Anti-gentrification activists have marked the shop as a symbol of displacement.
By Ruben Vives
A small coffee shop at the center of multiple anti-gentrification protests in Boyle Heights was vandalized Wednesday, according to its owners.
Footage from surveillance video at Weird Wave Coffee showed a person — clad in black clothing and a black mask — stepping out of an alley, then quickly using what might have been a slingshot to shoot an object at the shop’s logo. The object cracked the coffee shop’s glass door.

A growing arts scene has taken root in the industrial section of the Eastside neighborhood, which is heavily Latino. Some residents say they worry the galleries will change the neighborhood, increase rent and push out working-class families.
Along Cesar Chavez Avenue, activists fear the coffee shop will do the same for businesses.
“It’s disheartening,” said Rachel Chang, 31, a Boyle Heights resident and frequent customer.
Granville Ampong, 47, said he has seen the neighborhood change for the better and hopes it continues.
“Social change is coming,” Ampong said.
“We’re blessed, blessed, blessed to be here,” Defa said.
How do you compromise or negotiate with people like this?
I rather think that raising rents and pushing out etc will actually happen. The solution is to change urban zoning such that affordable houses can be built. I suggest they employ the Tiny house people.
No negotiation just arrest,.if they can find them. But, this is a real problem.
Zoning does not fix tear down and rebuild.
Nope. BUT there are always infill lots. Start small and work up. Oh you mean tear down the people's houses?
yes, tear down the crumbling, 50 year old, formerly suburban home and rebuild a modern achitecture monstrocity. Single family zoning is up to a quadplex structure here so you can get 4 times the rent on the same lot.
My thoughts are if you build enough houses, supply and demand will take over, since at the moment demand vastly exceeds supply. Or say,.if builders build an excessively big house they have to build 5 or 6 little ones; New York did something like that
Another half inch of rain. 77°
Zoning protects the quiet enjoyment of people who choose a neighborhood. Going from two neighbors to eight neighbors is not being protected.
A quaint thought, Rob. Too bad it's too late for that in a lot California.
PS: I'd better check my pulse. I just found myself agreeing with Rob twice in one day.
Progressive circles are still not equipped to wrestle with imbalances of political power. If you ask someone on the left to explain racism or sexism or homophobia, they will be able to expound at length about how we must listen to the people who are impacted, and how those with the upper hand in any given situation must try to identify and mitigate systemic imbalances. Ask about elitism—about inequality in access and cultural power—and people have a harder time articulating it.
Ahhh but we are both using two different screen names so we can do some wicked rationalizations to convince yourself that we aren't really agreeing.
sm_refugee can probably sing the tales of woe for the teen numbered streets north of Wilshire where a cute post WW-II cottage of flanked by borg condo cubes and the nearest parking spot is past Montana Ave.
Oh? There is the rich Rob and the Poor Rob.
I have updated the post. Pictures of the first real tomato of the season. Still a bit firm but I made pesto from the garden basil and pesto/mozzerella/tomato slices pizza tonight. Nom.
I just don't get where you think I'm rich. Modest suburban tract home, muddling career, simple garden, simple blog, simple tastes. I clip coupons, wait for sales, pinch pennies. My cars are 11,11, and 19 years old with a combined over 500k miles. Got all the intangibles so I am rich in that aspect but I'm not going to get an invite Davos.
There are early signs of overreach in the neighborhood.
A mere 40% above the zillguess.
The length of you driveway. The height of your tomatoes trelisses, and you own rental that make money.
My driveway is simple brick, not even fancy concrete and I have helped put in much of it. Necessary because the ground is so poor it shifts and would break up even a modest tar surface. Oh yeah, I forgot about the rentals and who says they make money before taxes? And the vacations and in a couple hours my baby will be arriving at the adult summer camp at Lake Piseco NY. Quality of life is not the same as rich however.
Was sorely tempted to consider the ancient spider infested cabin here ate the rocky spit in the lower center a few years ago:,-74.5494768,745m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x89df1f2b25b02f09:0x7382274153e854a8!8m2!3d43.3918028!4d-74.5962054
Hope the link works.
I think it depends if rich is "I never have to work again" or "my grandkids will never have to work"
We passed on the spider house because of taxes. Upper NYS school districts have rapacious appetites for charging summer houses to fund their budgets. No vote after all.
>My cars are 11,11, and 19 years old
I got you beat, my cars are 12 and 21 years old !
1983 Suzuki GS1100-ES motorcycle. Shall I rerun the numbers?
Truth told the only thing I wish my dad had bequeathed was one of his cars or a farm engine. Nothing expensive, nothing important, just a here; for you.
LL, busy day. My response to including the family of an illegal is simple and effective. Harboring a criminal and the pressure to keep all the family in line as they all lose.
Now a float in the pool!
But how long is your driveway? Ours is shells that got mashed into sand. You like building stuff. You'd do it if you were a zillionaire. Is your driveway straight or curved?
Jewelry one piece is the dil's engagement ring now, some shoes she wore the same size shoes furniture. . . And money, which I mostly haven't spent. I was gonna spend a bunch on home improvement, but my contractor has disappeared. Actually I don't need anything.
I wish your dad had given you the engine of your dreams.
What if the illegal is not living with the legal?
Listed over a million,4. Take it down 40%, and you are at a million dollars. Cheap, for Cali?
I don't have to work, it's not all it's made out to be. For grandkids, I'll help with college, then they gotta work. Not good for them to be trustafarians.
I have a circular drive way concrete, also an RV pad of crushed concrete with a dump station, water tap at the house. lacking an 50 amp electric post but on the list. Kids won't have to work but I suspect they want more as I think they should. Grand kids will be their responsibility as I don't think we will be around by then but who knows?
Hah! I have 200 amp 220v service.
the pesto pizza was great.
My cars (3) are all drinking age or better (worse?) now.
And I just don't have the heart to write a rant about how badly SM has been screwed up right. Maybe another day.
Good morning.😀, rich, medium and poor.
Calculated risk is just mailing it in with no one to poke him.
Good Morning!
I have had 200 amp 220v service for many years. :)
I retired at 50 on my own nickle.
Newest car is 4, truck 18 and MH 14.
I'm extravagantly cheap and very happy. :)
We retired at 71 almost 72 and medium 60s. On mostly the govt's nickle.,inherited money and Savings. Altho not frugal, not extravagant either. Kids can have left overs, if there are any. I do give them money from time to time, or nice goodies. Frank likes to buy electrons and ham radio stuff. I buy gardening stuff, which add up a fret a while. I have 3 more little plants to plant, and then it's to hell with it until Oct or November. Too damned hot and humid.
What you call gardening the tortoises call salad prep.
Like the pics? Isn't that a pretty tomato?
Yes,Rob, It is a very pretty, one might say, richly pretty tomato.
Hehehe they don't seem to like. flowering plants.
Years and years ago, Ballamer tried urban renewal. They tore down a lot of black people's scruffy homes, and couldn't afford to build anything back. Black people called this Negro removal.
Wow... Trader Walt even more of a douchebag than I remember
I think that's "up to code" in a modern home...
You married a guy named Frank?
Chicago did something similar, but the put those poor folks in places like Cabrini-Green...
Not quite sure what snapped but recall a whole bunch of people and blogs snapped between Nov 9 and Jan 20.
To this day I think what killed them was the waiting for the sweet revenge treatment from the side they had been abusing for so long and it never came.
Trying to catch a falling knife. Ordered a couple hundred shares of GE. Not yet filled at my price.
What did Walt do? I met him and i liked him a lot. I was visiting my future in laws in Chicago.
Well, lower your price! Hehehehe.
He's on the Reddit blog bring a dick. Looks like the denizens of Mudville have invaded too trying to kill the discussion there.
There was a lot of old low income housing across from my college. It was all siezed by the mayor using emminent domain as a "drainage improvement". All the houses torn down and turned into student apartments. Also mayors son happened to win the construction contract.
For all the bad things he's done Jerry Brown was my hero when he dissolved redevelopment districts and authorities. Corrupt slush funds abused just about everywhere.
Misguided Attempt to Free Thousands of Minks Goes Horribly Wrong
Instead of running free, most of the minks have died.
Musk weasels. If they weren't SoftBank fluffy we'd be offering exterminators big bucks to get rid of them.
Funniest DYAC I've seen in some time.
Glad to see redevelopment slush funds go, but the result is going to be crazy local tax increases, as the sleeze machine must be fed somehow.
You probably already know what's going in the 'Nard.
Did I say that? Oops, I did.
What is going on?
Chinchillas are basically large rats with nice fur
I changed states today. In the Mile High for another wedding. I am not paying for this one LOL!
What will happen in the state you left??
Water and sewer rates set to quintuple to cover some insane corruption. And that isn't the worst. Near as I can tell $108 million disappeared from the roads leaseback deal.
Altered States was a wired movie.
Harvested the white pepper and some others. Thinned some green tomatoes that were crowding and threatening to split the vine. Started the Super Sweet 100 seeds that will give fruit until at least Christmas.
And now kicking back on the bus to the Hollywood Bowl. "Cool and the Gang." How's that for outside of our comfort zone?
I am not paying for this one LOL!
best invitation I ever received (after a friend had eloped..then had a party later to celebrate)..
"The deed is done..let's have fun!!"
So Spicer left. What if everyone leaves?
"Cool and the Gang."
is that a Kool & the Gang tribute band?? ;<)
What if everyone leaves?
Hillary still won't be President
Exellent. I suggested they elope but her family was paying. . . He said, just don't tell me how much this is costing. I admit, I liked the.professional make up and false eyelashes. And dancing with Elvis.
True. Hehehehe. Maybe Elizabeth Warren could pretend to be Hillary.
Somebody else quit too, but I forget who.
yes..please run Warren in 2020..
or maybe Mad Maxine
Shouldn't someone have noticed that $108m had vanished?
Cali persons can't be trusted with money?
Would you work for Donald Trump? Or, expressed otherwise, do you have a death wish?
It was a Lead atty for some branch of the White House.
Liz, you wouldn't believe how messed up the accounting has been. They literally had multiple accounting systems that could not communicate. Running multiple sets of books. They had no idea where the money was going, and that's just the honest people. Others should have gone directly to jail.
Rubio would be ok
Miami had 9 different computer systems for different departments which didn't communicate. I found this out went I had 54 liens to clear up on properties in a probate case. I was terrified I'd miss one. They were all kinds of liens, water and sewer, waste, hauling waste etc etc. But nobody stole any thing on that scale even in Miami.
Sadly I know most of them by first name.
Oh and in addition to Kool we get Village People! YMCA!
I haven't watched many of the press conferences..but Sanders seems way better to me than Spicer. Don't know much about Scaramucci..but he sounded pretty good today.
Doesn't really matter at the end of the day...
Well, this is the end of the day, so nitey nite. What,will Trump do tomorrow?
Lead the country...
9 pm and still 101 degrees. Yuck.
where are you Ruby..texas??
What happened in the state I left today! It was 103f and I missed it!
after an absolutely brutal winter..we are having a great summer (70's/50's)
special tax districts are a great way to pass on the cost of infrastructure without incresing the stcker price of the house. Same high monthly nut, but easier loan qualification and the developer isn't on the hook cause its all paid for by bonds. What could go wrong?
> What could go wrong?
LOL. You should have seen the mess in the areas around here that were heavily burdened by special districts and mega-HOAs when TSHTF in 2008.
The unburdened areas got hit too, but the losses were fewer and much smaller.
Riverpork has a district for street lighting.
I was driving around the greater sacramento area surveying levees in 2009. I saw.
Dade County got into that late in the game. Everything was so horrible, I can't say I could see the difference . Expensive neighborhoods like coral Gables did better.
Good morning.😀.
Good Morning!
Here it's easy especially in the county. They plow roads and subdivide the lots and sell. The county maintains the roads till they get tired and push the city to annex. Helps if your on the county board of supervisors.
Developers do have to pay a park and school fee and whatever fees, which adds to the house costs, but if they are building one or 2 houses at a time the buyer only pay property taes, which they would anyway.
I can't think of a single case of annexation in Miami Dade county. There are new cities.
I can't keep up with who is on and out with Trump. I read Bannon is fading.
However the golf guy Grace, is doing great.
Sca??witZ is gone.
I wonder if this many people are typically fired in the first 6 months of an administration. Wouldn't want it to be really a witch hunt.
Planted one more plant. 2 to go.
I wonder if this many people are typically fired in the first 6 months of an administration.
how many people have been "fired" to date?? Spicer resigned because he didn't agree with the Scaramucci hire. Most if the firings I've heard of were holdovers from the Obama administration..
And here I was trying to be fair. If it was about the same I'd have said he's just doing what previews presidents have done. made a comment about how many "firings" there have been..there have been no firings recently that I know of.
I'm actually surprised there haven't been more..he did run on the promise to "drain the swamp"..
Ok, include force someone out as pretty much firing. Bannon is being badly treated at the moment.
Bannon is being badly treated at the moment.
you know
I do like his trade positions and I kinda liked his bluff and bluster as opposed to walking on eggshells. . . . Until it tipped over to narcissism and craziness.
But I will say my Unitarian buddies were horrified that I praised him on trade, even. Eat a minute, I don't like him on most everything else, am I not allowed to like his trade policies?? Like Slate, who prolly don't like the way he puts his socks on in the morning.😀
He is is working in the outer regions where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.
How do you know he is still in Trump's good graces?
Ok, include force someone out as pretty much firing.
if you're referring to Spicer..both sides said they wanted him to stay on..but I'm guessing he looked at it as a he decided to leave. Not really a big deal... Sanders is an upgrade anyways imo.
Obama had three different press secretaries during his eight years. It's a difficult job even when dealing when you have a fawning press corps like Obama had..
even when dealing when you have
coffee hasn't fully kicked in yet... ;<)
Until it tipped over to narcissism and craziness.
See tweets. I am not on twitter or any other social media so I cant
How do you know he is still in Trump's good graces?
you made the statement..thought you might have some back-up for it.
Pull one up on a keystroke, but I'm sure there will be some in no time.
You too. I will look.
When watching the prez debate with hillary, there was about 15 min of Trump talking that made good sense. Taxing offshore corprate earnings, reform of political donations come to mind now. None of that has made it into the priorities of the administration so far.
See tweets.
so you don't read his tweets..but hold them out as evidence of "narcissism and craziness"??
Reminds me of a recent conversation I had with a guy who was fuming at Trump for backing out of the Paris Climate agreement..and when I asked him if he had actually read the agreement that Obama signed up for..admitted that he hadn't.
Fox, the WSJ and Slate. Fights with Kushner.
Censoring the science agencies is crazy.
I do read many of the tweets, but haven't memorized them.
yeah well..don't believe everything you read.
The guy who might be in trouble is Sessions however. Trump tweeted today asking why the AG wasn't pursuing the Hillary e-mail scandal. Never a good sign when your boss is publicly questioning you on twitter...
Censoring the science agencies is crazy.
I missed that a link??
Forbes has a list of the most offensive, but I couldn't get ot to come up. The Mika thing
Come on man, you gotta be trolling. A simple google search of trump censor science will bring up more articles than you can read. Here is the top result.
I do like his trade positions and I kinda liked his bluff and bluster as opposed to walking on eggshells. . . . Until it tipped over to narcissism and craziness.
A bunch of crazy narcissistic fourth estaters are trying very hard to establish that perception.
yeah well..that's trumps hit him..he hits you back 10x harder. I try to stay focused on his policies and not his media feuds...
Censoring the science agencies is crazy.
Depoliticizing the science agencies is necessary.
Here's an example of censorship:
Of course it becomes "he said she said" since the pages being suspended were highly politicized in the first place.
IMO these things are about as important as the incoming President replacing the portrait of FDR with one of Abraham Lincoln.
> "not his media feuds..."
But think about how many of those crazy at the time "offhand" remarks have come back paying handsome dividends. Not so crazy and certainly not incautious or offhand.
> A simple google search of trump censor science will bring up more articles than you can read.
Try a google search for the best climate website, the most popular, the most awarded, the most enduring, the most transparent. You won't get the real answer.
I am working on the creation of the Constitution part of my Unitarian speech. But there were Founders who were quite offensive in speech in the newspers of the day.
Googling an opinion like "best" and googling the occurance of an event is different. Mike was denying that censorship happened. Censorship did happen. Thats a fact that you can google. Opinions on if that's a good or bad thing can differ. Global warming is happening. That's a fact. Everything beyond that is opinion.
You won't get the real answer.
Becau$e the real driving force behind the climate change movement is very obviou$..
Citation please?
Some of the FFs truly despised each other. That speech was tolerated because everyone knew shifting fortunes of political winds could easily put the shoe on the other foot.
They knew a government that could regulate speech -would- regulate speech. Much like there is no talk of privacy in the Constitution. A government that defines privacy could redefine privacy. They wisely left no mention in a document that circumscribed powers.
And that is where we have drifted. We have a government that proceeds directly to "What should we do?" bypassing the mandatory three preceding questions.
Mike was denying that censorship happened.
I was neither affirming nor denying it was happening..just asking you to provide some support for the statement you made..
Censorship did happen.
remember when the Dims were threatening to press charges against anyone who questioned the climate change agenda?? good times...
from Ruby's article (thanks for the link):
The George W. Bush administration was notorious for limiting press access to federal scientists, and although former Pres. Barack Obama came into office pledging unprecedented transparency and openness with the press, many felt his administration did not completely live up to that promise; it drew media criticism for frequently making press calls only available “on background” (meaning officials must be quoted anonymously), and using close-hold embargo policies.
so I guess we've had a few "crazy" POTUSes in a row now..
Science/information has value. Profit or harm.
Look at the two maps:
Only one is science but the other is distressing.
let's take the Paris Climate agreement for example. If the G20 nations (+ anyone else who wanted to join) would want to come together and pledge to reduce greenhouse gases..I would totally support that. When it morphed into this wealth transfer scheme..with "developed" countries (i.e. the United States) paying billions of dollars to less developed countries...for essentially doing nothing (a promise to start reducing greenhouse gases at some unknown time in the future)..that is when I say nope.
Let's stop being the stupid country in the room during all of these international agreements.
As it is we are likely to be one of the few who reduce CO2 emissions while at the same time also one of the few who miss their Paris targets.
"China, through its companies, is planning to build over the course of the next decade or so well more than double the number of coal power plants that the U.S. has today."
China is also building about a dozen nuclear reactors currently..with no real plan on what to do with the nuclear waste...
"China, through its companies, is planning to build over the course of the next decade or so well more than double the number of coal power plants that the U.S. has today."
wow..and they seem so concerned about climate change whenever they are asked about it.. ;<)
headed out for the rest of the day..have a great weekend everyone!!
Tariffs on pollution.
And lack of safety.Would reduce exporting jobs, especially jobs with no safety nets
They are lying of course.
Rain, thunder 81°.
Good morning.😀.
Planted anther plant. Pulled some grass. Saw no turtles.
Speaking of 1.4m $, there is an oceanfront house listed at that much. 4/4, pool. House looks big on aerial, doesn't say, but looks like an acre to me. And you want to live in Cali?
Wakey wakey East coast. Good morning.😀
Thread getting a bit long. New post up of no consequence. A "real" post in a bit after errands.
I'm at the UU thong they have an Irish Commedian. He must be very funny because everybody else is laughing. I can't understand one word in 5 that he says. So I walked out.very sad being deaf.
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