Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Good Riddance To Bad Rubbish

Elon Musk may be just about done with President Trump.
Musk, who heads Tesla and SpaceX, is ready to quit the White House advisory councils he sits on if Trump pulls out of the Paris agreement on climate change.
Musk tweeted Wednesday that "I've done all I can" — as a member of the advisory councils, through White House personnel and directly with the president — to push Trump to stick with the Obama-era agreement.
Asked on Twitter what he plans to do if Trump pulls out, Musk replied he "will have no choice but to depart councils."


I hope the feeling is mutual and Trump ends his subsidies.  Got TSLA?  


Unknown said...

Nope, don't have Herpes either.
I wonder if that Amherst study paid for by the California Nurses association will get as many headlines as the one paid for by big Med and Big Pharma?
The Amherst study claims that by eliminating overhead and negotiating drug prices everyone in California could be covered for a cool $37 Billion less than is being spent now.
Gosh, with discrepancies like these it seems that someone might be talking their book.
Cui Bono?

LBD said...

So sorry to hear Elon may lose out on his support. How much pollution do his rockets produce? LOL!

Rob Dawg said...

I wonder if the nurses are as inteeested in prevailing international wages as they are in drug prices.

Unknown said...

Elon needs to be on that first flight to Mars... ;<)

EngineerJim said...

>I wonder if the nurses are as inteeested in prevailing international wages as they are in drug prices.

Well, I would like to know why the US pays the freight for the development of new drugs, but apparently people in other countries don't have to pay.

Unknown said...

I would like to know why the US pays the freight for the development of new drugs, but apparently people in other countries don't have to pay.

because making other countries pay their fair share of the development costs of new drugs would upset the post WWII-order...or something like that

Unknown said...

$90K for the Hep C cure in the states, $1K in India.
Same drug.
Check out the prices of drugs in Canada VS the USA,or the CEO pay of "Non Profit" hospitals here.
There's a reason we saw a "$400 Billion, it's gonna bankrupt California" tsunami of headlines.
Take a look at per capita costs in the Netherlands VS the USA and then take a look at the outcomes.
The USA is the only industrialized nation without some form of single payer, we pay more than any other industrialized nation and we have the worst outcomes.
Just the preventive care would save billions up front and a lot more over time.

Lawyerliz said...

Hey Mike m

Unknown said...

how did you guess my last name initial?? ;<)

hey Liz!!

Lawyerliz said...

Have you seen the Hep c ads. Silly me, of course you have. You could buy a nice house in India and get treated there. In fact, you could fly over there every time you needed a treatment

Lawyerliz said...

Didnt, was a typo. One chance in 26.

Unknown said...

maybe we could have some H1B's bring some with them??

just a thought..

Lawyerliz said...

Am in Champagne Illinois. To visit son and dil

Happy covfefe to you!

Unknown said...

yes..just kidding...your typos are infamous

Unknown said...

Happy covfefe!! hahahaha

Lawyerliz said...

AA did not lose my luggage, in spite of a connecting flight. Yay.

Lawyerliz said...

My son's huse is great. And his garden. He however, did not realize he had to pay state income taxes, however. And this is Illinois.

Lawyerliz said...

Dammit, house.

Unknown said...

does AA actually land in Champagne..or do they make you parachute out enroute to Chicago??

Lawyerliz said...

It lands here. Very short hop.

Rob Dawg said...

You have no idea how much extra I would pay to avoid the Chicago airport. There was one time. The eldest progeny was like 8. "Daddy, why is everyone sad and looks like they have been beaten up?" "Sweetie, this is winter and Chicago. They are sad and have been beaten up".

Question fir the group. Have you ever been through Chicago when the airport was not under construction?

Lawyerliz said...

You can't get a massage at the airport which you can in Orlando and OHare
. Or anything else either

Lawyerliz said...

Wasn't where I was. A relatively short walk from one Gate to the other. Nobody looked sad or beat up, but it's late spring and my flight was from amusing Orlando.

Unknown said...

Sat next to a lady on a plane once who told me her son was Operations Manager for a major airline (I think it was AA) at O' about a stressful job

Lawyerliz said...

Aha, Dawg typo.

Lawyerliz said...

They didn't lose my luggage.

Lawyerliz said...

Nitey nite.

Rob Dawg said...

Sleep tight. Don't let the turtles bite.

Unknown said...

It's downstate most dangerous animal might be a boll weevil??

EngineerJim said...

>why is everyone sad and looks like they have been beaten up?

That was similar to my wife's reaction (she has lived her entire life in CA) when we visited Cincinnati in the winter time.

Lawyerliz said...

I did too much yesterday . Can't sleep. Also im an a hour ahead.

Lawyerliz said...

I'm sure the security is necessary, but I wonder if I will see the day when we are civilized enough not to need it.

dodahman said...

I thought I saw that(sad tanned dried out folks) when I visted San Diego...
BUT back to Elon. Brilliant Dude whose vision is far greater than most. Some engineers are jealous of his success which is far greater than most.

Lawyerliz said...

I am really glad of SpaceX. Even if subsidized , it's cheaper by far than govt efforts.

Lawyerliz said...

And it doesn't turn off his freedom of speech or to associate. Trump's not going to listen anyhow.

dodahman said...

I thought this was a nice article:

LBD said...

Good Morning!

If T pulls out of the Paris agreement isn't he listening to the people who voted for him?

Lawyerliz said...

Good morning.😀 from the midwest. It's not hot here#! And Champaign is pretty.

Unknown said...

As RD points out, summer in Illinois is the reward for enduring cold, sometimes dreary winters. Enjoy.

LBD said...

Some beautiful days here in the flat lands. Going to try out the jet ski again today.

Anonymous said...

You're about 3 hours south of me LL. Looks like you are going to have some decent weather for your stay. But if you were really hoping for a state budget you are out of luck. Our incompetent politicians in this lovely state of Madiganistan are incapable of doing anything. No wonder people are leaving as soon as they can.

Lawyerliz said...

The state budget I think about is Florida's. Illinois is hopeless, I think. Can we send Governor Crazy eyes- skeletor up there?

Unknown said...

There was a lottery winner in Illinois a while back whom couldn't get his money because the state budget was frozen...

Rob Dawg said...

California proposing a 2.3% add to sales tax and similar add tax to all corporate receipts. Out of control.

New post not about CA or IL or taxes.