Of all the things that people have been saying this one struck home as being wrong. Casey's command of the English language has been a bone of contention. Some saying he is hobbled by ESL issues. He has all the tools but it is the workman that is to blame. Everyone has a least favorite Caseyism™. I have a new one. "I can't say." No dummy, you WON'T or at least SHOULDN'T say and therein lies and I mean lies the root of your problems. Casey never understood the difference between can and should. Can you take out 12 loans in 5 weeks? Should you? Can you manipulate your friends and family? Should you? On and on. And of course were we to ask these questions of young floptard we haterz™ already know the answer; "I can't say."
So, what is your most irritating Caseyism™? One ping. One ping only Vasilli, if you please.
Second to none.
Interesting. I never thought first was annoying. Now Murst is a Caseyism I could do without
My favorite actually happened just last night:
"You're just remembering from your.. memory?"
Maybe Casey sleeps all day and checks his traffic to see how many people check to see if the site came back...
"So what you are saying is" that we can only have one ping? It's our contract and if both parties agree we can change it!
Hands down winner for me:
"Why should I have to choose between ___________ and _______ (fill in the blanks)?"
It's all about KC, you see. When I hear this, I want to deal with KC in the same way a Mafioso shylock deals with a deadbeat.
I intended.......
It's like speeding on the freeway - everybody does it
I was out last night.... dinner and the John Mayer concert. Can't believe I missed all the drama! Geez.
Listening to it now -- Casey's on the down side of his bipolar illness....
Oh my god - M Singh... awesome. I want to have your baby.
David Crisp received a letter of intent for a $1.8 billion line of credit for the University Towers project at Cal State Bakersfield.
$1.8 billion? You could buy a casino in Las Vegas for that, and still have $300 million left over for wheatgrass shots.
They guy has numerous homes in some stage of foreclosure and supposedly gets $1.8 BILLION in financing? I am shocked!
"I had to put up with it for NINE MONTHS..."
Casey to Mocha, lamenting the torment of the Haterz™.
Nail him to the cross, people. Nail him to the cross.
He hates it so much, he can't stop dicking with this site or just walk away. Quite the victim.
Ahhh yes, $1.8b. Nothing like a little $10 mill or so in upfront management fees to et the whole empire back on track. I can see it now. By the time th consortium finds out that the University tower is a fiction the jet will be in Thailand with a different tail number and the some island nation with no extradition treaty will have a new resident.
You wanna have Singhs baby??? LOl thats a joke, that sucker couldnt get it up for a female with 2 popsickle sticks, duct tape, and a stiff wind. How old is he 85? and a moron to boot? Hater women will fuck anything. Better have your artificial insemination tools on hand. He was such a bitch he lost control of his bowels.
....although we do have an embarrassment of riches here.
Also, @ Anon 7:51
M. Singh is a hoot. Don't know whether s/he is a stage persona or some techie checking in from Hyderabad--I strongly suspect the former--but it doesn't really matter. Itsallgood!
Just one fucking ping? Too many to choose from! No fuckin' fair Dawg! W-2 loosers like me can't make a decision like that. I don't even get sweet nuggets to mine out of my email...I need a nap now.
Looking at their website . They have 12 agents and 3 listings.
The Europeqan firn that is going to lend them the money neuflithzwisenthallschlumberger.com/ I was going to go to their contact page and ask them about loaning money to Casey. (After all they do have money for deadbeats). Before I do, I want to make sure I have the corredt information.
Was my previous post pointing to the correct website?
If it still Crisp and Cole or did they split?
Is their anyone else we should be contacting?
I just emailed them. I am going to try and get $2 billion for myself.
Still listening the the drama of last night. I love snowflake's idea that the agreement can be ammended - just like the constitution!
Geez. What a tool.
Yea - Galina's going to ammend the agreement. The ORIGINAL agreement - marriage.
That website reminds me of the sort 419 fraudsters set up.
Oh - MSN has a great article.
Casey - if you are reading this - and we know you are - check this article for some sweet fast cash.
Hey Rob - possible future thread - what will snowflake sell to raise money
i think my favorite caseyism is "it's a grey area, like speeding"
yes, multiple instances of clear cut mortgate fraud is just like going 5 over on the interstate :)
Most irritating Caseyism, from his podcast with Jerome What His Name, (the convicted mortgage fraud guy since reformed)-- after Jerome took Casey walked the fact that he lied and showed that Casey's stated subjective intent to repay at the time the loans were signed didn't matter if he intended to have the banks rely on the lies "But.. it was the only way I could close and get cazzback" I hate the way he says "cazzback". After hearing moment I turned into full bored haterz.
"I am an entrepreneur and investor", or the variation - "I am so entrepreneruail that -----"
Damn you and your one ping only, Dawg! I'm going rogue!
"So what you're saying is..."
"That's a good point."
"The ability to laugh at myself helps me get through the day."
Something we have in common, Casey - the ability to laugh at you helps me get through my day, too.
Your 9 month old "baby" is calling you. Feed it, FEED IT more content. It's currently blank, a BLANK page.
Dude, you are STARVING it to death. Feed it before it's too late Casey!
Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hhahahahahhhahaha
Damn you and your one ping only, Dawg!
"So, what you are saying is" that you hate me because you are jealous of my topic choice? The one ping only rule was more of a guideline. A gray area. Besides, look above, everybody is doing what you are doing. Exactly. Infuriating and so many. Hopefully the Casepedia is picking up on these.
"Credit leasing" is considered bank fraud. It is also a scam on top of it all. When you are young and stupid you fall for all of it, stuff it took me years to suffer through.
Hi All,
Sorry about th e"I'm Sorry"™ post in almost white. I just couldn't stay away...
My favorite me-ism™ is "I fully intended to"™...
Where am I going and who wrote all my good intentions on the sidewalk?!
Haterz is my biggest issue with him.
Next would be his love of attention. I also dislike the way he talks to others.
I really hated the troll 'sweet things are coming' especially since that usually predicted 2 weeks of nothing.
I guess that phrase will come up handy when in the keep of Bubba though. (sorry couldn't help myself there)
That's one of my favorite movies. Sean Connery 4tw!
One of my Favorites as well. Mostly for the little human elements. Those and "This business will get out of hand and we'll be lucky to live through it."
Whenever Casey doesn't like what he is hearing, "so what is your background in real estate investing? what are your credentials?"
Because his experience gives his opinion so much more weight.
And then he attacks them if they are not an investor and if they are he just says "oh" and then strokes them while getting peeved at the hate.
"This is the last one. Talk to you later.
Or not.
Either way, keep it sweet.
Oh and I forgot. It's all good. Not mostly, it's ALL good. Thanks everybody. Stay positive."
So he declares this the last one. Then tells people he'll see them next week. Then remembers that he won't, or at least shouldn't, so backpedals. Spouts a mindless catchphrase. Remembers that such catchphrases chum the waters for the dreaded HaterZ. Throws in a troll for posts, puts a cherry on the top, and hangs up. Remembers that he just trolled for posts, and such Sweet media will surely result in nuggetz of opportunity.
Sort of like the whole year in the space of a minute.
Geez I can't pick just *one* meaningless platitude folks.
I do love how the celebutard wannabe contradicts pretty much everything he has said (and has done) with regard to IAFF being finished and there being no more talkcasts. So there's my ping...saying contradictory stuff and meaning nothing by it all.
A bonus ping would be how he hears sounds coming out of other peoples's mouths but he doesn't actually let his brain (if he has one) *LISTEN* to and process the meaning of what they say.
Must be really bugging the shit out of Casey not being able to Approve posts tht only HE likes - you know, the total control freak show he had going.
Casey being limited to only reading posts and not being able to censor must be hell. He can no longer lie and rape the truth.
Looks like the truth is now raping Casey in the a** and for a long time.
"Sweet links!"
"I'll have to look into that."
Pretty much says it all...
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