Thursday, January 25, 2007

Dwayne. In Deep or Just Gullible?


Anonymous said...

Can I vote both? Casey proves that it is possible to be both naive and a scam artist at the same time.

Which was something I thought impossible before clicking on the link to IAFF on back last October.

Anonymous said...


Sending you a bill for $19.95 for a new keyboard. After viewing this picture I spit my coffee all over it.

Anonymous said...

Third possibility, Duane just a scammer like Casey. On I found a post by Duane in September '06 where he bemoans losing out to Sam Leccima for a gig on Flip This House.

Duane didn't like Sam because Sam once proposed an "illegal" $50,000 kickback on a house Duane was flipping.

Duane's business morals seem to "flip" faster than Casey's houses.
Sam Leccima (Flip This House Scammer) cash back deals illegal.
CS cash back deals not illegal.

Give me a break.

Duane also has another business registered in Georgia "helping" sellers out of their equity, I mean "distress".

Duane is Casey's role model.

Anonymous said...

Another crook! No one reputable would associate with Casey. I know I would not touch his tax return, there's always H & R Blockheads though, they aren't picky.

Anonymous said...

That picture is GREAT!

Rob Dawg said...

Thanks, I'm biased but I think she's kinda special myself and she looks just like her sisters.

Anonymous said...

I'm going for gullible.

Anonymous said...

That picture took down 2 keyboards, Mr. Cote. Now I am typing on my 1995 Flintstone's keyboard. That is a GREAT pic choice. (Does she have a horseshoe on her foot?)

I also cannot get into IAFF this morning. Says site is busy.

Rob Dawg said...

Casey added "vote" to the comments section. I'd bet he broke cgi script with so many clicks. His comments were running double digit negative before the site locked up.

Rob Dawg said...

Motley Fool has come out on the housing bubble and rampant fraud: incuding a link to the subprime implode-o-meter.

Anonymous said...

Robert @9:09am:

I suspect you are correct. Which confirms suspicions that CS is not much of a programmer which has led to his current life of crime.

Anonymous said...

Adding a vote was a sweet deal from our favorite idea all he needs is his trusted team to implement it correctly.

Anonymous said...

Looks like is down. Either he's doing maintenance, got spooked by something, or the authorities went in for the nab.

Oh the suspense.

Anonymous said...

If he has so many cheerleaders who only lurk, why are his posts running double negative in the polls?

I found that to be the funniest thing ever! On EVERY post he was negative.

It's killing me!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well danmnit, I can't get on. All I get is the cryptic down... .
Before that I got an error messaage telling me to install wordpress or php or some such.

So what did our hero do -- put up a poll on each of his posts or what? I hope someone saved it or cached or did a screen-shot it (make that a double wheat screen shot).

Anonymous said...

there were 2 articles related to casey on the front page of the money section of the USA today(I know its a fluff newspaper but its in our kitchen here at work so).

One was about a guy that committed mortgage fraud(way worse than casey and was a pro about it too). The other article was about overdraft fees on debit cards. Mentioned these were up 58%(casey probably is attributed to 5% of that~).

anyway the mortgage fraud article was interesting. most of it wouldnt apply unless you were naive. However it mentioned how your house could be foreclosed on without you knowing what was going on until it was too late. second page of the article. applies to a house that is paid off it seems. kind of scary. this guy knows all the ins and outs of scamming.

Anonymous said...

There is now a thumbs up or down on all the comments...........Casey is getting a lot of thumbs down.

Boo Hoo

Anonymous said...

LOL. Guess he didn't like the votes he was seeing.

Anonymous said...

Prior to IAFF going down, Duane made a rather lengthy comment where he revealed he paid Casey only $750 up front and will pay another $750 in a month if the sponsorship continues. If true, it’s another example of Casey selling his soul for nothing, or next to it. I cannot see how a mere $750 makes a damn difference in 2.2 million of debt.

Duane said that from where he "sat", Casey most likely did commit some sort of fraud, and that he would have fired Casey as an employee. I thought it bizarre he claims to have no knowledge of Jerome Mayne or Robert Kiyosaki, two high profile people in Casey’s life. Duane also proclaimed to have no knowledge of how California contract law pertains to Casey’s predicament- He is the President of the largest company of its kind in North America, and he is not versed on California Real estate contract law? You mean he has no lawyers or resources at his disposal to get some answers for Casey?

Duane has had multiple talks with Casey and has been a follower of IAFF for months, yet he is totally divorced himself from the main issues and players in the IAFF saga. Duane also said Casey has only shown him one contract- the Prlinkbz one- and none of the real estate related ones. Isn't that what Duane's expertise is in? Real estate?

Why hasn't he talked with Casey's lawyer, accountant, lenders, or the Utah Buyers? He has the time, as evidenced by his numerous posts on IAFF.

Duane also denied any connections with NRU or Chris.

Unless I missed something, other than the $750 sponsorship, other than saying the same thing to Casey that the masses have been for six months,. his sole effort so far has been to nullify the Prlinkbz contract (Perhaps so he can sign *induce* ( ahem) Casey into a contract with him instead? ) just a thought ……………

Why is the only contract he has taken an interest in the only one not related to Casey's real estate debt and the only related to Casey's personal story/movie/book deals ? How about the $50,000 note to Countrywide? How about the pending Larchmont foreclosure or the other 7 properties?

Why isn’t he reaching out to the Utah buyers to help them out.

Really, I'm at a loss. Fellow Exurbanites, your thought?

Anonymous said...

He's back up. He posted that the poll came down due to the fact it was overloading his server.

He mentioned going to a bigger server but he didn't have the $$$ to do it (what a surprise).

LOL...I was hoping he'd keep it. The funniest thing about it was all the negatives he was getting. If this server thing was an excuse to pull it, what a bummer. I guess, as usual, he didn't think it through before doing it.

I also just schooled Duane on the word Hater. He asked me about it (he called us all haters at one point and I challenged him on it) and I just posted a detailed definition.

I just LOVE shoving the definition back at Casey. When it works, he calls us critics instead of haters (and then goes back to hater when we post too much).

Rob Dawg said...

419. Casey Serin
January 25th, 2007 at 10:29 am
Sorry guys, this site was already consuming too many resources on the server and adding the comment voting feature really sent the CPU cycles and MySQL queries to the moon. (so I disabled it for now).

I have to upgrade to a dedicated server very soon, (lots more $$/mo though)

Gotta love those database servers. Anther nail in the mySQL coffin and I reitterate my vote for Firebird. BTW, my 'grammer is a Firebird wiz if anyone needs ultra-high level support.

Anyway, Casey sees the $750, he can touch it, spend it. The $2.2m is an abstraction that he's already comparmentalized. Hasn't everyone noticed that since doing the spreadsheet he's moved on? Just by writing it down and totalling the damages it becomes "handled." $750 takes 4 keystrokes, $2.2m takes five. In Caseyworld™ they are nearly equal.

Anonymous said...

So this new guy, Duane, has a business as an equity stripper?

And he preaches ethics and responsibility?

That's peepee poopoo talk.

Anonymous said...

posting this here in case casey doesnt approve it.

Also he takes too long to approve shit...I wok eup with my coffee planning to read the nights events and NOTHING....

I notice the post rating is down.

Just for others to know..when it first came was related to KARMA. Instant Karma and Bad Karma. He changed it within minutes to voting.

You should have kept it karma casey...that would have enraged thousands.

@Duane I find it amazing that you deny any links to casey's RE college he went too. (which is a MLM outfit).

You are just a damn equity skimmer the same as all of the other bottom feeder's "we buy houses" miscreants out there.

Yes the homeowners are in distress and here you come along under the guise of a knight in shining armor on a white horse with a solution to their problem. WHEN IN REALITY your looking to rip them off and get PAID with the equity they have in the house.

You deal with SUB2's....a bunch of damn sharks that all should be in prison.

SUB 2's are UNETHICAL and IMMORAL. It creates a material breach between the seller and their lending companies while ALIENATING the seller from POSSESORY rights of the property while still being FINANCIALLY LIABLE for the property. See lenders have clauses to prohibit this and protect their interest, mainly the Due On Sale claus. See these Equity Skimmers come along and RIP people off and force them into a material breach while taking any recourse away from them since they nolonger have the deed.

Why dont they sit down and explain to them the INTERVIVOS trusts, assignment of beneficial interest, and how it gives them ZERO recourse should the sub2buyer decide to walk from the deal.

See when you sell on a wrap you are essential DOUBLE LIENING the property. yes lenders provide the ability to have assumable mortgages UPON THEIR APPROVAL, but casey and his kind skirt that issue and take the decision away from them.

YES the st. germaine (sp) act allows for Living was the compromise made by the LENDING INDUSTRY when they pushed for reform including the DOS claus. Pre 1986 (none exist today) loans did not have the DOS claus and people could just file the paperwork and pay a small fee to assume the loan and the lenders had zero say in the new lender including analyzing their credit risk...anyone could assume the loan.

Additionaly LEASE/OPTIONS are similar in violating all of the above with respect to the DOS claus.

Why dont all these sub2 people disclose to the lenders and the buyers all of this.

Because they use loopholes of Living Trusts to skirt around it (what it was not designed to be used for). It was designed to pass onto the heirs of the estate in a quick and efficient manner without probate.

Why are there so many asset protection or what I call ASSET and CONTRACT HIDING methods along with these gurus and participants in this.

They even go as far as to OBFUSCATE and HIDE origination of payments and even hiding insurance beneficiaries as well as addressing utilities. Anything that could tip off the lender that they now have the option of ACCELERATING PAYMENT under the DOS claus. They go into great detail about pulling the wool over the lenders eyes to think that a DOS claus has not occured when in fact it has.

And you deal with these type of people every day including casey and others like him with your company. That makes you a thief in my eyes also by association, by business dealings, and by assisting them with solutions.

Any reputable business stays away from any inpropriety and is TRANSPARENT in it's dealings and can not only stand up to COURT OPINION but further can stand up in the much tougher COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION.

Which you and casey fail miserably.

It further enrages me that the assignment of beneficial interest allows your buyer to do take the interest deduction on the loan and alienates the original seller from the deduction even though the original loan is still in their name.

There needs to be a major overhaul on the federal level in regard to the IRS that stops SUb2 guys in their tracks and notifies the Lenders of the original sellers (who still are on the hook should casey and his kind default) of the sale.

Additionaly there needs to be insurance and utilities reform to stop this also and make it CRIMINAL to do it.

and lease options as well.

Now lets get back to our favorite punching bag casey here.

I have seen the public records for several of the properties.

Ole casey here is SCAMMING the lenders for his cash back deals.

When the sellers sell to casey's wife and then immedietly his wife sells to casey so he can get his 50k cash back or whatever amount it is....I am pretty sure they didnt let the lender know about this. His wife is just as guilty as he is...of course she knew what was going on.

This DOUBLE CLOSING should be illegal (and in this case it is---it is defrauding the lender and there is no way in hell they would have funded had they known about the cash back)....

Double closings are a tool and should be used that way...Hell I have even known of a triple closing.

FOr the people reading this and dont know what a double closing is...lets break it down using casey here.

He approaches the seller and agrees to buy for 100k.

They agree...casey then finds someone willing to pay 150k for it.

Either he can sell his position in the contract for 50k and just let the buyer and seller meet at escrow and close or he can go to the closing himself.

So seller sells to casey, then IMMEDIETLY the escrow agent creates another Instrument transfering from casey to his buyer..with the end buyer funding the entire thing.....ownership is held for sometimes minutes by casey.

Then the distribution of funds goes out according to escrow instructions.

Casey did this with his wife (talk about not dealing at arms length here--dumb casey just dumb)...

bought the property, sold it to his wife, and then the liar loan in caseys name funded the whole thing.

Original lender got paid off, sellers got the difference between their sale price from casey minus their mortgage, and a new mortgage was created to casey ....their mortgage minus his purchase price from his wife...voila 50k difference cash back at closing (nevermind that the property was overleveraged)..which brings me to the appraiser.....They need to be investigated for FRAUD also....100% financing to 125% financing on a Non Owner Occupied house is a big difference and you would spend a year trying to find a lender to even find to fund 100% on an investment house.

Oh wait casey lied to the lenders and said that he was going to be owner occupied. (I still rub my damn head trying to figure out how they didnt pull credit records and see that he had 4,5,6,7 other primary residences) many primary residences do you need casey?? THIEF.

When you have a NON OWNER OCCUPIED (NOO) home you may get 70 ..hell even 80% (good luck finding them) financing. They want you to have your CASH invested in there so you have a vested interest.

This is why you buy well below market value.

Casey here couldnt even think of the simple formula

Rehabb costs 20k
HOlding costs 5k

VALUE before Remodel 75k

OFFER 75% of value before remodel.

banks loan on after rehab value..fine. but they also hold in escrow the repair costs and pay the contractors directly allot of the time..this is more prevalent for construction loans.

Casey you have zero grasp of what it takes to succeed in this look for quick fix and get rich quick ways to do things..Duane will not be able to fix you....Your a lost cause.

I follow this blog because I eagerly await the day you get arrested and have to pay for your transgressions.

Anonymous said...

I read this blog from Central Europe (GMT + 1). This morning around 1030 I checked iaff and the counters had just begun. To give you an idea, I think my comments were around number "4". Are his changes set on an automated release or what? Otherwise that seems a little early for our boy.

Something just doesn't add up about Duane. At first I thought he was a figment of one of Casey's personalities. Now I know better but am wondering just how much of this he is scripting, beginning with the blog entry where his housing network first appeared.

Rob Dawg said...

Duane drinks his own kool-aid. He honestly thinks he is helping people by providing a valuable service. I make the joke about being a Mortgage Falcon but he lives the joke. In one sentence what he does:

"You have equity and payment problems. I'll take the equity and in exchange give you some time to take care of the cash flow problem yourself."

This is gonna look like a big version of the S&L crisis and the RTC. People like me are gonna be picking off the low hanging fruit for 10 cents on the dollar just like I got an office photocopier for 10 cents on the dollar.

Personally I don't see how the process can be scaled into a business sized operation.

Anonymous said...

@11:17 & 11:21:

You got it. Mr. Legate is one of those morally lacking individuals who trolls for desperate, unsophisticated home sellers with equity. He's got no time or solution for you if you don't have any equity, which is why he hasn't rescued Casey's rear from the wringer.

He sends his "investors" out when you contact him through his website and they convince these sellers that their homes are worth less than 90% of what comps would support.
Then they convince these sheeple that they will not be able to sell their homes quickly so they'll owe 5 more months of payments.
After they soften them up with that, they hit them over the head with the 7% commission and 3% closing cost they will lose by using a licensed agent.(Roll eyes)

Once these equity skimmer's associates have'em on their knees in fear they remind them of the costs of repairs they need to make before the house will sell.

Miracle of miracles the desperate home seller is offered just enough to pay off their loan. They feel so grateful, they sign right there.

That model doesn't work so hot in a falling market.

I'll drop an email to the Georgia Attorney General as Georgia is one of the few states that has some semblance of a law against equity stripping.

Anonymous said...

Is it too late to change my vote?

Rob Dawg said...

notme said...
Is it too late to change my vote?

Yep. You signed it without considering the consequences now you have to live with it. ;-)

Ogg the Caveman said...

Why is the only contract he has taken an interest in the only one not related to Casey's real estate debt and the only related to Casey's personal story/movie/book deals ?

Because that's the only contract that affects him. Unless Duane gets directly involved in Casey's real estate woes, the loans have no impact on Duane. On the other hand, the contract with PRBlinkZits determines whether and how he can profit from Casey's story.

Duane's explanation that the deal is about SEO is credible -- being linked to from IAFF will help, at least for now -- but I doubt that it's the whole story.

(Ogg know HTML, and Ogg only caveman.)

Anonymous said...

I'm curious. if that's how equity stripping works i would think it would be easy to bust them. For example. I call them up say im in trouble(even though Im not). have them come out tell me my house is worth X yada yada yada. then when they do the hard sell bust them(if i were the authorities). I suppose that would be considered entrapment. I despise this legate fellow more than casey.
evil F*CKERS.

Anonymous said...

jumped the shark,

Thanks for the info. Thats the sort of stuff that should be out there.
Sadly, I don't think being warned and educated about these subjects is as compelling as the train wreck. I think getting info like that out there would be great but probably wouldn't generate the traffic that
CS gets. Don't let that deter you.
Keep up the good work.

Rob Dawg said...

Equity stripping isn't illegal and need not even be immoral. You cannot cheat an honest man. I'm sure more than a few of their "customers" actually benefit from the arrangement. Really the worst that happens is people who are too stupid to hold onto their houses end up staying in those houses longer than otherwise. Maybe they don't get a check for the equity but they also got ot stay in a stable home environment longer than they would have otherwise.

Anonymous said...

It makes perfect sense why Duane came to Casey. his site gets lots of hits for foreclosure. now the number one advertisement on the site is Duane the leech. I wouldn't be surprised if he had something to do with the fake hits that got casey kicked out of the google ad program. Remember this guy has been in contact with casey since December. funny his website starts up this week. Coincidence??? I think not. This guy is not being altruistic AT ALL! If all this is true then Casey has only been swimming with sharks the past 3 months and they seem to be getting larger appetites.

Anonymous said...

Very impressive guys & gals!!! Nice work on Duane's background and motivations.

As my grandmother once said, " Tell me who your friends are, and that will tell me who you are."

Ever notice that honest folk don't associate with dishonest folk and vice versa?

Of course y'all know none of the dirt on Duane will be allowed on Casey's blog.

Someone posted that Duane is tied to the Phoenix school? Please post the link. Then we can call him out on it.

Anonymous said...

"(I still rub my damn head trying to figure out how they didnt pull credit records and see that he had 4,5,6,7 other primary residences) many primary residences do you need casey??"

I could be wrong, but didn't Casey state in one of his early posts that he deliberately purchased so many homes so quickly because the different lenders would not see the other loans being processed, and thus each would buy his claim of primary residence?

Anonymous said...

Here it is:

"I ran a few other houses as either owner-occupied or second home. That’s because I was buying the houses so fast the credit reporting wasn’t keeping up with my activity. In most cases I would NOT have been able to qualify for “investment property” loan anyway."

This is from his "Will I Go To Jail for Mortgage Fraud" post dated Sep. 24 2006.

Rob Dawg said...

Anon 2:08 and Anon 2:15,
Pick an unique anon name please, too many great lurkers, not enough funny titles.

2:15 thanks for saving me looking it up. The idea was "simultaneous closings." Doing all the deals so close together that they don't see each other.

The owner occupied checkbox was Casey just lying and commiting fraud. So what's new?

Anonymous said...

My response to Casey's whining new post about the PrLinkBiz contract (you guys HAVE to read his whiny post!):

Answering your questions by #:

1) No it does not look like a win-win deal (sweet is stupid, stop using it - makes you sound naive and childish). But you signed it. Why sign something because these gals set you up to meet a questionable guru that you so admire.

2) No it's NOT right they take full advantage, but then again Mr. Karma kid, it isn't right for you to lie on loans. So basically, karma bit you hard on this. Overall, they tried to take you, you agreed in full and now you want out. Seems weak if you ask me. Don't sign ANYTHING without consulting a freaking lawyer. ANY smart entrepreneur knows this. You claim to be gifted, why couldn't you get over the exuberance of meeting a waste of time like Kurosaki (or whatever his guru name is) and do the right thing...and that is NOT signing such a lopsided deal?

3) It is NOT right for them to ignore your repeated requests to settle, but then again don't you do that when you ignore the mail? I mean you've done this to lenders? Why get so worked up? Apparently neither of you people are very professional. For example, I return all email and requests within a DAY. But again, they were wrong not to discuss this with you.

4) Is it right for them to prevent sponsorships on this site...hmmmm...Yes and no. YOU signed the deal my little friend so basically they do have a right as outlined in the agreement you signed. Why sign something without knowing the potential risks? Oh yes, you do that regularly. No surprise (and I am NOT hating on you so give it up).

5) Is it right for them to keep you from making money on your story? Yes and no. YOU signed a deal you had no business signing and now you want out. I see this everyday in the entertainment business. People sign things and then whine when they didn't do proper due diligence BEFORE signing the deal. Guess what? They should NOT keep you from making a few bucks selling your pathetic story which NOBODY will care about in a year from now. But YOU signed a deal. How clear do I need to be on this? YOU did this to YOURSELF. NOW TAKE RESPONSIBILITY AND DEAL WITH IT.

If you don't like it, sue them. I am quite sure a judge and jury would agree 100% with me that YOU screwed up when YOU signed this thing.

Not posting this will result in me posting this allow me to "contribute" okay?

Anonymous said...

What if somebody made a documentary on this sort of thing and Casey was the poster child for what's wrong?

How would one go about detailing his mistakes? My guess is he'd want to be paid to talk to a documentary crew.

Ogg the Caveman said...

Casey posted the prlinkbiz contract. I'll be damned, they really do own his ass. As others have said the contract is probably unenforceable for several reasons such as ambiguity, lack of consideration, etc. (IANAL), but the intent is pretty far-reaching.

Had the contract been drafted by a lawyer, Casey could be in a really bad spot right now. As I read it, the intent is such that Casey would be in breach simply by writing on his blog without permission from Joy and Erin.

Anonymous said...

I know a smidge about selling rights to story, likeness, etc. and if this is enforceable, he is toast and will never become the infomercial king of his dreas. Toast. Absolute toast.

Rob Dawg said...

We need our cavetalk. Robert know, Ogg not talk hard goodly. Ogg must entertain Robert. Not happy Robert send Sputnik to stink up cave. Ogg?

What I posted:
Okay... you signed a bad (for you) and poorly written contract. And this makes it unenforceable how? Deals don't need to be win-win and certainly don't need to be fair.

Looks to me that your $750+$750 from Dwyane belong to her as well. What you wish and what is has always been your downfall.

Warning, free advice follows. You do have an "out." If Amy et al agree to release you from this binding contract and -pay- you some money you won't drag them into any possible litigation. Trust me, the only thing worse than needing a lawyer is not needing a lawyer and still having to hire one.

Okay, didn't I tell you all that prbitch owned his ass? I respectfully disagree that the contract is not valid. He got "stuff," he was stupid. There's no "do over" or "undo" here. I've got a pink slip to a Jaguar in my hand in consideration of $220. The guy wants another $1000 to get through. In the mean time he's got the Jag in the shop for repairs. No way am I gonna front another grand agaist a tub with a mechanic's lien. I got me a pink slip for $220. The shop has a working Jag for the price of the repair costs. Between us we'll do okay but no more. People don't understand the transactional costs of these types of deals. My $220 is only covered. Any theoretical $1220 would be like holding a 2nd on one of Casey's houses.

Anonymous said...

"infomercial king of his dreaMs"

Ogg the Caveman said...

Ogg post:


1. Ogg not lawyer, but Ogg think lawyer get Casey out of contract.
2. Casey not afford lawyer if Erin and Joy sue. It not matter if contract bad, Casey lose if can't defend himself.
3. Casey stupid to sign contract. Contract try to take Casey only asset.

Even Ogg know ask lawyer to read contract if not understand. Even Ogg know not to give everything away for nothing, and Ogg only caveman.

Ogg hope Casey not get sued. Otherwise Ogg hope Duane help Casey with defense.

Where Sputnik? Many shoes need poop.

Anonymous said...

Damn, so much for lurking. Fans of Sifl and Olly will get the new name.

BTW, great blog Robert. More gooder than trying to post on IAFF.

Anonymous said...

I can hardly wait to see Casey and the PRLinkBiz ladies duke this out on Judge Judy!

Rob Dawg said...

Ogg not think. Ogg caveman. Caveman know better than to try think. Think is bad, bad think get Ogg to 'x' on contracts. Bad think. No think no more.

Ogg smart. Ogg get lawyer to think for Ogg. Good Ogg, Ogg do good. Bad lawyer. Lawyer do bad. Bad lawyer good, that lawyer job.

Robert know story for campfire. Robert tell story. Robert tell about cave soooo small. How small? Too small for lawyer. Turns out cave plenty big for TWO lawyers. Rest cold but justice served.

Robert hope Casey be long on bad side lawyers.

Anonymous said...

Looks to me that your $750+$750 from Dwyane belong to her as well. What you wish and what is has always been your downfall.

Yeah cause prlinkcunt the broke single mom is going to initiate expensive litigation (gonna have to have a good lawyer to try and enforce that contract) for... $1,500.

Joy O day? Lets see, work to get that 6% commission on the $249K house she has listed ( or hire a lawyer and sue Casey for... $1,500. Gee, what is she gonna do?

Casey was right to just tell them to fuck off. Of course, like always, its takes Casey 6 months to figure that out.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who thinks the West Coast Hitters are all drooling over the next contact?

Casey - I have to say this. I have been a hater but I give you props for having the stugots to post the contract. I'm no lawyer but I'd say they pwned you. WTF? Were you high on Hangmysocki juice or something? Sheesh, my six year old son wouldn't sign that. I've said it before, LAWYER UP NOW! LIKE RIGHT NOW! Get a real one, not one that just graduated, not one that is free. Get one that specializes in entertainment/IP stuff. It's gonna cost now but it will be way cheaper in the long run. You want to be the one firing the first shot and you want to use big guns. Rock them back on their heels and get them off balance and hit them again even harder. Don't stop until you OWN THEM! Trust me on this my friend.

Go Heavy!

ps: Just turn the moderation off. All of this stuff is on the other blogs to including this post.

pss: Don't ever edit my comments again my friend.

Anonymous said...

What people on IAFF seem to miss is that there *was* consideration. The ladies paid the cost of his trip to Phoenix to see RK. And that damn sure sounds like enough to say they upheld their end of the contract.

What a moron.

(And thanks again Robert for giving us a place to discuss this trainwreck in real-time)

Anonymous said...

Casey's fooked.

I agree it's a shitty contract, poorly written, and probably copied verbatim from one of those "do-it-yerowndamnself" books, but it IS a contract. To fight any contract takes money. Lots of money. Casey has none (maybe).

In this fight, even with a bad contract, whoever lawers up first will probably win. Well, maybe not win, but at least deliver some killer blows.

Let's say the "ladies" lawyer up, and pay some crap-ass TV "We Fight for YOUR Sweet Deal(tm)!" $250 dollars to fire off a notice to Casey that he is in breach of contract. Let's look at some scenarios:
1)Casey ignores the letter. The Ladies will go to civil court in a HURRY, because they now stand a good chance of winning a judgement. The sitting judge isn't there to determine if the contract is valid, only if Casey is in breach, and by ignoring the letter, is essentially admitting this fact. Casey's track record of opening certified mail supports this theory well.
2)Casey replies to the letter with a colorful and adventurous sounding sexual innuendo. The ladies will again shuffle to court. IF Casey doesn't lawyer up, he is again going to "loose". Not as likely as #1, but possible, since it would involve a lot of 11th hour action.
3)Casey hires a crap attorney in AZ. Remember that this contract was signed in AZ, it will probably be heard in AZ, so Casey is going to have to find a lawyer in AZ, or a CA attorney that has passed the Bar in AZ, and is allowed to practice law in AZ (not too bloody likely, but doable). Now it's a battle of crap attorneys, and it will cost both sides thousands to write nasty but flirty (in a lawyerly way) letters to each other, hours of depositions, etc. Both sides "loose", as all that hot and steamy lawyer action costs far more than any "properties" are really worth.
3)Casey flys to PHX to lawyer up bigtime. Not gonna happen. A real contract law attorney is mondo expensive, and usually wants cash cash cash up front.

Robert, how many 1/JJ's an hour do you think a good attorney costs? Two? Three?

Casey, all your blue balls are belong to the Ladies.


Anonymous said...

A good attorney will cost 3-400 bucks an hour. Casey won't be getting one of those UNLESS....unless that attorney feels it might be worth taking a chance and wants a cut of casey's story IF(huge here) it becomes marketable. If the attorney goes to Vegas much he just might do this. Although if he plays blackjack and counts cards....probably not.

Anonymous said...

also....perhaps this is duane's thinking. He will front the cash for the attorney, get a cut of casey's rights. I think duane is putting casey into an even deeper hole.

Anonymous said...

I seem to remember from Business Law that consideration can be as insignicant as $1. The contract may not be enforceable but not because of lack of consideration.

Anonymous said...

this is great

109. Not a Hater wrote:

Is this a damn Holiday Inn Express commercial?

It always seems that the major player’s statements need to be qualified with, “I’m not a (fill in your skill here; lawyer, real estate proffesional, accountant, DA….) but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.”

Could all of this not have been resolved with a $500 legal consultation at any point during this transaction?

Just so I have all this straight please confirm my understanding of what all these folks are not:

They are responsible for real estate mentoring to get you out of this.

He is responsible for legal advise as it pertains to the the contracts written by Non Real Estate Proffesionals.

Responsible for the paid instruction of students

Responsible for indiscriminate signing of any peice of paper
put in front of him, Tracking over 2 mil in debt, puchase and repair of residential properties for properties for proffit… Other duties include defrauding lenders for hundreds of thousands of dollars

I love that you fancy yourself a great team builder. The contract is rediculous… but you signed it. You then further complicate the job of the attorney you will eventually need to hire by attempting to fight it out on your blog (which is at this point, it could be argued, belongs to the people you have the dispute with).

You all deseverve each other. I deserve to watch.

Anonymous said...

On the current "contract" thread, comment #103 Pancho has the Casey-head icon.

Anonymous said...

boo effing hooo Ca$ey deleted another of my posts.

I have good news for Ca$ey, death terminates personal service contracts.

The above is in no way related to what I posted. Think I'll stop posting there.

Anonymous said...

baffled. i believe that can be easily done with some html in the blogger. pancho was probably just putzing around.

Anonymous said...

I sent a comment re: Pancho to Casey which was almost immediately posted (unheard of), simultaneously with the removal of the "Casey-head" from the Pancho comment, and a comment regarding this from Casey himself.

So, I think we can conclude Pancho is one of Casey's alter-egos. I'm tempted to look back for whatever else "Pancho" posted.

Anonymous said...

Geez. There is no contract. Contracts require consideration. Casey got nothing. (If the grlz paid his way to Phoenix, that is "past consideration" and irrelevant.)

He's got lots of things to worry about. Credit rating, bankruptcy, jail, kneecaps, divorce. A contract that is void on its face doesn't count.

Anonymous said...

Anon 555-

There is consideration.

Mentoring. All Joy had to do was send Casey an e-mail or two. If he answered even one of them, there is your consideration.

The contract can be written in crayon on a napkin, it's valid as a contract. Not a good contract, but a contract.

If he MANS UP and hires a REAL attorney, he has a very good chance of getting out of that contract; it's shit. If he does nothing, or worse, follows his instincts, he will be screwed.

He's fooked.


Anonymous said...

After seeing PRLinkBiz's pics on the thread over there, all I gotta say is, whatever she is in business, she looks like she'd tear you up in bed - a single mom, broke, ambituous, shady and probably more than a freak in the bedroom, has all that baggage about her ex to grudge #$@# out of her system? I think I may have to vacation in AZ!

She's hot, in a sleazy, I-know-should'nt-be-doing-this kinda way. She looks like she could break your spine with those legs, and you'd love every minute of it.

I'm actually rooting for the gals in AZ. I am a fan, now. Yes, she and her associate may be stupid enough to go to the mattresses over this, and that's fine - I'll enjoy reading it over my morning coffee, and I have no horse in this race. (PRLinkBiz...riding crop...must stop...)

Yeah, it's a shady contract, ineptly written, but they scammed the scammer, probably legally, and I'm all for it. Bravo. I despise everything about Lil' Casey, his "team", and I want to see him learn humility before a judge. I ADORE PRLinkBiz now for doing this to the fool. She made a chump out of him and that just warms my heart. I want to see her claws come out dealing with Duane, and watch her castrate his phoney-altruistic balls. You know from looking at her she's a ball buster, and I want her to paint a big red target on Casey's and Duane's Whiffle Balls.

Hate me all you want, but I'm now a PRLinkBiz fan. I was done with Casey, but now I'm rooting for the gals! Go get 'em, PRLinkBiz! He was stupid enough to sign, make him pay! gay is it he got THAT excited over meeting a real estate pimp. I'm adding closet homosexual to my diagnosis of Lil' Casey - it would explain his shoddy and passive aggressive treatment of Galina.

Could she be a "beard"? Everything else so far from Lil' Casey has been a lie, distortion, half-truth, or pure fantasy.

Note to Lil' Casey, who we know reads every word here: When you're dealing with a pimp like Mr. K, don't be surprised when one of his whores sells you down the river. Hello? Chump.

You did'nt even tap that ass. I know you did'nt. You know how I know? You're gay. I'm gonna have to get some of my gay friends and see if you set off the Gaydar.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, I’m sorry but PRLinkBiz is definitely not hot in any sort of way. I made the mistake of clicking on the photos before dinner and lost my appetite. She’s scary.

Anonymous said...

PS - if PRLinkBiz is reading this, i used "whore" and pimp" as an analogy, not in the literal sense, and was in no way meant to sully or damage your awesomeness.

I got excited.

Anonymous said...

Work with me, Nausea, it's what she's done that makes her hot. Her hotness is directly proportional to how miserable she can make Lil' Casey.

Would you rather look at her...or Lil' Casey on his moronic Blue Ball of Stupidity?

I know...Galina and her wrestle it out in an oil wrestling match, on webcam.

It would be more entertaining than reading his gushing about RE scam artists and "magic deals".

Anonymous said...

True. She’s added some new drama to the Casey wreck. However, her blog is as nauseating as the photos, so I’m hoping that any Casey-related follow-ups will be reposted here by you or another Exurbanner for entertainment purposes.

Anonymous said...

Posted as I have ADHD on Iaff...


@DL- thanks for responding. A few more questions and observations.

1. Casey met with an attorney on more than one occasion. What was their view on this contract?

2. Casey has all but admitted that YOU have desires on securing rights to his story, replacing Erin and Joy…. Is this your true motive here?

a. ”Then I started talking to Duane LeGate of HouseBuyerNetwork and REI.TV about advertising, sponsorships, and future possibilities.”
b. ”However, he wanted me to come clean with EVERYTHING that might be a potential liability.”
c. ”I told him about the contract and that the ownership of “my story” may be in jeopardy.”
d. “He told me he needed to see the contract before investing any money or time into my blog to prevent issues with future liability. I told him this might violate the NDA. He told me not to worry about it. I didn’t want to lose this opportunity to move towards financial stability. So I let him see that contract.”

3. Shortly after your vacation, you made the decision to move forward despite the knowledge of a signed contract.

“…..At this point we’re ready to move forward with our sponsorship but this contract is still an open loop”

4. You then assumed a fiduciary/ attorney position to Casey as evidenced here:
a “Yesterday Duane advised me to simply post the contract on this blog and let the whole world see “how ridiculous it is” - which would in essence “call their bluff”. (loosely quoting) .”
b. “Based on Duane’s advice, here is that contract for all to see: “
5. Are you saying that your sole source of revenue generated from your “sponsorship” with Casey Serin will be through ad clicks or via referrals to your existing businesses, and that you are:
a. Waivingany rights, compensation, royalties, or any other proceeds that may arise from the sale of Casey’s story?
b. Have not, nor will you enter into any contract with Casey Serin pertaining to his story?
c. What “future possibilities” is Casey referring to?
@Casey, regarding your contract with Erin and Joy, hire an attorney. You’ll need one. However, some simple questions/points:
1. Didn’t she fulfill at least one method of consideration in arranging, and the costs associated with your meeting RK ? You certainly give her credit for it…
a. ” Credits…Huge thanks to Prlinkbiz of for contacting me and putting this whole thing together! She works with Kim Kiyosaki to develop “
b. ”” Again thanks to Prlinkbiz for making the Robert Kiyosaki trip possible.
2. Without her, would you have ever
a. Met RK, not once, but twice?
b. Met Wayne Palmer?
c. Been on RK TV?
d. Received the Rich Dad coaching where you received …”phone mentoring program where I talk with a coach on a daily basis to make sure I’m on track
3. It seems that you did in fact receive services of value as a direct result of Erin and Joy:
a. ” The trip to Phoenix to meet Robert Kiyosaki was a great experience and opened some doors for possible future opportunities.
b. “However, she was still offended by how she spent money and time on me, have me meet Robert Kiyosaki, and I sign the agreement only to back out 10 minutes later.
4. You are on record on multiple occasions stating that Erin and Joy acted in good faith and in your best interests, without any pressure or duress:
a. ” She seems very genuine and I feel I can trust her. So over the next couple of days, as she starts arranging the phoenix trip, I tell her about my story.
b. ” I tell them that I now have a good feeling about them now that we have met in-person. Both of them really do seem genuine - just wanting to help me out.
c. ” On the way over, I talk to her some more about real estate and other things. I get a better feel for her as a person. I gain a certain level of respect for her real estate expertise and her “do the right thing” integrity-filled ISTJ guardian personality (my guess).
d. ”Both Prlinkbiz and The Phoenix Investor Lady seem so genuine. They just want to help me!
5. Regarding the consideration that you were to receive, you already knew that :
a. ” The Phoenix Investor Lady is also willing to help me out of my foreclosure situation and teach me to be a successful real estate investor.
b. ” The other part of the offer was that, Prlinkbiz has a great idea for documenting and sharing my come-back story with the world. (Sorry I am not allowed to share the particulars.)
6. You admit that you agreed to the deal :
a. ” So I impulsively tell Prlinkbiz I like the idea and say something along the lines of “letsdoit”.
b. ” I call Prlinbiz and tell her that I put the other guys on hold and I want to proceed.
c. ”I was offered a [great opportunity] and they have a very good real estate mentorship package as part of the deal. There was some miscommunication originally about that but today we got all that straightened out. I am also extending my stay here until the weekend.
d. “Prlinkbiz and The Investor Lady take me out to lunch again. I tell them about my decision to move forward. “Starting right now I will do whatever you want me to do and I will sign whatever I need to sign. Letsgoforit!!”, I say.
e. “I go on to tell them how sick I am of being in this mess and how I’m ready for action. I thank Prlinkbiz for arranging for me to meet Robert Kiyosaki. I thank her for introducing me to The Phoenix Investor Lady. I tell The Investor Lady that if she is still willing take me on, I’m ready… right now!
7. You admit that they sent you over the paperwork and gave you the ample opportunity to mull over and negotiate the deal:
a. ” Prlinkbiz sends me over some paperwork and invites me to a 3-way instant messenger chat with The Phoenix Investor Lady to iron out the details.
b. ” At this point, [The Phoenix Investor Lady] and I agree with you. It would be better to meet face to face. What you need to do is go through and decide what you want and what you need, and perhaps add that into the contract or specify which parts you would like changed. It would be great to hammer it out and then have it ready to be signed and done Monday night when you get here.
c. ” We then address my concerns about working together. We talk through the issues and get better understanding of both sides. Very productive meeting.
d. ” We just want to see you start working on a solution one way or another… with us or someone else“, they said. I appreciated their genuine understanding and encouragement!
8. You have already absolved Prlinkbiz from any wrongdoing or that you signed under duress:
a. ” I don’t want to blame Prlinkbiz too much. I found out later that at this point of the story she thinks that I’m getting cold feet.
b. ” I later found out Prlinkbiz was very concerned about me too. To her it looked like I said “Yes” but then tried to go back on my word. So that’s why she was applying pressure.)
c. ”Again, I don’t blame the ladies too much. I probably wasn’t doing a good job of communicating my concerns to them. I was looking for a step-by-step plan and they didn’t appear to have one. We obviously had a difference of expectations.
d. ”I still believe the ladies had good intentions to help me. I am very thankful to them, especially to Prlinkbiz for Robert Kiyosaki meeting. They were both very encouraging and supportive of me. We just were never truly on the same page. And I think it was MY fault for: 1) I failing to communicate my needs/desires clearly and 2) I jumping into it impulsively without thinking everything out.
9. However, you admit when directly asked about your wife’s knowledge of the deal, you lied to take advantage of the offer Erin and Joy provided you While I’m signing, the question comes up. “Is your wife aware of all this?”. I fire back: “Of course! She is supportive of my decisions, as long as I find a way to get us out of this mess and allow her to continue her education.”
10. You clearly admit that you signed a legally binding contract without duress.”She’s right. It’s my fault for screwing around. It wasn’t like I was under the influence of drugs or anything (Would you consider “impulsivity” a drug?). I signed that agreement and I need to learn to take responsibility for my actions.” and then you tried to barter your way out of it.

These are your words Casey. No spinning or revisionism on your part can change that. I have NO clue if this contract is enforceable, nor do I care to speculate on that subject. I am only stating an opinion based on your own words.

I look forward to you allowing Erin and Joy to post their rebuttal to your allegations.

Bill in NC said...

If Casey ever sells his story, he'll get paid just like O.J. did for "If I did it."

I.e. under the table, routed to some off the shelf LLC PRLinkBiz won't be able to find until well after the money's changed hands.

Anonymous said...

Putting this on CaseyWorld (TM)

What a piece of crap that contract is. It looks like a third grader's idea of legalese.

For instance, what is this supposed to mean?

1 The agreement shall go by the following name: Casey Serin
2 The parties’ principle place of business shall be governed in the state of Arizona.
3 The first day that the agreement shall begin business is: October 27, 2006.

And it goes on ad infintum. Most of it gibberish. The name of the agreement is Casey Serin? Do they mean joint venture? The hell?

The principle place of business shall be governed in the State of Arizona? Huh? I think they mean either the principle place of business is Arizona or the law governing is Arizona law or both, but that is not what it says.

And this:
agrees to a non-compete position irrelevant of individual state laws for up to 10 years after the project dismemberment

I am a lawyer, but I don't play one on the blogosphere, but the contract has some serious interpretation issues. I don't hold a license in Arizona, but in jurisdictions where I can practice an ambiguity in a contract is construed against the drafter.

Here's Casey's real problem though... the NDA and the Arbitration Clause. I hate arbitration because its so damned expensive --- and the results are, well, to coin a phrase, often arbitrary. And an arbitrator will have decide what all this crap means, if anything.

Sounds like the no-limit chix got some corporate kit off the internets and tried to make it into an exclusive dealings/publicity contract.

In some states, I have no idea what Arizona or California might do, Casey could file an action for a declaratory judgment and ask the court to make a declaration of his rights and liability under the contract . In Florida, however that declaration would probably be sent to an arbitrator because of the arbitration clause.

But no lawyer in his right mind is going to take Casey's case (or Erin's case or Joy's case) on a contingency basis.

Even on an hourly basis many lawyers wouldn't take Casey's case, because he/she can't believe anything he says and also he would blab their advise [sic] all over the internet. By the same token, Erin and Joy appear almost as sleazy and almost as stupid, if the contract is their handiwork.

Is it enforceable. Who the hell knows. But who really cares. Is there really a market for Casey's story. I mean, I enjoy the blog and all, but I wouldn't pay to read about it nor pay to see it. Maybe a TLC type documentary would work.

Oh and Casey, your subjective intent on paying it back is irrelevant. You got the loan at a lower rate by making material misrepresentations with the intent that lenders rely on them. Just like the book keeper who borrows from the company till to bet on the horses, the subjective intent to pay back doesn't matter.

The mortgage fraud guy on your podcast explained it very clearly, but you chose to ignore it.

Your best bet to minimize criminal exposure is go to a lawyer, and go talk to the FBI and offer to tell on the people in cahoots with you -- the loan officer who approved the loans, the appraiser, the seller giving you the kick back.

Anonymous said...


Excellent post.

As an attorney, enforceable or not, isn't this contract at best a serious thorn is Casey's side?

Arbitration could still get spendy, couldn't it?


Anonymous said...

Forget the contract.

You guys are missing the bigger picture. NLL now has something far more powerful to hold over Casey’s head and control Casey’s fate. They can very easily and at no cost shut down (or threaten to shut down) Casey’s only asset, his blog, for breach of contract and defamation of character. All they have to do is send a threatening letter (along with the NDA) to the ISP that hosts the blog. Believe me, I know of what I speak, the ISP will cave like a house of cards to avoid getting sued themselves.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine Casey’s SQL queries given his complete lack of logic? I doubt the problems had anything to do with the hardware or database; dealt with enough Casey-esque “programmers” to know the difference. Kinda agree with Tim MB, that his main talent is his entertainment spectacle and yet he screwed himself on that level to. WTF? There’s no possible way anyone can be so stupid. This must be a simulation.
Bleak House

Anonymous said...

@ 172 Duane Legate

"You caught me. I am holding in my hand not only all the rights to Casey, but his DNA"

Let me get this straight. You have Casey jizz in your hand? I figured you were a Finook.

Anonymous said...


Oooohh, the dreaded DMCA. I forgot all about that.


Anonymous said...


You and I both know contracts are broken all the time and nobody brings action against anybody. So if Casey never "sells his story" (or "content" or "web sights" or whatever the hell it is they agreed to), who would bother to sue? If he does manage to eake out a dime, then just let the Phoenix ladies make an issue of it and sue for damages under the contract.

If they did, I'd suggest Casey (or his lawyer) politely call RK's office and ask for RK's attorney's number. Was RK really part of the deal? Doesn't matter. Seems reasonable that RK might be able to shed light on what everyone meant by "mentoring" or the "situation."

Imagine, Casey could have another face to face with RK! Only this time at a deposition. And methinks not as much smiling this time around. No, I imagine he wouldn't be all too happy with the PR ladies who are giving Casey the opportunity to peek under his tent just through some innocent "discovery."

Anonymous said...

I posted at IAFF earlier and the post was deleted. I basically asked 'wasn't Duane encouraging the contract posting so that he could quickly determine if he could get the rights instead of prlinkbiz? if not, he'll cut his losses and scoot.'

I just posted another post (below) that'll probably not make the Casey cut, so I'll post it here.

Casey - I'm wondering if all this fuss Duane encouraged you to start will force Erin & Joy to take some type of action wrt to your blog in order to 'protect their rights'.

I.e. if they know you're making money on your blog, and ignore it, doesn't that set a precedent that makes it harder to enforce the contract if/when you have more clicks/story/whatever to go after?

Wondering if you wouldn't have been better off 'letting sleeping dogs lie'... Wondering whether Duane's advice was in your best interest...

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, I started a forum to talk about Casey. I figured its easier than going through blog comments.

The forum is here:

Anonymous said...


Nice to have a lawyer of any kind weigh in. Again most of the hataz show they are as dumb as Casey by taking this thing seriously. The contract is meaningless because everyone involved in it was clueless twit without a dime to their names. Its on the same level as two 12 years olds having another 12 year old sign a "contract" that makes him their slave forever.

Anonymous said...

Whoever posted about Judge Judy made me laugh. Casey & PRLinkBiz in front of the Jude? CAN YOU JUST IMAGINE?? They'd probably get an entire week's worth of shows.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see a cat fight between Stephanie J. and Prlinkbitch. I know Stephanie could kick her @ss any day and has a motherly instinct for our little looser.
Steph J. is HOT

Anonymous said...

Boy this Nigel guy, is it me or does he kiss anybody's ass that he thinks is somewhat successful or has money?

"I appreciate the advice I’ve seen given out by obvious professionals, Mr. Flipper, Tim from MBA, etc."

"I don’t think I need to warn Duane, he’s doing quite well for himself it seems.


I swear this guy would suck anybody's dick if he thought he could make a dime out of it.

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to give an opinion on whether the contract is enforceable either. It might be. Courts tend to bend over backwards despite all sorts of awkward language to "save the contract," the justification being that courts want to ensure the parties' original intent in entering the agreement is upheld.

I will say it was incredibly stupid of Casey to post the contract on his blog and trash talk the AZ ladies. This isn't just because of the NDA. What can he possibly gain by personally attacking them? He's just stirring up a beehive. Bad blood often engenders the most rancorous and pointless of lawsuits.

The only person stupider than Casey here is Duane. He obviously has never heard of intentional interference with contractual relations. Why dumber? Duane likely has assets to go after. Casey is basically judgment-proof at this point.

Ogg the Caveman said...

IAFF currently redirects to . Looks like the mortgate isn't the only thing Casey's behind on.

Anonymous said...

doesn't CA have laws preventing someone from profiting from crimes. like, say, mortgage fraud. Cause that charge is inevitable.

here's a photo of the grusome twosome (with the kiyosakis). Wow, joy has a decent rack but erin's a tad thick for my taste.
now, Kim Kiyosaki is even hotter than Galina.

*** uncle bob, I suggest a most excellent topic would be casting "IAFF: The Movie."

I'll start: Maccully Culkin as Casey. (there is a home alone joke in there somewhere...)

Anonymous said...

Damnit, I was reading all the great comments on the contract post, and I stupidly hit refresh, and now the blog is down.

Stupid Casey. Couldn't he have at least blogged a free provider so his dead-beat ways didn't ruin my midnight entertainment? BAH!

Anonymous said...

K, Anonymous 11:47, rich woman gallery photo was simply too much. I must have norovirus or something, ‘cause all I want to do is puke on their overpriced shoes.
P.S. Frustrated reader: that’s the problem with Casey (think Sound of Music soundtrack).

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I wonder if Duane saw the possibility of IAFF going offline or being suspended by the host? Ha.

Anonymous said...

I am laughing so hard there are literally tears in my eyes...

From IAFF:

This Account Has Been Suspended
Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible.

Anonymous said...


Casey's site is down ... didn't pay his bill! Must not be opening mail!



Anonymous said...

i suspect his site was dos'd, because yesterday it was at an absolute crawl...

Anonymous said...

Funny, I bet Casey being offline today is going to upset him more than his pending foreclosures, bankrupty, jail time and divorce.

"It's just not fair!"
C. Serin

Anonymous said...

IAFF is down. Damn, just when it was getting good. Duane, the AZ catfight, Casey ranting because even though he participated in fraudulent activities, it wasn't fraud because he didn't intend to defraud anyone (the everybody does it defense, good luck seeing that one work in court).

It's a very good thing that somebody cut this narcisstic deadbeat off. Lord knows how much time I am waisting visiting that sight everyday. I guess I am like everyone else. I think most people want to see justice. There is nothing people hate more than to see someone get away with crime, especially someone like Casey who flaunts it. If Casey really wanted to cash in, he would put up a camera in front of his residence. I would pay good money to see the FBI drive up in a van while our hero is getting out of the V-dub, coming back from Macaroni Grille, Jamba Juice in hand. Here come a half dozen spooks, guns out, surrounding Casey and G, order to put down the bottle, hands on the car, read them their rights, and whisk them away. Then they rat out everyone, get a few years in the pokey, and Casey is forced to work at Wal-Mart for the next 40 years and I can have a life again.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...bummer about the suspension. But looks like Casey may have gotten his sweetest deal yet: $750 upfront for a 3-day sponsorship?? Passive income at its finest! Too bad Duane had to find out about Casey the hard way though. Actually kind of liked the guy.

Now here's a far-flung theory: the AZ ladies and their lawyers went straight to the web host to get the site shut down (at least temporarily) after the contract and NDA went up. Now _that_ would be mondo impressive!

Anonymous said...


Yes, it is. I guess that the AZ ladies could go and get some injunction or they could sue in AZ's version of small claims court ---- but then again it all gets sent to arbitration. My experience in arbitration has been almost exclusively construction arbitration under the AAA and they charge thousand of dollars in filing fees.

And I agree with Bk. Boy --- courts/arbitrators tend to find contract enforceable. In fact in my experience the only time a contract is held not enforceable is if it violates some statute--- like the part this supposed to be a non-compete clause-- AZ probably has a statute on that and that clause may be void. But most times whether a contract exists (or if there is consideration) is not at issue.

Anonymous 9:52 p.m.

Good point. I would well imagine a lawyer telling the AZ chix "Well assuming you win, you get a judgment that will entitle you to go pound sand." What are their damages? The $1500 that Duane is paying.

Anonymous said...

Dudes!!! I don't know whether to laugh. (computer guru forgets to pay ISP)

Or feel relieved. (How much time did I waste there?)

Or saddened. (Did our pin-up gal Stephanie J ever find her way to this blog?)

Or disappointed. (Will we ever know how this rainwreck of a bad soap opera finishes?)

Last time I was this conflicted was when Melrose Place went off the air.

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

Wow! Able Buyer down to. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I think I may be going into IAFF withdrawal. What will I do with my time? Get some work done? Oh the humanity! And I was so looking forward to that PRLinkBiz v. Casey showdown on Judge Judy. My life sucks.

Anonymous said...

Here is a glimpse of PRlinkBiz's side of the story, from

November 3, 2006

Casey Serin: Deal or No Deal? How It All Went Down...

Those of you who have been following along know that last week, I contacted Casey Serin, to invite him to meet Robert Kiyosaki, purely to encourage him in his situation. I felt that he was really trying to make things right, and I am always for helping people.

Casey told me about some opportunities he had been offered. In my mind, I knew they were people trying to ride his wave, and would not help given the circumstances. So I said, "Let me see if I can put something together that would be better."

I asked one of my good friends who is a successful real estate investor*, who has the knowledge, experience, and negotiating skills necessary, if she would help Casey dig out. She agreed to help for no commission and began looking into what could be done for him. I made the offer to Casey. *Note: This was not any sort of mentoring offer, like Casey had mentioned he recieved.

Casey agreed. I worked feverishly last Friday to put together the agreement and have the details hammered out by the time he arrived Monday for his visit to Phoenix, so we could get to work. I sent the forms over, and we got online to get things done. Except, there was no getting of the things done. We went back and forth for hours while Casey was trying to figure out if it really was what he wanted. We agreed to talk the next day.

Saturday (the next day), I told Casey if he had reservations to tell us what he wanted. He asked for more time. We felt he was either shopping the offer or holding out for something better. He had signed a non-disclosure, so he should not have spoken to anyone else about the offer. However, we were not sure about his character at that point.

No word on Sunday. I told him we had to have a statement of authenticity (part of the forms I sent him) to make sure he wasn't a scam before I introduced him to Robert. He didn't get that back to me that day; he had a family thing to go to...all day. I began a background check on him and was ready to pull the plug on his visit.

Finally Monday afternoon, after several emails and calls, Casey sent me the statement of authenticity. I was glad, because I want to believe the best in people, and I was beginning to worry I was wrong about him.

I arranged to meet Casey at the airport to give him a ride to his hotel and grab a bite to eat on the way.

The next morning, Tuesday, I headed to the Rich Dad head quarters for our meeting, where I told everyone that we would have a surprise guest... Casey the kid from the USA Today article would be stopping by! (I also told RK, who doesn't follow much on the internet, about the whole conspiracy theory that Casey's story and blog are part of viral marketing to promote the new T/K book! That made everyone laugh- and RK said, that wasn't a bad idea! (Sorry conspiracy theorists- Casey really is a kid in forclosure that RK had no idea about before the article! )

Casey was greeted warmly when he arrived at the Rich Dad HQ. They set up a taping with Casey to share his story and showed him around the office. Robert, although he pulled no punches with Casey about his situation, showed kindness towards him. He offered to pay for his flight and hotel if Casey wanted to stay for a real estate training/book study this weekend. I also saw him wait for Casey outside the taping, with some cash in his hand that he gave to Casey so he could have money to eat during his stay. (RK can come across harsh- he is a good man.)

We took Casey out to eat after that, and talked about the apparent miscommunication of what we offered him. I knew that he didn't fully grasp his situation, like so many other people in forclosure: he was in denial. I understood that he felt that since he was blogging, he was somehow taking action. My partner flat out told him he should be in touch with the banks daily, there in person dealing with the situations, not out shaking RK's hand. We tried to help him step back and see the bigger picture- the blog was getting him fifteen minutes of fame that he needed to translate into getting out of his mess- or rather that's where his focus should be: success first, then helping others by sharing the story. I think he began to see it. Like he mentioned, someone on his blog had told him, he was standing there taking pictures of a tsunami coming towards him, when he should be running. After lunch, we dropped him off at his hotel so he could rest and make some decisions.

Thursday morning, Casey attended another taping over at Rich Dad that I didn't go to (too early!). My friend/partner in the deal picked Casey up afterward and we had lunch again.

Casey told us that what we had said was right, and he was willing to do whatever it took to get himself out of his mess. So we went to the office, got the agreement out, and signed it. He was ready to hit the ground running. We began moving forward to formulate a plan of action. My partner was going to help him with all his houses(fly to see them, market research, negotiate with the banks, as well as help him get some cash going, set up a team, find a place to stay, basically hold his hand through everything) all at her own expense. My job was to document and manage the process. Casey's job? Get out of his mess.

Just one problem... he hadn't told his wife. When he called her, she was understandably upset. She wanted the agreement voided. Casey flip flopped and said he needed more time.

My partner left, and I drove Casey back to his hotel (across town in traffic- took me and hour and half round trip).

That night he sent me an email. The subject line read: Final decision - no mentors.

Casey flew home to get things sorted out that night. Although he is not going to be working with us (per se), I wanted you all to know how it went down.

I still believe in giving people second chances, or rather, a hand up, not a hand out. I know we did the right thing trying to help. I'm sort of glad that he is going to dig himself out- he will learn far more than if someone had done it for him.

Posted on November 3, 2006 22:46

Hey Gmoney- I changed per se for you. (Thanks!)

Our deal with Casey was he would get something, and we would get something. He did sign the agreement the last day. Then he changed his mind, he chose not to take what we were offering. However that agreement stands.

I cannot tell you what it was that changed his mind. He was on board and ready to go, thankful for the help one minute. Then after the phone call with his wife, he was completely different. Thats when he packed up and headed back. Maybe it was the amount of work required from him, which he will have to do either way. Maybe it was the idea of him being out of state or traveling? Which he will have to do anyway. I don't know.

Posted on November 6, 2006 16:26

Yeah- saw Casey's post about the Phx trip and deal. Not much to say- his perception is his reality. He opted not to take the help offered- which was not to buy the properties. He is being held to his agreement. It is what it is.


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking this is more than Casey forgetting to pay his bill... Both of his sites are down, and it's not an obvious billing boundary (i.e. not the 1st, 15th, 31st), and it's just after he posts the contracts.

I'm going to say somebody ratted to the ISP about the contracts plus nondisclosure being posted. After all the DMCA crap going on ISPs have gotten conditioned to yank-first, investigate second.

Anonymous said...

Not that any of didn't see this comment, but it would have been fun to have the blog available until the story is finished and done with.

It'd be a shame to have this story end with a wimper rather than a bang.

(I know, the reference is very cliched, but it IS appropiate :p)

Unknown said...

ArgenNinja - Here's his final post. … 20DEAL.txt

You'll have to save it to your hard drive, then rename it to .htm and open it with a browser to get it to look more or less OK.

Here's the final shot of his front page. Same thing - save it and rename it. … ure%20.txt

Anonymous said...

I think it's just a case of the loOser not paying his bill.

If/when he gets up and running again, he's probably going to get 1000+ posts on his next comment.

Guys, those pics of his wife with comments were hilarious. Good job.

Craven Moorehead

Unknown said...

wups! Trying again.

final post + comments :

final copy of the IAFF homepage :

Remember - save to your HD, rename as .htm and open with your web browser.

Anonymous said...

Still here said...

“Now here's a far-flung theory: the AZ ladies and their lawyers went straight to the web host to get the site shut down (at least temporarily) after the contract and NDA went up. Now _that_ would be mondo impressive!”

For the record, after Casey posted the contracts and smeared the NLL, I sent an email to Erin detailing the steps she could take to have Casey’s blog shutdown, if that was the direction she wanted to take. She sent me an email back thanking me for the information.

Apparently she has decided to use this tactic against the little fraudmeister.

Anonymous said...

Here's another conspiracy theory for y'all.... maybe the feds finally caught up with the lil scammer? Both of his sites are down. Someone pulled the plug, and it certainly ain't Casey.

Man is he fooked... there goes his only source of scamming .....errr income.

Hey Casey, if you're reading this, sucks to be you. SWEEET!!

Anonymous said...

@Duane Legate,

(Assuming that NLL is behind the IAFF outage)

Way to go butthead. As a direct result of your advice, one day after Bird Dog Serin posts the NDA and contract, his websites are shut down. Wow, what a help you are. How are those ad clicks working now?

Considering Bird Dog Serin will most likely be looking at some serious legal fees soon, are you going to pay for this, or have you stopped answering his phone calls already.

You got what you wanted Duane, a legal fight. What are you going to do now?

Soap on a rope

Anonymous said...


I think she very well may have followed your advice.

CS would never consult a real attorney about the consequences of posting the NDA & contract with NLL under the DMCA. Heaven forbid! Only a few hundred people told him to get an entertainment lawyer.

No, our hero CS, trusts Duane,who plays a lawyer on the internet but not in real life.

Duane told Casey his motivations were strictly "altruistic". And with that "sweet" $750 waving in front of his eyes, Casey knew Duane would never lead him astray.

Thanks for ruining the party, Duane.

Anonymous said...

I thought Casey had mentioned that he was using DreamHost for his hosting. Maybe he tried to switch to HostGator for a dedicated server to host his comment voting system and there was a problem with the set-up. I'm not sure how he pays for it since he doesn't have any available credit cards or a checking account with a balance.

In other news PrLinkBiz has been documenting the story of buying her first house. She had to clean up her credit, get a zero down loan and borrow $1000 for escrow for it to go through. Glad Casey was able to get advice from such a "big dog". She's a regular wheeling-and-dealing Donald Trump!

Anonymous said...

I know for a fact he got pwned. Some nice lady in AZ sent me an email this morning thanking me too. hmmmm....

Anonymous said...

I went to NLL and attempted to post in the "quote of the day" section, Casey's last topic about the NDA, etc., along with a pointed question as to whether they were the ones responsible for IAFF and Able Buyer's shutdown.

As of yet, they have not posted it.

Has anyone emailed them about this?

Anonymous said...

Mr Bubbles

The answer is apparently Yes.

Anonymous said...


Thanks. I doubt NLL is dumb enough to come out and admit to

BTW, Here is Gator's phone number for those that may want to call and inquire about why IAFF is down. I wonder what they might say?

We have 24/7 sales and support available.

1-866-96-GATOR (1-866-964-2867) 24/7 sales and support line

Anonymous said...

Poor Casey. He's screwed again. The site got shut down by the ladies. LOL

Anonymous said...

Mr Bubbles

Gator won't say anything but that the whole thing is down.

Anonymous said...

Can't get the URLs to work...

Anonymous said...

@ still here
:-( Thanks for ruining our train wreck watching. Now what are we goign to do for fun?

Anonymous said...

I don't think this is due to the Beautiful Ladies of Business (BLOB) over at NLL. I think Casey's comment voting fiasco ate up most of his bandwidth. Why would the ladies get AbleBuyer shut down? It didn't say anything about them.

Here's what I think will happen. Casey will get the site back up sometime today or tomorrow by blowing his $750 on additional bandwidth. He'll make a post about "Hey guys! Whoops! Forgot to open the hosting bill again! Durr!!" Then NLL will hit his host two hours later with the cease and desist and the site goes down for good. Duane says F this, and bails without paying Casey the other $750 because he got no advertising value. Casey takes a 24 hour nap.

Yet another example of Casey's magical ability to spot sweet deals, such as paying for a commercial webhost rather than using a free service like blogger.

But I'm sorry people, even if she did do this, I just can't admire PrLinkSausage for it. She's such a sleazebag. If you search her on google, you can find all kinds of comments from her claiming to be financially independent, sold a successful business (some kind of internet directory for housepainters or something), attacking people for criticizing RK (never mentions that she works for him), etc.

Then on her blog she says how she had to borrow 1000 bucks to open escrow on a zero down home purchase. Ms. Financially Independent didn't even have one dime to put into her first RE purchase. She's no different than Casey. She's just slightly better at scamming people.

P.S. Did anyone see that photo of her hippy dad? Pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

I was just about to suggest the possibility that the contract may not be real, or may have been heavily edited. However, after having read the PrLinkBiz's post on how the contract was entered into and now seeing that the site has been suspended, I'm fairly confident it's real.

I don't think Casey missed his bill. I know we all think he has no discipline, but he's been able to keep the site up (mostly) uninterrupted for months now without anything like this. IAFF is the only real thing for Casey and, unlike, his houses, I think he may have made a concerted effort to stay current and will try to do something to save the site. Unfortunately for him (and I know this from some experience dealing with this kind of situation at a law firm I used to work at), I doubt he'll be able to pull it off without cutting a deal (unlikely) or winning a lawsuit against PrLinkBiz regarding the rights to the website (less likely).

Who else thinks that the authorities are more likely to move now than ever now that the website is down and no more easy evidence is being doled out? Also, who else thinks that Casey will attempt to start up a new blog, only to have the same thing happen again? Finally, even if he does start a new blog, was he smart enough to have archived his past posts and all the comments?

@ 6:56 AM, Anonymous

"For the record, after Casey posted the contracts and smeared the NLL, I sent an email to Erin detailing the steps she could take to have Casey’s blog shutdown, if that was the direction she wanted to take. She sent me an email back thanking me for the information."

You beat me to it. I was thinking of doing that later today. :)

Ogg the Caveman said...

With any luck, Casey will be back up and running (sans contract) on a new web host soonish. Too bad he probably didn't keep his own backups, and thus may have to start from scratch.

Hey, maybe he'll come comment here in the meantime.

Anonymous said...

Casey, the man himself, posts above in Robert's blog that he was indeed shut down by a DMCA complaint.

Anonymous said...

If this was a DMCA ploy, Casey is again fooked.

It's pretty easy to make someone's life hell with one of these:

I don't think CS has the ability to outrun the Ladies if they have a DMCA letter. They only need one letter...

Fooked, I tells ya!

Sputnik! Good to have you, we've been stockpiling fishy treats for ya!


Miguel said...

It's hardly an original observation that Casey is an utter fool, but how the hell did even he think he could get away with posting confidential information without any payback?

I imagine it took the No Limits Ladies about ten seconds to get his site shut down – if you were an ISP and someone e-mailed you saying that a site you hosted had deliberately posted confidential contractual information, including the admission that this was explicitly in breach of a signed NDA, you're hardly going to say "well, let's wait a few weeks and listen to full submissions from all parties concerned before making a decision", are you?

Let's face it, ISPs aren't exactly known for their moral courage – especially not in the face of what looks like a pretty solid case against their customer.

Anonymous said...

@ Michael (9:39AM)

Precisely. Especially when their customer has a self-admitted nasty habit of signing contracts (say, for $2.2 million) and ditching out on them.