Liftoff aboard a United Launch Alliance Delta II rocket from Space Launch Complex 2 is targeted for 1:47 a.m. PST (4:47 a.m. EST).
JPSS represents a significant technological and scientific advancements in observations used for severe weather prediction and environmental monitoring. The JPSS system will help increase weather forecast accuracy from three to seven days.
For once we get a good launch view.
Tuesday at 1:47AM? I'm not likely to be awake for that, unfortunately. Oh Well.
I've seen so many from My back yard. WHT the son was 12 or so, I said tI'm to watch the launch now, and he said, ooh, do we have to?
nobody takes time to see the tourist attracions of their own city. I've been in austin for 11 years and seen 1 acl festival that I got tickets for on the radio and no sxsw since i've been here. Mostly they are just a little extra tim on my morning commute.
Yeah, I seldom go to the beach aND I m like the beach.
Austin is supposed to be very nice.
south by south west (sxsw) is a 10 day long music and entertainment festival held every spring
Springs a coming, Go!
You can see it on the news.
Successful Launch.
Where is everyone?
Well, not here. Was looking at portraits by Holbein. I thought I liked Holbein. OMG, all oF these people look miserable, serious, as would befit the noble state, but miserable, his sEMI abandoned wife the most. Good morning.😀 anybody out there.
Off to Trump news patrol. Hey Dawg, what do you think of recent Russian--Purina love? Dyac! This was Putin. Of coutse. Hehehe.
Good Morning!
Beautiful week in the flatlands coming. 50's slated for the week.
I see Dems trying to leach on to treasuries to fund their ponzi retirement for state employees.
Hillary Loved Putin so why the big deal?
I don’t understand “our” attitude towards Russia. It’s a democracy and natural antagonist to our mutual enemies of China and theocratic Islamism.
Upper 70s day. Upper 50s night. Next 9 days. Then a break. A day of 80/60. Boring.
Pres HRC would have us pantyhose deep in a shooting war in Syria and we’d be lucky if it didn’t involve Russia.
Look, I thought we could cautiously lighten up on the Russians always keeping in mind that scorpions do what Scorpions do. Not have a love affair with them. BY a man who borrowed money from them when no one else would because oF the bankrupties. As Reagan said, trust but verify. Not the hacking of the campaign, which we would do given the chance. Even Washington spied. But we don't just let them in.
Trump has one more day in Asia. By every measure a great success. And the press? Apparently they are reporting an awkward moment when he didn’t cross his hands correctly in a group handshake.
Liz gets it. They are never going to be Canada but Russia and the US have many common interests.
Why do you say that? I think we should let them all kill each other, just refuse to let their antimosities slop over slop overy th edges. Otherwise,.it's none of our business.
Not the same thing as saying all you have to do is listen to Putin cause he tells the truth.
By the way one good thing about Trump is that he has clearly shown how awful rudeness and concern only for oneself is a really bad thing. He has taken it as far as it could go and his demonstrain is having a positive effect. I have read a number if press stories and blog posts saYing we should be nice to each other and polite. Also the heroism of ordinary people helping each other in the hurricanes and other disasters and shootings makes a salutary contrast to Trump.
It's what I call the opposite effect.
HRC is old school US forward force projection. Look at her unbroken record of screw ups as Sec of State.
Crafted words from both to cause no harm and keep dialogue flowing. Putin tells the truth in who's eyes and meaning. T is correct in the way he handled it. Kind of elusive. I remember a recent past President promising to have a dialog with any would leader at any time with no preconditions. T does it and suddenly it's wrong. IMO
Yes you can be polite to a scorpion
Pardon my crudity but politicians of all stripes are being b*slapped by Trump who is getting sh*t done that they said was impossible.
Like what? As Spock said Specify
Profanity is ok when used judiciously.
EverybodY is focusing on judge Moore. Who thinks what about him?
The Moore story stinks. Hardly anything adds up. Doesn't matter since he's lost 12 points and ther's no way to sort it all out before the election.
He seems to be losing now, fair and square.
He seems to be losing now, fair and square.
I know nothing! about Judge Moore, however I don't buy last minute accusations from years past. They seem to all disappear after the elections. They should have been dealt with when the incident occurred. IMO
WaPo reporter stumbles upon a story at a Judge Moore event that would have crushed him any time in the past four decades just weeks before he looks to be getting elected to the Senate? GHWB in the back seat of a SR-71 cutting a hostage deal.
I'd have to say me too. You believe mme?
No one would believe you then.
But me too Rob, me too.
What if those allegations are fabricated? Is it fair then?
Moore harassed you too? Really!?
So. 38 years ago this guy molested/bothered/exploited four women/girls and then stopped? Just stopped?
This one doesn't add up.
No but somebody (ies) else did.
Maybe it he didn't. He was the 10 commandments guy?
Yup... The dims aren't even trying to be subtle
How long did it take bill cosbys victims to come forward? Harvey Weinsteins victims? Kevin Spaceys victims? This is one of the hardest traumas for people to talk about and it's usually many years before people are comfortable enough with the emotions it brings up to speak about it. The women I know who have been sexual assault victims usually DO NOT want to talk about it. I've had gay men feel me up several times in my life and it's always shocking and you don't know how to react. Afterwards I didn't even want to look at the guys, much less go thru the hassle of trying to seek justice.
Agreed Ruby..if only we could switch sexes for a few days like those fish.
If the first victim one does not step forward then they become an accomplice to every victim going forward. I personally think it is all about the money.
Ya, totally the victims fault...sheesh
Hmm, there was black like me. How about a woman like me.
Gay guy who was jumped by Spacey didn't say anything until everybody else did. He a victim who didn't tell?
If you saw a murder and knew who it was, didn't report it, then that person went on to kill others, are you now an accomplice? Take the emotion out and they are the same. IMO
Knowing who did it and proving it are two different things. How do I prove that I've been groped? What can the police do? It's their word versus mine, and when I do speak up, I get called a liar by you. There is no recourse for the victim. Reporting it won't make the assault not have happened to you. Best case scenario is they get off for lack of proof, worst case is that they counter sue for defamation of character.
No where near the same thing as a murder where there is something to actually investigate. That's a false equivalent argument.
IMO, these probably were dug up by some opposition researcher. Does that mean the assaults didn't happen? Considering it's 4+ sources I'm leaning towards it being true, even if the researcher is politically motivated.
The Moore accusations are not the same. No one “came forward.” The story fell in the lap of a WaPo reporter who took weeks to convince the accusers to come forward. That means there was already a list. A list that someone had and never before released. That means something convinced all four when all four were simultaneously and independently silent 38 years. Way too many never nevers then all alls .
Agree that the come forward is politically motivated. I'm still betting the assaults actually happened. Given what i've said above, if you were a victim and you had the chance to meaningfully punish the career of your assailant, knowing that there is no other justice for this crime, wouldn't you do it? A reporter comes to you and says I've got 3 others willing to come forward and we can really hurt him if we do it when he is up for reelection, wouldn't that be when you wanted to do it?
Where did the reporter get four names from 38 years ago? And where is the “everyone knew” crowd. He was supposedly a DA at the time. You don’t lead a double life in that position.
Deborah Wesson Gibson, owner of the interpreting company Signs of Excellence, provided services for Clinton during her 2016 campaign, as well as working with former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden during other events. Photos posted to her company's social media site show her providing sign language services for Sen. Patrick Murphy and Sen. Bill Nelson, both Florida Democrats.
I'm missing something here.
The only thing I know is that we don’t know enough nevermind everything.
I've never said anything about my father until recently. MY mother was standing right there. He's dead now. He was never interesting. Or public. Or had any money. He went away and that was good.
Why don't you lead a double life in that position? Who knew of Kevin Spacey? Who knew of Larry Craig before he was arrested in an airport bathroom? Anthony Weiner sending his junk to women? Brett Farve sending his junk to a reporter? Louis CK masturbating infront of women in his office? It's all a secret until it's not.
This was an accuser?
I just flitted around the news blokes and mostly it's the Republicans hyperventilating. Of course the Dems don't have to do or say anything. In fact they shouldn't.
Blogs. Dyac!!
Good night.😀
Spacey and Weiner were very familiar... Stories known to many.
To much emotion for me. 38 years to hard to talk about till an election and they all come out of the wood work. If he is a creep then they are largely responsible for him running wild.
Good Night.
All the other positions he’s held weren’t important enough to speak up?
Probably didn't have the numbers to speak up. Unfortunately, one accuser is just considered a he said/she said, it takes multiple victims all at once or overwhelming evidence(picture, etc) to get any traction in a case like this. How many single accusers did bill clinton get to go away? At least 3 that I can think of.
They are responible? Barf.. Blame his mother. Or, his father.
See Ruby comments.
Good morning.😀
I wonder if the guys ever got any really unwanted female attention ???
With the 5th woman, Republican have dropped their ifs. How many do you guys need?
It has turned from automatic disbelief, to we must take this eriously. ...spell check change automatic into a tomato!! Shheesh.
There the lady who got 32 million from somebody. As Bill Maher said, whst the heck did she do that made the payer want to cover it up that much? What perversion??
Gates is planning. An electronics no planning for any thin but electrons.
New post. And yes, we will get to Gates' horror community soon.
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