Housing Bubble, credit bubble, public planning, land use, zoning and transportation in the exurban environment. Specific criticism of smart growth, neotradtional, forms based, new urbanism and other top down planner schemes to increase urban extent and density. Ventura County, California specific examples.
so what happens to that water in an earthquake??
Inland sea. Salt water messing with the land for decades.
oh boy..that won't be good for the "Zestimates"
I think I'll stick with Floridah
for now.
As long as fracking didn't cause this the oil companies are off the hook.
Dawgifornia extends east to the oil fields west of Bakersfield for both inland port and future trade opportunities.
Headline over on Drudge today:
"Trump Declares California A Disaster" hehehehehe
California State Senate just voted to make CA a sanctuary state. :popcorn: 🌶🍿🌮
I have no idea what I am going to do with my mom's "coaches" when she passes. Hopefully my little brother will be old enough to live in one.
Where has Trump been? California has been a disaster for quite some time now.
Recent TV commercial. Dodge offering deep discounts in new commercial vans. Haven't seen this in a while.
And yeah. California going 26% for HRC should be evidence enough that CA has jumped the shark.
????? Motor homes??
And yeah. California going 26% for HRC should be evidence enough that CA has jumped the shark.
I'm waiting for the audit of the voter rolls to see how disenfranchised I was. Who did Trump put in charge of that...Sessions or Pence??
Hurricane magnets.
Price went up another 150$.
I know you all were dying to know that.
Well, is filibustering Gorsuch just meanness for meanness sake in revenge for the Repub's meanness?
Luckily Harry Reid set the precedent for the solution to that problem...
Hatfields and McCoy don' right remember why the feud started.
I am surprised that the Ds are so slow to become loyal opposition considering their prospects for the next decade plus.
David Muir (ABC anchor) is so far out there. "For many people the Supreme Court is the reason for voting their candidate."
Which was? Sometimes it's hard to keep it all straight
I would imagine that many don't know what the Supreme Court is.
Judicial confirmations are not "filibusterable"...
And T says he's gonna solve north Korea. That's scary.
Everybody is talking as if they were.
Not as scary as not solving N Korea...
it's a simple majority vote to change the rules on what can be filibustered and what can't...Reid set the precedent for changing them for judicial confirmations..
One mans disaster is another mans profit!
Lot of Youtube people living full time in commercial vans as a way of life. Not my style but interesting mobile minimalism.
There was an article a while back about Google employees living in them (vans) rather than pay the exorbitant rents up near their hq. Makes sense in a way (for a young single person)..they work all the time anyways..and have shower, laundry and cafeteria services provided to them.
I remember seeing a couple of stories about that. Smart move when all you need is a place to sleep. When you make the big bucks and spend it all on rent it kind of kills the big profit.
Really smart way to save some bux. Keep in mind that those jobs can last as little as 18 months, and it might take a while to land another one that pays well. And if you're a dev, you basically code from the time you wake up until the time you pass out, six or seven days a week anyway. So why not?
Ever wonder why Microsoft products have those pasted-together, schizophrenic characteristics? Reorgs every 18 months, rain or rain or rain or rain or occasional shine. Coffee carts on every floor, and Prozac dispensers in the bathrooms... or so they say ;-)
Coffee carts on every floor, and Prozac dispensers in the bathrooms.
H1B plugged into every available wall socket...
> H1B plugged into every available wall socket...
The caste system there is almost funny. If you're an employee, you get a private office with a window. If you're a contractor, you share an inside room with at least one other person. Different badges, different email address construction, etc.
If you're a contractor, you share an inside room with at least one other person.
they charge rent to the contractors also (well..the contractors company)
Turtles all the way down.
> they charge rent to the contractors also (well..the contractors company)
I didn't see that one, but I wouldn't put it past them. Especially for the Indian thieves.
I didn't see that one, but I wouldn't put it past them. Especially for the Indian thieves.
smart when you think about it..somebody probably made VP with that idea...
A van, down by the river?
Do they get treated like that in the U S?
Son slept in truck in school shortly. Then he sofa surfed.
Wasn't there an inland Sea there in the distant past.
Good Morning!
More rain today!
They parked their van in the parking lots where they worked. They use box vans the kind goods and materials are delivered in and don't look out of place like an RV would.
What happened to that building that was sinking and tilting? In Kali.
Have to tidy the house for the maids. Hope they show up on time this time. Poetry reading when they are done🍎. Gosh, tidied twice within a week!
Nearly every day I chop sawgrass, and it looks like I've done nothing.
Hope to visit son in a month or so.
Wake up east coasters. And Midwest too.
I guess working has taken the morning away for some.
When you get tired of weeding I suggest artificial grass in your flower beds. I am going to do more this year. Looks nice in the winter also.
The trade deficit has gone down as has immigration. I rather think k this is a good thing, both of them. That keeps up, salaries will go up.
I think we are screwed, especially in the short run. The drop in flow of Illegals will cut the need for their support so cutting of services will mean job loss. Getting the leisure class off the dole and to work will be tough, with a lot of crying. 50 years to late.
Is nothing ever good? The ones here aren't going back except in small numbers.
UsuallY immigrationTs require fewer services. I have never seen a Cuban. Or Haitian person begging on the street in miami. Or Merritt Island. TheY are middle aged white guys. One recently has a dog. Looked reasonably well cared for, the dog I mean. Merritt Island doesn't seem to have any bag ladies, tho MiaMI does.
UsuallY immigrationTs require fewer services.
Our SoCal experience is quite the opposite.
New post.
You are looking in the wrong place. Middle class has raised a group of kids who know how to work the government. Here it is very simple collect UE as long as you can and work under the table. I have an ex relative who I would never hire that every job he had ended in a workman's comp claim. Not the bread winner in that family, she carried the load. Cash for kids here is BIG business here in rural areas. Marriage rates down. Goes on and on. Do you think these people will suddenly come out of the dark and work for a living? I know people who run small businesses that have never paid income tax. Way bigger problem then we think. IMO
Off to play!
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