Since then all the well known actors have weighed in. The government of [California]
added glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup,
to its list of cancer-causing chemicals in July and will require that
products containing glyphosate carry warnings by July 2018.
acted after the World Health Organization’s International Agency for
Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded in 2015 that glyphosate was
“probably carcinogenic”.
more than 40 years, farmers have applied glyphosate to crops, most
recently as they have cultivated genetically modified corn and soybeans.
This reminds me of the anti-vac folks. Chemicals bad! We have run a 40 year experiment with negative results. Chem Trails!!!!
Re: Yosemite
One can always walk in for free or even ride your horse in for free. We have done both.
My recommendation for visiting Yosemite is to go in the winter. Esp after a snow dump. Fantastic!!! We used to do that and also go skiing at Badger Pass.
It would be a shame if they close the High Sierra camps. We did the full loop of 54 miles with the children. Also did shorter trips between camps.
Kali needs to label ballots "politicians may be dangerous to your health"
The sweet wonderful, forgiving, rich, beautiful and very intelligent mrs DoH!fen is headed to Squaw for skiing. Squaw got a foot above 8000 and snow will drop to the lodge tonight. Wheeee!!! It will be a long season if this keeps up.
Ski Nebraska! :)
Probably 25 years ago. First snow in Yosemite Valley. In those days photography was film. Set the tripod and did a no moon open shutter shot from the middle of the meadow. At the end Mrs Dawg and our then only kid jumped in and hit them with a fill flash. Great times. I’ve only been to YNP once in high season. That was two times too many.
Dilbert that’s not snow. That’s my shower next August.
Went to Yosemite once as a kid don't remember much about it.
Franken now :(
What? They have double standards. He must resign! Now! LOL!
can we get the "we aren't rapists" party so I can vote straight ticket?
I liked Frankin. My son is making excuses for him.
i liked him too, but there is no excuse for that
As long as there are human politicians these problems will continue. They should be canned after convicted in a court of law not the media. IMO
And after we've hired more judges too.
Dawg, I remember being at the top of Glacier Point waiting for the Fire Fall just after sundown. The layer of smog from campfires was wow! Only stayed in the Valley after hiking down from high country. Then taking the bus back to Tulumne Meadows.
Son and dil here they are great, with us and with each other.
Watched no tv for 2 days, very little texting on phone. I feel kind of dopy
They look so happy.
Hooray, yay, Brevard County's unimployment is a mere 3.5. And for Florida 3.6. THIS is full employment, no, Rob?
Good Morning!
Middle of November and still rain instead of snow. Quarter inch last night, 50's maybe even some 60's days coming. I think the cold bast after the new years is going to be bad.
Dil pregnant.
Bast is the Cat Goddess,
Very happy for you!
Extremely happy because the was some quesion that she come have kids. 😀
There was
Just saw a cute little snake
Liz, Our cure little snakes have cute little rattles on their tails.
cure = cute
Responding to Liz causes misspelling!!!
We have coral snakes, no rattles.
Snakes? yes we do they are called politicians.
Don't insult snakes. They have their place in the natural order.
We're starting to see folks leave for higher paying gigs, and the company is taking about opening offices elsewhere. I suspect we're there as far as employment. I also expect that a recession is pending...
We had people start leaving a couple of years ago, because they wanted more hours, not because the hourly rate was bad.Some of our clients are starting to pull back again, but I suspect that it's more about their internal problems than an impending recession.
It's nothing like the dot-com boom from my POV, it never really got cooking like it did back then. So I expect the next recession to be fairly shallow, because we are not seeing incautious activity, and money is still quite cheap.
I expect hurricane repair will delay a recession for a year or 2 and then we well get a recession. 3.5 in Brevard County has got to be full employment here. And they are talking about more call center type jobs and more space related careers,most of which must be in Brevard,and which pay well. there are new developments going up,forthe first time in 10 years. The space guys are fighting over Launch pads. here, I don't see if for years.
When roofers and contractors are asking you for work, that's a recession.
Son and dil have left. Miss them already
I get to wear my grandma shirt!!
Inherited from my mom.
Good Morning!
Recession is still alive here. Rentals still slow, one empty for 4 months. Credit scores are all time low like 500's. Low paying jobs easy to find but no takers. IMO is simple the Kleptocracts do what is good for them not the community by not growing higher paying jobs of the future. Oh drugs test for good job also a road block.
Ya... Not looking for another dot.com boom
New post. Lots more regular posting this week.
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