Euro zone finance ministers and the International Monetary Fund will seek a deal on Monday on Greek debt relief that balances the IMF's demand for a clear "when and how" with Germany's preference for "only if necessary" and "details later".
Without the deal, no new loans can be disbursed to Athens, even though the bailout is now handled only by euro zone governments, and Greece needs new credit to repay some 7.3 billion euros worth of maturing loans in July.
Without the loans, Athens is likely to default - a bad start for a country that wants to return to market financing next year when its latest bailout, the third since 2010, ends in mid-2018.
- Reuters
I'm sure there is always a bigger can.
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Hula. Is there a problem? |
wait...I've seen this movie before!!
Just because you've seen it before doesn't mean you aren't going to get away with not paying more for it this time around.
Oh, and added a hula photo to the top post.
Cultural Appropriation for $200 Alex...
What is "For all the marbles?"
I'm surprised the movies lasted this long.
well..yeah..a SB wine tasting tour would feel kind of incomplete without a hula dancing ceremony to wrap things up..
Last time around, it was really to save the German banks. What is it really about the time?
Just let them default already.
Not worthy of its own post but without me you'd never hear about this:
The anti-Trump fervor at California’s Democratic Party convention this weekend can be summarized in choice words from outgoing chair of the California Democratic Party, John Burton: “Fuck Donald Trump.”
The always foul-mouthed Burton, 84, stood before thousands of Democratic delegates at Saturday’s general assembly and as a rallying cry asked the crowd to join in. He then shoved two fists in the air, flipping the bird. Across the room at the Sacramento Convention Center, others onstage and in the audience followed suit.
Onstage were House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, Rep, Barbara Lee, D-Oakland, state Sen. Toni Atkins, D-San Diego, and others.
Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article151843342.html#storylink=cpy
One of those guys is Heracles. Who is the other.
And who are the heads?
Was watching a Lincoln thing. I knew he was depressed, but in the early 1840s, he had halucinations, and friends kept a suicide watch over him.
Also he had a very affectionate but non sexual relationship with a guy named Speed.
the madder they get..the more convinced I am we are back on the right track..
Trump is yucky so the Dems have to out yucky him? I suggest that a tidal wave of politeness overwhelm us, that people start dressing up, abandon t shirts, and ladies start wearing hats. Also everybody should go back in the closets, very large closets so they can invite people in with them, and curse words become shocking again, as that is what their purpose was to begin with. I will begin by calling Mike Mr. Mike, and Dawg Mr. Faeg, and you can call me Ms. Liz.
Of course you are, Mr Mike.
well calling Dawg "Mr Faeg" isn't very nice...
I want Nixon back
If I'm going to relive Watergate, I want a Nixon to relive it with. I did my best to ignore it the first time around.
Sorry, spellcheck.
Liz, I are but a poor unegumacated lower almost middle class type. Why would you even expect me to recognize the Greek Heracles spelling instead of the Roman Hercules?
Lincoln had a bunch of psych/physical issues. Not least being brilliant among dolts. Marfan Syndrome was likely to take him had not the bullet beaten the genetic Reaper. But I be but a dumb lower middle class drone so what do I know?
yeah why can't we go back to a happier time..when we would send pallets full of cash to Iran..
I never liked Clinton, but all his sex wasn't gonna blow up the world. And as somebody said. . . Everybody lies about sex.
Why yes, I would, Mr Dawg, since you are highly educated and middling rich. It's a Greek vase, and Heracles is wearing an animal skin, as he was wont to do. The other guy, I don't recognise the symbolism. The vase is rather late and is red figured ware.
Well, hopefully they spent it unlike the rich who don't. I wonder what hapened m to the roomsful of money.
Nixon, lawyer.
Clinton, lawyer.
Obama, lawyer.
Is anyone even slightly coming around to accept why the Dawgifornian Constitution prohibits lawyers from serving in elective office in two of the four branches of government?
as long as people earn their money honestly..I couldn't care less what they do with it. Fill a swimming pool with it and do backstrokes through it all day for all I care..
Hmm the other guy has a sack over his shoulder and a stick or club over his shoulder. Rings no bells . The chain mail Heracles is wearing is exquisitely done. Hmm, killed a Pesitratid maybe? Spelled wrong.
They earned it fair and square selling drugs.
Scrooge McDuck did that, in his vault.
The white haired guy is wearing a crown. Will Google Labors of Heracles.
Golden Fleece. An early interpretation of Medusa?
King Minos of Crete?
You know, there actual is, is and was golden fleece. Catches gold flakes in some river, by some tribe. Read it in a science magazine.
Medusa is and was always a girl, and Heracles didn't kill her. I forget, Perseus?
Nitey nite.
My 17yo has been using us as experiments again. Yesterday it was "Naked Sex in the Jungle." Tonight it is " Mountain Dew Me." She is going to be the most popular kid in whatever college she chooses.
These are songs?
Gluten morgan.
Wakies wakies!!!
Calling people Mr. or Mrs. reminds me of Mary on HCN. Extremely polite but really opinionated (and maybe very angry...). Several times she politely told me that something I posted about "didn't exist" or just "wrong". I'd post a link from the NYT, Project Syndicate, or a book I read, and she would just deny it's existence again.
Krugman has an interesting article about how freedom to change jobs is restricted by non competition employment clauses and preexisting conditions. Of course, some non comp causes validly prevent employees from taking innovating ideas or procedures to another company, but in many cases it's just to prevent employees from taking a better job at another company after gaining some work experience(think Jimmy John's).
In the case of healthcare, companies provide healthcare for some medical conditions, but these conditions become "preexisting conditions" if workers change jobs and seek healthcare. So they can't change jobs.
Republicans who take about freedom this or that and support restricting employees from changing jobs are hypocritical at the very least. Trump is one of them and probably deserves what California Democrats call him.
Good Morning!
Beautiful day ahead. :)
Freedom is to not enter into contracts will these stipulations. Good choices or bad.
Good morning all. The fog is in and I cannot see the olive trees. Always great for the garden and good for 5 degrees cooler later today.
Mary would turn incredibly nasty to anyone who intruded or challenged her worldview. Something seriously wrong there. Good riddance.
I agree with Kriggles? Quick, check for giant asteroid! Most every job I had involved NDAs and non-compete but reasonable terms. It seems these days they are clearly over broad. And yes, portable health insurance is an issue and one for which I have no good answers short of universal coverage. I think we have to consider splitting heath coverage into insurance and mantainence. That might work.
And Liz, those are drinks. Didn't like the Mt Dew but would be a sorority hit. The Naked drink was fantastic. A tropical concoction that would headline any beach bar menu.
Freedom is to never be desperate enough to take a job with non comp clauses. Freedom is also to never get sick or need healthcare for a pre existing condition..
Sex in the jungle, Tropical cocktail is a tall glass of summertime refreshment. It may take a fair amount of ingredients but it is worth it. I suppose that it just gives you more of an excuse to mix this drink up by the pitcher full.
So remember when friends come over on a hot summer day fun and refreshment are right around the corner with the sex in the jungle, tropical cocktail.
Sex in the Jungle
Vodka…. One and a half oz.
Light Rum…. one oz,
Blue Curacao…. one oz.
Midori ….one oz.
1 oz Lime Juice 3 oz Orange Juice 3 oz Pineapple Juice
Planted 3 marigolds after chopping some growing back sawgrass roots. Must go out. Have a good morning.
The California Dems are spending all their time attacking Trump as a way to avoid dealing with issues like Single Payer, Crumbling infrastructure, institutionalized corruption ( CalPers comes to mind) and other critical issues. TRUMP!, RUSSIA!!,TRUMP!!!
Orovile dam?
If it's so awful, why does everybody want to live there. Hub said Trump gave a good speech. Maybe we could send him abroad again and leave him there.
Harry Truman like in a morass of corruption in his state, but managed to bring in his projects and avoid it. That's what you guys need.
Liz. I may not be rich but I know people who are. With the exception of the farmer/ranchers every single one has confided that they are looking into divesting of California exposure or leaving entirely. Lots of them are Saying things like Washington/Oregon to live and Texas to invest. They see the State as an enemy bent on taking everything they've got.
You are too. I would bet your net worth is 5 to 10 million dollars from things you've said. This is rich everywhere but Cali. Not kick Bros rich
, or Gates rich, but middling rich. And what's wrong with that?
The $20 billion dollar Saudi investment in US infrastructure is neither a loan nor a gift. After completion Americans will have to pay to use these investments. You think rents are high now, just wait. Nothing like selling our highways, and ports to foreigners (those which they don't already own or operate...) Democrats would prefer that Americans pay for infrastructure projects ourselves with taxes. But hey, keep your eye on the war in the Middle East while the great resale of American assets continue.
I look forward to to the new MEGA Trump-Blackstone Interstate highway system!
The Putin-Trump Seashore highway will be located along the east coast of Florida, right?
The botanist child tells me the Monsanto protesters were not only bussed in and paid but didn't even know what they were protesting.
I welcome an additional road on the east coast of Florida. They can double deck I 95!!
At $1.25 per mile? (That's 4.69 Saudi Riyals/ mile) We should give investors a fair sheikh, right?
I sure as hell don't want to live in the LA basin... Ventura County where Rob is located isn't bad...
Well... It is, isn't it?
Taxachusetts is forcing everyone to get an EZpass or equivalent. I suspect that once they're at 95% penetration, they'll start putting tolls on roads that used to be free... Aside from the normal taxes on gas, etc.
We buy Saudi oil. Might as well give them our tolls, too. Better than giving it to our state government, I suppose. Management jobs for owners, I always say.(snark warning...)
Cinco, sm_l, Dawg all agree. Los Angeles is a hellhole or great sewer if you prefer.
The only negatives about Ventura County are being in California (for now) and being Great Sewer adjacent.
Agreed. Creeping tolls are going to be an ever bigger deal.
It will siphon some off the 14 lanes now in use.
Liz. 5-10 million? I get my clothes at Goodwill and shop the 99¢ store. I use a coupon for near everything. Just got back from Micheal's craft store. $3 grommet tool. I still used my phone to download a 40% discount. My cars are 10 and 11 and 18 years old. Lowest miles; 142k. Seriously; middle class most places, Lower middle class here in California. Don't mistake careful living within means for my being rich. I even made my own garden stakes. They wanted $14 at the HomeDespot. I went to the lumber aisle and got a few dogearred redwood fence boards. Ripped them down on the table saw into eight 6 foot 3/4"x3/4" sticks and freehand used the staple gun to bang them together for less than $1 each. That's not what the rich do.
Oh, look at that. That Ford guess? Up $190. House +$980. Still not rich. Really.
I didn't say you weren't cheap. I did said 5 to 10. Actually you didn't deny it.
Or frugal. Whichever you like. Bet you don't have a mtg.
Anything rental carries a mortgage as an income/profit shifting tax technique. Additionally the primary residence has a modest mortgage as the money that could be paying it off is being used to better purposes. If I had as much as you imagine I'd have bought the garden property Tom Stone recently listed. Gorgeous.
Of course. Bet those rentals (which you didnt actually say you had, but have mentioned previously) carry some equity. Based on the estimates of Zestimate increases, I'd bet your house could be sold for 3 to 4 million.
No profit till sold and that leaves you with Zip till then.
No profit plus recurring expenses of upkeep, taxes, insurance.
Zillguess tells me the most recent rental acquisition appreciated -$16 last month.
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