Boomer, Cusper, X or Y? Who will survive the Exurban Nation Generational Bitch Slapdown?
[Disclaimer. I'm a Cusper. We get crammed into the tail end of the boomers but it doesn't fit. - Rob Dawg]
Okay,the rules. Screw the rules. Rules is for loosers. Get the freakin' ear bud out of your thick lazy ass skull and whine your best about how this or that generation is screwing you over personally like at no other time in history.
top o' gen x here.
Knew we wuz screwed after Greenie knifed us before he was the fed chairman with the *changes* to social insecurity to ensure boomers would get some before it went over the rainbow.
Then he followed through by printing money to the far horizons...makes me wonder sometime how astute the world can be if they let everyone get away with *money for nothing*.
Gen Y is personified by our little buddy cs. He is a scammer, plain and simple, and when somebody breaks his legs I am gonna laugh.
I predict Uzbeck bound with a quarter mil to tide him over until the fraud is forgotten...
LOL...Gen X here.
I laugh my arse off at Gen Y and all the problems they create for themselves.
Did I ever tell you that when I've tried to hire new people for my clients the most resumes come from the Y'ers. They get mad if the benefits aren't enough, they will turn you down mid-interview if they aren't starting at a position worthy of their self esteem and they WILL NOT work for less than xxx. I explain that you need to start somewhere and they scoff that it's just not enough.
Not my fault they are in debt up to their ears. If they could find a better paying gig, why interview with me? I ALWAYS mention it's an entry level position. ALWAYS. Nooooooo....I get the Casey wannabes who feel I should be underwriting their lifestyles.
When I started in entertainment, I worked my way up from the bottom. I was good enough to be somebody in less than my first year. Maybe the times were different in 1987 than they are now, but if you prove your worth to me at entry level money, we may give you much more. Too many folks in this Y Generation have no clue.
DO I sound like MY parents? Maybe...but seeing the looser attitudes of folks like Casey and interviewing these kids non stop just prove that I am right :(
One good thing, though...I always find SOMEBODY who understands hard work and perserverance will get you places (along with the degree...are you reading this Case?).
Funny how Casey thinks and education from a universtity is worthless YET he's paid so much money to these loser (looser in Casey speak) seminars :(
Sweet Deal(tm), this is going to be fun. Before I throw the gauntlet on this slapfight, I want to warn everybody that I was the 100 meter freestyle hissy-fit champion in high school.
Gen-X got screwed by:
We the latch-key kids of Boomers' first marriages were left at home while the Boomers fleeced the job market and raped the banking industries. We left school to high unemployment, high interest rates, and a cloudy future. And there are so many of you that by the time I'm 45, half of my paychck is going to pay for you Social Security.
Gen-X created the computer boom. You can say it was Bill Gates, but it was we, the disciples of the Atari2600, we who had AppleIIe's, who truly created the revolution. We had the chance to really change the world, and we blew it. Maybe we can burn the Pets.Com sock puppet in effigy.
Oh Gen-Y, where to begin. You are all beautiful, special little snowflakes, and no one can tell you different. You are spoiled little brats. Things have been so good for you for so long, you are not going to have any idea how to deal when things turn to shit, and mommy and daddy can't bail you out. And it's coming. I know, I know, I am a mean person, a "hater", for not presenting life as anything but rosy. Don't worry, you are all special, beautiful little snowflakes, and I want to kiss you all on your precious little heads. All I ask it that you don't cry to me when your H3 is repo'd when things go to hell.
End rant.
This comment in the PBS Generation Next documentary epitomizes the annoying aspects of Gen Y (or at least fuels the stereotype disgruntled X-ers like me have):
ERIKA: You see, we're bred on like, MTV, and things in the media, and -- and magazines. And you see Lindsay Lohan, who's 19, and she makes this amount of money, and she spends weekends in San Tropez. And then you have Puffy, who's 40, who's a multi-millionaire. And you have all -- those are our heroes. So, the idea of -- working 10 years at a mediocre job, to possibly have three or four weeks of vacation is not everything that we've ever experienced, in terms of growing up has been microwavable and what we're striving for is to be millionaires and fantastically successful by the age of 40.
MALE: Thirty
ERIKA: You know. (laughter)
That reminds of a conversation I had to with our Gen-Y admin.
Snowflake: "I am so sick of dating losers. Do you know any single guys that are like, 22-25?"
Me: "Ummmm..."
Snowflake: "They need to make like, three or four hundred thousand a year though..."
Me: "Snowflake, I don't know many people in MY age group that make that kind of money..."
Snowflake: "Ugh..." *turns away, disgusted*
I have had several strange and baffling conversations with her...
This is also the generation who thinks cheating is okay and stealing is fine as long as they can justify it.
Examples include:
Music sharing - While I am not against this as a promotional way to expose people to music, I do find it funny that the excuse is that Metallica (example) has made TOO much money so what's it gonna hurt if I share this with a few friends online?
Credit Cards - I deserve this because I need those True Religion jeans and that other expensive crap.
Work - You want me to work how much for WHAT? Not enough. I'd rather wait for the right oppotunity.
Cheating in school - Who cares if I cheat? I am smart, I'll be fine. After all, this stuff won't be needed in the real world because I will be rich and famous!
And then there's everybody's favorite real estate investor and his buddies.
JimBobJoeBob nailed it.
I'm an X-er, but through one of my hobbies associate with a ton of the 21-26 year old set. At one person's graduation party (for her Masters) I'm sitting at a table with 5 gen Y-ers... they've all got PhDs (I'm an undergrad dropout) yet I'm the only one with a real job.
Then there was the Y PhD student I dated for a while. Fancy condo, new SUV, tuition, weekend Vegas gambling trips, vacations to the east coast, etc all financed by mom and dad.
Heaven forbid the real world actually comes calling on these snowflakes.
Exactly...they can't analyze crapola. They see something and they REACT!
I have yet to meet many Ys who can think outside the box. If they DO, it's the rare bird who invents a Facebook or site like that. Usually when that happens, the inventor had failed with previous incarnations and kept trying (An X and boomer trait, at least).
They have no concept of sacrifice. I've lost jobs and I did NOT use my credit cards. This generation would NEVER sacrifice that trip to (insert place here) or stop having a latte at Starbucks. They don't care because mommy and daddy will give them anything they want. They are their pillow angels :)
LOL...these parents deserve this, though. Unfortunately for the rest of us, we will all go down with the ship due to this group of sheltered children.
Too bad. I've met some who are bright as hell, but they get hurt by the majority of their age group.
Anonymous @ 3:03:
Yep, I work with MANY Gen Y'ers through my entertainment consultant positions and can attest to that.
I recently went to a Gen Y wedding. Sat at a table of Gen Y'ers. They were the exception (giving, caring, want to make a difference, NOT greedy). But then I overheard the group of 20somethings at the table next to us and almost choked with the whining going on.
They can't get the PERFECT paying job. They can't MOVE out because they'd need 100K to live on per year. They can't find the perfect boy/girlfriend. They ripped on another kid at the wedding who had a child with a drug dealer (yep, the dude dealt pot and LOTS of it before he was busted).
Oh well...I am sure NONE of them participate in the political process so I guess they'll get what they deserve.
One thing that baffles me about the Y’s in my family is that they don’t seem to have what I thought was a normal desire to leave home. For example, they have turned down excellent scholarships for local marginal colleges so they can remain coddled at home. I couldn’t wait to move out of the house and have been puzzled and a little disturbed by how dependent they are on their parents. Perhaps the reason why the precious snowflakes seem underrepresented in my workplace isn’t so much that they want to “get out of the rat race” they never entered a la Casey, but that they can’t bring mom and dad along on the job interview…
Why leave home when mommy and daddy don't mind you being around?
That's the big problem. We've been telling these kids how "special" and "precious" they are. While that's true to a point (if they aren't brats) we have coddled this generation to a point of suffocation.
What's gonna happen with the next batch of children? Will we see a hippie style backlash?
Agreed. Mommy and Daddy are the root of the situation. Another lame JimBob story:
Gen-Y nephew drops out of college las year. No biggie, college ain't for everybody, you know? My stepmother calls and asks if I can't do something for the poor lad. Help him with a gig, seeing how is resume is a joke and all. I pull in all the favors I can, and get the kid meeting with some managers, and pretty much work it that he gets an entry-level blue collar job. That didn't fly. Not so much with him, but with my SISTER. She just couldn't understand why I couldn't give her precious snowflake with no education, who has never had ANY kind of full-time job, with no CLUE how my industry works a six-figure job on my sales team.
It was not a happy Christmas.
BTW Roberto, stepsis is a cusper, too ;-)
I tried to post something like this earlier, but something ate it. I suspect my computer. This desktop machine is on to the fact that I’m replacing it with an iMac in the next few weeks, and I think it’s already exhibiting the traits of a jealous ex. My crappy PC willing, here is the condensed version of the Segfault Manifesto:
As a male member of Gen-Y, I can relate to the “Snowflake” commentary. I have encountered great difficulty in finding a female of a similar age who is not evil, crazy, overly-vapid, and/or has unrealistic, over-idealized expectations for a potential relationship (e.g., “Well, I could never date a guy who didn’t like [insert name of favorite rather dull network TV series here.])
Unlike many others in Gen-Y, I have no delusions of finding a match who is my exact mirror. I think that it’s important to have friends whose curiosities and viewpoints are different than your own. The world is far more interesting that way. As far as finding a significant other, someone whose ideals are similar to my own would be sufficient so long as there is some amount of mutual attraction. Yes, it would be nice if she could tolerate going to the opera with me, and it might be even more ideal if she actually enjoyed it, but I’m not vain enough to hold those sorts of things out as a demand that any potential mate has to comply with. Unfortunately, quite a few people are.
So far Gen-Y is definitely “loosing” this one, but let’s not forget the Boomers (Jbjbj’s description of the “the latch-key kids of Boomers' first marriages” sure hit home) who will not only bankrupt social security, but Medicare as well. Plus they spawned and spoiled the little Serinesque monsters who have taken their sense of entitlement to a surreal extreme…
Oh, and back to the annoying “Generation Next” Erika quote above. I’d like to hope most “fantastically successful” people could complete a coherent thought let alone a sentence. Also, can you imagine how different things would have been if the X’s in tech went into what they were doing with the general assumption that they deserve Bill Gates or Steve Jobs salary because we’re just as brilliant? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Another Astute Observer (like that change Rob Dawg)
Great name by the way. You did know that in realworld™ I am a computer consultant specializing in Macs didn't you? Great choice. Welcome to the fold. BTW "crappy PC" is a redundancy.
Mad crazy props to akubi for the PBS thing. You can watch it online at:
Sorry I don't know how to make the clicky action go here thingie in HTML.
Oh, and segfault, ask yourself, are you still discovering who you are? Of course you are. The girls are too. Give it time, my man.
JimBobJoeBobJim, Glad you enjoyed the GenNext thingy;).
Segfault, you provide hope that there are in fact some precious snowflakes who have a clue; however, I hope you’re not limiting your perspective to relationships and are connecting the dots. In my experience, most people are “evil, crazy (and) overly-vapid” – some more so than others – it’s a matter of degree…Hey, I just thought of another domain – 6DegreesOfSerin…Anyway, you kinda remind me of myself in my early 20’s and I have to tell you life isn’t Tristan and Isolde. In the end, all you have is yourself and remember that.
P.S. What I’ve learned? Enjoy the sex while it’s best and always bring your own condoms.
Akubi: Great posts. You and I agree 100% about the snowflakes.
Thank god for the Segfaults of the world. Maybe there is hope :)
I've been waiting for a good rumble to start and all I get is some kind of Bud Light "I love you man" weep fest.
You Gen Xs & Ys & snowcones or whatever the hell you're called have all been ruined by bad music and X. Bleh.
Are you a boomer?
"Are you a boomer"
Thanks for the welcome. I actually already have a two-year-old PowerBook that I use during class and on trips. I didn't really care for the Apple operating system until OS X came out. I do part-time tech support stuff for a couple of small businesses who use PCs. My undergrad degree was in Computer Science and I specialized in creating segmentation faults, stack overflows, and divide-by-zero errors. :)
To everyone else, thanks for the encouragement. I think everyone is still finding themselves and discovering new things--and this applies to all generations.
My main 'grammer brags that he can infinite loop any page markup language in less than 4 lines. He's fun to watch in the Adobe and RIP booths at trade shows.
X is so freakin' solid it's scary. With Parallels it runs XP as a protected process? No virii known in the wild to date. Security issues of the overflow (breaking but not breaching) variety. Some awesome tools. When I needed a Firebird database server I just made a new user and voila. Scary simple carrying full user permissions without even a restart. Slide over to "Mac yada yada yada" sometime and play the "New Vista Features" audio tour overlayed his OS X video tour. Too funny.
Ooops Cusper Guilt just kicked in time to get back to work. My genbashing is so long I'm gonna have to either summarize or split into three so everyone gets a full treatment.
Granted, Bernanke is stating the obvious, but this supports some of the previous astute observations…
Baby boomers threaten economy
Boomers have always disrupted the curve. Why stop now? This isn't a "treat" but a challenge. Macroeconomics doesn't like abberations of any kind. The dismal science has trouble telling you what happened nevermind how to plan best for the future.
Another good find akubi. Just the fuel I needed for my (probably first of many) Boomer rant.
Boomers, oh Boomers. You selfish SOB's. I don't even know where to begin, your list of insanities is so long and infuriating. You are the first to pat yourselves on the back, and the last to say "Oops, my bad."
You are shocked, SHOCKED that the price of gasoline could possibly go up, ever. You DEMAND that responsible parties be drawn, quartered, and hung. But you are the NIMBY's (Not In My Back Yard for the newbies) that have kept the US from opening new refineries, increasing storage areas, and drilling for more oil. But yet you expect your pat on the back for caring for the environment.
Let's look at the CNN article next. We've known for at LEAST a decade that SS is fooked. But Boomers will be DAMNED if they are going to pay more from their paycheck to cover any potential shortfall. "The government should do that for me!" is the Boomer warcry. But you want your pat on the back for streamlining Medicare. Which is fooked.
Racial and ethnic tensions are as bad as they have been, (LA Riots anyone?) but the Boomers want their pat on the back for phoning it in during the civil rights movement. yet all you really did is create an enviornment where no one can say what they mean or feel without offending SOMEONE. Should someone say something that doesn't offend someone, you get offended that no one is offended.
My lunch break is over, back to the mines for me, but believe me I have more.
Meanwhile, Lex or Robert, please feel free to retort.
End rant.
Lex strikes me as a senior pied piper/troll of financial ruin (some of the comments are so funny/true they stick with you), I would like to include a best-of collection in Wikipedia, but that’s a whole other story; not particularly worth engaging with. However, I’d be intrigued with Rob Dawg’s thoughts…
K, didn’t want to rant at work, but will begin so now…
Just do the numbers and it’s quite obvious we cannot continue to support the fiscal nightmare of this extremely self-centered, entropic generation and the f-ing entitlements they expect. Simultaneously they’ll be bailing out there clueless, entitled kids with expensive salon highlights and Jamba Juice requirements a la Casey who certainly won’t be footing the bill.
I think this partially explains why the X-ers are really f-ing pissed off (and why Casey is so annoying too).
Let’s not forget that our intellectually/ethically/fiscally challenged president is a Boom, boom, boomer and all of the wonderful contributions he has made to the downfall of this country. Personally, I’m really f-ing pissed off as are most people I know in our generation; could go on and on, but get off topic in the process.
Perhaps the best solution would be for us working folks to secede from the union and let those guys work it out among themselves.
Antartica is a big country that could remain fairly pleasant temperature-wise while this country becomes a horrible apocalyptic desert thanks to the entropic, boomer loosers.
P.S./Disclaimer Doesn’t look like Bud Light, but there’s some sort of beer involved in above statements, but I’m sure it’s not as special and rarified as Lex’s.
P.S.S. Homey, I love you. Perhaps Casey can make some additional, non-taxable $ with an online romantic connection service….
P.S.S.S. Continuing the Bud Light "I love you man" weep fest. For Lex’s sake.
PSSSS. I LUV YA MAN. Homey yuz be da man!!!
When boomers are alone, they give things to each other for free.
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