Friday, May 26, 2017

Bad Science

Estimated % of adults who think global warming is mostly caused by human activities, 2016

Looks sciency convincing right?  Well then.  The following near identical map should be familiar.  This is the HRC/DJT election result. 

Almost as if some people want politics to drive science and not the other way around. 


Rob Dawg said...

Big list of weekend topics.
Huge ICE sweep in the area.
My terrible Ford stock bet.
Memorial Day.
California drivers licenses and legal ID problem.
More local listings.
Maybe even a post using Tom Stone's great sources.

sm_landlord said...

I have to work tomorrow, but plan to be either afloat or asleep Sunday and Monday. Will check in on the posts, of course.

Rob Dawg said...

In and out myself. Going to try to snorkel with my niece tomorrow. Not easy as her service sponsor has her on a short leash. Return to barracks by 00:00 every night this weekend while on "leave." This is the one that didn't get the academy appointment because she was overqualified. Hard to turn away a kid who while walking into the campus points at the statue near the entrance and says "that's my great-grandfather" but they did and instead gave her a totally free technical university education and a fast track. Maybe no ring but she be getting the salutes from those who wear one.

Lawyerliz said...

Up 160$. If I wanted a boat ride I'd rent the boat and hire a captain.

Lawyerliz said...

Ford. I think I told you so.

Cinco-X said...

The service academies are a $150,000 education... Crammed up your ass a nickel​ at a time.

Rob Dawg said...

She got a lot more than $150k. It came as a surprise to me that a certain percentage of academy candidates are diverted to specialty university service. I knew about cadets (etc) doing semesters, even a year away but this path actually makes great sense for the services.

Lawyerliz said...

For the whole 4 years, I assume?

Anonymous said...

I created a new account so hopefully this works. Dan Z, UMDan

Rob Dawg said...

UMDan! Good show old sport.

I will go back and make sure no traces remain.

Anonymous said...

Just have to remember to make sure when I fire up the browser my other gmail account does not automatically start. And remember to log into this e-mail when I want to respond.

LBD said...

I understand the absence of heat is cold. That being every person, movement natural or powered makes heat. Where does it go and what does it do? Where is George Carlin when you need him, Answers never said.

Lawyerliz said...

Entropy increases.

Lawyerliz said...

Just watched Penn and Teller. They were fooled. If the earth is warming and thi s would harm us, we have to figure out how to stop it. It does not matter what caused it, except it would help to stop making the hole bigger.

Lawyerliz said...

I think if Trump turned magically into the best president ever, the press would hold him unmercifully. And that's not going to happy so it's unmercifully squared. I predict even I will get tired of it.

Lawyerliz said...

Hound him

sm_landlord said...

With autocorrupt on your computer, who needs comedy writers?

Cinco-X said...

Every single liberal comedian

Rob Dawg said...

So they are lying when they claim this stuff writes itself?

sm_landlord said...

Second home invasion in a week, here in the little corner of the Great Sewer near my office. Local news says victims transported, perps barricaded. Police advise locals to stay indoors with doors and windows locked.

Rob Dawg said...

That's right you are trapped on the wrong side of Mugu Rock. Sorry to hear that. If only the 2nd Amendment were valid in all 50 States.

sm_landlord said...

Local PD still has streets blocked a mile away from the scene, guessing that they are doing a search for loose perps. Local TV news should be interesting tonight. Good thing I have an antenna to pull in broadcast news here. Internet is full of fake news and speculation, the cops of course aren't telling anybody anything other than to cower and wait. Locals are not pleased about the slow reaction time of the PD and paramedics. Swat said to be packing up now, think they have the perp(s?).

sm_landlord said...

Too much blood being spilled in Compton for the broadcast news to cover the issue out here on the West Side, at least so far.

sm_landlord said...

And... they're on to RUSSIA!!!


Rob Dawg said...

The ABC7 web article called it a small perimeter.

Comedy gold.

sm_landlord said...

> The ABC7 web article called it a small perimeter.

SM is a small town. 6.5 square miles with a $500M+ annual budget.

Lawyerliz said...

Good morning.😀 Gee, I'm glad I've in Florida.

Lawyerliz said...

Wake up East Caost!! Rise and shine.

Lawyerliz said...

Coast. Spell check never corrects anything obviously wrong.

Rob Dawg said...

As opposed to the Left Chaos?

Unknown said...

UMDan, you are safe here!
You needn't worry about any of the regulars disclosing that you are actually a transgendered armadillo with a fondness for cuban cigars. Trust me, I'm a Realtor.

Lawyerliz said...


Lawyerliz said...

And he's not even squashed.

LBD said...

Good Morning!

Rain storm over night fizzled and looks pretty clear for the day.

Spell check, Thought check on the way!

Lawyerliz said...

And I think Cuban cigars are still illegal.

Come on folks, I'm bored.

Lawyerliz said...

If someone would make sense of my thoughts, I might be grateful. Or, not.

LBD said...

Lot of outdoor projects to finish. Getting RV ready for short trip. Fix water toy for when the water warms up and some yard clean up.

Rob Dawg said...

About to hit the road for points south. Hope to slip through the Great Sewer before the traffic hits.

Rob Dawg said...

Before going.

Tom. This bodes well for your property values.

Not wish the French ill weather but...

Anonymous said...

Trangendered? Nope (NTTAWWT), Armadillo? Let me check and get back to you. Cuban cigars - I wish, but I do have a humidor with some CAO Soprano's that are pretty strong.

"Trust me I'm a realtor" I'll remember that.....

And the weekend count in Chicago starts. Actually pretty tame. Must be the rain last night -

"Four wounded in city shootings"

Cinco-X said...

A socialist Paradise

Cinco-X said...

Got up early and took mamasan to Trap Falls... We've lived within 10 miles of it for over 20 years but she'd never seen it. Of course, I only saw it for the first time about 7 weeks ago...

Cinco-X said...

Ha! Today is our one beautiful day for the next week...

Cinco-X said...

Holding a play on some better California vintages this year?

LBD said...

Would CARB allow smudge pots again like the old days?

Unknown said...

UMDan, be thankful you don't live in one of the 13 "Constitutional Carry" Sates like Vermont.
You wouldn't believe the level of violence that exists in States that allow concealed carry with no requirement for a license or training.

Unknown said...

Cinco, it doesn't look good for Sonoma County Grapes this year ( OK, not good).
Too much rain interfered with pollination.
And it is a nice day, I walked down to the River at Dawn and came home with a fat 10" trout for breakfast.

Lawyerliz said...

It's Too hot and dry here. Even sitting in the shade.

Rob Dawg said...

Greetings from La Jolla. Pleasant cool ocean breeze.

LBD said...

Running around dodging rain drops but no real rain.

Lawyerliz said...

Dead thread?

Cinco-X said...

Hmmm... Su no risk rot...😥

Cinco-X said...

That's Florida...5 months out of the year... Then 3 months of monsoons and humidity... Leaves 4 pleasant months

Cinco-X said...

It's too nice everywhere else to stay inside...😋

Rob Dawg said...

Snorkeled with sea lions. Drank four Ballast Point beers. My choice from 40+. Guest grill master in an hour. Blogging is lower priority. Turns out the dawghaus had extended power outage. Doubt the automated update computer restarted.

Anonymous said...

Violence in VT? Like when they run low on maple syrup or LL Bean has a BOGO?

I'm pretty sure I would rather take my chances in the south side of Burlington than Chicago.

LBD said...

Great day! Had dinner at the local Italian restaurant. Excellent find in this small town. :)

Cinco-X said...

G'night y'all

Lawyerliz said...

Beautiful, but too damned hot.

Lawyerliz said...

Actual rather cool this morning
Should water the back before it geTs burning hot
Feeling lazy.

LBD said...

Good Morning!

No rain for today, BBQ sausages and relax.

Lawyerliz said...

All watered Roses doing great--for me, for this being Florida, and me not sptraying nm them with anything. In a a week or 4 it will be too hot and the various kinds of grasses too agreed I've and I will be defeated until next fall.

Lawyerliz said...

Grasses too agressive.

LBD said...

So much for that word relax already shoveled some dirt, guess I will work any way. :)

Rob Dawg said...

Good morning. Well it appears the auto post computer is on vacation. I will be back to the dawghaus later today and turn it back on.

LBD said...

Relax RD it's a holiday weekend. :)

LBD said...

Well after the wedding we have a new up and coming 7 year old quarter midget driver in the family. Wins his first B main and 3rd in the A main. Second round he won the B main again now on to the next A main. I am getting interested in turning left! :)

Lawyerliz said...

The turtle came out and ate some weeds.

Rob Dawg said...

La Jolla is nice but home is home. Besides in between us Tito's Tacos! Nom.

LBD said...

Tito's and you didn't get some for all of us? :(

Rob Dawg said...

Tito Taco w cheese is up to $2.70. Not complaining. That's what it costs to pay $12.85/hr for part time and medical for full time and use honest fresh ingredients.

sm_landlord said...

Open a Rose to celebrate the unofficial beginning of Summer. Also opened a Pine Ridge Onyx to go with the steaks.

Happy Summer, everyone!

Rob Dawg said...

Trying inexpensive Amsterdam Gin and tonic. Mild botanicals. No harshness.

Going to get a lab quality filter and ultra purify cheap vodka and try my hand at bathtub gin I think.

Rob Dawg said...

Got a hops rhizome at the Ballast Point brewery.

LBD said...

Good Morning!

Out for breakfast, then who knows?

Lawyerliz said...

People's sense of smell is better than alleged. The hub is battling those awful roots. People have more money Tha ecer in their iras and 401ks--but not nearly enough to retire. Some who could retire are choosing to work longer. The Supreme may look at gerimandering. Maybe Trump will succeed in doing nothing and nothing is what we need.

Liz's news and edditorial report of the day.

Lawyerliz said...

Than ever in. .

dodahman said...

Summer has started. Tourons are everywhere showing their lack of boating and fishing skills. Some outside my window even now demonstrating their lack of knowledge...

A nice day off to everyone...

Rob Dawg said...

I am seriously concerned about the trend of index investing and automated market contributions. The first doesn't weed out bad investments. The second is but one side of the coin. When boomers start withdrawals the ramp doesn't just slope it falls. Why stay in a market facing two decades of disinvestment?

Good morning all. Guess I will go jumpstart the EN computer and get some posts out. No after I hit a bucket then office.

dodahman said...

you hit buckets?

Lawyerliz said...

You think Home Depot is a good buy? Just your opinion.

Rob Dawg said...

Home Depot trading near 1, 5 years highs with a P/E of 23 is a good company but not a good stock. I find it hard to believe that you won't be able to buy it cheaper sometime this year. If you had asked last year I would have said yes as then the P/E was 16 and yield 3.5%.

Lawyerliz said...

Thx. I'll watch it.

LBD said...

Boomers unloading expensive houses, selling collectables, anything to get a buck to live on. I see a lot of full time RV'ers not being able to convert back to home living. Timing will be as always everything.

Rob Dawg said...

Silverware if silver but no one wants the China or stemware anymore.

Lawyerliz said...

This boomer doesn't need to sell anything, but there is still she needs to get rid off, but after the 25th decision to keep or toss, I get mentally tired.

LBD said...

I keep telling myself I don't need another car hanging around but there is a Chevy HHR/SS That winks at me every time I drive by. Must resist. ;)

Lawyerliz said...

Upon my demise, the son wants the dining room set. The daughter wants a highly carved Victorian occasional table which we inherited, that I'd never pick out. Glad somebody wants it. So hot, even in the shade on the front porch, but I don't feel like being inside. And no rain.

Lawyerliz said...

Upon my demise, the son wants the dining room set. The daughter wants a highly carved Victorian occasional table which we inherited, that I'd never pick out. Glad somebody wants it. So hot, even in the shade on the front porch, but I don't feel like being inside. And no rain.

Lawyerliz said...

A comment disappeared. Basically my son and daughter do want some of our stuff. Surprisingly the son wants the dining room furniture. Very high quality Hurricane Andrew purchases. Couldn't afford before then.

Lawyerliz said...

And reappeared? ? ? ?

LBD said...

Kids haven't picked any thing out yet. Is that a sign of confidence?

Lawyerliz said...

We asked them to. They were most amiable in sharing.

Lawyerliz said...

My Rhoomba has lost itself! Have checked all the spots it gets stuck.

Lawyerliz said...

Up another 100. Yay. If it goes up enough will it clean itself or at least find the roomba?

Cinco-X said...

Ya... Doing nothing other that locking in a non-liberal SCOTUS would be great

Rob Dawg said...

New post.

Liz it's in the dining room under the far chair.

Lawyerliz said...

I'll look again. Haha