Thursday, June 04, 2009

Pennant Formation

This is the HGX. The Philly Housing Index.

No points for correctly predicting which way it will break.


Sweet Cashback said...

We have hit the bottom. The FIRST bottom of many !

wagga said...

The red line will smoosh into the blue line & they'll be marooned?

Northern Renter said...

Dear Sweet Cashback,
Presumably Rob will have some very different images to illustrate the scenario that you described as "We have hit the bottom. The FIRST bottom of many !" Ouch!


Rob Dawg said...

It would be quite the feat to beat the recent "Multiple Bottoms" post picture but yes, I have one waiting.

Ala Douche said...

After the hyperinflation picks up in this country, you should be able to pick up a nice starter home in a Philly suburb for around $5 billion!! SWEET!!!

Property Flopper said...

Oh Wagga - that was bad!

Mr. S said...

You've got it all backwards Ala Douche. You're going to be able to pick up the house for $100K but it will cost you $15K/year to heat it.

Pleather Murse said...

WASHINGTON – Federal regulators on Thursday charged Angelo Mozilo, the former chief executive of mortgage lender Countrywide Financial Corp., and two other company executives with civil fraud.

The Securities and Exchange Commission's civil lawsuit, filed in federal district court in Los Angeles, also accuses Mozilo of illegal insider trading.

Pleather Murse said...


NEW YORK (AP) -- The real estate market's troubles are hitting close to home for Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. After reducing the price on his house in a tony New York City suburb to less than he paid for it, Geithner still couldn't sell and recently rented it out instead, according to real estate agents familiar with the deal. ... Geithner put his five-bedroom Tudor near leafy Larchmont on the market for $1.635 million in February, after heading to Washington for his job as the nation's top economic official.

A few weeks after the asking price was dropped to $1.575 million, the home was rented for $7,500 a month on May 21, said the agents.

Although $7,500 might seem like a lot of rent, it probably falls a bit short of the monthly mortgage payments on the Geithners' two loans totaling $1.25 million, plus $27,000 a year in property taxes.

Unknown said...

CIVIL fraud. Ha! I'm sure Mozilo is laughing all the way to the bank. Unless they can get him to lie about it, Martha Stewart style.

Lou Minatti said...

Now that Casey is looking for a new job I recommend that he send his resume to GM.

Captain Nemo said...

Why did Casey tip off people that he had a job? What good did he think would possibly result from that?

He is addicted to his notoriety, to the extent, yet again, that it has cost him his income.

Unknown said...

Ok I'm going to beat a dead horse. What is going on with Casey? I saw that he is no longer posting on anglelynne and saw that bloggy had removed yesterdays post and indicated that he no longer has a job but what is the real story?

serinitis said...

Angel has stated that she is no longer affiliated with him in any way. She is apparently upset at some of the posts on some of the blogs about her. Casey is drying his bus off into the sunset

TJandTheBear said...

Only ANOTHER $18B in the hole

Monica said...

Where exactly did Angel state that she is no longer affiliated with Casey?

If this is true, shame on her! If she was to give him an opportunity, she should have continued much longer before she gave up. Casey seemed to try to do his best and deserved the opportunity.

I would be proud to have Casey in my employ if the circumstances and my finances allowed it. Lately, he seemed more mature and he admitted that he made mistakes. For once someone who can actually afford it employed Casey but didn't have any patience. That's not fair! She should have continued!

Bob said...

NYC housing officials lead the nation in innovative ways to turn lemons into lemonade (and bail out busted developers):

City turns luxury condos into homeless shelter.

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that when the stuff about Angel running the Rub n Tug came out (pun intended), plus the whole story with her dad, Angel decided to throw Snowflake out on his ass. My guess is Angel at a minimum now has the State of California RE commission taking a look at the brokers license she works under. Kinda tough for her dad to still have that license being a felon in jail and all.

Mr. Outspoken said...

Casey quit his job with Angel to move to New York. What a sucker he was to buy a mobile home to live in rent free. He could have just been a homeless guy with a computer and a free luxury apartment.

Monica said...

How exactly do you know he quit his job to move to New York? Is that true? Isn't it more likely that if he is no longer working for Angel, that's because he was fired?

Tigi said...

Yeah, would be great if somebody could give more info for those of us not having access to CH.C
Unless there is a way to get an account there ?

serinitis said...

The info I have

Casey let people know he was coming back. Speculation is that his job with Angel was coming to an end and so he decided to go out in flames rather than be a responsible person.

Last weekend, the posts on myshortsaleangel changed character. Pictures were uploaded to the site rather than to flicker. Angel started responding to comments instead of Casey and comments that Casey would catch started slipping through.

Angel has had a couple of email contacts with one of the haterz. she had his email address from being invited to the talkcast. She was upset on some of the emails from haterz. These were probably CampIdiot folks. She did not like Caseypedia at all. She has stated that fliptard is not working for her any longer. She also said she took out licenses for the tanning salon and yoga studio, but never launched the businesses (Sounds like she has some Casey in her)

With her no longer part of Casey world, some of the snark directed at her on the imitation sites was removed.

Casey did a couple hour launch of a rare (half-baked) Serin family blog and then made it members only. Some video of the Serin family was captured off it. I am not certain where it is, but you can waste 15 minutes of your life watching it. Most people don't waste more than 2-3 minutes.

This weekend, Casey did his normal scrub of the internet, removing flicker pictures, etc. This removedthe pictures from Angels website. He had previously stated that she owns his flicker account, but Casey is Casey.

If you search ENs archive there is an email address you can send a request to. I think it is Nacho@? to join CH.C

Scramble said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Scramble said...

Thanks for the update Serinitis!

I will try searching EN archive for that email address.