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Ohhh... SHINY! |
The high court overturned a lower court ruling and gave renewed hope to those who have used the California Environmental Quality Act to challenge the high-speed rail project championed by Gov. Jerry Brown.
“It basically says that California has a right to control its own railroads and decide whether they should be required to consider carefully the environmental impacts of their projects,” said Stuart Flashman, who represents several San Francisco Bay Area cities in a lawsuit that claims the bullet train project violates the state’s environmental law.
Oh what a tangled web we weave...
Rules for you but not for me. Don't you love it. jobs for lawyers! wooooopeee!
The price goes up. The capacity goes down. The fares go up. The speed goes down. 2017 was at one time the supposed service date.
Made a couple gallons of salsa. Don't tell the State lest they call me an illegal commercial operation.
High speed rail... More welfare for the elites
Yeay. Jobs for lawyers!!
I was thinking about calling the state for excessive turtles, but decided the consequences would be hideous
Now this has me very curious
I wish I could go back in time to the Founders and tell them all that our checks and balances were fabulous and thanks!!
And tell Galileo that the Medician satellites were now named after him, not the silly Medicis.
The rail road looks like it is gonna eat you,but very politely.
Disrupted snails everywhere cheer this decision..
oh and Reince is out at the WH..
At least we have turtles, you'd like them.
Not so much pythons and anacondas.
Trump did one thing I like. More money for Nasa!!
Scarramucci's wife filed for divorce,because of his naked political ambition.
Gosh, what else can happen? No don't tell me.
Swamp don't drain in just seven months.
I think of the Trump minions as the swamp. Understanding that all politicos are are somewhat swampy, who do you think are chief swampitea? ?
Wakey, wakey East coast, clean white fat catz and kittens. Post, post post!!!!
Good Morning!
Wow! did we have a rain storm last night. The lightening was beautiful, 3" of hard rain and wind. I guess the drought at my house is over. No damage except dirt ran down the hills to clean up.
Cleaning out the swap is not an easy project. Den of thieves and years in the making. I think that is part of why T got elected.
Back to Kali's toy train. Instead they should build a super speed toll way for TESLA cars. Helps ECO car sales for their buddy and investors. Their swap will be Green! Win, Win, but not for you.
Gluten Morgen
Not a bad idea... No speed limits too...
Actually an autonomous guideway makes sense although I'd use it for shipping. Imagine the I-5 and SR-99 without tractor trailers.
Ancient Rome only let delivery wagons drive at night to prevent traffic.
We aren't as smart.
I do wish I didn't have to deal with tractor-trailer's during rush hour
Some cities require night deliveries as part of their building and licensing requirements. I have even seen a tire store next to condos use electric impacts, sound proof compressors rooms and they dictated hours of operation.
Interstate traffic still flows in the day light.
Downtown BBQ restraunts are fighting for their life here. The restaunts are older, but the smoke disturbs the highrise condo dwellers that have popped up all around them. It's not the restraunts fault that someone put an apartment directly above their chimney.
They should have moved next to an airport. Seriously thinking is an option now days.
If the BBQ is good, the smoke should be a selling feature. I used to love it when we drive past the old BBQ joint in Alabaster, AL. It smelled delicious for miles...
I bet the realtors selling point was walking distance to great BBQ.
Dawgifornia is one step closer:
Whoever got there first is supposed to win. But now I guess not.
A fun flick in that genre:
Can get dvd from NetFlix
Good morning.😀 UU church day. I will grow my karma by thinking favorable thoughts about Trump. If I can.
Does hopine he go to the least painful circle of hell count?
Things that were supposed to kill us:
starting in the mid to late 50s and beyond, nuclear bomb testing and fall out.
Pollution of various things, air water etc. We cleaned up a lot
A lot. Forbade these spray cans of florochloretc.
Starvation, green revolution.
Run out of oil. 90s thru now.
Helped by wind, solar power, not supposed to be enought. Tech. More and more out there.
Don't know how we will deal, but we will
Ozone hole.
Wakey wakeup wakey, morning.😀
Went to a celebration of life party yesterday in Santa Clarita yesterday. 35 degrees difference in as many miles. Coastal living for the win.
Consider we as a country have solved or greatly improved on the end of the world problems, when does it become unreasonable to slow and control? Looks to me like the typical money for me by fear. Al Gore comes to mind. IMO nukes have gotten dumped mainly because of the China syndrome movie decades ago. By now the technology and redundancy of protection has come to a level of safety. Mini nukes look very promising, forget solar and wind. If the government says rain water is public property then how long till your solar panels consume public light energy and leases rights to the power companies?
I dont qite unerdrand, but here are machins thsr sqeeze water put of air.
Might be a good idea. 1,2, for each person in the hiuse. No problem in Floridah at least
As I remember some states the law states water belongs to the people. Now the interpretation becomes vague, Colorado recently sided on people catching rain water was to be legal. Farmers contended catching rain violated their ownership of run off lost from this practice since they bought water rights.
colorodo water rights are especially tricky because the rights holders are in other states. States enforcement rights don't apply. It would have to be a federal issue.
.77 inches here today. Yesterday .44.
No watering necessary.
No rain but 3lbs of tomatoes. Seems it will be 3lbs every day for a while.
I'd be getting really tired of tomatoes
Salsa. Gifts. Going to make sauce this year. Maybe juice. Then it will be back to picking for salads in a few weeks.
After this crop it is exotic varieties for fun and a few for salsa. Truth told I expected half to be failures or victims of the bunnies and moles.
if you can them then they will last forever.
Gluten morning.😀.
A tropical storm will hit TMpa, and almost certainly will hit us. A very weak storm, 40 to 50mph.
Mornin' all y'all...
The secret ingredient in liberal philosophy
:keyboard: Too funny...
Good Morning!
Missed the early train, Routine C-scan and out for breakfast.
Excuse me isn't anybody else marveling in a horrified sort of way about scaramucci???
Nite nite
T fired the loud mouth already! I heard Ann Coulter say shift Sessions to HLS. Not a bad idea he can still go after illegals.
Good morning.😀. Perhas the Republicans can split. The Trunp supporters vs everybody else. The every body else should be required to shake hands with the Dems twice a day, and be required to go out for drinks at least 2ce a week, with a least 3 drinks consumed per outing and a taxi.
yeah..I don't know what Sessions is waiting for. He needs to announce a special counsel(s) to investigate the unmasking of NSA data (for political purposes) and HRC (classified e-mails, campaign connections to Russia/Ukraine, etc) immediately.
Good Morning!
Maybe the difference of a businessman and politicians colliding. Any way the Dems and Repubs seem to be on the same page, grid lock.
TV talking head said TESLA 3 loaded is closer to $60K and Buyer tax may be going away. Sounds like a cheap Look at me car for the entry level rich not the masses. I wonder if they will finance a 10 loan or does the battery do dead before that?
If mooch was so bad that he was fired in 10 days, why was he hired in the first place?
another problem with a mass market Tesla is there are not enough superchargers at the moment to support them (1 for every 40 Tesla's now..will get much worse once the T3's start hitting the road)...so you really can't take them on a road trip (200 mile range I believe). They are more like hobby cars for wealthy people now..
If mooch was so bad that he was fired in 10 days, why was he hired in the first place?
why any of them talk to reporters is beyond me..
He was the communications director and he can't/shouldn't talk to a reporter.
T may have been victim of Jeckel and Hyde personality, who vouched for him?
Ford stock price always seems to move counter to the results they post...
Hell... He should announce a special prosecutor to look into the hiring practices and affiliations of the current special prosecutor...
They're so the elites don't have to feel bad about their $10,000/month electrical bills to light their mansions
The elites usually have a solar panel to supplement their electrical use and show the evil commoners they are doing their part. LOL!
Great...A War on Opioids...
1,200 State dept personnel in Russia before the latest reductions ordered by Putin?? Figure $200k per head (fully loaded)...that's almost $250 million per year to staff one country. There's a cabinet department that needs some serious budget cuts..
They drive their Tesla's to their private jets at the airport to go give speeches on global warming...
ER facilities all over the country, but especially in flyover are strained beyond the breaking point handling overdoses. It's a real and very serious problem right now and what we've been doing has not been working. It's been exponentially growing the last couple years.
Ya... But how many of those are CIA?
The local small City in my area just decided that they will continue to use anti-overdose measures on repeat offenders. Not sure how I feel about that. It seems that most of these folks have already propagated, so letting them pass wouldn't do much good in many regards
Ya... But how many of those are CIA?
and what exactly has that done for us??
use anti-overdose measures on repeat offenders.
heard a doctor recently call it a "disease". It's certainly a nasty addiction (like alcohol)..not sure I'd call it a disease though.
Addiction is a spectrum. Disease to habituation. I remember the days of cocaine. There were people who after one snort were set on a path of self destruction. Others were; feh caffeine is cheaper and doesn't make me sniff. Couldn't be bothered.
Oh and new post.
Ummm... Trimming State would fix that
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