One of the friendly brokerages stewarding the untold (nonexistent) dawg fortune was kind enough to observe a shift in the markets they suggest I take advantage of.

So I did what everyone with dozens, perhaps hundreds of dollars to invest. I went to the St Louis Fed and researched the history of CD rates. Wait? Not everyone does this? Love the asterisk by the way.
See that? Waaaay on the right? Five year high. Nowhere to go but up.
Meta observation. I cannot shake the feeling that all the economic planets are being deliberately aligned and not for an optimal outcome for most.
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Cinco might remember these before the flowers. |
Son says bunch of Trump supporters being served with RICO warrants. High ups. Including Ryan.. for taking laundered Russian money or knowing about it. True I dunno. I didn't hate Ryan.
MR morgan stanley et al?
At least that is who mine came from today..
I sent back the rates my credit union pays.....
Smells of desperation?
What if oil continues to go down. What if the inflation is due to higher wages?
And Dawg, you may be modest as all hell, but from things you've said, in my book you are rich. Heck, in my book the hub and I are rich. I never thought we'd lovehave this much money, even after inflation.
Spent it all before the prices go up!!! Buy gold???
Ben Carson is 13th in line to the presidency. Hahahahaha
I'm poor compared to the elite. Funny thing is I saw the Fidelity CD ladder ad before the wedding but haven't got back to see whats they are pedaling. Rates up. :)
Well, yeah, if you have to be a billionaire. Where does elite start,.money wise? I think it had something to do with money, but not much.
At the moment I have no airplanes or boats and only one motorcycle. I dig my own gardens and such. "Rich" is a fungible concept.
But how many houses do you have? Do you want an airplane? Ir, a boat? I don't.
Perry is 14th in line.
Everyone needs a boat. of some sort.
Yup...I remember that view. Beautiful even without the flowers
Strategic Campaign Group being raided Reported by WBAL My oldE Balto. tv station.
A floatee would do it for me
Actually we would probably be safer with Ben Carson or Rick Perry than with the current Commander in chief, Trump.
Raid not mentioned on CBS national news. What can I say?
Up another 100$
I know that I rarely make an on topic comment, but here goes.
I checked 2 year CD rates at US banks and the best I could find is 1.70% APY with a $10,000 minimum. Jumbo rates these days are about the same for consumers. RD's rates are national averages.
That's not so bad.
Oh, glodess, what am I saying?
Fake low inflation claims and fake risk less returns have combined to fleece the sheep every bit as much as high inflation correctly tracked ever did.
But there's always FB... (I just read "Chaos Monkeys".)
Ever figure how many self funded retirees have been screwed due to low CD rates? Seriously a 4% spread has to be devastating to many.
Speaking of failed spreads. The city of Hartford is about to declare bankruptcy.
See if you can figure out why from the CVs of the city council.
Regarding that last post... have the Democrats painted themselves into such a corner wherein they can only field a 'toe-the-party-line' candidate if they're non-male and non-white?
One of the Borkers calls every three months complaining that I have too much in cash, not enough stocks and bonds. But he doesn't have any good ideas, other than charging a ton to build a laddered bond portfolio (at high cost). Which is not something I particularly want.
I'm surprised you even have one of those fee-skimmers.
For what it is worth, 10-year inflation expectations are a real yawner lately.
That said, I've been and continue to prefer long-term inflation protected treasuries over those without that protection, if only so I can sleep better at night.
Same goes for fire insurance on my house. Just because I have it, doesn't mean I root for fires!
Good Morning!
My poorfolio is not doing well but the mutual funds are doing great. Shows I just can't pick um.
Do they have a party line? If so, what is it?
We pay a flat yearly fee and buy thru Schwab. Who is always unhappy that we only use them for transactions.
I'm rater surprised inflation hasn't raised its ugly head.
I thought that was a rich area. Raise taxes?
Thinking about it. That ten grand
Produces enough money to fund a fairly nice dinner for 4. You almost m ight as well stuff it in the Sealey.
If you has a million, gee 17k a year. Not a lifestyle associated with being a millionaire.
Reading about MacArthurs town hall meeting. I think there will be blood in the water in 2018 for Repubs. They may not lose the House, but I think they will lose a lot of seats.
Stocks are getting scary. Even good stocks are going to get pummeled as they get sold to cover bad stocks. We are already seeing stocks decline just because they are kinda like some other stock that disappointed.
All we will see is fewer town hall meetings.
My house has been making $17k every three weeks.
Sml - never tell them how much money you have. Always lie to any 'investment advisor'. That is my tip for the day.
In other news Mr. Bloomie is bragging on Ca:
Index funds are seriously worrying me. Too many putting in too much too regularly. Floats all boats good and bad. And boomers and retirement funds are going to be needing some of that soon. The inflection will be brutal.
I am just shaking my head at that fiction.
I don't know what that means.
In case it wasn't obvious. The post title is snark. CPI is well below the Fed acceptable range, retail is lackluster. Waiting for the Atlanta GDPNow update today.
Of course all this imaginary money our houses are making, means nothing if we have no intention to sell.
Also the addition people who got jobs, plus those that went to full time have more money to spend,which meansore profits to somebody. Surely UPS and FEDEX drivers are Maki g good money. Surely delivery companies are hiring.
Lemme guess... Dimocrat mayor and City Council
I guess you'll be finding the annual HCN BBQ this year then...
Ack!!! Funding
If they're gonna go 6.5 hours, I hope there are fewer of them
Most self made Millionaires value the dollars they made more then some middle income folks who want to play rich. I gamble with the kids inheritance. LOL!
Boomers are aging and downsizing, and supposedly millennials are only buying small condos in the city. This may be the last housing bubble for quite a while.
TJ, I don't buy the supposedly about the millennials. I can't remember where I read about this, but I have seen indications that the young folks are changing their preferences as they begin to have kids of their own. Unexpectedly ;-)
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