Our intrepid Nega-Hero thinks he is responding thusly:
12 - (5) Seek out a medical health professional
Haha… Is this a joke?
I posted to moderation;
No. Why would anyone, hater, sycophant, trainwreck observer, anyone be this flippant? You are up, you are down, you have erratic sleeping patterns, you are easily distracted, impulsive, ... there's a long list. I have deleted the rest of the list to save you the time you do not have in editing it. This "advise" above is clearly heartfelt, honest and sincere. I'm thinking Adderall, Stratera and Focalin, possibly lithium or stronger. I'm thinking those last because I just visited your updated spreadsheet. You have broken through the $600,000 barrier and continue to "loose" ground at least $800/day. Deleting the $50k Countrywide note didn't make it go away did it? Due tomorrow? $417, 15jj.
But there are those days when the pressure gets to be too much and I am ready to Chapter 7 all the debt away.
Just to be clear. Not all the debt goes away. Say it: "I, Casey Serin, will be held responsible for any taxes and penalties and accrued interest of such for any debt forgiveness in addition to any debt incurred in the 6 months prior to bankruptcy and any notes I signed outside of the bankruptcy process." You are facing a dismal post bankruptcy future. "All the debt away" is more of the evidence some people cite when suggesting medical evaluation.
Okay, you wanted updates without going there. This is it. Let loose the dawgs of war.
Is it just me, or is our FFF starting to crack under the strain? Aside from the fact that he double-posted his latest missive, his spelling, grammar, and markup seem a bit sloppier than usual.
I can't blame him -- I'm amazed that he's held up under the strain as well as he has. The combination of crushing debt, unemployment, celibacy, and the threat of prosecution would be too much for most men.
Of note, there is no mention in this latest rant of: Duane or Chris Record.
It's 100% certifed troll bait, essentialy any good advice= no, any advice that allows him to live in CaseyWorld= yes.
And yes, the kid is either in need of drugs or presently on them.
Do you think it is even worth pointing out that many people told him he should seek out a MENTAL health professional?
Nevemind I know the answer to that.
My guess is that he disappeared the CW note because the underlying short sale fell through. He's conveniently decided that one was linked to the other.
Wishful thinking (aah!) on his part, but while signing it was stupid I don't think CW will ever really aggressively pursue it.
As I posted at the time, I think this was just a little bit on Enron accounting on CW's part to reclassify $50K worth of the bad mortgage to appear to be current debt.
BoA has been looking over their books. CW will be using all sorts of tactics to make them look as good as possible. (By sweeping the dirt under the rug.)
This bad paper is the least of CS's headaches.
Obviously, this is the latest lame attempt to spike comments. On why he doesn't get a job:
As much as I want to continue working for myself and doing deals full time I do agree that I may have to go back to a stable job for a while in order to provide a stable base from which to launch my next venture(s).
I was making 50k/yr as a Programmer/Analyst at my last job at Pride Industries in Roseville and should be able to get back into something like that if I must.
If I must? Must showed up about 6 months ago when the last cash back purchase fell through and the SHTF with the underwater properties he can't unload. Paying back the money is not that big of a priority? Dude is $500k in the hole and earning money to pay it back is optional? Says the same thing about his wife too. Her earning money is optional too. Too low of an earning potential given where she is. She needs to graduate from college first. As if someone just out of community college will be given a $60k salary job with no experience. Right, Casey. If I am that far in debt, I am working 2-3 jobs, anything to bring in income. Not waisting time blogging and dodging bill collectors.
But unless I find a really sweet deal very soon, I agree that I need to think STABILITY. My marriage/friendships have been suffering due to the lack of it. I can’t just keep going like this.
Where is the sweet deal coming from? It sure isn't one of the properties he is holding right now. After all his infamy, who in their right mind would lend to him without a 50% downpayment and a 20% interest rate? This guy is certifiable. I'll say it again. This guy needs jail time to save him from himself.
Further proof we need to post our responses here and not there.
Posting there means he can point to all the posts and say "see, my blog is POPULAR!"
I think our little one is loosing it and I plan to have fun dissecting the whole thing tonight.
LOL on Casey!
Subsonic...didn't he once say he made about $35K from programming?
AM I not reading right? Where did $50K/yr coming from?
He obviously intends on skirting his creditors. Reading his useless rant about not having enough money didn't jibe because I ask myself WHERE IS ALL THIS MONEY COMING FROM?
He is trolling for responses and he just won't get them from me ON HIS terms (his blog).
For the record, I only post at IAFF every few days just to keep my name link to here fresh.
Subsonic...didn't he once say he made about $35K from programming?
Casey has had two programming job, the one he had when he bought his condo in 2003(?) and the one at Pride. He said he made $35k/year at the first one in the Kiyosaki interview.
Do try and keep up.
GEEZ...Can somebody just shoot this kid and put him out of his misery. He is never gonna get it. My GOD!!!!He hasn't followed a single good advice, but for some reason he thinks that he has.
But I wonder what kind of a bigger idiot do you have to be to lend this kid $3000. I really want to know CS's friend's name. Can you find out his name Homey????
"Seek out a medical health professional?"
Not a joke at all, although it should really say, "seek out a mental health professional". I am not an MD, but I think the odds are high that C suffers from either ADD or Bipolar II or possibly both.
I believe you are correct. I do remember him saying it was $35k also. Maybe $50k is what he told his lenders in order to get approved for financing. In a couple of months it will be $75k, then $100k.
No matter what his income really is, you can bet his creditors won't see any of it.
What's the point of posting at this point is what I asked myself. If you take the time to say something funny, you may see it 10 minutes later or it may be 12 hours later.
The fact that he even has to ponder getting a job makes me sick. Most of us have worked full-time since we were teenagers and that ass clown thinks blogging is work. It seems like a lot of the good posters have made it to here anyway.
Funny, on one of my recent posts I called him a dumbass, idiot, etc. And he blocks out retard and passes everything else.
I think some "haters" are dangling sweet sham deals in front of him, and he's hoping one of them is real, or he's found another scam website that's dangling riches in front of him for $3000 of training and binders.
He has no intentions of getting a job, because that would mean admitting he's wrong, and L'il Casey is NEVER wrong.
He has no intention of making G get a job, because that will mean he'll never have sex again with her, and admitting he's not the sooperdooper Real Estate Magnate™ that he's spent tens of thousands of other people's dollars to become.
He has no intentions of paying back ANY of the home loans with money he earned with a legitimate job, because I think it's stuck in his head, from his gurus and his madness, that you never, ever, ever spend your own money on the deals, and use other people's money.
I have yet to see him address making a single payment on his loans. The only payments he mentions are the ones in Utah, being made by the new "owners".
Declaring bankruptcy makes the debts his, no kidding around, it's on HIS dime at that point, and that goes against all the garbage the gurus have pumped in his head.
I truly believe he's borderline psychotic, and his warped mind is fixated on the concept that the RE scams he tried was never his debt, never his money, and that he could jig it so not one dime of his own personal money ever went to those debts.
Thus, the cable bill gets paid, the cell phone, roadside assistance, a copy of MS Money, a new computer, two seperate cell accounts, $3K personal spending each month, and G not having to start shopping at Walmart instead of Nordstrom's.
Everything since the first foreclosure letter has been a desperate attempt to keep that debt as far away from him as possible. Why else would a phoney Inc. appeal to him so much? It's the *corporation's* debt, not HIS.
He has never talked about raising the money by legitimate means, it's always a scam, a loan, Sugar Daddy Duane paying for links, the Chris employment scam, it's always someone else's dime. The Prlinkboz contract was about THEM fixing his mess, selling his story, and him getting his mentoring fix and doing essentially nothing.
The loans were never "his", in his mind. I'm sure of that. The "I'm just trying to be honest" is just an act, to try and get free advice and ideas to figure out how to salvage his long con.
L'il Casey is utter human garbage, who thinks his laziness is more important than ethics, honesty, or integrity.
He belongs behind bars.
This is Rob BBB
I posted to Casey's boards but it looks like it was moderated out.
It was a really good post. I'll post a really short form of it..
This new foreclosure is just another one of Casey's junk properties that he needs to get rid of so he can get back to making some sweet deals.
So, he's down to his last $250..
and his wife has something like 11 maxed out credit cards that they owe $30,000 on or something..
and Casey has.. what $100,000 in debt, a lot of credit cards, etc.
I mean who doesn't have that kind of stuff?
Does anyone have a wife that has less than 11 maxed out credit cards?
I don't even know how many my wife has. And who could keep track of those bills anyway given the way she spends. I can't.
But its OK because we still get credit card offers in the mail with good rates.
At least his wife goes to school. Mine just watches TV all day while I work on my investing.
I'll bet the average American has something like $100,000 in credit card debt. So, for all intensive purposes, Casey is just average.
People in glass houses shouldn't call other people names.
Oh, I fogot, I am looking seriously into suing 3 individuals for indentity theft.
The first on the list is the "Rob bbb" poster. You're gonna be sorry when my lawyers put the smackdown on you
@"Rob BBB"
Oh, I fogot, I am looking seriously into suing 3 individuals for indentity theft.
And there was I thinking Casey was the funniest poster in the blogosphere this evening.
RobBBB, if you really aren't trolling for comic effect, you're as delusional and psychotic as he is. Since we have no idea who you are, how the hell can anyone steal your identity? And who would want to, given that you clearly have serious mental health issues?
I'm suing both RobBBB and RobBBBB for identity theft. You think adding a coupla more Bs makes you special? Huh? You'll be laughing on the other side of your faces when my lawyers put the smackdown on you.
"Rob BBB" -- I don't know who he is, but I know his kind. 10 to 1 he's an old school F***edCompany denizen. They love to troll, and they love to push people's hot buttons and watch as folks go ballistic in response.
The only way to deal with them is to ignore them. Feeding the troll in any way only makes it stronger.
Come on now people; you *know* we're all WRONG, and CASEY (and a couple of the Mutual-Masturbation-Rah-Rah Casey Team) is (are) right!
We're all collectively deluded! You see, sweet deals are ripe for the plucking; and inexperienced, lazy little waif boys with questionable brain functions can make bazillions of dirty pennies on them!
Those of you who are stupid enough to have a job and to be educated by run-of-the-mill universities when you could have infinitely better, higher-quality education at your local real-estate guru class at the elks lodge... you are just all ridiculous and stupid, and are all jealous of Casey because he's only 24 and look at him! He's married, He's supporting his wife so she doesn't have to work and can be edumacated! He's got a bunch of property; and enjoys luxurious cookie-cutter restaurant dining and healthy, organic, tasty beverages and drives a fine German car!
What Lo(o)sers we are!
Does anyone have a wife that has less than 11 maxed out credit cards?
Er... yes. She's got two. One's completely empty, and only on hand for emergencies, and the other's paid off in full most months - and she makes me feel horribly guilty if I can't say the same.
Maybe that's where I've been going wrong. I mean, I've already made the terminal mistake of getting a first-class degree and a proper job and waiting until I owned my own home before having kids - but clearly my decision to marry a sensible, level-headed, financially responsible woman instead of a high-maintenance trophy wife was the final nail in the coffin of my sad, pathetic existence.
In fact, I might as well go and kill myself right now. Be happy for me: I've finally seen the light.
I had told Casey a couple of threads ago to skip the Top 5 response altogether - it was a waste of his time, and I didn't want to hear his excuses again.
So, here he is, not so much making excuses as (suprise) trolling for responses. I sense desparation and the need for an attention 'fix'.
Also (like others have mentioned) find it curious no mention of Duane, nor any recent responses from Duane. I think Duane is quickly realizing what special kind of idiot he has linked himself to, and won't be around long. Sounds like Chris is already there as of a few weeks ago.
So, I really do think we're finally in the endgame. Reality appears to be sinking in a bit, the marriage is crumbling, etc.
IAFF site currently down:
"Error establishing a database connection"
Maybe no biggie - he may have to take the DB down to purge the dup post. We'll see...
@ Endgame
"...so, I really do think we're finally in the endgame. Reality appears to be sinking in a bit, the marriage is crumbling, etc."
::giant stadium-sized hoard of people doing the wave while emitting a deafening roar::
Rob BBB, it sounds like you need a new wife. I do not have 11 maxed out credit cards. I have one credit card with a $500 limit. It is only used on business trips as my company does not supply corporate cards. I do not rent cars or reserve hotel rooms with my debit card.
We do have a whole crap load of debt but almost all of it secured.
I feel bad for you. Can't you and the wifey come up with a budget you will both agree on? Maybe your wife is depressed.
@ Robert
(If Casey ever does BK) You're crediting Casey with foresight and he has none. I'll wager he hasn't heard a word of advice he's been given, and will be surprised and victimized when he gets the little slips in the mail at tax time that tell him that all that forgiven debt is now taxable income.
Maybe your wife is depressed.
If I was married to someone who came out with half as much drivel as RobBBB has done over the past few weeks, I'd be depressed too. No wonder she's addicted to TV and retail therapy.
It also doesn't sound as though he has a huge amount of respect for her. Or time.
And we're supposed to look up to this guy?
Does anyone have a wife that has less than 11 maxed out credit cards?
I *am* a wife. And no, I don't. Back about 10 or so years ago, I probably had 6 or 7 including store charge cards, but I sure as hell didn't carry the kinds of balances those kids have. These days, we have a Visa for emergencies, a Macy's card, and a debit card. Nothing more.
Although, to be completely honest, if we had a lot of extra disposable income, you can bet your butt I'd be shopping a lot more than I do now. I like to shop. But that's the difference between being a responsible adult and being a Casey or Galina. Responsible adults live within their means.
The troll here is Casey. His situation is real but all he is doing is trolling for sympathy and another "sweet deal"
(meaning debt with cash back somehow)
He wants to come off as someone who has an "intent not to defraud".
Thus the blog.
And the continuous asking for advice.
But does he ever take it?
What are his actions. Are they the actions of an honorable man?
Why is it so important for him to make a case that he has "intent" to pay everything back?
Read this article
search for the word "intent"
Now read this as well and search for "intent"
I believe Casey is addicted to what he is doing.
But I also believe he is much, much more calculating when it comes to his blog and how he thinks it will affect his legal situation than most would believe.
Those spunky kids are living the American dream. It's the land of opportunity and Pre-Approved Credit Cards.
I am taking offense to the term "dirty pennies". Not all pennies are dirty and do not deserve the treatment they recieve on this and other blogs. Pennies found on the ground can be easily cleaned in the dishwasher.
Please send all your "dirty pennies" to me. I am willling to cut you in on the profit. Here is the sweet deal.
I will collect as many pennies as possible. Currently, I have about 565 pennies saved. My plan is to grow that to 1,000,000 pennies. In a few years the government will rebase the penny and remove it from currency. The penny will now be worth $.05. Pure Profit!!
Who wants in? Just send me your pennies to get started.
Does anyone have a wife that has less than 11 maxed out credit cards?
People - can't you hear sarcasm? I like this faux BBB better than the real one who is a serious suck up.
Serious question for Robert Cote/others: if the debt taken on in the last 6 mos isn't eliminated by bankruptcy, could it be that the Bk lawyer advised CS to bide his time for a bit so more of his debts are 6+ mos old? Of course, if they are smart enough to not excuse anythign done via fraud, he and Galina are in for a lifetime of scrubbing toilets 24/7 to begin to pay it back. Sweet!
Stephanie J:
...fine German car!
You owe me a keyboard. I can just picture the precision German engineering leaking out all over Casey's sister-in-law's driveway.
Of course, if they are smart enough to not excuse anythign done via fraud, he and Galina are in for a lifetime of scrubbing toilets 24/7 to begin to pay it back. Sweet!
Does debt not discharged under bankruptcy continue to accrue interest? If so, it seems like there is a point beyond which the interest on Casey's unsecured debt would exceed anything that he could bring in. He's probably not anywhere near that point with a measly 100k, but if he ever gets there he will be well and truly fucked.
Jerman kar! Hah. He just likes the sound of "J" the highest letter he got to before blowing off all yhat ejukation stuff. Jamba Juice, Jumbo loans, Jetta... Anybody see a pattern?
Seroius, yes of course Casey is attempting to "age" his debt and avoid the worst scrutiny. What he doesn't understand is that there are about 2 dozen prosecutors waiting to fight over the carcass and not one bit of the fraudlent part is going to go uncommented in the hearing. I'll drive to Sacto if I have to but I'm pretty damn sure discharge is not in his future. At this point every day not bankrupt is a victory.
Yep, there is a chance the un-discharged debts no longer accrue interest.
If CS ever got that far, his debts would most likely be charged off. Charge offs tend to go to really nasty debt collectors in upstate NY named Vito.
But then again if he filed, say, BEFORE the chargeoff the lender would freeze the account and cease collections. So there is a shot that any un-discharged debts would continue accruing once the case is closed.
BKboy knows better than I, but being somebody who has known people in BK this is what USED to happen before BK Reform.
Under BK reform Casey will seriously need to attend financial budget management classes before the court takes the case. I also believe he will have to fill out all this paperwork that is designed as a "MEANS" test. In his case he should pass the means test.
I just want to laugh when he's sitting in that BK mandated class and getting lectured on irresponsibility and how to manage your bills!
Teacher: Now you MUST open your mail in a timely fashion. Letting it go too long means your bills will be late. Creditors are not keen to people who are late paying their bills.
Casey: Oooh, oooh teacher dude....so why do I need to open my mail so quickly? I am a real estate investor and there just isn't time in the daily schedule between meetings with myself, hanging at Starbucks and naps. I know there are sweet deals out there and I can't sit around opening mail. No way, Jose.
Teacher: You fail, leave my class.
Casey also seems to think that everything will just go away at BK, but even people on the up and up (i.e. not Casey) find themselves getting screwed in the courtroom.
The only way he can get out with minimal damage is to pay big money up front to a REAL lawyer.
For that to work, there would have to be truth to my coffee can/passports/backyard conspiracy theory.
*puts on tinfoil hat*
Casey said
"Regardless how it looks I live pretty frugally already. And cccasional dinning out is OK, especially since most of it revolves around business meetings"
Business meetings
G (eating a hot dog) "You pay the bills yet?"
Casey "No, except for the one you are 4 months behind on"
G "Dumbass"
Casey to waiter "Can I get a receipt, we talked business"
They should do a public flogging of this guy, hell I would pay per view.
"People - can't you hear sarcasm? I like this faux BBB better than the real one who is a serious suck up..."
If you ever, ever thought Rob BBB was a serious suck up and not just being sarcastic,
your mind must have been clouded something serious while reading his posts.
Giving a guy who is broke, 2MM+ in debt a link to a 12MM apartment building?
That isn't sarcasm?
How about the
"oh.. these foreclosures are just clearing out dead property"
That isn't sarcasm?
It amazes and, at the same time, depresses me that the meaning of his commentary would be lost on anyone.
@ Dolph
Casey: No worries teacher dude.... my personal assistant opens my mail for me. I pay her with the credit card in G's name that is still working.
From MSN Money:
From the article:
In 1998, when he was 37, Jeong Kim sold his telecommunications company to Lucent Technologies for $1.1 billion...
...While at Johns Hopkins, Kim worked full time for a technology startup founded by fellow students and professors. But after graduation he decided to join the Navy. "I wanted to pay back society," Kim says. "Maybe that's idealistic, but it felt right."
*wipes a tear*
*adjusts tin foil hat*
@ Robert,
You triggered a fascinating thought. I do consulting for a living, am always on the road, and thus have a ginormous amount (1M+) of frequent flyer miles.
What better use of them than to fly from the midwest to sunny CA to attend a Casey hearing!
@ Stephanie J,
As I watch the Superbowl Sunday (I live in Indianapolis), I'm sure now that I'll hear one roar just for Casey!
The thing about business purpose meals crack me up. First of all unless you are compelled to buy the meal cause you're out of town, then only 50% of the meal is deductible.
Which then means you actually have to have some income to deduct the meals from. And you actually have to file taxes.
Does anyone think Casey is going to file a 1040 long form or find an accountant or tax service to prepare it for him? Do you think he actually saves the receipts?
Any thoughts on the NLL site still being down? Anyone heard or seen any info?
I've sent emails to both Erin and Joy, but am shocked and hurt that they haven't replied. I'm not taking sides (as I've quoted someone else's neat phrase, it's "the battle of the retards"), I'm just trying to keep stirring it up!
He's already talking about his CPA. He's too busy finding more sweet deals to waste time doing his own taxes. Besides, H&R Block takes Mastercard, so it's not only a tax deductible expense, but he'll never have to pay it...
"Under BK reform Casey will seriously need to attend financial budget management classes before the court takes the case. I also believe he will have to fill out all this paperwork that is designed as a "MEANS" test. In his case he should pass the means test."
This must be the "disturbing news" the BK attorney gave him.
To RobBBB:
My husband and I have 4 daughters, 20, 19, 16, and 14. We have 2 credit cards, one for emergencies that has 122.00 balance as of today, and the other is at $2000.00, and we are paying slightly more than minimum. You know what we charged? Our daughter's college school books and supplies. My husband and I both work full-time, and the 3 olsest daughters work part-time...the oldest working 2 jobs. NONE of them have credit cards, but have bank accounts and debit cards. My 19-year-old destroyed a letter from Old Navy today offering her credit. We live paycheck to paycheck and work very hard. But we have also raised some very smart daughters who believe in reward through hard work. They find happiness in people and family and education. Going out to eat is SPECIAL to them because it IS a reward. So to answer your question, Rob NO...NOT EVERYONE HAS A WIFE WITH A WALLET FULL OF MAXED-OUT CREDIT CARDS.
I want my daughters to be educated and self-reliant. The 3 that drive know how to change their oil in their USED cars that they helped buy. They also know how to change a flat. They all have cell phones that are a flat rate $45 each month, and they pay for them. They each give us $50 a month to go toward car insurance. (Not because we cannot pay it, but because we want them to get into a habit of paying bills monthly, and budgeting) When we have a celebration in the family, my girls want to do something as a family, (go camping, go hiking, go to a play)
But, according to Casey and all of his oompa-loompas in Caseyworld, USA....I am not a good parent. Somehow I think I will lose maybe 5.3 seconds sleep over worrying about that.
(Everytime I use "CASEYWORLD,USA" I have to tell Dolph how much I heart him)
Robert...thanks for a spot to post for us addicts. You are like my methadone clinic, brother.
And what was with the SAG list? I think SHE needs more help than Casey does.
Just posted over at IAFF for the last time, doubt it will be posted though. I told CS that he was trolling with his last two Blog entries and that I was joining the boycott here at Exurban Nation and Caseyland USA. (mostly said that to let others know about the boycott as I haven't seen it mentioned in the comments at his site)
Then I asked Duane what his thoughts were on CS's last two entries and if he felt CS was still following what they had agreed on and asked him to post his response at either of these sites since I won't be back to IAFF.
He must be getting nothing but negative "hater" posts or else I'd think he would allow posts by now.
He must be making sweet deals or taking a sweet nap!
For Pete's sake.....RobBBB is a freakin' female; not a guy. Look at her syntax.
Personally, I think she's Casey's sister.
Ogg think even Nigel get more than 8 comments on blog.
RobBBB wrote:
"This is Rob BBB
I posted to Casey's boards but it looks like it was moderated out.
It was a really good post. I'll post a really short form of it.."
I also wrote a long item this morning, but it got moderated out. No obscenity, but I apparently made the mistake of giving a URL to the Chris Record letter that Duane LeGate has on his blog. And, since "Savvy Chris" has long since been outed in this and other blogs, I referred to CR's "MySpace" blog.
Why? Because it captures the "smiling faces of success," the mutual back-slapping, the "failing forward" doublespeak of these investment gurus and their followers.
I was replying to a point Miguel made, that Casey is a lot like an alcoholic. My point was that Casey is going to the equvialent of suppport groups to _encourage_ more drinking!
"My name is Dolph Record, just plain Dolph to my friends. I became a millionaire when I was 27 by drinkind heavily. You can, too. You can "fall flat on your face facing forward." For a very low $3000 price, our seminar next weekend at the Roseville Ramada Inn will teach you how to "Drink for Success!""
Looking through Chris Record's pages, those of his supporters, it's appaling. One giant Amway/MLM/HerbaLife marketing venture. And Chris is Casey's sponsor, as near as I can tell. And Casey's work for Chris is presumably helping to run the MLM machinery. (A lot like a recovering alcoholic working at a brewery.)
This "think and grow rich" snake oil has been common in America for a long time. I mentioned in my moderated-out post the Napoleon Hill story (cf. the Wikipedia), and all who followed.
It looks like Casey is hip-deep in this crap, with Chris Record being one of them, with Casey's former friend Amit involved, and of course with Duane LeGate and possibly others (NIgel?) involved in this MLM empire.
I knew that the Carlton Sheets/Tom Vu/Robert Kiyosaki stuff was flaky, but I hadn't realized just how pervasive this stuff is. There are paid seminars going on nearly every weekend.
The bursting of the bubble is going to be breathtaking.
Color me shocked! I attempted to call yneone a monumental idiot on IAFF without coming right out and saying it and Casey approved my comment within an hour.
It was the first and last time I've posted there. From now on I'm relying on the updates posted by Robert and his visitors. It is time to hit Casey where it hurts: square in the traffic stats.
Hi Leigh,
This is Rob BBB
You said
"We live paycheck to paycheck and work very hard... NO...NOT EVERYONE HAS A WIFE WITH A WALLET FULL OF MAXED-OUT CREDIT CARDS."
Sounds like you and your husband both have been working in cubes for 20 years and yet you still live paycheck to paycheck.
I work at home, on my investments while my wife watches TV. She buys pretty much anything she wants with credit cards.
No cube life for me or her.
Sure we have creditors harassing us. We just don't answer the phone or answer that mail. Life is pretty good. We'll probably have to declare bankruptcy (again) but you still get credit cards after bankruptcy.
Now, who is the fool here?
Here is another gem I have to comment on.
9 - (6) Take the time to maintain/fix your properties
I have mixed feelings about spending more time and money on under-water properties…
How would you like to have this selfish bastard as your next door neighbor/owner? I'm sure he is doing wonders for neighborhood property values as his properties sit vacant amid the uncut grass, unshoveled sidewalks, and dilapidating properties. I'm sure some good neighbor would cut his grass just to lessen the eyesore that this absentee landlord has wrought. He can't be bothered to care of the properties he bought (yet another CS lie, as condition of receiving his mortgage, he pledged to the mortgage to keep the property in good condition) because it's now underwater? But as long as the wife's credit cards are kept up to date, all is hunkey dorey in Caseyland. I don't think the fines he receives from the city are dischargable in BK, if he doesn't get arrested first.
Wow, the responses from Rob BBB's trolling are hilarious. Keep it up, Rob BBB.
Hey RobBBB...
Thanks for your reply.
Your post makes me think you have no children. If I am wrong, I apologize.
My husband is a Software Programmer for a bank, and I manage a family owned HVAC and plumbing company. We both love our jobs. The people we work with are great, and what we do helps people. The reason we are close to the cuff now is 2 kids in full-time college. We could get numerous credit cards, but we are investing in our 401ks and updating our 60 year old house. Our children are our big expense right now. We have 5 automoblies in great shape that are PAID FOR. We also own our house outright. But my oldest daughter is going to Columbia on partial scholarship, and living in NYC. And it costs.
I am not sure how I would do being an inverstor or in Real Estate. At 43, I guess I was never exposed to it quick enough to learn how to do it properly. I went the old college route. (English major-----got a poem I can repair?) lol
I am happy that you and your wife can live the way you do. I wish I had the skill to invest confidently. I might still do that someday.
I could be the fool, Rob. But I am a fool who can answer my phone and go to my mailbox.
Again, thanks for your point of view. Hope there is room enough for both of us.
Casey Serin future timeline:
Early 2007: His attempt to purchase eight houses having failed spectacularly, Casey thinks of purchasing an apartment complex in an effort to remain solvent.
Early 2008: His attempt to purchase an apartment complex having failed spectacularly, Casey thinks of purchasing an a "handful" of apartment complexes in an effort to remain solvent.
Early 2009: His attempt to purchase multiple apartment complexes having failed spectacularly, Casey thinks of purchasing a small American city in an effort to remain solvent.
... ad infinitum ;-p
Could CS have sold the house to the real estate agent for 1 price and then had the agent present an inflated settlement statement to the lender so they could split the proceeds of the $360,000 loan?
The wrap doesn't make much sense but maybe CS thought they would make the payments and he would actually get away with this scheme.
He is deluded.
Any other ideas? C&G spend a lot of money for 2 unemployed idiots. And their spendthrift ways are a great way to launder loan proceeds. I wasn't smart enough to go to RE guru school so I have to guess what is going on.
Here’s a couple of wild speculations using the “Cloak of Anonymity” to shield myself from Nigel Smarmy’s Evil Eye:
1) G doesn’t know what her credit score is, G doesn’t care. As long as she living the trophy wife lifestyle she is accustomed to, she’s happy (Ignorance is Bliss). Casey on the other hand, sees G’s credit as his out (much like the Corporate Credit Thingy). That’s why he’s so obsessed with preserving it (FICO is God). He’s not sure how this will save him, but that’s work for the Bean Counters, which will soon be outsourced.
2) The Utah Wrap money, somehow found its way in to Casey’s grubby hands and that’s why the mortgage is behind. Casey – “Man I really need to forward that Utah mortgage money. Hey look there’s a shiny object”
3) Casey changed delivery of as many of their bills as possible to “Electronic” to avoid the nagging of that Ball Busting, No Love Giving, Shrieking, Hubby Hating, Harpy.
Stay the Course Boycott the IAFF!!!!!!
"I have mixed feelings about spending more time and money on under-water properties… "
L'il Casey has no intentions to pay a single "dirty" dime of his own money towards these properties. Every time he posts, it screams out at me. This is all a delaying tactic until his mush brain figures out the scam that gets him out from under, or someone hands it to him on a silver platter.
The ONLY way he will put any money towards them is if it's a no-money down loan. In other words, NOT HIS MONEY.
Yes, the money the bank "stole" from him. He thinks his "profit" from personal loans and the money he stole from the scams is completely disconnected to the RE debt. It's how he sleeps at night, it's how he can post half-truths and babble about waking up on time and self-help gurus and the rest of the "organic" bullshit he writes.
It's ALL a front. He lies about everything.
I had an epiphany about all of this, and it all makes sense now. It did'nt add up, but now it does.
In L'il Casey's latke-filled braincase, his whole intention here is to defraud, lie, or borrow his way out of the hole, at least for the RE. He doesn't think of it as HIS debt! The only way the debts are serviced is if SOMEONE ELSE pays! Wraps, lease scams, fraudulent auctions, whatever it takes. He'll lie when he has to without a qualm. He'll play the "poor innocent little tousled haired immigrant" card all he's worth while he's doing it, and in his wierd Russian/Californian passive aggression, he'll smirk that he's smarter than everyone else.
The only saving grace is that he's truly a crummy criminal, and chose the wrong play for his revised long con, as the haters he bred are now ferreting out the details of his filthy scams and past.
You have to think like a lazy, indulgent, arrogant con-child like L'il Casey. One or more of his "gurus" told him that he should never finance this with his own money, that he should use other people's money. He will only do something if it strikes his passing fancy, or is so easy he can sit on his ass all day doing it. Thus, the blog, Sugar Daddy Duane, playing office all day.
Why else would he be completely unconcerned about total debt, interest rates, or whatever? He DOES NOT CARE, it's not his debt! It's someone else's! That's why he did not take care of the properties, or even open his mail - it was'nt part of the scam to actually CARE about the properties, they were just the Monopoly pieces of his little con. Whether they fall over from neglect or burn to the ground is of no regard to L'il Casey.
That's why he has no passion for real estate, he doesn't care. He's not in it for the game, or that he has a passion - he's in it for a quick buck, and that's why he talks of "passive income" and no real plans for the future - his plans are to live large off his booty. That's how thieves think, they live from score to score.
That's why he will NOT file BK. The issue of it bringing too much attention is probably true, but it also means one important thing: the debt becomes his, personally, and he cannot remove it. He lost interest in BK when the attorney told him catagorically the debt would be his, and he could only remove a portion of it. The "sweet deal" turns into real debt, that he must work to repay, and he has no intentions of working. Thieves scoff at people who work.
His latest babble, which someone was kind enough to post here, includes the tidbit that he plans on watching 'every penny all next year". He thinks he has that much time! He thinks some scam or con is going to happen any day now, just magically appear in his e-mail, where someone will give him money that will let him finish the long-con he tried to pull.
He won't move into a house because it makes it HIS, and responsible for the mortgage. He has no intention of paying that mortgage, or any of them. That's not the gameplan he had in mind and is sociopathically following.
He has made some wierd mental gymnastics to convince himself that the RE debt is an illusion, that he can just ignore until he finds the new scam. THAT is what the blog was for - he wanted all the info he could get to figure out a new angle, and Sugar Daddy Duane was the one he grabbed onto. Why do you think L'il Casey has'nt contacted his lenders the way his Sugar Daddy wanted him to ? Because L'il Caey has no intentions of making payment arrangements or paying those loans, he just wanted the cash from Sugar Daddy, and figured he could string him along a few months getting $750 a month for doing essentially nothing. Add Duane to the list of people L'il Casey has ripped off.
Every thing L'il Casey does is the least amount of effort, for the maximum amount of reward he can scam and wheedle. He's lazy to the point of being sociopathic - the only reason he has'nt taken a week long trip to Hawaii is he can't find anyone else stupid enough to give him the money. He needs the trip, too, opening envelopes and moving pieces of paper from one side of his desk to the other is HARD WORK!
I mean, c'mon, he wants to outsource opening his fucking mail? That's laziness that screams into text book definitions of insanity. All of it, the corporation scam, the Utah Wrap, the attempt to sell his story to the AZ gals, the lying about the AdSense revenue stream - he flat out lied to everyone on that one and got CAUGHT, and people are STILL telling him to make money off the site - they're enabling a liar and a thief, and it angers me.
All of it about L'il Casey barely lifting a finger while someone else pays, so he can get his payoff and live off the hard work of others.
I fully expect the latke-head to start fumbling ball bearings and ranting about strawberries any day now.
That's why i will not return to his site, and give him hits. He's a thief, he's a liar, and he's scamming you all. He deluded many with his "I'm just an innocent little tousled haired imp who really doesn't understand what all the fuss is about, I just want to succeed!" act, and now that the cracks are showing in his stage paint, he's clamping down on the haters, because they're blowing up his spot.
I'll continue to watch the events unfold, as I think the asshat has finally lied himself into a corner, and the hammer is about to fall, and I want to be there to laugh my ass off at him when it does. I live an hour from Sac, and I intend to be in court when he's sentenced, I want to be able to look him in the eye after they take his freedom from him, and laugh.
If L'il Casey things G is the kind of girl who will visit him in prison, guess again. She'll Ebay his belongings the day he's hauled off, and never speak to him again.
Sorry for the rant, but like Stephanie posted, my hatred for him is growing in leaps and bounds.
I'm done, thanks for reading.
@ anon 8:19,
"2) The Utah Wrap money, somehow found its way in to Casey’s grubby hands and that’s why the mortgage is behind. Casey – “Man I really need to forward that Utah mortgage money. Hey look there’s a shiny object”
Fascinating thought - I (not being an RE expert) could see the original lender getting a check from the Utah wrappers, thinking 'we don't have this mortgage anymore', sending the money to Casey, the lendee of record.
Casey (opening only mail that looks like checks) thinks "check - shiny - it's mine - spend it".
"3) Casey changed delivery of as many of their bills as possible to “Electronic” to avoid the nagging of that Ball Busting, No Love Giving, Shrieking, Hubby Hating, Harpy."
The one fucking smart thing he has done IMHO. How else is he gonna get laid? G seems pretty content to stick her head in the sand so see no evil, "hmm there must not be any evil and Casey MUST have paid the bills. Cool, now I can go to Coach and get a new handbag."
Man, she is so checking out. I know a clone of G. Actually, I've banged her on the side. Her husband doesn't have a Freakin clue. Nada.. All this lady is doing is bidding her time until she can pull the trigger. Once G gets all her ducks in a row, BAM! Casey will never see it coming. Gauranfreakingtee it.
That Utah deal looks as shady as a Sac almond orchard.
Good day to you, my name Casey's Mom. Please stop to write me and phone number here again, that information private. thank you.
I trying to get Casey pay the dirty penny back, we are a good Mormon Uzbeck family, always pay back.
Casey want to keep secret but I so proud I tell you how he pay all dirty penny back.
Casey to make him own penny in order to pay back dirty penny with 'casey penny'.
Casey he have 900 pound of copper he get by take plumbing and electrical out of 2 of house and he is pound into sheet, then he cut the counterfeits....I mean pennies, out of copper sheets. very smart, yes comrades?
Casey make him penny stamp on copper sheet and then cut him around it. So far Casey make 70 or 80 pennies this week and it only Wednesday! Much progress to be proud!
Casey try to work faster in future ,he buy second hammer with first batch of pennies to pound more copper flat with two hands, maybe in 3 months have money for new hammer if cannot borrow money. very hard work, my Casey work much and hard - you who say he lazy not true!
This why Casey no move into houses - the plumbing/electic no more! Also hard to sell - walls many holes and no light. Casey sell house 'as is' so no problem.
In Uzbekistan this big money job, family make own money many time!
Most ruble counterfeit! Very good money until CCCP collapse and Serin Family happy to come to US and A where money very easy and free, Federal Reserve make own money so do Casey now!
@ Caseys mom
You know, I suggested to him awhile back that he strip the houses. Take everything, pipes, fridge, stove, fixtures, everything. Think he listened?
Hi Leigh,
You're right, I don't have any kids. Actually, I don't have any I know about. I have strayed a few times in my marriage but my wife has accepted that.
I was just like Casey about 10 years ago. That was around the first time I declared bankruptcy.
I thought it was going to be really bad but it was actually kind of fun watching all my debt go away and then getting back to investing again.
I think statistics show that the average American declares bankruptcy at least once in their lifetime. So, I view it more as kind of like a rite of passage to adulthood.
I have a few automobiles myself. You can get really, really low financing on them days and if you're only like 4%, you are actually making money when you borrow it because you can invest it higher than that.
Many people don't understand that kind of math. I'm lucky in that I have a skill in that area.
You know how Casey could make some money?
He should hook himself up with a webcam, then put an electric zapper collar around his neck and have it activated by a button that he has on his blog. Everytime he does something stupid (like daily) people can hit that button, zap him , and we can view it on the webcam. He could charge like 5 cents a pop. At the end of the day he might have like $2035.30.
Of course he would also just be a pile of ash....
@ The Sweetest Caveman Ogg
You do realize I was jesting--you *know* I have eyes only for cars that are Jeeps... and not fake Jeeps like Liberty and Commander...No.. Real Jeeps, stompy, mud splattered, soft-topped, dirty jeeps that you can clean out with a hose. I have no love for high-maintenance, high-cost, teen-queen Jettas like our little friend does.
But because I did cause you undue distress and made you ruin your keyboard....
Here you go.
[ctrl][alt][ space ][alt][ctrl
Try not to bash it too much with your club. :)
As was pointed out before:
Re: I've been reading old Casey Serin blog comments. Which one of you....
I was earlier than that.
I switched from hater to supporter since there were too many haters. I post as Rob BBB.
Recently, I gave him an apartment building to look at that cost $13m and has 130 units or so 10 miles from Sacramento.
He said he is going to run the numbers on it.
He is fucked.
I honestly don't know if he will just get away with it though.
The corporate credit is another way to borrow money without the creditors knowing what a horrible risk you are.
The lenders just get fucked and fucked and fucked by that guy.
He is an expert at one thing.. fucking lenders.
Posted 1-14-07
Hi Rob, welcome back to the haters
Today's score: IAFF 64 comments, exurbannation 103 comments
This week so far: IAFF 386, EN 405
Vive la boycott!
Anon @9:34pm:
You are full of it; only 1% of American households file for bankruptcy in an average year.
Anon @8:43
Wow! What you said! I feel the same way and wish I could have said it as well as you did.
I want to say to whoever asked if there were Quit Claims on the Utah house. No, none are recorded.
Casey bought the house from Platinum Development whose president is Thomas Grieve. Don't know how much he paid for it. But I'm going to guess $349,000 because that is what the county shows the market value was in 2005 and they probably used the last sale price for market value. Also, he claimed in his blog it appraised at $350,000 in Feb '06 just before he bought it in March '06. He said he got $17,000 cash back from Platinum. Later he says he got $18,000 back. He can't keep his story straight.
The Warranty Deed (conveyance of Title to Casey, as a single man's separate property) from Platinum and the Trust Deeds (the mortgages to Magnus, a 1st and a 2nd with a balloon) were all executed on 3-10-2006 for a total of $360,000 borrowed from Magnus.
He later titles the house over to the Wilcox's & the Christensen's and then takes back a deed of trust for $360,000. However, he claimed they would be making their payments to Magnus through an escrow agent but please someone else look at the document at, Utah County Online Records, Entry# 120554-2006. It says payments are made to the Beneficiary and Casey Serin is named as the Beneficiary. Could it be he had these people paying him and he wasn't paying Magnus? Or I'm I not understanding the document? That's big house fraud for sure. Plus it's more untaxed income I will happily report to the IRS for him. No wonder he can't file for bankruptcy.
My mind spins with the possibilities of what this little sociopath can justify doing and apparently has done for "easy" money. No wonder he's feeling down. He may be losing the cash he was actually living off of(Utah mortgage payments) plus whatever he scammed out of Chris and Duane.
Someone else asked why he used First American instead of Surety, like he did the first time. Well, believe it or not some title companies will not close wraps anymore. They won't risk the liability of the underlying encumbrance without being indemnified.
Your posts always make me happy to hear that someone is raising responsible kids. However, I sense you are too kind-hearted to teach them a certain lesson about life. And trust me, none of them are too young to learn this one.
I think it would be beneficial if Heidi loads them in the Tundra one day and takes them to witness Stephanie's long-promised & long-awaited kick to the jewels.
Heidi could provide a well-thought out commentary on cause & effect, fraid, responsibility for actions, the power of a jeep, and several other things I am sure.
GMAC sent me a nice note thanking me for your boilerplate letter and assuring me the details were forwarded to their legal department.
His site meter showed GMAC hitting his site hard for extended periods of time. I think we are making progress. I'll drop a note to Magnus about the exactly what happened at the Utah house even though they are already apparently pissed.
I'm a new anonymous ;-).
I hate to say it, but CS reminds me of several of the crackheads I have had the misfortune to know.
They can't concentrate, they lie, and they like to stir things up and cause confusion so they can rip people off more easily.
JMO, the guy sounds like he has a drug problem. That would sure explain where all the money went, too.
Wow - Did anyone see this? The link is in the first reply to today's post.
From: Casey Serin
To: [BCC list]
Hi Ramit
I hate SPAM too! You're receiving this because you're in my personal mailing list. You're a friend, family or an acquaintance or past co-worker or client. If you don't want to receive occasion updates from me please use the automatic unsubscribe link at the bottom. Thanks!
Long time no talk! Yes I have not been good at updating everybody and keeping in touch. So here is a 1) quick update about what I've been up to, and 2) an opportunity to put your money to work with us in the real estate business
This January I quit my job to do real estate investing full-time. Together with partners in the area we buy and sell houses for fast gains and we also hold property for appreciation. In the first part of the year I personally bought 7 houses in 4 different states. It's not all easy - there is definitely a learning curve. It helps to have experienced associates to help me along.
Now what??
We have a unique opportunity to continue to expand the real estate business. Because of the market reversal in California there is going to be many people in trouble with their loans. People have been buying more home then they can afford or refinancing like crazy. Foreclosures are already on the rise and they are going to sky-rocket in the next several years.
There is an opportunity to 1) help people out of trouble and 2) make some money. Service and integrity comes first though. I know what its like to be behind payments and face foreclosure. I refuse to be a "shark" investor.
It must be win-win, or no deal.
Want to participate?
Do you have money that's sitting in an account somewhere earning an embarrassing 1-3%? Are you comfortable with your retirment money sitting in a volatile stock-market?
Maybe you're not investing at all. Are you comfortable trusting social security to take care of your retirement?
Invest your money with us and get 24% fixed return secured by real estate.
We use your money to buy and fix houses improving the area and helping sellers in distress.
Benefits to becoming our private lender:
* we pay fixed 24% interest on your money - reliable returns
* compounded monthly - your interest is making interest and it grows exponentially
* secured by real estate - just like a bank, YOU get a mortgage against our properties to protect your investment
* start with as little as 10,000
* may use your 401K or IRA account - get tax advantages
* your money doubles every 3 years
* 10,000 grows into 100,000 in 10 years
Worst case scenario...
If we can't pay you back, you get a good property. We only put your money into a house that has at least twice the equity as the amount you're investing. We only invest into nice properties in good neighborhoods. If something were to happen to our business you can normally just sell the house at a discount and get your money out. What stock or mutual fund is going to give you THAT kind of security?
Limited opportunity...
We can only take a certain number of private lenders. Get back to me soon so I can explain in more detail.
Also please forward this to anybody else who may want to get a high return on their money. We pay referral fees!
I would love to hear from you either way. Lets catch-up!
Bemused or Heidi: Where exactly does GMAC fit in? I must've missed something.
He stated somewhere he had a loan from Aurora which is a sub-prime subsidiary of GMAC. I rat on him to anyone he admits to ripping off. It's an addiction.
Hey Jade
Yeah we've seen that before. He actually started scamming when he was much younger..14 or so wwhere he sent out one of those chain mail letters asking for a buck and then you move up the pyramid.
He is a lying conniving dingleberry and he even tries to explain his letter when he gets caught on it.
Heidi said...
He stated somewhere he had a loan from Aurora which is a sub-prime subsidiary of GMAC. I rat on him to anyone he admits to ripping off. It's an addiction.
Hate to say it Steph but Heidi just moved up to the top of my sexy female Casey bashers list:-)
The Casey's Mom post has me laughing so much I spit cola onto my keyboard.
A Casey boycott, eh? Count me in! I have refrained from posting much on his site because I really don't want that shyster to gain anything from me.
I hope the Fukker gets his ass slammed in jail. (Sorry for the language, but that's about as clean as I can convey my feelings.)
I'm so gobsmacked by Casey's latest blog entry that I can't even comment properly.
what is the Caseyland USA website address ???
what is Casey's wife's (Galen's) parents address and phone number in Roseville ???
what is Casey's parents home address and phone number ???
what is Casey's Social Security Number ???
For Bemused (Doug ..I think?)
Man, are you ever perceptive.
(Although I like your adjective of KIND-HEARTED, better than the TRUE adjective as CHICKEN SH*T)
I was born in 1963, really too late to be a hippy. But I should have been. I have never thrown a punch in my life. (I did hit the anti-abortion bald guy on the head with a picket sign, and went to jail for 7 hours in 1985) I am a big chicken and I am really not good with pain of any kind. (ok ALMOST any pain) I had natural childbirth with my first child, and changed my mind 12 minutes into labor. (Hey, bullriders get a score for 8 seconds for those of you laughing)
Anywhooooo...(Texan, sorry)
I would be willing to let the girls go on a ride along with Heidi and Steph, as long as Tony Soprano would come, too.
Also to RobBBB....
Let me ask you this question...
If you had children, would you live in a different way? It is an honest question. I can understand claiming bankruptcy, and we have a LOT of friends who have had to do it. Many are much better off now, so I cannot dis' you for something I have never done, and that has helped people I care about. So no judgements from me about that.
As a mom, maybe I play things too safe. I am smart enough to know that I am not always right. (Most the time, but not ALWAYS)
Maybe I am missing something? Should I be encouraging my girls to invest before they get out of college? I am just terrified to see them get in debt before they have a means to recover if something goes wrong. I have PREACHED to them to get COLLEGE EDUCATED in something that you like, AND something that PAYS.
As young women, I always thought that my greatest gift to them would be to be independent. Independence buys choices. When you KNOW you can do it all for yourself, then you do things because you WANT to, not because you HAVE to.
Anyway...sorry. That mommy comes out and I have to put her back in the box. I would welcome any advice.
Legion -
I had no idea. I always thought he was just really stupid. I'm 26 - I've done my share of stupid things.
But there's something much more pathological about him. It's compulsive - he doesn't understand that debt isn't his money. He honestly thinks that there is another loan that can save him.
If I had $252 in the bank or if I was unemployed I would be panicking. I get stressed if I have less than 3 months worth of mortgage payments in the bank.
God, what is wrong with him? He's corrupt to the bone.
Hey just checked out CaseyLand. Nice site. I checked out the first twenty comments and read the letters from Duane the pinhead Legate and Nigel the buttsmacker Swaby (That's right Nigel boy, go ahead and prove in court that you are not in fact a BUTTSMACKER, and I'll retract my post) and I don't blame you for letting them rant and rave, like you said, the point of your blog is not about these two underlings as they try to get their own 15 minutes of fame.
Franly, I think Nigel went a little overboard as he went on and on with his replies..
That little side note about how he started in the dot.com thingy, then moved on to real estate..I mean seriously, does that pattern remind you of a little turd we all know? Nigel, you are just as big a money grubbing lazy good for nothing piece of fly excrement as Casey is.
"We spent our first winter there without heat. We lived out of two rooms heated by some space heaters kind neighbors lent us."
Oh poor baby, didn't have any heat? Had to use space heaters?!?!? Wow! Talk about rough living. Did you have to drink out of the faucet too? Ever heard of extra layered clothing? Wearing coats in the house? Using blankets?
"I don't care if nobody comments on my blog. It's not important to me."
then why the hell do you advertise your pathetic site at every blog you frequent? Why do you use different names on your blogs so people can't google Nigel Swaby and find out you are spamming up the wazoo?
You want respect Nigel Swahili, get your head out of Casey's ass and you might get some. Rub the shit off your nose for crying out loud..you say you are 36 year old success story and yet you come across as a freakin bootlicker to a 24 yr old high school graduate with no job. By the way, I noticed in your last note to Dolph that you tried to do the old, I'll humanize myself, then I will talk of similar situations that I have gone thru so that he will think he has found a kindred soul;
"I feel bad for you guys in California who can't afford homes. I recognize that's a real problem and I don't really know how it's going to be solved. My brother lives in San Jose and when he was going to school he lived in some pretty crappy places and paid a lot to do it."
He probably got the loan thru you right? One last thing
I am certainly not going to post comments that are rude or call me names for no reason.
Umm we have a good reason, you are an ass kisser.
Hi Leigh, (Rob BBB here)
I love Texas by the way. I lived in the Dallas area for 2 years. Go Mavericks!
I forgot to post that I was Rob BBB in my post above (the one that started..
"Hi Leigh, You're right, I don't have any kids.")
If I had kids.. well, I'd probably give them up for adoption. I'd make a terrible father. And my wife would be a horrible mother. I love her though in a special way anyway.
I tend to be spaced out a lot (due to investing stress most likely) and don't have any patients for long term thinking or planning.
I get distracted pretty easily. When I'm doing an investment, I like to get in and out quickly and let other people handle all the details. I'm a big picture type of person.
My kids would probably end up drinking drain cleaner because I left it out without a cap on it or something.
And to the person who posted that "whofailedtoday" link again.. that thing is yet another one of my imposters (and that link doesn't work). You are on my list now.
My guess is you are the same guy who posted as "Rob bbb" or "Rob BB" on this board. My layers will be finding you out soon enough.
you said
It's compulsive - he doesn't understand that debt isn't his money.
That's it in a nutshell, he has never had to pay out of his own pocket. He didn't put down one cent on any of those houses which is why he is just throwing them away. Look how mad he got when he thought that WF was taking 1000 dollars from him. 1000 measly dollars! He owes 2.2 million yet 1000 bux fazes him?
Could you maintain list of the info Heidi and others are uncovering about Casey's transactions? It be great to piece together his ACTUAL transactions and figure out the details of his scam.
I'm new to the whole Nigel story but I just checked out his blog, and I have to say, it creeps me out a little bit. He shows just a teensy too much fascination with Casey. If I had a boyfriend who paid that much attention to my comings and goings I would dump his ass.
Perhaps Nigel is a member of the Man-Boy Love Association? Then again, I'm hard-pressed to determine who is the man and who is the boy in the Casey-Nigel dynamic.
While you were there did you hear the crickets chirping? Brush the cobwebs out of your eyes?
a tumbleweed done rolled across mah screen!
hey guys
i've been lurking on IAFF for a long long time but i never really got into posting there. i realized very early on it was a pointless exercise and.. well.. i try not to feed the trolls :D
I gotta say this blog is a great outlet and i am following the saga here with great interest. I love the fact that casey has created a large group of smart people who have made it a hobby to ensure he gets what's coming to him. To all you dedicated haters, i salute you!
anyway the reason i took a rare break from lurk mode was because today someone explained to me the concept of "hubris". Here's a reasonable definition from wikipedia:
"In its modern usage, hubris denotes overconfident pride and arrogance; it is often associated with a lack of knowledge, interest in, and exploration of history, combined with a lack of humility. An accusation of hubris often implies that suffering or punishment will follow, similar to the occasional pairing of hubris and Nemesis in the Greek world. The proverb "pride goes before a fall" is thought to sum up the modern definition of hubris."
Wow now who does that remind you of?? Heh.. i guess you could call IAFF a modern greek tragedy..
Sweet Tarts: Caseylandusa.blogspot.com
Legion: Thanks. I dunno...I don't want to fight with those guys. Maybe I was over the top with my comments, who knows. I made a promise to tone down the rhetoric with them and I will keep it (unlike a certain child we know, I keep my promises).
You're right, I would rather focus my laser beams on Casey. When the day ever comes where he is HONEST with us all, I will retire the board (unless I find new Caseys to chronicle). I doubt that day will ever come, so it will be fun to post what we hate about his crazy life.
I appreciate all the great comments. Between here and there we can seriously make a run at letting the world know that Casey is a hypocrite and is not being completely honest about anything.
hey rob dawg,
If you are still reading, I got the perfect casey topic -- april 15th.
What will Casey's taxes look like?
What CPA is willing to lose their license?
will the turbotax server explode if casey tries to do his taxes online?
or will galina do them in crayon, with magic marker highlights...
Damnit, boy, damnit! Are you trying to drive me into bankruptcy?
Besides, Casey would just blow the money.
"Legion said...
You know how Casey could make some money?
He should hook himself up with a webcam, then put an electric zapper collar around his neck and have it activated by a button that he has on his blog. Everytime he does something stupid (like daily) people can hit that button, zap him , and we can view it on the webcam. He could charge like 5 cents a pop. At the end of the day he might have like $2035.30.
Of course he would also just be a pile of ash...."
@Leigh from bemused guy
I noticed you asked about getting your daughters investing. I neither have nor want kids but I don't think getting them investing now is important. What is crucial is getting them to understand and respect the value of money. They need to know there's no easy path (for 99.9% of us) and they need to work for their riches. Show them our hero's spreadsheet to drive it home.
I like Suzie Ormon. I do not have a formal investing background but she seemed to articulate well & give me a little direction where needed. A book (or DVD) you may want to buy for your children is her Young, Fabulous & Broke which is geared towards college-aged students. If you can't afford it, check it out from the library or wait until there is a PBS fund-raiser - they show it frequently during that period.
@1:05 Anonymous
Wouldn't it be a hoot if he posted his tax return?
What tax return?
I don't need no stinking tax return!
I checked in over there in Bizarro World this morning and he only has 64 comments on this latest post. The double posting of the 5 Things post got 48 on one and 16 on the other.
That post normally would have attracted hundreds of comments - viva le boycott.
@ dolph,
WOW!! You managed to piss off those two crybabies in ONE post.
What a pair of boobs.
Collapse comments
duane said...
Dolph sir, I would advise you to tread lightly. You have a right to your own opinion about me. I have no problem with that. But this comment is not only out of bounds, it is libelous.
“Not much is known about him. He runs an equity stripping firm that doesn't seem to be a good deal for anybody other than Casey.”
If you want to pick a fight you cannot and will not win, continue to post lies about me and my company.
If you want to know about me or my company, I invite you to call or email.. I will answer any question. Of course, that doesn’t make for good blogging now does it? Would you rather hide behind the supposed cloak of anonymity and make one asinine statement about me after the other? Or do you want to know the truth.?
Its funny how everyone likes to speculate but it seems no one is interested in the truth.
This is your first and only warning. Take down any and all references about my company, me, and equity stripping. You had better have your FACTS straight before trying to impugn/defame me sir. Have a good day.
6:51 AM
Salt Lake Mortgage Guy said...
Since you seem like a reasonable person with your action to Duane, I ask that you do the same regarding me, my name and my company.
I'll only ask once because next comes a cease and desist letter from my attorney to Google and this whole site goes away, for good.
"Nigel Swaby - Bootlicker and owner of a blog nobody visits (if they do, one couldn't tell due to it's lack of comment moderation!)."
"I've seen many blogs and many posters over the years and NOBODY licks a boot better. Stay away people, stay away."
My attorney used the term "tortious interference" when asked about the "stay away part." That's an actionable item and I will defend my integrity and reputation.
For the record, I was not Casey's mortgage broker. I have never met Casey. I simply wrote an article about Casey and I am now being villified by you people for expressing different thoughts than you share.
I appreciate your fast consideration in this matter "Dolph."
11:37 AM
Hey Big Snap!
Glad you finally posted. Yes, hubris is definitely what Casey has...seen his type before with the dot.com paper millionaires, thought he was all that with a bag of chips..it's a new economy, things are different..blah blah blah.
I think the CS saga is winding down. His comments are way down and I don't think it's due to moderation. I want to hear more about closed accounts, wifey troubles, and I keep hoping Casey get's a good ass whipping.
Oh well, I'm off to look at the pictures of Galinda. See you in 3 minutes.
"He stated somewhere he had a loan from Aurora which is a sub-prime subsidiary of GMAC. "
I remember CS mentioning that his Utah property loan was serviced by Aurora (he called them about NM and they mentioned that Utah was 90 days late), if he did pocket the money from the Utah wrap he will be going to FMITAP for sure.
Brothers and Sisters, I have a confession to make. I am a recovering Caseyholic.
Due to the boycott, I have not visited his site in nearly two days. I fear that I may be going into withdrawal.
I found myself on the street yesterday bothering passersby about their "business plans." "C'mon man, lemme get a little 24 hour juice fast or somethin. You look like an idea man, how about a little corporate credit thingy...please, for the love of RK, bounce on this blue ball!! I NEED IT!! COME BACK!! (Sob)" Sometimes I sit outside of the local Jamba Juice or Denny's so that I can quietly giggle to myself as I reminisce. I often find myself running up to dirty jeeps at traffic lights, expecting to see the smiling, venomous beeyotch face of Steph J, as she flips me off and punches me in the throat. Alas, it's always some fratboy. (Sometimes they punch me in the throat, but it's not the same.)
So here I sit, fighting my impulsive desire to surf over to IAFF and spew out an angry diarrhea-mouth post berating our FFF. I try to resist, but he beckons me with his sweeeet siren call of entertaining retardation. I am so weak, and he is so stupid. I do not know how much longer I can last, brothers and sisters.
On a positive note, I've actually gotten a few things done in the last two days.
My name is Rob BBBABC, and I am a recovering Caseyholic.
@ Legion
Hell, that's totally understandable; that level of bratty evilness is indeed sexy, and I'd move her to the top of *my* list for it as well if I swung that way. ::Smirk::
Besides, Heidi's WAY more knowledgeable about the RE and Mortgage world than I am. I'm just here to add the necessary venom and berating to Casey's life. I'll gladly relinquish my spot to Heidi, she deserves it.
I'd be glad to supply you with as many throat-punches as you desire; Beeyotches like me... we enjoy providing this service to the deserving. :)
What is this tax return you speak of? Is that where the IRS returns taxes to American citizens? Sweeeeeeeeet!! I love this country! Free money! I anxiously await this glorious April 15 you speak of so that I can fund my next business venture. I plan to buy and flip a space station.
@ Craven
Casey's blog is being abandoned by the most 'negative' and therefore most interesting people; they're all coming here instead.
Casey would rather have a circle-j*rk of his 'positive' supporters on there, and that will indeed drive the level of interest level down to something comparable to underwater basketweaving or the like.
No more posts from me to IAFF. I'd just be repeating myself.
I'd apologize for being crude--but I don't want to.
@ Craven
Casey's blog is being abandoned by the most 'negative' and therefore most interesting people; they're all coming here instead.
Casey would rather have a circle-j*rk of his 'positive' supporters on there, and that will indeed drive the level of interest level down to something comparable to underwater basketweaving or the like.
No more posts from me to IAFF. I'd just be repeating myself.
I'd apologize for being crude--but I don't want to.
A double post and a typo... augh. I need Starbucks. Do I have $37 to pay for it?
You're doing a disservice to your children by not letting them use credit cards. My dad did the same thing with me and had me use a debit card instead of a credit card. When I wanted to buy real estate at the start of the boom, I couldn't because I didn't have a history of revolving credit. So, in essence, my dad cost me $200,000 of profit. I got in later in the game and sold later for $30,000 in profit. I "flipped", though the real flippers count me out because I lived in my property and rented out a room while I waited for appreciation to take its course. I sold at the peak because I figured if I waited until the other people got wind of what was going on, that I'd have a harder time selling.
The point is -- debt is not always a bad tool. You need to have a record of reliability somewhere. You'd be doing your daughters more of a favor if you had them get secured credit cards and a revolving credit account. Then, link the credit card to their bank account. Same thing as a debit card, but essentially boosts credit scores.
I do not know if investing (Stocks& Bonds) is as important at such a young age. Although, getting them accustomed on saving a small amount each week can be good. Learning the value of saving is a very important task. I am 25 and have just learned it.
All minors are eligable for an ING Orange account. Children like technology and they can check the account online. Have them set the amount of savings they want to put away each month. As they progress they can start a ROTH IRA.
For fiscal responsibility for young adults here are the steps I would do:
1. Get spending under control. (Sounds like you have done a great job, impusive spending is not a good habit to learn as a young women.)
2. Establish track recond of saving.
3. Open Roth IRA (The are no age limits on IRA's and think how set your children will be for retirement with the power of compounding interest!)
This are the things I wished my parents had taught me. For my daughter we give her an "allowance". She does not have many chores as she is only 4 years old; mainly brushing her teeth each night and picking up the toys she drags out. She recieves $4 a week into her saving account. Right now, we are using a BECU early savers account with an APY of 7.5% for balances under $500.
For immediate purchases she has a money jar. Whenever she finds money aroung the house or recieves money from relatives it goes in the money jar (I keep all the pennies for my re-basing scheme, hehe). The best thing is that it counts the money she has inside. Once we were at Target and she wanted an overpriced plastic crap toy and I explained to her that I would take the entire amount of money in jar, she immediately lost interest. She knew how long it took her to save $39.99. This past weekend she wanted to take $10 out and go to the store. We went to the store and she took alot of time determine which toy she wanted for $9.99 (I paid the tax I am not evil.)
I am only a few years older than your eldest child and I hope I can raise my daughter as well as you have done.
ERIN M MORGAN Born Mar 1964
6619 87TH DR
Odd, the links did not work.
More IRA for kids
Thanks to everyone for the tips and advice.
Oh yes, the universe of King Casey is imploding upon him. His loyal haters have boycotted him (damn tho, it was hard not responding to those last drippy posts of his). His "I will get a job, if I must" or his hero attitude towards supporting the little princess are like a broken record. What do these two crackheads talk about to each other?? How could they possibly have any semblence of a normal relationship??? If she is as ignorant as Casey leads us to believe about the state of THEIR finances then she deserves him. Can a wife sue a husband for fraud? Or is she just stuck? I know of a lot of peole who are still digging themselves out of debt from an irresponsible ex - but never to this extent.
I think the idea that Casey Kat has been using the Utah money for JJ and living expenses is the best one so far. It would explain his indifference to sorting out the mess, as well as how in the hell is he paying for groceries. He offered a feeble at best explanantion to say that he had been doing side work for cash, but we all know that is a crock of bullshit. If he actually did do something and made money for it he would have been blogging about it for days. "I feel such a sense of accomplishment - I worked four hours today - time for a nap. Sweet!"
Ugh, why do I even think about this little scmuck?
The amateur lawyers (Duane and Nigel and Rob BBB on IAFF) are incredibly amusing.
Apparently they have a right for noone to say anything bad about them (admittedly, Duane is a bit less hysterical in this).
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