and lost part of her roof, but it want a huge deal.
All Donnie all the time makes for a dull blog.
Yuan a bet?
The gubmint is typically a little more discrete than the 14 yo boy three houses down
Lol... Agreed... Anyone been to Mudville lately?
Not me. I'd go if'n I could get the Penguin here.
Must have coffee!!!!
Ya...I heard that
Good Morning!
Last day of rain then back to the outdoors! :)
Sadness. No rain.
Big water biils. Happy plants. When watered every day. Plz! Rainy season soon!
Florida so loves the rain they name the storms that bring it. New season two weeks. Any predictions?
Unfortunately, when Florida gets good Summer monsoons, the Northeast here and hot summer. The Bermuda High sets up to sweep daily storms across Florida, and then sweeps the heat and humidity North, and then Northeast into NY/NE...bleeeh... Maybe need to get a second window unit for the upstairs...
Cat escaped . Turtle came halfway out of burrow, cat didnt notice.
A title bit a of Donnie makes a weird blog.
I asked the hub, but he forgot to check.
Naming bad winter storms too. Planted some Mexican heather. Very pleasant sitting in the shade with the breeze, trying to persuade myself to lant the last few marigolds (need more) and the cat's whiskers.
Sunrise is coastal fog burning off and pushed out by midday. Late afternoon the process reverses with cool ocean breezes and the return of early morning fog. Kinda boring until October.
Apparently Janet Napalitano at UC enjoys the support of the Regents. That is gong to blow up.
Planted Cat's whiskers Defeated evil root.
Apropos the scandal?
This morning I fixed some of the sprinklers on the allegedly city-maintained section of grass nearby. The lazy incompetent bozos that the city (using HOA dollars) pays to do this had still not fixed them after a year of complaining to city hall, the contractor, the HOA, etc.
This is the same contractor that complains to the city when residents fix the sprinklers themselves.
Do drones drown in the rain? Maybe they could be used to spray for weeds like a crop duster.
Email me the name of the HOA and I will take care of it.
Frankly I do not understand in this age of robotics why aerial crop management still exists on any level. That said the field below me was dusted just this last week.
Excuse to have an airplane and have fun while getting paid for it.
Have an excuse? I never thought of that!
Frankly I do not understand in this age of robotics why aerial crop management still exists on any level. That said the field below me was dusted just this last week.
Weight issue? you need a lot of power to haul gallons of 2-4-D
I am thinking a ground robot that applies 1/4th as much overnight with no drift as opposed to the cost of a cropduster.
I want one tg will chop sawgrass roos wash dishes and water plants. To much to ask? And clean toilets. I'll do the rest.
70's and pleasant up here..
think I'll plant my butt out on the deck this afternoon, watch baseball and drink beer
dang Cubs/Brewers cancelled?? (weather)...
Cubs were probably just afraid they were going to get beat again.. ;<)
Red Sox without Papi aren't the Red Sox.
A yard iRobot will be a trillion dollar segment. I can see municipalities subsidizing adoption. Thank about it and then ask me to fill in the obvious.'s always tough for a year or two when you lose those iconic players from your favorite teams.
Then someone else great appears and it gets better again..
the technical hurdles involved in automating the mowing of municipal parks/properties seem insurmountable to me. /sarc off
The problem being that the moneyball criteria are no longer a secret.
Doesn't matter as walk up ticket ticket prices have failed to hold down costs. Perhaps the coming ESPN implosion will help.
By technical you mean political. How long before coal tenders were eliminated from diesel electric locomotives?
I thought that's what spouse was for...
Same here, with clear blue skies
redacting that last comment and hoping Liz didn't see it :)
Same here, with clear blue skies
revenge of the north dwellers!!
it's amazing what 75 inches of precip (in six months) does for the greenery around here..
Hmmmmm, just got back. What did it say?
ha'll never know (but wasn't anything directed at you personally)
House up. 100$. Yay!
Can anybody tell me? Somebody must have read it?
I would really hate to fire my lawn guy
50 ways to leave your lawn guy..
1) head out the back Jack
2) make a new plan Stan
Looks like the rain is finishing up. I fell like I live in Seattle.
except for the "finishing up" part..
Most of the week is more then enough for me. Ready for good weather and the summer thunder boomers!
yeah..there's nothing like a good old summer thundershower. I love the smell of the air right before they arrive.
tornadoes on the other hand...are completely terrifying
Never saw a tornado
growing up in SE Wisconsin..we would have tornado watches about a dozen times a year..with tornado warnings (where they actually have spotted tornadoes on the radar) maybe 2-3 times a summer.. we would always go down to the basement to wait it out...nothing bad ever happened.
Then one year we got complacent..half went to the basement..other half were looking out the front door...damn tornado hit about 500 feet from us...our house was fine..but it completely wiped out about a dozen new homes being constructed the next block over (not occupied no injuries)..
I have never experienced a hurricane but have seen a small tornado from a distance and earthquakes you can't see them coming. Tornadoes at least you have a chance to know when conditions are right for one.
Former New Engkaner here so I experienced it all before I was even a teenager. Except earthquake. Had to move to check off that box.
Florida tornadoes are relatively wimpy.
Nitey nite
Gluten morgan
Will he grab some Arabian ladies I wonder? He can go a couple of days even pretending to be normal, I don't think.
I thonk I did too much gardening yesterday. I'm tired.
My Trumpagolds are in the veggie garden for color and doing great. If only trump himself was an annual and not a perrenial.
Good Morning!
No rain today. Good start for the farmers who got their fields planted.
!!!!! Hahaha. I thunk you liked him!!!
Have you clipped your hedge?
New post.
I am disappointed no one commented on the two pictures in this post and their similarities.
Liz. Holding off a bit on the hedge in deference to the neighbor's personal events.
Ummm, sure.
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