I was wondering if the Arizona Republic would be interested in running a story in the Real Estate Section over this little difference of opinion.
“Local Realtor® reiiterates claim that anyone who dares believe Phoenix houses are overpriced is a Brownshirt Nazi. Greg Swann, ABR, CBR, CRS, E-Pro, GRI, Realtor® and Designated Broker for BloodhoundRealty.com again repeated his description of internet bloggers that are asserting that there is a housing bubble in the Greater Phoenix are were “Brown Shirts or flying monkeys.” Attempts to contact Mr. Swann at his brokerage went unanswered but representatives of the JDl were quick to…”
Mr. Swann you’ve clearly violated both the ethical guidelines of your profession and the bounds of decent human behavior. It really is time to let Phonecians in general know just what your views are. An article would give you a chance to defend your repeated character assinations. A letter writing campaign to the Op-Ed pages would also work as the editors upon recieving hundreds of submissions from all over the country would certainly result in a requst for you to comment. Worst would be the insulted parties being forced to buy advertising space where you would be afforded no voice. Of course there’s always peer review where the local board of fellow Real Estate professionals can be calleed upon to rule on your ethical behavior and how it reflects on them. Then there’s the alternative, use this as a learning experience and apologize for calling me and the many others out there Brownshirts.
gosh robert,a brownshirt?for being honest? you always struck me as a jeffersonian with a libertarian bent.personally i have always been fond of tom paine.and doesn't this guy know any history...the SA was pretty much gone after the night of the long knives.i do wonder when our current republican party will have its own night of the long knives..dick cheney,jerry falwell and anne coulter in bed together strikes as noisy and perverse,but not much fun.i'm betting on the money boys winning (and thereby losing)myself.murphy is a great god.
gosh robert,a brownshirt?for being honest? you always struck me as a jeffersonian with a libertarian bent.personally i have always been fond of tom paine.and doesn't this guy know any history...the SA was pretty much gone after the night of the long knives.i do wonder when our current republican party will have its own night of the long knives..dick cheney,jerry falwell and anne coulter in bed together strikes as noisy and perverse,but not much fun.i'm betting on the money boys winning (and thereby losing)myself.murphy is a great god.
you should read up on "Godwin's Law"... from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_Law
Godwin's Law (also Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies) is a mainstay of Internet culture, an adage formulated by Mike Godwin in 1990. It is particulary concerned with logical fallacies such as reductio ad Hitlerum, wherein an idea is unduly dismissed or rejected on ground of it being associated with persons generally considered "evil".
The law states:
"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one. "
There is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically "lost" whatever debate was in progress.
I understand Godwin's Law. It is Swann that not only refuses to accept it but Swann that is so callous that he doesn't see the harm in calling people who disagree; Brownshirts. The picture, BTW, is Hitler in his early Brownshirt uniform.
I agree completely.... no matter how much I disagree with someone I cannot imagine ever infering or directly comparing that person to a Nazi.
Comparing the Bears to Nazis is perhaps rude but I would have been more upset had he compared Realtwhores to Nazis. This because the Nazis are not even here to defend themselves.
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