Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Cermets Rule

I know that everyone reading shares my interests so this won't be news to anyone but I just had to comment. 

Ablation-resistant carbide Zr0.8Ti0.2C0.74B0.26 for 

oxidizing environments up to 3,000 °C

 Isn't that exciting?  What it means is that hypersonic aircraft are far more practical.  

"Current candidate UHTCs for use in extreme environments are limited and it is worthwhile exploring the potential of new single-phase ceramics in terms of reduced evaporation and better oxidation resistance," says Professor Ping Xiao, Professor of Materials Science at Manchester. "In addition, it has been shown that introducing such ceramics into carbon fiber-reinforced carbon matrix composites may be an effective way of improving thermal-shock resistance."


Cinco-X said...

Kinda kewl, but do we really need hypersonic travel? Sounds like something the elite would like

Unknown said...

Be sure to reverse the polarity of the dilithium crystals in the warp core and reroute power to the tractor beam by going to emergency life support.

Lawyerliz said...

I'm more interest in gething the expensive plane that nobody wanted and cost a gazillion dolled anD using that to buck up health care

Lawyerliz said...


Rob Dawg said...

The real benefit is single stage to orbit at an affordable price.

Rob Dawg said...

Cap'n I'ma givin' her all she can take. I kinna git the impulse ingins ta kick in!

Unknown said...

MORE food safety issues for Chipotle. I used to like them, but haven't eaten there in years. I can't see myself ever going back.

LBD said...

Neat, progress like this puts America and the world to work so they can pay for their health cost.

Cinco-X said...

Want that the idea of the space shuttle?

Lawyerliz said...


Lawyerliz said...

I met a guy recently who didn't know what a Ferengi was.

Rob Dawg said...

Then acquisition rule #74 applies.

Knowledge equals profit.

Rob Dawg said...

The Space Shuttle was a camel. A horse designed by committee.
The size of the bay? Dictated by a NRO spy satellite. The design that big caused delays so long that by the time the Shuttle was flying the technology advanced such that the mission platform was half as large.

LBD said...

Shuttle and space station have out lived their usefulness. We don't need any more 8th grade science experiments. We should be on the moon permanently by now. We are on both poles and not pushing the envelope.

Unknown said...

we could pretty easily send unmanned flights to the moon and set up an entire robot village up there. I'm not sure what the use of it would be tho. Mars is the envelope.

LBD said...

The moon is close and a powerful tool in advertising, what good is climbing a mountain? Robots are a big deal and to see them on the moon would be cool. Of course a crew of repair people need to be there as well as explorers. Space station impresses very few. Good question for the Fools on the street report. Who is currently on the space station, I can hear the answer now, Tom Whats his name? interviewer, Cruse? That's it! NASA missed the boat as a leader letting everyone else catch up.

Unknown said...

NASA didn't miss the boat. They did what they could with the funding allocated to them by congress. If we tell them to go to put people on the moon and give them the money to do it then it'll happen pretty fast.

Rob Dawg said...

A moonbase would open the entire solar system to productive exploration. The gravity well is shallow and no atmosphere are yuuuuge advantages. We are sure water is in the craters at the poles.

I'd send an automated solar panel manufacturing machine First and let it crank out a few megawatts before people arrive.

Use the power to refine industrial metals to make spacecraft.

Cinco-X said...
Like all utopian visions, this quest for gender sameness lies on faulty assumptions and infringes upon individual liberty. Because of innate differences, the sexes make dissimilar vocational choices. Government mandated hiring practices are antithetical to individual choice. Recognising and respecting differences is exactly what a good, tolerant society does. As Margaret Thatcher eloquently said in her 1975 speech to Conservative Party Conference, “We are all unequal. No one, thank heavens, is like anyone else . . . We believe that everyone has the right to be unequal but to us every human being is equally important.”

Rob Dawg said...

NASA got "comfortable." Too comfortable.

Lawyerliz said...

Got 3.9 inches of rain.

NASA also got hardly any money

Rob Dawg said...

NASA lost money sort of. Apollo was a big blank check. It ended but so did the costs.

NASA dropped lots of great not flashy programs while looking for the next big program. Try to get a NACA inlet research grant. A deep stall airfoil? Pulse jet. Shark skin. Silent Velcro. Why does plastic crinkle and why is it NASA business? Hint, very important. Piezo electric cooling. A space propulsion method?

Liz. Ask your hubby about the near disaster of the space shuttle tail cone housing contract.

When I am director expect a whole lot more seeds to the wind projects.

Picosec said...

The NASA picture is cute. Reminds me of the paper airplanes I used to fly off my balcony. And about as useful.

PS: Had extra fun when we'd wait until dark and set them on fire before launching.

Rob Dawg said...

Attosec! Don't be a stranger.

I've toyed with a wall of artist conception airplanes. Would be quite the conversation starter.

We still need NASA but the NASA of 1963 not 1974.

Lawyerliz said...

With the way they were cut its a wonder they did anything.

Rob Dawg said...

Surprising result. Foreign tourism into the US is up 7.5%. Looks identical to the election night 700 points down only to finish the day up.

Cinco-X said...

Plenty of sunlight for solar panels should make the use of rail gun propulsion for launching raw materials a cinch

Lawyerliz said...

I'd almost be scared to move here.

Lawyerliz said...

He doesn't know . Didnt do that stuff.

Lawyerliz said...

Dow Jones all time average. Is this bad?

Cinco-X said...

Most of the country is nice. The main places to worry about are the large metropolitan area that are crime ridden. Basically any place that shows up blue on an electoral map by county

Picosec said...

Of course, that's where the jobs are.

Rob Dawg said...

NASA Curiosity is almost five years on the surface of a planned 700 day mission. Yeah.

Anonymous said...

Big huzzahs to the first person to correctly identify the acronym ASRM, where it was located, and why did it exist.

Ah, the old DEC days....

Rob Dawg said...

The old Aerojet project. You gotta try harder. Like why is the courtyard at the old Mitre Corp building in Cambridge MA important?

Rob Dawg said...

To tell the truth you almost fooled me because I only ever heard it as ass-ram.

Rob Dawg said...

My first computer was a PDP 11/40. In those days DEC was housed in old textile mills.

Anonymous said...

Advanced Solid Rocket Motor, Iuka MS. They took over the old unfinished nuclear plant in bumfuck, MS, moved rocket scientists from CA (who subsequently lost their real estate asses), then shut down the program in 92. Supposed to replace the solid rocket motors that took the Challenger out.

By the time I got to DEC (1987), the mill was more of a poster child than anything else, as they were spread out all over NE. Used to take helicopters from DEC office to DEC office. Could not swing a dead cat in NE without hitting a DEC, PRIME or WANG person (maybe BBN as well?)

Rob Dawg said...

Dude. I sat at a WANG word processor once. Didn't see anything like it again until I was in charge of the Apollo systems out in the Mojave desert many years later.

Anonymous said...

Ever use a CPT word processor? Bonus points for the acronym.

Lawyerliz said...

Nitey nite

Rob Dawg said...

Saw some guys working on alpha versions of what became TeX in the basement of Building 1. That was a long time ago.

Rob Dawg said...

If only McCain had Obamacare.

Rob Dawg said...

The McCain thing really pisses me off on many levels. Two weeks ago he was clearly impaired in a hearing. You do not discover a brain clot in a routine checkup. Senators do not get the checkups we mere normals get and still nothing that would uncover a brain clot. Then when it was discovered he had aggressive brain cancer we were lied to and told everything was fine. This is not covered by patient privacy. Say nothing if necessary but lying is in my opinion criminal.

Rob Dawg said...

You all are a fascinating bunch. Thanks for the thought provoking comments.

Lawyerliz said...

Didn't they discover it when they opened him up?

LBD said...

Good Morning!

Sad about McCain, not my favorite politician but sorry to hear it anyway. What happens now wait till he resigns or passes away?

Rob Dawg said...

They sure as heck didn't discover a tumor while removing a blood clot from the brain. They surely had MEI and radioisotope and CT scans and knew it was there.

Good morning all. Anyone check Ford's stock price lately?

Lawyerliz said...

No, but I will. I had some stuff, but then they wanted more to see if there was anything else. For my Incident. Can he vote from a Hospital +bed?

Lawyerliz said...

I liked McCain when he ran the first time around. Hub says he coulda beat O if he didn't choose fluff brain for VP.

Lawyerliz said...

Ford has gone up and down.

Lawyerliz said...

Can't vote from hosp bed.

LBD said...

McCain didn't play dirty enough to win the election and Palin wasn't ready to be VP. Poor combination of old school politics and O captured the youth vote. Still think the Repubs didn't want to win and deal with the financial mess. IMO

Lawyerliz said...

Possible. I think Trump didn't want to win also.

LBD said...

He even said he didn't think he would win. The fight is not just the Dems but the old school Repubs. I said grid lock was a possibility and it seems to be here.

Lawyerliz said...

Agreed, except the grid lock has been here for a while.
Since I don't like anything Trump is for (exception trade), I don't mind too much.

LBD said...

My main point is Illegal immigration but the gate has been left open for decades and it's to late to get it under control. Best I see is clearing out some of the scum.

Lawyerliz said...

I'd like the cap on SS be raised, with payments be raised accordingly. I'd like the retirement age be raised a year, including 63 to 64. I'd like medicare be lowered 3 years or so. I'd like most of those expensive planes go away and use half to lower the debt ceiling and Hal to lower taxes on the bottom quintile. BUT no one will vote for any of.these. By the way, did anyone notice how miserable all the Senators looked at that all hands meeting?

Lawyerliz said...

Half not Hal, who mught do a better job.

Lawyerliz said...

How do you determine scum? Besides jail or conviction ?

Lawyerliz said...

Temp here now a mere 82, but going up.

Rob Dawg said...

A pleasant 64°F as the ocean effect provides us with San Francisco Summer.

"Scum" assessment is trivially easy. Start simple. Any arrests for a person crime. Gang tats. DUI, driving without insurance... easy stuff.

LBD said...

Scum is in the country illegally or legally being arrested and a no show for legal proceedings, convicted of any crime including property damage, IE car accident. Being in the country is a no, no but crime is a fast lane to deportation including your family. We also need to include the rich buy your way in scum as well and keep their property for the violations. IMO

LBD said...

Temp he is 81F, yesterday we hit 106F. The pool was great!

Lawyerliz said...

Agee, except gang tats. If you regorm, you can't get them off.

Lawyerliz said...


Rob Dawg said...

New, more thought provoking post is up.

Lawyerliz said...
