Bella Vista means "Good View." I guess if your idea of a good view is of your neighbor brushing their teeth. This is the gated community of Sterling Hills. For a million dollars I expect more than 7500 sf lots.

Here are two of those for sale a couple doors apart.
And yes, they are identical houses with different exterior treatments.
With threats to cancel subscriptions pouring in, Stephens’ NYT stable mate, public editor Liz Spayd, was compelled to grab the mic and try to intercede between the new columnist and her publication’s incensed liberal readership. The outraged missives complained that climate change was a “meaningful and disturbing choice” for a first column, simply “too important” to cast any doubt on and that the newspaper really shouldn’t be producing content questioning “the fundamental believability of facts.”
However, this is not only fallacious. It also misses the point. And so, the lambasting of Bret Stephens’s first column for the NYT reveals how polarized the debate on science has become: the basic scientific truism that there is no absolute certainty is no longer tolerated.
What pissed them off was Bret called for revisiting the fundamentals of science and applying them to climate studies.
The WUWT article from two weeks ago:
When someone is honestly 55 percent right, that’s very good and there’s no use wrangling. And if someone is 60 percent right, it’s wonderful, it’s great luck, and let him thank God.
But what’s to be said about 75 percent right? Wise people say this is suspicious. Well, and what about 100 percent right? Whoever says he’s 100 percent right is a fanatic, a thug, and the worst kind of rascal.
— An old Jew of Galicia
As the hub said, there is a lot of unknown stuff, where we don't know what to look for or the equations to write. He does think it is happening, but we are also in the middle of an ice age. Maybe we are holding off the iciness! (I doubt it) maybe we will stop the Gulf stream convertor belt and create great awfulness, not to speak of drowning the East Coast. More, much more research needed!
Houses were so close in Pinellas county that you could hear the click at night when the neighbors turned off the TV... We had no AC at the time
The sun may get itself up to something.
We should really study Yellowstone Oo.
My son's house has 6600 square feet, but he only paid 136500$.
Hub has been listening to Fox. To his surprise, every time he listens, the have been unremitting ly critical of Trump and the white house staff.
He scares me more than ever.
Let's wait for a budget. That's when we will see his cards.
Bill McBride keeps drifting.
NY Fed: Manufacturing Activity "leveled off" in May
Actually it declined -1 against expectations of +8.
I wonder if he'd mind if I went in and "leveled off" his bank account by -1.
Let's wait for the Philly report later in the week.
Detached row houses. Not my idea of Luxury.
Whoever says he’s 100 percent right is a fanatic, a thug, and the worst kind of rascal.
Luxury? They are only $1m. These parts that's aspirational middle class.
You think he'll produce one?
One more reason not to live there
I would reduce my actual standard of living to below what it was in 1981. Had. 9900 square feet, 1750 house, and a small pool.
True it's too hot to go out and plant my Marigolds, but there I wouldn't have the room to plant them.
Noon. Currently 65° with a 5mph ocean breeze and moderate ocean moisture haze dimming the Topa Topa mountain range. No losses to those underground burrowing devils. Entering the final round of weed abatement in the garden and the major second round on the third hillside. The Anise has gone wild.
Around here you could have a little more room from your neighbors and still build a comparable house. Close to town, Interstate, biggest lake in this part of the country. My idea of luxury for a $1MM.
Re: Gravity Farm
Cool. Which way are the prevailing winds? For the landing strip. Asking for a friend.
Re: Gravity Farm
128 bu/ac is comfortable. They aren't pushing the natural capacity trying to get 140 or 160.
Holy crap... About four times what we have... OTOH, we were deliberately assuming for a small place since there kids are/were moving on...
Get a divorce
The gardener?
I planted one Japanese eggplant in the back. I find gardening very soothing even if it is physically hard
One. Then too hot!!
"Dilbert" author Scott Adams has proposed a series of ways to know you've won an internet argument including this one:
The Psychic Psychiatrist Illusion
The Psychic Psychiatrist Illusion involves imagining you can discern the inner thoughts and motives of strangers. I’m talking about the unspoken thoughts and feelings of strangers, not the things they have actually said. If your debate opponents retreat to magical thinking about their abilities to detect secret motives and mental problems in strangers from a distance, you won.
Anyone ever seen this? ;)
Winds generally from the north. Joke is if you want a ditch dug just peel the grass back in the fall and come back next spring. Proper farming techniques there is not much soil erosion any more.
RD, there is an air port only a few miles away.
> there is an airport only a few miles away.
So? It wouldn't be my... I mean my friend's airport.
Just kidding The price seems perfectly reasonable for a "quarter plat." I'd like to know the tenant terms of course.
Yuan us to guess?
Yuan us to guess?
What kind of Delinquent are you? Do i need to give you KP duty?
Build the house in the middle and grade a wide drive way for your friends runway. ;)
,Anyone ever seen this? ;)
Yeah. a right wing trader I trade with does this a lot. Generally he begins it with,"All liberals....."
Her are two surprising headlines from the front page of the NYT (surprising to me at least...)
"Trump Shared Classified Data With Russians, Officials Say"
"G.O.P. Senators Begin Edging Away From the President"
Just Wow.
Yeah, woe
More than $1M for 7500 sqft lots surprises you?
You clearly haven't looked at prices in Echo Beach recently!
You think you have it bad.
What a million dollars will buy you in Encinitas.
All real estate is local. Thanks for the reminders.
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