Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Hat tip: wagga.


Agent #777 said...

Let me be the FIRST to say that I never thought of you being a FIAT person, Dawg.

w said...

Quite a find!

w said...

Mrs. Dawg prefers blue.

Rob Dawg said...

Mrs. Dawg.

Pleather Murse said...

I am the walrus ...

And now we bring you Tax Around the USA:

MASSACHUSETTS. New Hampshire retailers rejoice over new law ... Yesterday, with significant fanfare and reporters present, Governor Patrick signed into law a stimulus bill for the New Hampshire Retailers Association and e-commerce websites. By increasing the Massachusetts sales tax by 25 percent, both Mr. Patrick and the legislature have enacted the equivalent of the Northern Massachusetts Uncompetitive Act. This ensures that those retail vacancies, that are already abundant, will continue to rise (consequently local real estate rolls and real estate tax revenues will decline). Fortunately New Hampshire retailers and Amazon.com will continue to thrive under this legislation. Unfortunate as it is for Massachusetts retailers, consumers will search out these lower taxed havens. No need to send jobs to China when we can send them right over the border to New Hampshire. (boston.com)

ARIZONA. The state budget package hit another detour in its bumpy path toward possible passage: The Senate Rules Committee rejected the measure that would refer a temporary sales-tax hike to the ballot. The 1-5 vote threw an already unpredictable process into more chaos with only 14 hours left before the deadline to enact a budget for fiscal 2010. (azcentral.com)

NHSteph said...

Colloquially referred to as the "New Hampshire Stimulus Package"...

Thanks, Coupe Deval!

Anonymous said...

Fiat Walrus? What's the "i" doing in that first word? ;-)

Bill in NC said...

California issuing IOUs "this week"

Maybe we can buy some off ebay.

Y'know, like those Zimbabwe dollars...

Quick poll: which of you who own businesses would accept them at par?


Lou Minatti said...

Now THAT is funny.

Big day tomorrow, America! We're about to be reminded once again that our lives need not revolve around government.

Peripheral Visionary said...

Scharzenbucks coming back into circulation? Fire up the printing presses!

Rob, if it's any consolation, plenty of other states are in the same boat. What's especially striking is that, for the first time in recent memory, items that were previously "untouchable", including compensation for government workers and various entitlements, are back on the table. Politicians are figuring out that the angry voters are more numerous than the recipients of government largesse, and we may see some real cuts.

Lost Cause said...

Fiat lux.

Lost Cause said...

Like a postcard from the other side, I got a notice from BofA that my credit card rate is now variable. So that tells me that interest rates are ready for a sustained rise. Our corporate overlords move in mysterious ways, and you have to be good at reading the auspices.

Northern Renter said...

Hello all,
sorry to go seriously off-topic, but I wondered if anyone here knows JFK airport well? Our flight plans for tomorrow were affected by the airline dropping some flights and now we have to sit at JFK for six hours. Not much fun with two four-year-olds. If anyone can suggest anything nearby that would be interesting for them, I'd be happy to hear it as I know virtually nothing about the area.

Regards from the soon to be holidaying


Bob said...


'Fraid there is nothing in the immediate area that would be of interest to kids. You could check the New York Racing Association website to see if the horses are running at Belmont Park -- it's about an hour of total travel time, there's a small playground, and kids are generally fascinated by horses. Otherwise, the Jet Blue terminal is the newest and nicest terminal in the airport(http://www.jetblue.com/about/jfk/timeout.html).

If you really want the total Queens experience, get a cab driver to take you to a White Castle.

Peripheral Visionary said...

Lost Cause, also got a couple of notices in the mail that my card rates were being moved to variable. No reduction in credit lines, but then they weren't high to begin with, but I've heard that a lot of people have had theirs reduced.

I haven't seen it in the news, but what's an equally important story is the demise of the 0% transfer--I don't think either of my cards offer that anymore, it's something like 4% to 8% now. People who were rolling debt across cards with 0% transfer rates are about to hit the end of the line.

I'm staying with my two credit cards for now, but if they impose annual fees or cut the grace periods, then I'm gone. It's nice having a credit card, but I have enough cash on the debit card that I don't absolutely need them.

Northern Renter said...

Thanks Lex. I guess we'll just haunt the airport then, or maybe just take a ride on the train around the terminals. Yeah, I suspect it's not free but the boys love trains.

I'll leave White Castle to Harold and Kumar.


w said...

PV, the LA Times had a small piece on credit cards raising the minimum monthly payment to 5% from 2%. That will really hurt those folks on the edge.

NR, I spent a long layover at JFK with small kids several years ago at 4th of July. I do not envy you. The tough part was that it was hard to find seats for the family near the gates the place was so crowded. Definitely that airport is a relic. The food was really good though!

Maybe Obama's stimulus could lay aside several billion to rebuild JFK?

Rob Dawg said...

I thought back and I haven't been in JFK since 1982. That we almost died probably had something to do with that. A microburst on approach in a thunderstorm.

On the subject of minimum payments. It won't work but the ccard companies think by stress testing their customers they'll get two results; force default that was going to happen anyway or preferably they get paid first.

w said...

I remember landing at JFK as a little kid when they erroneously thought that the landing gear was not functioning. A huge caravan of emergency vehicles was waiting and for us and raced alongside the plane as it touched down. It was night and the flashing lights really stuck out.

Bob said...

Here's a hint for travel to the NYC (northern) metro area:


Small, clean, effortless parking, and almost nonexistent public transportation.