SacBee blogs:
Not once in the two decades since California's Proposition 98 school-funding formula became law have lawmakers bucked education groups to suspend it – so Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's push to do so has rocked the Capitol.----

• Socialists blame Arnold.
• Arnold stays proud.
• The Candidates bluster.
• Wyoming thinks they have problems.

First to say that Austria has an interesting politician export business.....
[Citi extends]
Fear not Californians, you will be bailed out. Everything Owebama says is a lie, therefore, ergo, when he says CA will not be bailed out that means they will be bailed out, the same way NY will be bailed out. Book it.
[sorry, wrong link]
I would hate to be either Barack Obama or Arnold Schwartzenegger waking up this Monday morning.
I hate to play the electoral game this far out (and I do think Obama will bailout Cali), but how many toss up states do you think it costs Team O to bail out California in a manner that will require another shortly down the road? 2008 was the perfect alignment for such a liberal candidate. President Thin Skin already has to be thinking of reelection probabilities.
Also, my grandfather has several old confederate notes as my family came down from Canada.
It's never too early to think elections. I said it a while back. You nailed it. Bailing California costs all the swing States and may not then even be enough to hold California. Still it makes no strategic difference. Without California he loses. That simple. If he has to fight for California he probably loses. The money and resource drain would be too much.
Thanks Edgar. I already had it scheduled for tomorrows' DCW5.
Cripes, there are almost as many people in Fresno or Sacramento as in the whole state of Wyoming.
Same as Monterey County fer cripes sake.
What's your point? Wyoming is an old Indian word for "No state here." What's more I don't really see any Democrats competing for Wyoming's weighty 3 electoral votes.
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