Got that? The appeal is invalid because the victim was aware they were being extorted and should not have agreed to the extortion.
Here is the lede:
> A federal appeals court on Thursday rejected claims by Sierra Pacific Industries that government prosecutors in Sacramento engaged in fraud and deception when they arranged a $100 million settlement over the massive Moonlight fire that torched 65,000 acres in 2007.
A bulldozer accidentally started the fire. Price $100m from the deepest pocket. SacBee LINK
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Classic Habenero. |
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Black Cobra 30,000 Scoville. |
70% humoty? A trifle when you get to 99 or 100, let me kmiw. Or when you feel like you should swim through the air when you go outside, you can mention it.
did Kali actually collect the $100 million..or did the firm declare bk??
LL ask hub how many water grains make 100% humidity and how much air is left. Asking for a college drop out friend. ;)
> Sierra Pacific already has paid the $47 million in cash and has turned over 12,000 of the 22,500 acres to the government.
Got that? Worse than a "fine."
And don't even go into the calculation of $800 million to fight the fire.
Turned over the land in leiu of payment?
after reading the linked appears that it was FedGov that collected and not Kali..
..and I can kind of see why they settled. The chances of a "Timber giant" getting a fair trial in Kali was probably somewhere between slim and none.
calculation of $800 million to fight the fire.
you pretty much have to throw out those Boeing tanker planes after every forest fire.. ;<)
If there isn't a fire then none of the equipment or personell cost anything.
Maybe the Supes will review this one. Wouldn't be the first time the 9th circuit got it wrong..
Another reason to be a big bankster, screw up and get a golden parachute, retire fat.
i understand the snark, but the mobilization costs for personel are truely astronomical. Hazard pay, meals, lodging for a couple thousand state employees, plus hundreds of private contractors at $200/hr etc.
not to mention a couple weeks of project reviews at Four Seasons-Maui for the honchos after the fire eventually burns itself out... ;<)
Hub is losing the Great Battle of the Turtle
Turtle has home field advantage...200 million years vs 6,000 for humans
100% relative humidity is the maximum the air at that temperature can hold. Otherwise it will condense.. this is rain, dew, the code national on your ice tea glass. If there is nothing to condense on, it can go up to 102%. He sez the question is ill--posed. No such thing as grains of water. The amount of water needed to saturate the atmosphere goes up quasi exponentially.
Yanks v BoSox to open up the second half of the MLB season...gonna be fun
The power failure stole my comment.
RubyG. Yes mobilization is expensive. Still when there is someone to blame/charge it seems the station house needed to be repainted and the helos from far away needed new radios to participate and..,.
Mikes and my comment disappeared
They are ba ac k.
That Sale is a franchise. Who'd a thought the Red Sox would have a solid pitching rotation? And we all know Fister is a lot better than this.
Hard to say but we got one of those nasty power outages her at the Dawghaus. Pop, a few seconds then fizzle then pop again. I was logged as admin at the time.
This comment us not precise. If you want.
. . . GOOGLE
Vapor pressure
Saturated vapor pressure
Relative humidity and absolute humidity.
I hope my comment won't go away again.
Mikes and my comment disappeared
must have been Zuck policing my 6K stat.. ;<)
We got that it was supposed to be funny. . . . And it was!
Technically there is a situation of supersaturation. Crazy rare below angels 20 but possible.
A Carrington event?
I have the evil Google on when I shop but have to turn it off to get a better picture and I try never to buy on a trackabke click through.
That Sale is a franchise.
6'6"..all elbows and arms and legs coming at you with a 97 mph heater and then nasty off-speed stuff. Looks like BoSox have two more years of control (at a "reasonable" $13 mil per year) before he hits free agency.
Well, search it anywhere. But you prolly know all this stuff anyway
Happy Bastille Day
Is that like a French thing??
Actually more of a rise up against injustice thing. "Do You Hear the People Sing?"
buying doesn't matter. google ugly crocs looking for crocodiles and see how many shoe adds you get
There's a humidity thing that happens here which I call "sparkle".
The air gets so "heavy" with moisture that you can feel it "sparkling" on your skin.
Good Morning!
LL, I understand humidity. There is another look at it using water grains.
My curiosity was in tuning the last alcohol race car strictly off this method. Humidity becomes a oxygen blocker especially at high altitude.
Turtle gone wild enormous hole. Water and he goes to the leg end. A rock I see, no! A turtle she'll try to pry . Can't. Hub has the honor of pry in him out and taking n him out to the woods.
However, in all this muddle, the cat escaped.
... Where he tells all the other turtles he has found the promised land. Roses. Walkways to tunnel under. Real grass not sawgrass. Delicious shrubbery. He has returned to lead you all there.
You could force them out of their dens by taking a short piece of garden hose, pouring a teaspoon of gasoline into it, and then blowing thru it to fill the den with fumes. Be careful what comes out. They sometimes share their homes with rattlesnakes...
Not really a small ball fan, but Sale is a beast...
If you're still posting, then no...
The gym where I work out specializes in rehabing pitchers from shoulders and Tommy-John surgery. They say the majors are reluctant to spend on short guys as starters, but they're are some short guys still pitching relief, e.g. Tim Collins. 7 innings of 93+ mph fastball is just to much wear and tear on little guys
Ahem. Escaped? You know the proper phrase.
> My curiosity was in tuning the last alcohol race car strictly off this method. Humidity becomes a oxygen blocker especially at high altitude.
Interesting. I thought the only issue invoked flame propagation and delta T drops on the cylinder.
Alcohol is considered a oxygen fuel. Temp and barometer swings become far less important then Humidity. Water Droplets in the air especially at altitude take the space of the already thin air. Many professional race teams use the water grain method instead of humidity. I assume they gain info is measured with a wet bulb dry bulb calculation.
I am posting on next food will ask if prices have gone up or down on my street.
Next Door. How door can turn into food, I don't know.
Grains are tiny droplets?
Hub here. Didn't recognize the term grain as a weight. Archaic. See Wallace Racing website for a calculator app. Http://
LBD see comet further up the thread.
Grain comes from the bronze age! And was used to measure small amounts of wheat, if I understand his explanation
Wallace calculator is an Air density program we have used for years. The idea was to create historical data based on water grains alone and see if it would be a better tuning tool at altitude. Just something I didn't get to finish, Oh well maybe next time around. Thanks
Water grains maybe from the past but HVAC guys use it as well as Professional drag racers. I ask a few meteorologist here from the national weather service several years ago and they also where not aware of it.
Yes. "Unannounced inspection of the outer domains".
Good Morning!
This thing working?
LL, when we get an armadillo burrowing under the foundation we put chicken wire with a rock on one side of it. They can push the wire flap open to get out, but can't get back in.
chicken wire over the burrow.
I've been a lazy sack. Sorry. Also an accident cleaning the office. Killed the #1 monitor. Pissed me off enough to have to walk away for a bit.
Turtles can Dig in any direction. They can dig turtle palaces down there. They are very strong.
Since you are at least quasi rich, you can buy a bigger, nicer, tougher one. And an anger management course. And throw it as hard on the floor or concrete as you can. Before the course.
It was a true accident. Had moved the network cable while cleaning and then a shelf fell over on the cable and yanked the monytor forward just enough to topple on the keyboard where the corner was in just the wrong place. You kick yourself but still an accident.
Clever trick for the armadillos.
Saw a turtle swimming in the interstate lake this AM. He saw us and dropped into the weeds, kept popping up to peak at us. Finally got brave and swam away.
Sorry about your accident, very frustrating.
Chicken wire is an old trick for lots of digging critters. ;)
Vote on medical postponed because McCain is sick.
I think if they thought it would win, they'd drag him in by the ear.
Can't he vote form his bedside?
Apparently not. Or maybe he can, bur the the liss would be clear.
Loss. I dont think it's gonna pass.
Best to let obummercare implode then the answer is clear, well it should be but how gets what out of the candy jar seems to always be the problem.
I also think it was awful and inappropriate to pass tax cuts for the rich in a medical bill
Kick ass season opener for GoT
Good morning.😀 let it explose.
Tv show
Good Morning!
Looks like stocks haven't turned down yet. When it does will it be a big ride down or a correction and go again?
2 years sez my crystal ball. MY crystal ball keeps rolling into the future, which I am continuing to find more unbelievable . Like with houses. Only I would have thought the presidential hijinks would have ground good stuff to a halt months ago.
LBD, the ride down will be determined by the level of excess thats exposed to be unsustainable. How much fraud is out there compared to 2007? to 2001? to 1988?
I don't think there is much. People were scared for a while. And they stayed scared for a while. The housing roller coaster went up and down 2 or 3 times before it fell off the rails.
The housing scam continues but with world hot money I think it has set a new low. Scams in the stock market are a constant until exposed. The Mortgage scam was a known and amazing how far it went. So correction it is for me at least for a while and T gets a vote of confidence for it.
Idea, Dump government insurance subsidies except medicare and state medicade. Kali had SDI years ago when I lived there. 1% as I remember, so why not the same for FED payroll taxes unless you have insurance with a health savings account. The 1% can create a pool to subsidize ER and no pays to hospitals. Softens the financial blow all around.
Good morning all. The garden shed of spousal exile disaster is pretty well handled. I will get back to more frequent posts real soon. Sorry for being an inadequate host.
The ±10% market moves are just part of getting back to normal. The real killer will be when some bright guy does the math and realizes the Boomers are going to flip over real soon and become net outflows from the markets for oh... say the next 40 years. All of a sudden total returns are look ugly and the smart money will panic first. Then the boomers will be faced with selling 50% more stock than they planned for the same amount of money and a feedback is established for a huge drop.
> "The 1% can create a pool to subsidize ER and no pays to hospitals. Softens the financial blow all around. "
No pays!
You are all so cheerful
Frankly this boomer never expected to get anything at all.
Cheerful? Interesting. Good humored more accurately.
Part of that is the mix of people who post here and the occasional visitor. For some reason there is a level of mutual tolerance here that is lacking in other places.
New post:
Instead hub and I could live modestly on both ss checks.
RD, the tolerance here is simple. We don't pile drive others thoughts into a phobia reaction with mean and hateful attitude.
Perhaps the Masters of the Universe want a recession prior to the 2020 election, and are holding things up for now..
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